01/19/19404 LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE. O i ?l The regular meeting of the Clearwater Library Board was held- Fridayl. January 19, 1940, in the library. Members present: Messrs. Bayly, Cornwell, Paxton, and Mrs. Pearce, with President Mr. Bayly presiding. rinutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Librarian reported that: Complaints were being made about lack of blinds, the sun making the Heading Room very un- comfortable for reading in the afternoon. The heating system was proving very satisfactory., keeping the main library very comfortable. The stack-room, the girls, workroom and the librarian's office were without any kind of heating equipment--the girls-04having to use an old oilstove. President said he would ask ter. Greer if something could riot be done about this. The matter of paying Verna Blackburn a small salary after eight mcnthls free services was next taken up. After some discussion, it was agreed that $20.00. per month be paid her until 14ay 1, after which she would be paid the regular salary of ,''25.00. There being no further business, the moeting was adjourned. '+?a.. • . ;°. i?'llh; P',5?., r'iCJ,'+???rt??;i}''????hk??tf?kZr',, {;;-, i` ?' .} .. :.?+ t ? ? I 22 _-...._._...?.-._......, .._.._._? 1r?t?(1 March Bills ---- - - William C. Sessions -----_------ --, Peninsular Telephone Co. -------- City of Clearwater------------- Florida Power Corp.------------- Stoutsmire Hardware -------_---- 11. W. Wilson ------------------- Gaylord Brothers ---------_-_-_-- _ ?_......._.?- -...-_-_ Pinellas Printing; &: Stationary- C. I.;. .'fall--------_------------ James 12. ',?:iite " Co.-------_--_- __....._ Walter .'!. :iarris----_------------ Verna Blackburn -----_-_..__----- ?_?-...... Ruth Sinith--_------.._-----_--_- Sarah Byer: -------------------- Dorothea Prior------- -.._-_-- Dorothy Grant ---------'----------- .?...__.._....._.._. Annie Qvien---------------------- r- 100.00. 4.35. 75.07. 31.45. 2.75. 2.90. 22. 00. 7.90. .v4. 25.00. 6.30. 25.00. 60.00. '0.00. 70.00. 75. 00. 150.00. 721.26. API-11 Bills Peninsular `Pulephotie 4.33. City of Clearaater------------- ;?7.67. Florida Pourer Corp------------- 14.90. L?ayfail- Agency ------------ ,.-_-.. Aranel office Supply (,'o-------- N.L. &: Kruysman-------_---- Verna Blackburn- -----_--....--- Muth Sinith----------------------- Sarah Byers -------------------- Dorothea Priorr----------------- Dovot'.iy iii-ant ---------------------- Anni G Cweri---------------------- 102.45. 5.'71.. 10.15. 25.00. 60.00. 60.00. 70.01. ?A). 609, 23, a r .i .' m r 23 r ti.._ r !? r ?'_l. ??'1..r1-}? ?.?? ?v ill (D?U . ri?t/vtc:-?-v .{12.h??'+ t/?.t.4vu =.f 'd, •'•??frrl?l) i?.d t?h,.y.G ;.. r i } s {.4 I w,+ ? e May Bills peninsular Telephone Co----?----?? 4f60. i City of Clearwater------------- 9.24. Florida Pourer Corp ------------ 21.03. Sun Printing Press ------------ 7.50. , 1. HolaomU--_-,?..___-_--__--__ 4.05, Parker Pa er Co --------------- 12 45. p . ?; ,,• L?•I ; Verna Blackburn--------------- 25.00. ? - - ------ 60 00 Ruth Smith --------- -- - . . ' Sarah Byers------------------- 60.00. `..,- -._. °.. Dorothea. Prior----------------- 70.00. Dorothy Grant----------------- 75.00. ?. _ .. Annie pweil -------------------- 1.130.00. ? City of Clearwater-_-_-_---_--- 'Y University of CtaLca,;o Pro. z^-?-- 3.03. i ' i -77-71 G? y7 505.00. 1 . { E June Bills .. ' Peninsular Telephono Co-------y7 4.35. _....... -•{ _. _ Florida Paver Corp ------------ 1.58. James T. White 0,; Co------------- 75.00. Wood Typewriter,--------------- 1.25. M Paxton Pavey Co--------------- 12.03. Verna Elackbturn--------------- 25.00. Ruth Smith-------------------- CO. (A). Sarah Byers------------------- GO.00. Dorothea PrioY--.---------------- 70,00. DorothN Grant------------------- 75.00. ?. Anni j Grren----_---- ---------------------- 1-1-10. 0j. ; ,.. _ . b52.21. ??? ?(:+?`?yy'?}, ?'.Y!'{Kf;?'•}?, .< '??ia?,.•le•?,-`?.'*'?,??•1 y'?`i'llLrii4{.?i!_?'?rW r? s,,• ? :fi ?•:1 ..h ;M.E 5 Y?1 F N 1 f 1`? f July Hills City of Cleatwater------------ 1.0o. P...m__ .._.?_..... _ _. Pinellas Press----------------- (3.00. Mayes Voncti:a.n Blinds --------- 08.50. Paxton Pavey Co--------------- 13.15. i H. W. Wilson co --------------- ..11.80. _`. .._ Charles Scribner's Sons-------- 9.00. Peninsular r.('olophonc co---•- --- .1.35. i Vei'im ?1ucICI)I1]111---------------- 2.).0;). .,. _. !;ut;h ..iLia. [;_I--------------------- ,O. "u'. 7 Dovothca I?i-lm.•+----------.._-_._- Dcrot'-, l3ult.----?------------- rrf y 1 ; Annie ('vien-------------------- 7.b0. UJ. city of C"learviater----_--_-»-- 1.jo. .__._?.,_.._...._......_. ..._..... Walker Goulard P1ehn Cu- 1,3 :.,.6 2. _ _ _w.?__..._ ._.. ..._.. L 697.62. i 040 August Bills _.. rat•;/7 p? =:1'Gl:u is-------------- t ^q 90,172. ?'I1?.VC1".l:?.j:;j QS? ?itkli:El??[1 ? ?'+..t ;.;----?• :. ? ? }? ? ... . 1 Capt. Ya13.'0;, ;.?_,;•,?;-..__-_.._-__. ' 13.170 ?t11er? can citizen-------------- 1.50. Verna Blackburn--------------- 25.017, r:uth Smith --_..__..-_----.._--_-- C10.00. Sara]i Byers ------_-- - --------- 60.00. Dorothua P.-io_----- - __--------- 70.000 i Dorothy Grant ------_-__--_ ,__..- 7.15.00. ! Annie Owen-------------- ----..- 150.00. f City of 1.000 i 4 Peninsular Telephone 4.35. ' r