03/24/1961 I, ~.' ;, . . ,f ~'~\ ,;,"" ,c .' '. . '. ,'..', "~ .' _ L ~'. < . ";,', , ' ~ ~ . l' . .' .- " , " /-. . . c. l . , .'.' . :1,. '. " , . '" >~:, '~ " 'I. :' /: . ....~ . . ,~~Y'~"~":'(" h" '.." , " < ;' . ',' ,.. . .~;I ~.)'1" 'LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES ' DATE. mAlJd. .1'1; I'~/ 1~ ~/:2 . . .. . ... ' ." . .. ' . /- ", ~+ 't~;-' ~~~ lo'.~ ~;c.'1,~~~!~,r~": ~ ::':; . ". .. .v . i ~ . ,..',' L'" . ~. J -- MINUTES OF THE CLEARWATER LIBRARY BOARD ~Iembers of the Library Board met March 24th) 1961 at 9: 30 A.to{. at the home of ~Irs. Frank Fi1ewicz.. Those present were: Mrs. Frank Filewicz, Mrs. Eugene Halmi, Mrs. Earle Lokey, ~ir. William H. Williams and Mr. Walter Ellis. The President welcomed Mr. Ellis as a newly appointed member of the Board. Unanimous radification was given to Mrs. Filewicz's appointment of Judge C. E. Ware as an advisory member to the Library Board. Mr. Williams made the following recommendations: 1. We should include in the budget a recommendation to establish $9,000 yearly for a superintendent. 2. Ask Judge Ware to advise us if the Board, under City Charter, Civil Service Regulations and other City Codes, has full authority to engage a trained Librarian, subject to City Manager, Civil Service and City Commission. 3. Issue an order for Miss Byers to transfer approximately 10,000 books to the Beach Library. 4. Issue an order to sign salary changes for Mrs. Sharpe or any other employee, whose salary is now lower than Civil Service range covering such positions. Upon suggestion by Mr. Ellis that this Board participate in the Civil War Centennial, ~Ir. Williams requested that Miss Byers furnish a list of Civil War Books now available at the Library. .. LOCAL HISTORY, COLLECTION ~wt:f';"Y~"':<>':~" ',' , ',' ;",-, ',' ~:~:;:' "":,:, " ' t ~] '\' . ': r : ' I . ~ ' , i: ~r j :1 ,', .l:,"'~ ' . ~/ ~., : (. ~ ~. ><. " :'j",: '...' " ~.' " . ~ ~.;. , ;':'. .. ,.J:".1" . . "~~;f{~;:;j'.,j;" , ~~;'-: ;'-f'.l~.,",~:-'J:.' . '.,~' ,'.,'IF ,": .' ,f 'T.~\:~ ..~~ ~ Page 2 of the minutes of March 24th) 1961 r';\ He also suggested that we find out what books are available at local stores. The complete list then to be published in 'the Clearwater Sun., Mr. Williams was appointed to investigate the possibility of having a float in the Fun & Sun Parade Aprll 14th. The next meeting of the Board will be held March 29th at 9:30 A.M. in Judge Ware's office, 15 N. Ft. Harrison Ave. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 A. M. o LOCAL HISTORV, COLLECTION ...~..... .......~. .I~'o'':'~ ~"~'.'., . ,.....'. ..,........... ~ ...... . .j...