Creating the Library Board 'R~~'~;:~~:,. ,',: .',' " . ~,: ~' ~.' " , '," ~.:<,' , a;J~J~~;j;~.'::::~'~ ".)i. >:~.'::.::)::,:::.:: ':;'. '>:.:": ';': '...: :' ":'.>': ". ..,:.. "':., .' .... . . .... .' . , ' .' .' . . . ,.,,'~. :. . ': J:.... 'c. ' : ' :' . " . ,. , .' ",' c' . > '. :.-"'- ,. . " .. .... . ~: :~... . \\.~ '1. , . . LIB~RY BOARD " . DATE - . .' A I')() i)J9~ {Jf)II~t~II""' -IA~ (!~IIIt(,eMk~ I.; '8,uIl'l ~~AIt' j~ 7:L Y " ; ,...: r. " r.~,L., ~ . 1"; 'r t' ,~ .' \ , ;. ~. .': ." <... > . o '" PART 1. CONCERNING THE CLEARWATER LIBRARY BOARD II ARTICLE 1 - LIBRARY BOARD CREATED Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. \..J A Library Board shall be hereby created and established as a department of the municipal government of the city. APPOIN1}fENT AND TERM OF OFFICE.' The members of the Library Board shall be appointed by the city commission for a period of three years, the term of no more than two members thereof to expire in anyone year. At the expiration of the term of office of anyone of the members of the board, as herein pro- vided, the city commission shall appoint a successor who shall serve from April 1st of that year for a full term of three years. COMPOSITION - qualification - compensation. 1. 2. The Library Board shall consist of five members, at least three of whom shall be permanent residents of the city all of whom shall serve without compensation. They shall have the fOllowing qualifications: Progressive and educational ideals. Ability to make the libraiy appreciated and respected in the community. An understanding of social and economic conditions in the community. Readiness to give time and effort to the formulation of long range library objectives and policies. Willingness to assume responsibilities for the presenta- tions of library'S fiscal needs to the tax levying agen- cies. Interest in the community and its betterment and progress of the library. 3. 4. 5. 6. '~ HISTORY tOLlECTION ~.~:~~:~ ..'~ c, .: " ':.~. 'l.... , "":/,: a Section 4. VACANCIES AND REMOVALS In case of a vacancy occurring on the board from any cause, the city commission shall appoint a member to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term, and the city commission shall have the power to remove any member of the library board for misconduct or neglect of duty. Section 5. ORGANIZATION At it's first regular meeting, in April of each and every year, the Board shall organize by electing a President, Vice-President and Secretary, who shall serve as such until their successors are elected. The Secretary mayor may not be the member of the Bo ard. Section 6. POWERS GENERALLY The Library Board shall have full charge, control and management of the Library and shall have the power, subject to approval by the City Commission, to promul- gate the operation of the Library t and said Board shall have the power to enforce such. rules and regulations, " . and shall have the authority to regulate the use of its facilities. With the aid of the Library Director the Board shall. a. Determine the extent of services to schools and special- ized troups. , b. Determine methods of extending service through deposit collections and branches. c. Determine hours for the Library, Staff duty hours, vaca- tions and leaves. d. Fix a policy of accepting gifts, especially books and Library material. Section 7. REPORTS The Library Board shall report quarterly to the City Commission on the work and finances of the Library, such reports being made on the first day of JanuarYt April, July and October of each yc~r and at other times when required by the City Commission. \...) r00\1 HISTORV (OLLECTION .t. -., ( , . ::,.......... . .~.<' lJ', . ',' ',' , ,'.. ~" . loll ~.. , ~ t: .,,_ . . .... ." .' <~ . , '.. '..'~ "'. . , -,' t, " ~ " : ' ., ~ " , .,c ;:~~f.~ ~t;' 'l "~ Section 8 INCOME AND GIFTS The Library Board shall administer all income from the operation of the Library or any other source together with all gifts and bequests to be devoted to the improve- ment or equipment. The Library Board is authorized and empowered to receive and receipt for any amd a~l gifts, donations and bequests of money, books, furnishings or other things of value, which, together with the mainte- nance fund provided by the City, shall be used, managed and controlled by the Board for the benefit of the Li- brary. Section 9 EXPENDITURES All orders drawn upon the Library funds shall be signed by the President of the Board, or, in his absence, by the Vice-President, and attested by the Secretary of the Board and the Library Director and countersigned by the City Manager, and the City Treasurer, and the seal of the city affixed thereto. Section 10 INDEBTEDNESS The Library Board shall not at any time incur any Indebt- edness to exceed the amount to be raised for the currant year, by taxation, for the maintenance of the library. . j '-I ro-oo liISTOR'7. tOLlECTION , . ' . ' (.' , \,. . - , . '. '. . . . . , ' t . .,'. , . ~" .. '-... ~..' " , . " ' '. . &. :a .:.. C" , ~ " ~.' ~i:\~' "f 'I - . .~:... , " 1:',' ~<:::~'7.~~h I' o PART 11 CONCERNING TIiE STAFF ARTICLE 11 LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Section 1. a. The Library Director shall act as secreta~' of the Library Board and should attend all meetings of the board. b. She shall carry out board policies as adopted at board meetings. c, She shall prepare and submit to the board, a budget recommended by her. d. She shall keep proper records and prepare such reports as are required of the board by law and such other reports as may be called for. e. She shall, subject to the supervision by the board select all books and order other library materials. f. She shall maintain an active public relations program and encourage active participation in such a program by the Board members. g. She shall attend state, regional and national meetings of the Library Association as the time and the finances will permit. h. She shall see that the new Board members are informed of library policies of the past and that they have any other orientation needed to prepare them for their new responsibilities. Section 2 The Library Director shall submit to the Library Board, for sanction,'.and transmittal, all communications address- ed to the city and other officials, and to newspapers and other publications, when such communications have reference to library policies. u rO'6\"t Ri"STO'R'l tOlLECfION ~;:'.,'~\n ,~.J , .'. .. '/ , J .' -..' ~ . < " :, , I ::1', ; , ", ;.~j;;"l:.', . ~~!t.'~ .' '. ~: .... ~ . ~ . ~ , ,. '...'", . .~ c, ~:,. ., '. > .~ .:1' -:.' t " ;, .~ 1 " 4 ~ l' , .~ J ~ .. '7": ; , I ) ~ Section 3. The Library Director shall isue monthly reports to the Board: a. General report on all ~egular operations of library activities . b. Report on monies received from book rentals, fines, etc. and disposition of same. c. Propose agenda of special and promotional activities for the ensuing month. Section 4. Joint meetings of each library unit, as well as staff meetings for round table discussions, shall be held periodically or as the Board may direct. Section 5. a. Close cooperation shall be maintained between the Library Board and the Library director. b. Each shall keep the other fully informed of all decis- ' ions made and actions taken. c. The Library Director shall enlist the aid of the Board in improving library service and in making known to the public the services available. Section 6. In case of absence of the Library director the City Manager shall fill the vacancies. v rom AISTORY. COlli:CnON t I I I f I '.~; ~~ ~ , ,:. ,'. ., .' :( " , \ I I ~:~:'.""'.., I , , " . ',' ; ',;' "YJ:';-;{W? (y !.,.A ORGANIZATION CHART CITY OF CLEARWATER COMMISSION --- 5 members --- elective CITY ~~AGER --- Appointive LIBRARY BOARD --- 5 members --- appointive LIBRARY DIRECTOR Civil service & appointive Assistants 11 " II II " If 1 " II II II & part-time Clerical assistants " " " " II II, Page helpers " II " " Janitors " " " " Branch librarians " " II II SERVICES: ,1. Provide books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, pictures and puzzles for: a. large leisure class b. large school group c. growing business & industrial group d. students from three nearby colleges e. unusually high caliber negro pop. 2. Provide reading-reference room, juvenile department~ extensive magazine files (about 25 years back) 3. Deliver book reviews, library talks, and special lectures. ,I 4. Assist in setting up and advising small libraries (TB hospital, churches, and small communities) S. Serve as one of the chief public relations centers. (Counsel in many fields, prepare booklists, cooperate with all other educational. cultural, and business agencies) .. BOOK STOCK: Approx. 65,000 accessioned volumes and at least 15.000 more in storage areas, partly shelved. '(0"o;r RlSTOR~ ~OLLEcrION ,. ' ,," ',." ' . ' ",.. d " "l , , ' . " ". . .' . . . .. I' -. . > I'. .. \ . , ' '.. '. ' . .-.'''&' ~ , ' I I ' 'f\'~' \0 '. y>.1 . '.. . " . . ,0 SUGGBSTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS A1' TIlE LIBRARY: ~fAIN BLOG. 1. Provision for better drainage in the basement area to avoid further flooding and backup and extremely unpleasant odors. General dampness should be thus somewhat reduced, and present used of dehumidifiers be made more effective. 2. Air-conditioning and heating apparatus that would duct either hot or cold air and provide for even distribution. S. Additional lighting in many areas of building not now sufficiently lighted. 4. Considerable repair to walls and ceilings, and painting throughout. 5. Addition to the present building within not less than two years. Even branches, or a bookmobile would not obviate this need. ' 6. Exhaust for workroom due to poor ventilation and book lacquering. EX- haust also in third floor stack room. ANNEX: 1. Thorough repairs to building in line with surveys already made by elec- trical and maintenance departme~ts. 2. Redecoarting of walls floors, and museum cases to be used. 3. Use of bldg. as museum, reading room, as well as storage and special study rooms. 4. An attendent for constant supervision and mending. 5. All activities should be keyed to require very little "foot-work" between two buildings. BRANCH: 1. Establishment of this service to negroes on the city-owned property in negro section allocated to that use. Present plans include moving a city-owned bldg. to that ground, if at all feasible. NOTE: Great need of better fire protection, more insurance, more adequate personnel, and enlargement of space for all services. ..a ro~ FnSTbll'7 COllECTION ,'/' t:". ,. ! ' i~t~~f:"~~. J<\. " :, ~ ~ ..~'....., Y':':::'l~ , >,' ....". u' '\.... o NEED ACCOMODATION FOR: I. 100,000 (or more) books 2. Twice the present reference area with a. Adult study area b. Teen-age study area \\ 3. Separate reading room 4. Twice the present juvenile area 5. " " " work-room " 6. Staff lounge 7. Three branch buildings of: a. About 2,500 (or mOTe) square ft. to house approx. 5)000 book3 plus space for study, mag. files, work-room, rest rooms. b. Design simple enough to be operated with a minimum of help (not, less than 2) on as nearly as possible a full-time schedule. c. Design simple to allow for changes in need to bring about enlargement as readily as possible. 8 Eventually provision (perhaps in museum quarters) for "listening rooms" music languages, adult ed. conferences) WE NOW HAVE: . 1. One main building ~ one rented branch building ~ part of the "Annex" building (to the north of the main.) 2. Approximately 70,000 books catalogued and approx. 10,000 stored. These are largely) but not entirely, duplicates fOT replacement and emergency use, as well as stock pile for possible branches. 3. Extensive magazine files very necessary for reference use. These files will extend into room now occupied by museum materials. The latter will be moved into annex as soon as possible. * Obviously, the need for branches might exceed these estimates. Also need more adequate heating system, and air conditioning. v rom AISTb-RV COLLECTION