02/01/1946 ~:~~:.~',' '.. . . , . ,\',",' ~>'- ,. .f. ." j' , > "'~,~ . : > ~....~ " , , , , '. " , , " , .,..... , .: . ,', "... . .'. '. , ' " , , , , , " ,~. . ~..I'''.,' .:.. .." ,. t;'~" , . '., ' ., ~),~....................~;.,,;..... '- ., . ....'.' .." .., . .}> \ LIBRARY 'BOARD MINUTES , '. DATE L.19~ B 1Yklllt~ If,,-~ " ' T~ -1-70Cj .__,."",f'~r. ~~-~. 0; , ...--......... ' ',,,\J~ ,1ft. : ,~ ~-... C1!lcur{tmtcr lflublir 1Uihruru aIlrurh11ltrr, Jlflurii'l-lI <(I ',; ~~"'w~- " "..- ~..,....... ,~~ : .\, . Jlfl.. ,S..." ~\I'n. ~t"'.fltlll I ' Late I<1ebrullry. J"('i \, -"",: The Board or Directors of the Clearwater Public Lib~ary held their first meetingRof the year 1946 with all member8 present: Mr. Taver '1'1, chairman; Mr. Herbert Paxton, Dr. A. T. Cornwel , Mrs. E. L. Pearce, and Mrs. Julia Cox. The following action regarding officers fQr the comipg year was taken: A motion to re-elect Mr. Bayly to the position o~ chairman of the board was made by Mrs. Pearce, aeoonded by Mr. Paxton and voted unan1mouoly in affirmative by the board. The position of vioe-president aa held by Dr. Co~well was reaffirmed, as was ,that of .eoret~y by the librarian. The ohairman requested that the secretary read the minute. ot the last meeting. They were read and ap- proved. Upon request ot the ohairman. the librarian sum- marized the activities of the 11brar1 dUring the past year and preaented a number of matters to the board for oonsideration and discussion. After deliberaticn. the board made the following reoommendations: 1. That the librarian apply to the local office of the War Manpower Commission for aid in contaoting possible employes to relieve the help shortage problem. 2. That inquiry be made conoerning the pu~chase of a refrigerator drinking fountain for installation in the main floor of the library. 3. That henceforward a library borrower be al- lowed to borrow four books of any type from the general shelves, without disorimination being made between fic- tion and non-fiotion. In relation to this subject, a letter from the American Library Assooiation was Offer- ed by the librarian 1n which it is indicated that li- braries similar to ours are usually liberal in the num- ber of books allowed on a oayd. ~ I. ' That the llbrar1jan give book talks and re- views to anieee requesting group not oftener than once every two montha. 5. That regula!" stOl"Y hour fer the ohildren not be resumed until suoh time as this service can be rendered without its being a burden to the staff members and a hindranoe to the exeoution of their other dutes. 6. That the librarian carry out hel" suggested plan to expand the non-fiotion division into the second floor of the library. 7. That the librarian continue her efforts to acquire mUCh-needed equipment fol" main rloo!" and basement rooms . There being no other business to consider, the meeting was adj ourned by the chairman with the agreement or the members. I " " ;, " .' J '1 1 I I "\ ,"" ......