01/08/1917 t:":~~:.y.;.:: Tel . ..; , " , ~ ' " 1. . " . , . , ' , '!' >C.1 '. ,- , ',LIBRARY BOARD I '. ' .", . MINUTES DATE dAn~ ~ I'/~ " -I- / 33 \' \' ......... ". t"'~.. . ._., . . . . Jan. 8 - 1917 ,. ? The Library Board met at 5 oclock with Mrs. Lake present in the absence of }Irs. Aiken. The minutes of the prevous meeting were read and approved and.the.. following bills were ordered paid when the funds are available: Clearwater Lighting Co. $2.40 Clearwater Sun 5.25 " Whitesell Hdw. Co. 22.50 A gift of one dollar from Mr. Alfred Price ~as voted to be spent for a 3 month subscription to the ~tld Week PIctorial from the N. Y. Times. A motion to accept the books given by the Christian Science Society was carried and the Secretary instructed to notify Mrs. Byington & Mrs. Paine that their offer of literature had been accepted. After a disucssion of the matter of a loan collection of books, the motion was made and carried to spend $25.00 on books one copy of each volume purchased to be placed on the free shelf and a duplicate copy of any that may be thought advisable to be purchased for the loan collection. This list of books to be made out by the Librarian and approved by Pres. Hagadorn. A motion was carried making ~~. Lake and ~rr. Wright a Committee with power to make plans and get estimate of the cost for Beautifying the Library grounds. On this cornmittee'Mr. Bayly was named as Alternate for Mr. Wright. Mr. Bayly was empowered to get prices and purchase 12 new chairs for adult readers also 6 children's chairs and a round children's table. Mr. Bayly was given power also to name others on his committee to get up an entertainment for the benefit of the Lib~ary. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ...................~ . Nargaret Duncan Secretary rrIiROOl HISTORY "mLucrlON