04/09/1917 LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES DATE 9 it ftmomw /:? 7 ¦ ?; Apr.,9 - 1917 The Library Board held its regular monthly meeting at 5-P. M. with Pres. Hagadorn in the chair: The following bills were ordered paid: Library Bureau $6.10 Elec. Light Co. $2..30.- N. D. Pierce $6.10 The Librarian's report for April. 1916 - 1917 (appended to following page) was read accepted & ordered filed. The application of'Miss Duncan was accepted and she was appointed Librarian for another year, and was granted a vacation of two months on pay during the summer of 1917 in order that she might do Library work in a summer school. Miss Constance Chase was appointed substutute librarian to serve in absence of Miss Duncan at $35 per month. Then followed the election for the ensuing year: Mr. Hagadorn, Pres. Mr. Eldridge, V. Pres. Mr. Bayly, Treas. Miss. Duncan, Sec. There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting adjourned. Margaret Duncan Secretary TUT HISTON I t-ALLECi1 pN