03/19/1959 'W-~;?.' .:.: I' . ':", ,. J,".' /~ \ c". ; ,:/.". '. . , . ~ , , '.' \ ,.' .' .. ",':.'... .,', ',1 :. '. , i ". . , ,'1.. I . " . . ::l>,.,~ .' . ~Ih', . ::Hl't,\.~.....,:. . > . l(to:. ...' ::,' .,.... ,'..' .., c;.I "', ;>,.:..,.., '. ' " . '< ." . " I... ..... ~. ~....~ LIBRARY BOARD . 1 , . . , MINUTES 'J, . . DATE~ ,/tl'-41' -1- 7 ~ !J'- ." ..., 1ii!~L;,\: .... ; : ' . , ,. l '" ' . " '" . ' \~,~~\,.,.;,< ' ~,' . .' }t:;',:" , \' :~: ,;:c 'J. ..' f:, . 'I'~h", " 'If ;" , ~t":i f~~iii~;/(,[.'~\~'>'., . I , ~. . ' .". ~ ~ . " . . .," . .1,.. ' 't" .' .' ' :. ~ ~:;.{4. \ , :- I . \ I J I i f ! " The first meeting of the newly appointed Library Board was held March 19th, 1959 in Mr. William Gozats office. Members constituting the board ~re as follows: Mr. William Goza Mr. William Williams Mrs. Frances Filewicz Mrs. Sarah Louise Halmi , Mrs. Pat Lokey It was requested that Mr. Goza obtain a copy of recommendations from the State Library Board, and to ask the City for a copy of the Library budget and list of employees and their pay. Next meeting will be held April 23rd. at City Hall. ;~ Pat Lokey, Recording Secretary e lOCA,l HISTORY COlleCTION ~>':'.:: .,' . i~ : ..' ~ ';"1~. . \\;~<" >. .!:t~~:~:.li ~~~~'f;~J~: ~,.T :~> ~ ~ (', .. ,', ',' " :1.:> . :< ' ! . . ~ ,', ":.\.:.~ l!J~~)1 . .." ~ .~' "., l ",' ': -- A meeting of the City Library Board was held April 23rd., 1959, 10:30 A.M. at City Hall with four members present. A letter from Sarah Louise Halmi was read expressing regret of absence due to other committments. An election of officers was held with the following persons elected: William Goza Jr. - President Frances Fi1ewicz - Vice President Pat Lokey - Secretary Mrs. Filewicz volunteered to represent the Board at the People to People program April 28th. It was decided that the President write.a letter to the City ~fanager recommending changes in the existing Ordinances contained in Chapter 24 of the City Code. The next meeting of the Board will be held May 1st. at 9:30 A.M. City Hall. Following ,this meeting the members of the Board will make an inspection tour of the City Library. Meeting adjoirned at 11:45 A,M. Pat Lokey, Secretary " lOCAL HISTORY COlltCT'........