Clearwater Public Library
Clearwater, Florida
Miss Sarah Byers, Librarian
The Board met with all members present, as follows: Mr. Lee Baker, Mr, Taver
I Bayly, Dr. A. T. Cornwell, Mrs. Eugene L. Pearce, and Mrs. Winifred Stoutamire.
Miss Byers, the librarian, was present also.
The minutes of the last meeting were read by Miss Byers and approved.
In order that the librarian could be free to give full attention to the business
being discussed it was suggested that another member of the library staff be
selected to act as secretary. Mrs. Ruby Brown was nominated. It was moved by
Miss Byers and seconded by Mr. Bayly and passed by the group.
Mr. Middleton, the city manager, was introduced by the chairman and asked to
discuss the library's services as related to City of Clearwater and it's activ-
ities. The manager commended the Library Board on its efficient and courteous
cooperation with the city officials. He suggested that long-range plans for
expansion should include extension of services by establishment of branches in
such areas as Sunset Pt., Belleair, and Skycrest. Meanwhile some type of
mobile unit might serve as partial answer to the problem, expecially at school
stops. Possibly discarded school bus might be converted.
Mr. Middleton stressed the need for a site for future building expansion. In
line with this he urged continued investigation for site suitable for building
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Miss'Sarah Byers, Librarian
Clearwater Public Library
Clearwater, Florida
con't (page 2) Board minutes
for colored library to be city-owned and built with expansion in mind. City-
owned land at Fairmont and Marshall might be possibility.
The manager outlined briefly pentative plans to move the location of the main
furnace to an outside room and install ducts for air to be carried to various
points in the building thus providing much more even distribution. Removal of
the furnace from the main floor where it now stands would also allow for better
arrangement of much-needed stacks.
Mr. Baker inquired about the possibility of.raising the salaries of the library
staff and was assured that a 10% increase would be given automatically to all
city employees in the near future.
Mr. Baker further inquired about the valuation now placed on taxable property in
the City of Clearwater. Mr. Middleton placed the figure at approximately forty-
four million.
In her report Miss Byers included an explanation of the way in which discarded
and excess books are disposed. Many are given to small libraries with small
stocks, or to ones just in process of being established. The response is grat-
ifying and indicative of the continuing interest in providing library service in
small communities & schools. A letter from Raiford Prison Library was the most
Clearwater Public Library
Clearwater, Florida
Miss Sarah Byers, Librarian
con't (page 3) Board minutes
recent, in answer to their receiving several cartons of books from this library.
The chairman asked the librarian to give an approximate number of non-resident
users. A discussion of the amount of the fee being charged these users followed.
The librarian was directed to advance the fee from $1.00 to 2.00 for the family
card, maintaining a $1.00 for an individual school child for the duration of
the school-term only.
A brief discussion of the budget request for the coming fiscal year concluded
with a motion by Mrs. Stoutamire that adjustments be made by Miss Byers working
with the proper authorities. This motion was seconded by the Rev. Cornwell, and
passed by the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Byers, Librarian
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