01/19/1962 LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE 1 y?, ff Olk Copies to all members of the Board, the City hlanagor and the Librarian M I N U T E S Meeting of Clearwater Library Board January 19, 1962. -000- Meeting called to order by the Chairman at 1:30 PM, in the Library, Present were: Mrs. Frank Filewicz, Chairman; All members of the Board- Messrs. Coleman, Ellis, Killeffer, Williams; Mr. Weimer, representing the City Manager; and Miss Byers, Librarian. At the request of the Chairman, Mr. Killeffer acted as secretary pro tem. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of November 16, 1961, read and adopted. On motion Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Ellis, the policy of the Board was declared to be; to submit all matters and reports to the City Manager. Unanimously adopted. Questions as to the fiscal year of the library was resolved by reference to the applicable statutes, copy attached. Fiscal year is the calendar year. In view of the abstract.of the law governing the Board (copy attached) - the concensus of the meeting was to hold preposed By-Laws as unfinished business. Under this law all receipts by the Library from all sources must go into the City Treasury. Miss Byers was asked for a report on receipts by the Library from miscel- laneous sources. The report covering these funds for 1961 is attached. Miss Byers was asked to supply the Board with copies of reports as made in the future for the information of Board members. Agreed. On motion by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Ellis, the Librarian was asked to supply a list of new books received by the library and the numbers of books used by borrowers (circulation) to the Clearwater Sun for publication in somewhat the same manner as is now done in St. Petersburg by the Times. Unanimously carried. LOCAL HISTORY, COLLECTION Page 2 of minutes of January 19, 1962 The Secretary pro tem read a resolution prepared by Mrs. Sharpe's attorney and submitted by him to the Board with a request that the Board pass the resolution. Free and prolonged discussion of this matter of Mrs. Sharpe's pay status followed. Miss Byers submitted her letter of January 19 (attached) in respensecte a previous request by the Board. Two conclusions were reached: (1) Miss Byers agreed to take immediate steps to see that Mrs. Sharpe's rate of pay be raised to $184.00 bi-weekly; and (2) The Secretary pro tem was instructed to destroy his copy of the resolution by Mrs. Sharpe's attorney and not to quote this in these minutes. Miss Byers suggested that there are other problems of a similar kind with respect to library personnel that she will bring up subsequently. At the request of the Chairman, Miss Byers agreed that one of the woman on the library staff can serve as secretary to the Board if desired. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM, D. H. Killeffer, Secretary Pro Tem. ,o LOCAL HISTORY, COLLECTION I= Exhabit A - 2 pages Minutes of Jan. 19, 1962 LIBRARY Sec. 12-1. Creation and Establishment; Carnegie Tablet. There shall-be created and established in the City a free public Library, to be known and designated as the Clearwater Public Library. There shall be. placed and maintained in the library building a Carnegie Tablet. (Code 1950, Ch. 24, Sec. 1) Sec. 12-2 Library Board--Created, Composition, Qualifications, etc. A Library Board is created and established. The Library Board shall consist of five (5) members, at least three (3) of whom shall be permanent residents of the City and all of whom shall serve without compensation. Soc. 12-5 Same--Appointment, Terms of Office. The members of the Library Board shall be appointed by the City Commission to'serve for a period of three years, the terms of no more than two members thereof to expirein any one year. At the expiration of the term of office of any one of the members of the Board, as herein provided, the City Commis- ion shall appoint a successor who shall serve from January of that year for a full term of three years. Sec. 12-4 Same--Vacancies and Removals. In case of a vacancy occurring on the Board, from any cause, the City Com- mission shall appoint a member to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term, and the City Commission shall have power to remove any member of the Library Board for misconduct or neglect of duty. *State law reference--See Fla. Stat.., Ch. 167.29 LOCAL HISTOPLY, COLLECTION, CA'S - 2 - Sec. 12-5. Same--Organization. At its first regular meeting of each year, the Board shall organize by electing a chairman and secretary, who shall serve as such until their successors are elected. The secretary may or may not be a member of the Board. Sec. 12=6. Same--Powers. The Library Board shall recommend to the City Manager and City Commission con- cerning all matters pertaining to the management and use of the library, and shall have the power to make and enforce such rules and regulations governing the privilege of using the library by members of the public, as they shall deem best; provided, however, the actual management of the finances and physical equipment pertaining to the library is expressly reserved to the City Manager or the City Commission. The Board shall from time to time recommend to the Manager and/or the City Commission matters of policy pertaining to additional employees or termination of employment, subject always to the final decision of the City Manager and City Commission, and subject to the Civil Service Act of the City. (Code 1950, Ch. 24, Sec. 8) Sec. 12-7. Same--Reports. The Library Board shall make such reports in writing or otherwise to the City Commission or City Manager on the progress or other functions of the library within their jurisdiction, at such times as it may be requested by the City Commission or the City Manager. (Code 1950, Ch. 24, Sec. 9) Sec. 12-8. Income and Gifts. All income from the library or any other source, together with all cash gifts, or bequests, shall be administered by the City Manager and City Commission, and shall be devoted to the improvement or enlargement of the library, its grounds, or equipment. Any bequests or gifts in the form of books, equipment, shelving, furniture, fixtures, book mobiles, or other items, other than cash or its equivalent, shall be receipted for by the Library Board, and reported to the City Commission or City Manager from time to time as said Board may be re- g0ested, or shall deem best: (Code 1950, Ch. 24, Sec. 10) 000 LOCAL HISTORY COLLECTION 1 kO atn0SrOOHMLnc317 m %0 %D Sr0W0t-0"4 0Qi0000 Lnt. Nmtr 00t-Lnin 00LnNtM mLn rOt-•Rtt5Otr'1LO N wSrtO 0 Nf?OMUle7 ttCo Nr-IMn mLnt- N SrMt-trQaHtr00 F O MM hiprln Or1?gQ1 kDf400 MN OhLfi SrtrN Ln Lnttn F %D LnLntntn HNLn W %0 10 F al t-4 N H M A Ln R].. i t ?O o v Ln tt c tJ Lfi a O O N r-t a t- tr O Ln r- tt a o O O tt H t- ?O T? to t! L4 A O O 94 H H If] cn W W 10 cOat'30CD 0000OC 1-t a) \D 00 1-dH Oi hM0 C? 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H E- En v W 9 1 . 3 O W 0 co V) y, d T + 0 10 4 ( w O U F, cd is 0 .r . a a Q 5 (1) i to .0 +1 H 0 H to .C H tom p E3 ClF ti +rl Cl }. 48 Q W O H ? cd H L] •rl (D O ,r] El 0 F ? p O ? .O 'rl +J tD A H ?, H Pi 4J ? U F V3 Q N ?? r-I !-? ++ ? CJ F !~ o , , a . 4 W ' w:z4:a ti4t70 zM . -1 hu 2 0zo ;c H . . . LOCAL HISTORY, COLLECTION ?Y.' :i Exhibit'C - 1 page Minutes of Jan. 19, 1952 Clearwater Public Library P. Q. Box 1328 Clearwater, Florida Miss Sarah Byers, Director Jan. 19, 1962 Library Board Members: In response to your request for a report on the work of Mrs. Julia Sharpe, one of my assistants, I am submitting the following obser- vations. During the past three months, both quality and quantity of the work produced has shown a marked improvement. With the aid of some volunteer assistance, Mrs. Sharpe has helped to process a great many more books, with fewer errors than formerly. She has also expressed a desire to familiarize herself with the details and application of the Dewey Decimal system of classification. This knowledge should be of great help to her in both processing and reference work, and shelving. Usage at the Beach branch, where Mrs. Sharpe is serving, is showing a gradual increase in respect to circulation, and will probably include more reference activity as the school term advances. By the end of another year, we are hopeful that this operation may begin to justify the considerable expenditure involved. I am hopeful that as the increase 'in activity develops gradually, that Mrs. Sharpe will gain confidence, and be able to function more efficiently than has been observed previously, when she was called upon to work at the stepped-up speed and pressure experienced daily by the other members of the library staff. Should this imporovement be evidenced, her usefullness would begin to more nearly merit her present rate of pay. As has been mentioned in previous reports and discussions, she has perhaps been already handicapped by the fact that her salary and classi- fication status so far exceed her apparent ability. Sarah Byers LOCAL HISTORY CQLtECT ION L _ ..