06/08/1921 Yf LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE /f.Z The Clearwater Library Board held its regular meeting June 8 - 1921 with Mr. Hagadorn, Mr. Bayly, Mr. Davis and Mrs. Harrison present. The minutes for the April Meeting were read and approved. Bills for the months of April and May were read and ratifiedp motion for same made by Mr. B. seconded by Mrs. Harrison. Motion was made by Mrs Harrison that Librarian be given one month vacation, with sub librarian at $35 salary. Discussion followed as to whether the request for the Illustrated London News be granted. Motion in favor of same by Mr. Bayly seconded by Mrs. Harrison carried. A motion to adjourn was then in order. Grace E. Moase Sec. HISTORV tOLtECTION June to November Bills June 1 George Bolton, lawn work ------------- --$11.55 Clearwater Lighting Co. ------------- 2.70 Penninsular Telephone Co. ------------- 1.50 Librarian Salary - . 60.00 22 J. A. Phillips Lawn ------------------ 26.00 Grundy,-Plumbing -------------------- 9.46 Gaylord Bros. Supplies -------------- 9.92 $12.1.13 July 7 Penninsular Telephone Co. ----------- $ 1.50 Clearwater Lighting Co. ---------------- 1.19 Hansen Bennett Magazine Agcy---------- 16.75 Librarian Salary -------------------- 60.00 18 Todd Roofing Co. -------------------- 50.00 $129:4.4 Aug. 2 Penninsular Telephone Co. ----------- $ 1.50 Clearwater Lighting Co. ------------- 1.19 Librarian' Salary -------------------- 60.00 $62.69 WZ HISTORY COLLECTION Page 2 June to November Bills i" Sept. 1 Sub Librarian one month ------------------- s, -- $35.00 Librarian Salary I 60.04 f H. Grundy,4 plumbing ------------------------- - .67 Clearwater Lighting Co. --------------..-_-_ - 1.19 Penninsular Telephone Co. ------------------ - 1.50 Gaylord Bros. Catalog File ----------------- - 45.24 Mr. Bayly Adv. on lawn work ---------------- - 10.00 A $153.80 October Penninsular Telephone Co. -------------------- $ 1.60 Clearwater Lighting Co. -------------------- 1.54 " Sun. Application Cards ---------- - 7.75 Harvey Martin Supplies --------------------- -- 1.15 Clearwater Feed & Supply Co. ---------------- - 9.00 Gaylord Bros. Supplies ---------------------- - 6.74 Librarian Salary --------------------------- -- 60.00 $87.98 November Bills Gaylord Bros..,Supplies --------------------- $ 4.51 American History Association ---------------- 2.94 ¦ ? LOCAL HISTORY COLLECTION i i " Li Pe Ja Cl 1 r i Page 3 June to November Bills brarian Salary ----------------------$75.00 nninsular Telephone Co. ------------- 1.75 nitor ------------------------------------- 8.00 earwater Lighting Co. --------------- 2.43 $94,63 HISTOw r-DLUCrION