04/18/1914 \. . ," . ',.' . ,~ " ......",' ,.' , I .!, " " ' r~''"'' ~;"'L'~, ~ " , ,>'C .,....."< " "> c c , . , LIBRARY BOARD, -- , ' DATE B~tt~'LI; 1'1'1 (J I~AIt IUf~C l ; 1J /tII14 t IJ SJ4~/"'oJl,,;f J~:1f?g \' I , ! , . f I I ! i I , , 'L . .1, .,' f'" " ' . . 'L''',. . . ,'. J, . ,'. . ~ .. . 1'. I.' :'~:{t i~. o~, ~ Clearwater, Florida. April 8, 1914 To the Clearwater Library Association, Clearwater, Florida. The close of the third year finds the Clearwater Library Assoc- fation in aa flourishing condition as at any time of its existence. It has comfortable quarters, has 2600 volumes upon its shelves and has in its treasury sufficient funds for all nexessary purposes of the near future. The same problem that has confronted us from the beginning, - that of providing means of support for an enterprise that is not self- supporting and of providing increased facilities and efficiency - is still with us and will continue to demand the best thought and attention of the Directors for some time to come. The revenue from membership provides only about 1/3 the income; it is believed that this can be materially in- creased and it is hoped the Directors will give the matter urgent consid- eration and devise a plan for placing the wants as well as advantages of the Library before the people of the community who are nan-members. An institution of this kind, operated for the benefit of the whole community, should not be dependent upon the personal efforts of a few interested people for the raising by solicitation and subscription and by entertainments of the greater part of its income year after year. Those who thus contribute to the support receive no greater benefits then can be had by any person who may take out a single membership. The present Board of Directors was unanimous in the opinion that since the Library had passed '0 ro-at IiISTORY COLlrCTION April 8, 1914 Page 2 ,V'f -: c'; . ~ ,.-... , . its experimental stage and was now not only an established feature of the town, but one to be proud of, the opportunity of assisting in its support should be presented to the people of the town~ and the Officers were accor- dingly directed to present a petition to the Town Council asking for an appropriation of $300.00 towards the Library support for the currant year now about ending. This petition was presented informally last April to the individual members of the Council and was favorably received by them, believing as they did that the object and purpose of the Library was but a part of the education and enlightenment of the whole community, but it was thought best to leave formal presentation and action upon the petition until the autump for the reason that a new Council would soon be elected, and the funds of the then existing Council had already been expended or appropriated. Accordingly the petition was not presented until November, when it was promptly passed and the ap~r6piation made. It is hoped that the general principle of public support of the Library will be approved by the people, and that they will consider fav- orably the general proposition of having the people, through the Town. Council, make yearly provision for at least a part of the cost of main- taining the Library. A State law, I believe, permits municipalities, when approved by vote of the people, to place a special assessment upon the tax 8uplicate for Library support. The Library has done good work on limited resources, it can do much better work with increased facilities which popular support would bring and it is recommended that this matter have the careful attention of the Directors with the purpose of placing full information before the public to enlist its support and sympathy. v ~ mSiORV tOlUCTION fY;~"~":O':' ' ,':- ;;,':,:." : ( , .. ~ . ." < . . . ~ ",,} .,: ~~. '" , " 'I, . i' . ~. ~. ,I " " ~ ~ , 'I. i... de '::>:',, ' ~;':'~"'~'1 :...,/ '~~ _':.~ t April 8, 1914 Page 3 r'l . , .>.....,.... ~ . \. A public library, free to all the home people, ministering to their special " wants and needs, is no longer considered a luxury, it is fast becoming'a necessity to all progressive co~unities, and Clearwater should not be behind her sister towns; it can and should become a leader. (signed) Edward H. Jones. President I' ,~ '1 v lOCAL HISTORV COLLECTION 1/ " I ., , ~ ~ 1 4 ;j ~ \~ .J, ',' " . t ~' .~ ,. -, , )t~ ,,~ ~ 11' .~. f ,~ f' -1 m ',~, d ' " ',: f'" ,I .... .>. f \, r I UUI)!,"','......:I; ,"u, l:H III .Ill. ~1" OF Cl.EARWATER, 1:l.ORIOA l;Ollllll'lI. t"'I'tllIl1 H. 'l'hut liB' lif('~hh'ut IIr Ih" Llhl'n"~' 1I11l'fll :-hnll hll"" ~h,' !l"\\'I'I' tlll,I IInthlll,lt" \" 1l111',,1,,! HII A.h'!'u,I'Y I'UlIIlultli'", 101 ""1l~1"1 uf Ihl'I'" 11I.'IIIIIt'I':-, wh",..,' ,lilt,\' It ~hull Itl' 1''''1111 thuI' I" 1I1l1l', III' wh"lI 1'". ,pl""!i'.1 h~' .111.1 n"Il!"I, 1" 111111;.. ''\!.'1" r-l!('"llIlllf'lIllatltl/l.''' II~ "Ill!! 1'''JllliliJI....., Illa,\" 110'1'111 ~'~l'l'tl\"UI ulltl 1'111' lh,' hl'~" lUll'''I'~l IIr th.. LIIlI'IIIT: i1l1d III "1'"'' l1r II", 111~ul,UIt >' "r 1I11~" 11l1'11I11l'1' "r ,,11111 11"111'11, ['I' h l~ Ilb."IIl'" YI'''11l tl1l' t'lt~', Ihl' \.i'''''h It'll f lIt rill' t.Ill1'IIIT /l1l1l1'11 l11I1F, '.It'...I:':Il11I., UllY WI'lIlllt'I' lit Ilw ,\,h'I>'''I',y ".,HI' 1Il1ltl'\! In till It'llIIHlI'lIl'lI~' thl' ]1111I'1' ur I'IU!h 1I11"I'UI Ill' d!slIhll'll 'll\l'lIIh I' I' I,r llll! !lillii'll; IlIHl Ihllt till' llIHIl',1 I<hllll IIn \'I! the 111I\\'1'\' to I'4'I'nl'I' 1'l11l'h I'm. Ilhl~'t"'s II" 1Il1l)' bt' lIt'I'I'''Slll'y 1l1HI tn fix tlwlr 1'lJllIlll'IIHutlllll. l'11!illl'd,lJy the CIl,l-' f'ulIlll'll Jhl:. lllb, dll~' of ,hllW, .\, D, HI 1 !"t, I ,f. n, "'humus, Ath'st: l'rt'HIIIl'llt CII~' ('lIuncll, It, 'l'. DIIUIl'I, Oltr Ch'rk, AII]lro\'l~l1 II)' tIll' thlH nth dll~' of .TIIIII', A.n, 19B:., ,T, It, ,1('(fords, :'fll,l-'Ilr. .\11 llnlllllllll'I' l'ullll,'lI "All nt'lll. OUIII'" I.. I'rfH'Illp tHl' tlll' I:I"'II.IUIJ 111111 llillllll"lIl1ll"" n( u Fr.... 1"lhll,' 1,1I1r11' ",",1111'1 In Jll".dlh' rll" 1111' ..rl'lillllll nll,l 1,~,""ll"hIlH'h! .',. 11 1.lhl'lll'," )11111111 11" II ,h'I'Ulll1ll'l,1 "r 11,,, I'l!.\' 1;.""'I'tl, f.~ 111'."1.. nU~' h, PI""""'frhp Ir~ I"Hi.... utld I \11'\\ "L'-," i' \\'h"J"'ul'. III II "III~,'IIII "I"l'lI'H1 1'11111'.1 " anrl hV,hl III 1111' I'll)' nY t ']o'II1'WII/l'I' nil th., l~t Ilu>, llf .JUlll', '\,11, Hit:'., II 1Il1l- jlll'lt~- u! till' \'l)li'l~ fir ~lli.1 t'll~' \'u\- 1111.\' III "i11,l I'h'I!llllll \'nlt'.1 hi fll\'or nf h'\'rlllL: II ~I',.'l'llll tn:'!: tur tlll~ Illll'pm;!! "f ll'lrt'huHllI!; II :<III! fl)\' U 1'111111.' 11111'11' r,", "1lI1 1/1,11) ,'vll'IJ III furtll' or h~\'.\'IIIJ: II !;lll'I'11l1 tllS (or thl' lnulnh'l\ulu'l' nr II frl'l! I'lIulk Ilhnu'r; 111111, WILl'rl'II!1, tIll! ell)" COlllI...I, II~' II rt'~()llItI()1I .Inl~' llllnJlh'l1 ul lL rl'glllllr D11'1'\111l; 011 lhl! ~1U1 dll)' n( ,rUIII~, A.J). tlIHi, Il['''.'llted fruUl thl~ CIUIII'!,:-!e CorpurlltlOll uf Nilw "nl'k t1w IlrnCtl'rl'd IJoJlIl.lull or 'I'1'1l ThulIlIllnd Bulltltll ($1 O,OOO,IHII tol' tlw (lur\loije of COIlHt rll{'tlnR 11 \1111111., , lIbrnr,)' building 111 till' eu)'. lbl'rl'tlll'e, H\! It orllllhlNI ll~' the Ull,)' CIIIlIlCIl of the Clt)' of Ch'nrwllter: " SI'I~llun 1:' 'l'hlll flll'rl~, IIhllll be -~, , (.'rIJ/ltt'f! Illld l'st/lbll,~III't1 In till' ..'It,r ot '1:\ E\\" 1.1 BlL\ [( Y lit l.\ \Ill ,el~nrwntl'r II frel' pllblh! I\hrur~', t.) 1,:L1:('TlW tH'Flt'I.;u~ bl' known II lilt t1t'lllJ.l'lllll{'[1 1111 till! Clearwllltlr I'uhlll! J.1brllrr. 111111 thnt ! At Il m"I'li1\~ uf the Irn:\Irr" 1IJ1" there Hhnn tll~ 1I111t'1'f1 nml rnnlntrlllll~ll !luintl"\ III lak,' dlll\ J.l'l' nl' 11\1' llll'uil'" III the IIlmlr,)' lJlIlldlng II Cllrtll'J.I'lt! of, till' \H'\\, lilll'llry. which \\'UH hl'lllll:hl tnllle(, ahmll h)" 111[' pl'l.ph' \'Olill!! fIll' till' , Hl~.tlll/l,:l, , 'l'ltIlt the l'1t,.. ClIIllIf'lI 11l1a;llt[11111rl4'(' Hf II fl'l'" !IIIIII'j,. 1iI11'1HT, !!hllll l'lIt'l\ ,)'Iml' hl'l'I'nller. nl lh!' thll\! i till' .ill' to he' lllll'l'hll:\l d by Ihl' l'il~' I of 11I11 I. Ill/; Its IInllllul hl1l11{1't, h!,'~' II IIlIIl $lIl,OIH) II,llH\II'I\ hy Cal'lwl\'il~ flll' " tlpl'dul tll~, l'IICCkl"1I1 to I'uls.' not \1''''' I I l' I I 11' ,uilt 1II1~, h'Lh,le 1l:lC"ndlll1\ wa~: , thnn Oue '1'IIlI\I~UIIII J)U\lUI'~ ($1,000) I I l'l( 1'l1',1 lilt',!. 1'111; '1'11\'1'1' Iln~'lr, \'kl" I, "llI'h ~'I'Ill'. fIll' tlw PIll'I'U>lI' uf llIuln- ]ll'l'~i.l('nl :11111 :'[1',<. I. W. I'lIl'kn', :;1'1'- lulllllll; II ]H1hlh' IIhl'ltl'~', l'l'I:tI~'. The ,'itr ('ll'i'l, i~ II'['n~\Irol! ~j'l'lIlJn :1. 'l'hu I fl r.!1I1'/1 rr 11611 1',1 I j'r \'il'llll', 'of the lihl'Ul'r hl'lnl;: a 1")/'" , III! 111'1'1'11,)' PI'PlItt'I] unrl I'''tllhllshtlll u~ ' lk iJbtitution, I II dl')lIl1'tUWlIt of Ihl' llIunld)llll goo\'- " Ilrllllll'nt of thl' ("Il~'; Kuhl BIIIlI'lI III AIi IIU' lihl'lllT i" 11(/\1' /I ]llIhlit, il1- j :\titllliulI then.! is nn l'Iml'!!(' fUl' ll""l;~" (~I)lI~'SI of fh'u uwmh('rll, II. It!llst IIII'l'l' I' tIll II' '1] 1IJ\( JII \\'0 W('l' ,I' It' IH'W II \l'I'rs WI I lIr wlwrn l'>hl1l1 hI' 1"~I'lI1UIH'11l 1'1',,1111'11111 ' . , f II "'II f "1 1 I f Ill1eet 111111 lIl'I':Illj::1' fill' till! lrtlllll~ '1111 \ " lf~ Y n '-' I~;I\'WU 1'1' 11I1l olle 0 , of thl' honk., It u; 1!,'1l1 mil\' 1111111' 11\' whom fllll,)' Ill! 'n \\'01111I11, /llltl flll of ' '" . " wllom l<hull l<I'ITI' wltllnnl 1~III1lIIl'llSI1' some Ills-pureI' "1J,!~IIlIJr 1\ l'lInl \\'1I1o'llt tJUJI: j'lllll Ih\! fll':-lt I ,1I1l'n 1',\' UnU1'11 11I!ldl> thelll H':llltJll.\I~Il! fUI' IIII' 1.dlll'lI I Ill'U\'IIIt'11 YIII' 111 Jhl,; tmllllnllt'\! :ilinll hI! nl Ihl! hOllll~ lormed tu (hut l'iu'lt'nllul ! ['lllllP/lJ;{'t! IIf IIII' following- 11 II'lilIlI'l'''; Jllll'l)'. , tn wit: Ih'l.lsh' It 1I]..mdIIl'l1, whn Hllull IWI'\,U lIlltll Aln'll 1Ht, 1111S: I:. 1'. H. Wl'l/:ht 11111/ 'I'U\'l'c' l~lIrl~'. wllo ,,111111 1'11'1'\'1' unlll Apl'1I1,;\, 11lt7;'lIlIll Ml'~, l,nlll'll ,\11"'11 /1111) Vlxll' ;\f. J1J1IIlIl~r whu I'hllll HI'I"'I~ lIntll A"I'II Ii'll, tIIlll; Ihllt, ut lIw ('X[lll'lltlOIl or tlw 11'J'1lI or uft'll'l' /lr n'h~' IlIlt' of thll lIll'lI1ht'I'tI II\' 1'11111 ltllU 1'\1, 1111 1ll'1'I~11I 111'11\'\111'\1, tlw :\In>'l,ll.,..llllll nlll'lIlllt II 1'1Ii'f'I'SSlIt, who 'iIlJIII '......\... rUI' II full 1"I'1ll ot I h !'I'l' ,\.!.JII,....1lI111 III I'/UW lit Jl "HI'JlJlj')' IWI'UI', 1'1111: 011 lilllll JI/lurd. fl'/l1Il nl1~' ('UllHI', IIII' ~llJpll' 11111I11 nll"ollll 11 lIWlllht'r tll flU NI!I'11 .\ll1.'U Il"~' fur' 1111I 1I111':OClll1'l1l1 ! l tunll; lI\ut tlw "111)'01' ~h"1l hnn, JU/\\'- ': ,PI" ~n,l''''llllV'' 1111\' n...mht.l' of Ihu r.l- I.~..~.. !It'''II',l trlr 1II1~1"llllll1rl or, 1I1'J.;,I,e,t.t, .. '. y ",,,, ,\1",""1' "hull 111'1,"1111 II 1111'111111'1' III fIll, 1<111'11' "n('ntll:)' (Ul" JIll.! IIiltJ"plrull " " 1"1'lil':'lI~lIt'lh"'MIl):nr ..hUll /lu,..' IJUW~ " 1'1' In mllll)y" 1\ Il~' 11lt'1ll1Jl'r Ilr till' 1.1. hI' Il'~' 1 Irm rll" rl'll"II1I~I'utllllll'l Ill: lIpJ,:11'1'1 :', fir Ilnl)', " . I ; I "/'ilWllnn"'I., 'I'hul hlllll'~IJlull'l,l' U/'1I1l / " tltt. 'r'llIhlll'nflnll lit thl~ "1'II'hilllll"" Hulll 1l~1II'11 ~hllll "I'1:t1I1I~1' II)" Idl:('lIl1!:. II 'lll'I'~llhmt. n rl"I.:"!'Tl'IjI,It'lIt utilI U 'II" ~rcllll')" th,' Inl\l'l' uf W1WI}1 lUllr Ill' U1nr IIIlI Ill. 'I~ 1lII'IIlhl'I' or !IIi III J.lhrnl'r , I 111I11l'il: fhnl fllIl,1 flrrh;I.:'I'~ ',!ihull IwrYIl nlllll dJl'!, 1M I.r .\1'.'11, i\, I), llllH. nllll Ihnl Ihl'lI' 1<1H:('I'""nl'" Hhnll h'~ .!h'dl'rl nt, ,thlt fll'>ll l','u:nhll" 1111'1'11111,( .'Ill~ II..; HUl\I") 111.'\1'1'11. .\, p, 1 n J II. IIIl1I IlIlIlU. Il\l~' lit' II.. (11"'1' 1"'l!l1lnl' 1l1l'I!tlUg' In ,\"1'11 ..t 1.:'11I,"1 ~'I'III' Ihl'l,,'IIf1I'r, ' HI;I't 1"11:;, '!'hUI th,' I'uilt I.Ihl'lU'~' Jlonl'll shllll 1111\'" full dllll'I:''. I'nlllrnl 111111 1Il1l11l1J.fPIlLI'tll ,,( Ihl' 1I111'II1T 1111I1 I Hhull 11111'1' I he fI'IWI'r: In lI11lkf' ..,,,1 '~1I' ~...-J 'riij:i;i. ....i".lt ruh.,... UII,I r'~411IifHa""'~ ~ \'I'lIttl,.: till! 1'n1111' "" llll',\' 1'111all lh'I~11l IH'~I, 1111,1 "Iwll hll\'l'lIl1lhOl'lI~' In l'p~U. hili' tlw U~l' IIr till' Ill1llltlll'IIIlI\, all 111- 1'lIml' fl'lIlIl Ihr~ III' AIl.I' III h 1'1' ''')!ll'l'''', I II):H hl'l' wllh ull ;.:lfl~ aU11 hl!IIIW:;tll III hI) '''~\'otl'll II' lht. hlllll'''''I'IUl'ut "I' "11 III rgl'1l11'1I I lIf IIII' IIhl'al','"It:; /.:1'll1JlIlIH lIr 1"I\I\JllllI'1I1: I hili I h" 1.lhl'III',\' 1111:11'11 Ill! 11111 1 II 11'1 l.I'f I IIlt,1 1'1111".\\'1'1'1"[ III ]'1" t'l'h'., lIlIIl 1'1"'1'1111 t'm' ltll~' 111111 ,nil ~lftH, IIIlIUI.lllus or hl'II"I''''ll fir 11I11114',1', 1)II1I1,~, (1I1'1I1>,hlll1:'''' Ill' nllJ' mlll'l' Ihln" 01' \'IlIlIl', Whldl, ~1).:'...hl'l' wltll thl) IlllllulI'lIl1ur'l! 1'111111 III'H\'IIIt'/1 h," 111" 1'lIy, "hull I.., lI~",l, I1lllllll~I"1 '11I11 pOll- tmlll"] II)" I'n 1,1 1111111'11 ffll' 1111' lH~Ill'tll I/r III\' IIlmu'J', Jo;"I!II"1I ll, 'I'hlll, fill' 1Ill! Iltll'Jlo!'I"lIf '!lIl1sll'lll'tlllA' fht' I'lIhlh' r.UH'IIlT hllllll. hi...... Illl' ;;11101, J.Ihrul'~' !llllll'rl shull IH! ('1I11"11111l1t'11 u Bnlll\[lI): CHllllullll'l', \\'lth full 1"'1\'1'1' 111111 nlll hlll'lI r [0 I'l!' I'I'h'l' Illl' ('III'lIl'.dl' '411llluttllll II III I Uli\! lIl1' 1'111\\1' flll' thl' I'Iilll<lrlll'lI"u Ilr tlw Ilhnll'~' hulllUm:, ' I'll'dllllt i, 'I'hul thl' Llhl'lll'Y nOlll'fl ~hnll 1l1l1 lit 1111," llllll' llll'lll' IIl1:\" In- r".I)h'IIII.....~ III I'x..ped Ihl' 1I11l1lllllt to hI) 1'111"1'/1 (nl' Ihl' ('111'1'1'11' .1"'111'. IIJ' IIlX, II lIf1u , enl' till' IIlnllll"lIlIlIl'I' IIf .hl' II. ht'HI',\': IlllIllllIlll'Il"I';; .ll'II\\'1I "I'IIn 1111' I,ll/I'll 1',1' 1o'1I11.r~ ~hllll III' ,,1I:111'eI h~' [III! 11\'('"hlvnt I\f I h" n"III'II. lit, III hi.. lIh- :014'111'1', hr thl' "It""I'I'I',~'lh~IlI, 1I1111 lit. , 11.,,11'11 II." Ih,' l>I'I'I'l'IIII',\' of till' 1~"1l'\1, 1I1111 l'OUlllt'I':Ih.:;III',1 hr I h.. 1l1"'''''111'IIt Ill' ! HII' t'll~' (~olllll'll IIwl t h.' dl~' 111'1'" 1, IlllIl till' !l1'1I11l( till' CII,!" ufnxl'.1 Ihl']'4" , 10; 111111 thnt thn 1.1t']'lIl'~' BlIlInl lilluJl ,1'1'1101'\ 1IIIIIrh'rl~' III Ih,~ 1'1t~. ('lIuII.,11 1/11 lIw wlll'l, lIud I'llllllll''''' of Ilu' 1.1. hl'lIl'r. lilwh 1't'IIIII.f;; 11I'11l!: IIIL!III' 1\11 thl' t:it .Ia)' Hf Jnllnlll'~'t '.\/11'11, ,llll~' 111111, O.'toh!!r or I'nd.l ~'\!III'" uml lit nUlI'r! , ., -1 ~:~~'l,;~ti~'"l. T~1f; .:j. ,p. " il",i:f~~'~~,.l\~I~ll,:U,I:K~~lj~3r.;.~::i I~,~:r.~~.:~~ I ' I '.ll,'i u c.t I ,\ ;} 1.1,. d Ii.' ;'~' ~i .. . '" lw"L ~,