04/29/1914 3. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES ,y l April 29th 191+ Meeting called to order by President Hagadorn. Directors present, Mrs Lake Mrs Pearce, Mr. Hagadorn Wright & Bayly. Treas report read and accepted by the Directors. Motion made and accepted that the president be authorized to renew all the periodicals, and let it be optional with him as to getting a daily southern news paper. Motion made by Mrs Lake and carried that we purchase the sixty new 3uvinille books selected by the committee and the remainder of the hundred be purchased at a later date. Motion made by Mr. Bayly and carried that we authorize the Librarian that she may solicit new memberships and renumeration for same.to her would be fifty cents for the new members and twenty five cents for all renewals. Motion of mrs take that would author authorize that president to purchase book cases, seconded and carried. Mr. Wright made a motion that we purchase Awnings to the amount of thirteen dollars seconded by Bayly, passed. Letters from the Jacksonville Public Library read, and the questions in same read, to which we answer yes to V. Mr. Wright moved that we authorize that president to, use his judgement in reference to #12. Moved and passed that we renew our Insurance policy for $1000.00 premium on ?ko same being twelve dollar. Motion made by Airs. Pearce and seconded by Mr. Wright. Adjourned [OAR KISTOIZY COLUCTION