04/08/1914' r
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Annual Meeting of the Clearwater Library Association.
April 8th, 1914
Meeting called to order by President E. H. ,zones.
Minutes of previous Meeting read and approved.
Reports of the President, the Treasurer and the Librarian were read.
Upon motion of Mx. E. P. S. Wright duly seconded and carried these reports'
were accepted and ordered placed on file.
Mr. E. H. Jones offered his resignation from the board of directors,
which was accepted.
There having been no nominating Committee appointed, Mr. Sparkman moved that
the Association proceed to elect directors in open meeting. The motion was
carried and the election ordered with the result that the following were chosen
as directors.
Mr. E. P. S. Wright for two years
Mrs. Laura E. Aiken - "
Mr. DeLisle Hagadorn "
Mrs. Robert C. Lake - for unexpired term of Mr. E. H. Jones.
There being no further business the Association adjourned.
W. G. Sparkman
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--?,, 4/10/14
Directors Meeting.
Those present: Mr. E. P. S. Wright, Mr Taver Baley, Mr. W. G. Sparkman,
Mr. Do-..'Lisle Hagadorn, Mrs. Laura E. Aiken, Mrs. Robert C. Lake. Mr. Wright
the vice-president presiding.
officers for the ensuing year were elected as ,follows:
Mr. DeLisle Hagadorn - President
Mr. E. P. S. Wright - Vice-president
Mr. W. G. Sparkman - Recording Secretary
Mrs. Watkins - Corresponding Secretary
Mr. E. H. Evans - Treasurer.
Upon motion of Mrs. Aiken an unanimous expression of thanks for his faithful and
efficient services was voted to the retiring President, Mr. E. H. Jones. A
Committee composed of Mrs. Aiken, Mrs. Lake and Mr. Baley were instructed to
formulate this expression of thanks.
The Executive Committee composed of Messrs. E. P. S. Wright, C. H. Evans, and
El. W. Bivins was reappointed for the ensuing year.
The following Chairman of Committees were appointed.
Membership - Mr. E. P. S. Wright
Entertainment - Mr. E. L. Pearce
Library - Miss Jessie Lake.