01/17/1916 1 LIBRARY BOARD I s . r January 17th 1416 Meeting called to order at 7:34 by the President. All members of the Board present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Reading of correspondence. Letter from Mr. Jones read in which he refused to cancel the library debt for abstract drawn on Padgett lot. Moved and carried that Mr. Wright reply to Mr. Jones thro' the secretary. Moved that the other letters be filed and that the secretary acknowledge receipt of same. Carried. Moved and carried that copy of Mr. Kennard's letter regarding revision of plans be attached to the plans and forwarded to the Carnegie Corporation. Then followed discussion of the immediate purchase of new books. Moved and carried that the original list of books, as drawn up by the Book Committee, be ordered. Then moved and carried that Mr. Bayly attend to the printing of vouchers of two kinds, one for the City and one for the Library Board, also of the various kinds of cards, application, borrower's, , report blanks for Librarian and other such matters; and the secretary was instructed to write to St. Petersburg request- ing samples of their cards and reports. Moved and seconded that the Rules and Regulations as drawn up and passed at the last meeting be published in the two Clearwater papers as often as possible. There being no further business before the Board the meeting adjourned. Ida White Parker Secretary LOCAL 1I15rruY COLLECTION WOR ON NEW LIBHARI :i i.. SOOR BE STAUB-. OF LIBRARIAN -SHOW.', L:Mi(15A.Y INCiil:.\,1) IN ''S•at- Vni. J 'N 11001i s The following report in connection with the public library will be renti by Clearwater citizens genera!ly, anal espmolly It the inrmbers of this ex- cellent 11wtituliost with gicat pl. r ure: To the mcmbers of the Clran.";ntve Publle library board: The four autnths since the library has been it public institution have been tntarlced by it lorry large i,n- cream he eirculatioti of books, in the reSfHnl'CPS of the library and -services rendered by It. The lihtaty novv colltnais 3,024 vol- umcrG, although it is !mllosAlilc nt, present to give.the number in enctn class, because of the changing of the classitiraliort at this time. One )ill"- tired t;eventy-nine volunecs have been added to the librnty during the last four months, :18 of these behtg donst- tlons. 1191c library circulated 2,19:.' buul;? (net average of M daily) dur- ing tile, last three, months, showilnl; net 111 increase in cireu!atiun of 1,4.11" mokn over the same period of the previous year, when the library tins a private institution. During these . three montlis 1,277 visitols 11,M1 consulted referrttce hooky or periodicals fit the. rea{ling moms, frihl of tills nusnher be- ing ch(lclven. In ntndcrn library practice honks are cla;sitied necordini; to some eam- i prehensive and simple system 'T'ile libruty at its beginning adopted a system plnrned largely in detail by the board to fit our own very small, library. But the library now ha;i out- grown the plan, and it new arrange- ment is necest;nn•y. Therefore the. system devised by illelvil Dewey, unit known as the Dewey Decimnl classi- fication Is being adopted. Ia a few weeks, when time can be gained to ' complete tills classification, -11111 the new Dictionnry Card index i:3 also brought up to date, the library will t be capable of much better send more S ready service than heruloforo. A detailed account of expenditures and receipts by book tines I have ap- pended to this report. t In my rierv'ice to. the city I reatllm the keen • Intarest of the members of t; tbty. board of directors in (lie work of ' the library and their considerntion of the librarian. Respectfully t3ubmitted, M-AltdAHET L. DUNCAN, '? •• `'?'•`''' • Librilriun.