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Minutes of the Library Board.
Clearwater Library Board met at the Library at 10 a.m. on February 17) 1960.
Those present were: Mrs Frank Fi1ewicz) Mrs. Eugene Balmi) Mr. William H.
Williams) Mr. H. H. Baskin) Sr.) arid Miss Sarah Byers) Librarian.
The meeting was called to order by the Vice-Chairman of the Board Mrs. Frank
The First business on the agenda was the election of a Chairman to serve the
unexpired term of Mr. Wm. M. Goza.
It was agreed unanimously that Mrs. Frank Filewicz serve as Chairman and Mrs.
Sarah Louise Halmi as Vice-Chairman) and Mrs. Earl Lokey as recording secretary.
A letter to Mr. Goza expressing regret at his resignation and a note of appreci-
ation was read by the president and approved.
A question of a three man advisory committee to this board was discussed. It
was decided that such a committee could be appointed at a later date~ and that
at the present time) the ~fayor) Mr. Alex D. Finch will serve as our advisor.
The Florida State Library Association will hold their convention in Clearwater
at the Fort Harrison Hotel on March 31) and April 1. 350 people are expected
to attend. The president read a letter from the Library Association asking this
Library Board to act as hosts for this occassion. There is a conflict of author-
ity here) as Miss Byers said that she already had asked the recently organized
"Friends of the Library" (under the sponsorship of Mrs. Lewis Homer) to serve
as hosts. The president stated that she would straighten out this matter.
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Page 2 of the minutes of February 17, 1960.
The president announced that Mr. John Hall Jacobs, 219 Loyola Ave, New Orleans
40, La, a prominent consultant on Libraries will arrive in Clearwater on February
26. He will confer with Mr. Jos~ph Coggan, the architect for our expanded Li-
brary, and will make an overall survey of personnel and facilities of our library.
It was decided that there should be a joint meeting of the City Commission and
the Library Board, in accordance with the wishes of the ~fayor, to hear Mr. Jacobs
recommendations after he has completed his study.
There was a discussion on proper management of the Clearwater Public Library, and
for clarification, Mrs. Frank Filewicz read the rules governing the Library Board
from the Clearwater City Code. She also advised Miss Byers, the Librarian that in
the future she is to prepare a report quarterly to the Library noar~, of all manics,
gifts and any irncome and that all bills to be presented to the Board to be signed
by the President of the Board or in her 'absence the Vice-President and attested
by the Secretary and countersigned by the City Manager, Mayor-Commissioner and
the City Clerk.
Miss Byers told of some the financial proceedings of the library. She stated
that most of the new books were purchased from funds collected for rental books
and for fines. This money passes directly through the library without going into
the budget records.
Mr. Baskin moved that the president confer with the Ci ty ~fnnager and the City
Clerk for the purpose of establishing strict budget proceedings for the Library.
This was seconded and passed.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Secretary pro Tern
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