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Clearwate~ Public Libra~y Board held its regular monthly meeting November
18 - 1924.
Mr. Cornwall, Mr. Bayiy, Mrs. Aiken present.
Mr. Bayly vice president presiding over the meeting in the a~sence of Mr.
Davis president.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Bills for October allowed and directed paid.
Question of filing cabinets discussed. Mr. Bayly appointed to order sarne.
Motion by Mr. Cornwall, seconded by Mrs. Aiken.
Mr. Cornwall appointed to find out the proper time for the annual report.
Motion by Mrs. Aiken, seconded by Mr. Bayly.
Question of more chairs for the reading room discussed and librarian ap-
pointed to look after same using discretion as 'to number required.
Agreed to give Miss Merle Sutton library assistant fifty dollars per month
beginning with December.
Motion to adjourn in order.
Grace E. Moase
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November Bills.
Pinellss County Power Co.---------------- 1.60
Peninsular Telephone Co. --------------- 2.00'
R. R. Bowker (supplies) ---------------- 2.50
Library Assistant ---------------------- 17.33
Janitor -------------------------------- 12.00
Librarian's salary --------------------- 100.00
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December Bills
Peninsular Telephone Co. ------------------------ $ 2.00
Pinellas County Power Co. ------------------------ 2.17
R. Rields (wood) --------------------------------- 4.00
H. W. Wilson (supplies) -------------------------- 3.50
Macmillan Co. (book) ----~------------------------- 1.77
Gaylord Bros. (supplies) ------------------------- 15.65
University Press (book) -------------------------- 3.25
Merle Sutton, Assistant --------------------------- 17.33
Janitor ------------------------------------------ 12.00
Librarian's salary --------------------------------100.00
January Bills - 1925
Pinellas County Power Co. ---------------------- $ 2.04
Peninsular Telephone Co. ---------------------- 2.00
Gaylord Bros. (supplies) ------------------------ 5.50
T. L. Botelert repairs ------------------------- 34.92
Baker & Taylor, books --------------------------- 200.15
Janitor ----------------------------------------- 12.00
Merle Sutton, Assistant ------------------------- 17.33
Librarian's salary ---------------~-------------- 100.00
Merle Sutton, assistant -------------------------- 32.67
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Report of Clearwater Public Library for
the year ending December 1924
Gentlemen: .:
We have the hornor to submit the following report of the Public Library
for the year ending December 31st, 1924.
Books loaned
Number consulting reference books and
Magazines. 6,575
Over 400 books have been added to the Library makeing the total number
accessioned about 7000.
Our circulation is climbing rapidly, there being an increase of 5000 or
almost 30% over last year.
115 volumes were sent to the bindery for rebinding. The repair department
of the library has reinforced many more. In the last two months since we had
assistance 150 books have been reinforced. Reinforced means that each book is taken
entirely out of the binding - sewed - reinforcing material placed on back - put back
in cover, new end paperspssted in; and shellaced; About half of these books have
also had new cloth cover - practically rebound. This reinforcing is very necessary
with the inferior bindings of to-day - many of the books can be circulated only a
few times without it.
We are now making a Shelf List of the Library, that more accurate account
may be made of the number of books in the library. All libraries the size of this
one consider it necessary.
We have been unable to have the story hour regularly during the year, no
one being available to take charge of it; but Miss Dorothy Briggs, has agreed to
take it now.
The installation of the new information files will enable us to give much
better service in that regard.
As the library grows more is expected of us. We are fast growing out of
the small town class, a fact which our circulation demonstrates better than words.
We would urge the necessity of more reference books as well as a largec appropiation
for general wo~ks.
It is our aim and desire to serve. We greatly appreciate the aid of an
assistant and hope to accomplish much more for the library the ensuing year then in
the last.
Thanking you for your c~-operation in the work.
Respectfully submitted.
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Clearwater Public Library Board held its regular monthly meeting Jan.
13 - 1925.
Mr. Davis. Hr. Cornwall and Mrs. Aiken, Mr. Bayly present.
Minutes for previous meeting read and approved.
Bills for the previous months approved.
Moved by Mr. Bayly that a statement or argument of the increase of the
library for the last three years be made and given to Mr. Cornwall as
an aid in request to the City for larger support for the library, sec-
onded by Mrs. Aiken.
Librarians report for the year 1924 read and approved. Motion by Mr.
Cornwall that same also be published, seconded by Mr. Bayly.
Petty Cash report submitted and accepted. Motion by Mrs. Aiken"secon-
ded by Mr. Cornwall.
Motion was made by Mr. Bayly, seconded by Mr. Cornwall that the reappoint-
of Mrs. Aiken and Mr. Davis as members of the Board be recommended to the
City Manager.
Moved by Mr. Cornwall that $200 be set aside from the petty cash for such
fiction as the librarian may chose - to be loaned at 5 cents per day and
that five hundred cards be purchased for notices - these books are to be
kept in the rented library until paid for by rentals, then placed in the
general collection, seconded by Mrs. Aiken.
Motion to adjourn.
Grace E. Moase