04/09/1913 C LIBRARY BOARD. Ann?,ae m??? s N/?ua?t? J;AAW,*y VssoeDATA APtt1,/ ? /9/? 4,1 ?- q69 Annual Meeting 'f Clearwater Library Association April 9th, 1913 Minutes of last annual meeting read, corrected and approved. Annual Report of the President read. Annual Report of the Treasurer read. Annual Report of the Librarian read. Upon motion of Mr. Wright these reports were accepted and ordered put upon file. Mr. Wright read the report of the dominating Committee. Directors for ensueing two years Mr. W. G. Sparkman Mrs. J. R. Dovey Jr. Mr. L. H. Jones Mr. Taver Bayly Upon motion of Mrs. Lake the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the association for the above nominees. The Secretary so cast the ballot. The President announced their election. Upon motion of Mrs. Lake resolution was adopted offering thanks to the retiring President, Mrs. Laura E. Aiken for her faithful and valued services. 'row FiISTORV I:OLLECTiON April 9th, 1913 Page 2, The President wade remarks concerning the need of books upon Florida subjects. Mr. Wright donated a valuable book. Mr..Lake offered a donation of $25.00 for the purchase of books relating to Florida subjects. Upon motion of Mr. Jones. the Association thanked Mr. Lake for his generous gift. Adjourned W. G. Sparkman Secretary Reports on back of page. i E"M HISTORY ICOI.LECFION ?u[M Ft 14 by lnnkim., tlvvr till' ri•l1lirtm rlf 1•ther Ililrttrlu,# thr?t wit rvahel- htr5•. 4tli lltI I I y t ) I I r iIIII my hit4 I:[Y•lt ll. 111 it • 111a111rlltl Wt%y.%%'I' iIN 5'U 1,s01tY11 frlifll ii 1411o 1lv(ty 111111 volillow'I t,1 droll " dun, . thlrlrlir thl! host .11,•1 It t• h71I.' 1111id 3101110 i+tif1911nt1t if titI M110..It 3 311t[,• t'11?tf111 1,irk, •1+111' ill's! tt':?Y :, fitly 0111• Ild,ttllit Ilf 11111.1 1.4 fr1191 111',. .`.!f1!t tt Karr, that ntt• 1114tv'wtiv{, I, . ti--is .F very ir?trrl,lilli:. Iro 111t'it't \1I. X17Ltt4foil oil `I*[11••4161, raYt• 11, 19'111+11 i? ?fllli111E'4, 1111140 f/f (111'ti: 1:, 1l', 'fi1„•1, +tul9inrtl wn1'k4. IG'1•,'nlsy '?!r'•. 4',11 ?.., I•It fit I lot 11 3,/100 f' IIII Nt1111'I' sl,'t i'f IIH! I'Ji• IIlly 1111101111t1 It Ilriti9it iru, In tilt, 1.111 u•• ' wort) Il rl'?,+!lIll -II tv1ti I •il 11ll f, 1,•,,•,f 1['11! tIIoturtl, Isy \I r, it n•f 1}r.4 WI,I (III 99,1 Nil,. .(1?tw-i all of Ih9•i1• N 11 it v1 :butt Irreml, 1111.114111'9 an11 ar1• 611+1 11'1 4I11lon4 to mar Iliimvy.' But It9r It. Peary lilts shown 11) nn mlwr way". ; ' 'Phil fmmi(ianev in (II1 I` 1'I,afi 111Jj ri$1111t llrtr utlariy [Iouhlt'll. •l'hlt 0h61111„11'4 r.ll?11d to whi{dl Our Iihravililt 11 aw>»11viI11 Tier utitkrmw I11Y1111A 11x4 M11114111t• • -rown 111 Itiolllllitt•41 I?nll It 14 IIw1,11. filings, whieft eminot 110 tr ld in !iglu-,! that 111)rhaurt 4119ul,l gJV4' till' U11'Lal•IL1 nnvuurltlri,immL. WO hcllll, thin vI•fly . 140411 11,1wmoh991 t'hilllrvik st ill 91.1111• i'41llfitltllt ns<It Ilf ililt hi it fill :41',1 W411 l++ and r+rf!!1'l!nc,1 hrlllk•4 lilll' 111,1-11-Y lilt •• • to olYnr. rt ???' ' , 'I'h9 vltrinui rl,tunik111•+•, 11,?1 t• :1II "ll" lollop) W[11'l{ 1i114,51'llll[•I•. 11.3 IINI fll t y•;.' Y•1 111 11411• t1111'll II14,111111!rv ;I1.1• i'lt,tl l I plait 11 IIN r,,' h 11 t %Vt, 914.11 111.11 41 IU••111iH'I'y, l,`': (11114 li11dir 01111. th't II[ty 4'i n'I[ I.tl• Ill, A. 1.'.. tl?nt 11'110'11 u•f• 11'411 lu?+'t! ytteri's?i 111111- A l-4-11 lisvi lifer.,, ;,? t allwil Iwo Slovilt;• A ulr0tlng, trait [• }e to orl;alllm I? !St•hliul Gn1111111ttel•, will; Lite 1410n of entuin3; ill elll,nr 1tiu1'h •q l.: frith LPN NOW 911 It It II 11.4 11.1 If'I(, 9911 Itl- • tr: 1 ••) Nt tl:a1!h 0111 ell lIli rlul h9w 111 1[1.151•,. :. iisn tht. Imitko we 111?v[• II) 01foW. 'fill. ? trerlr 1111(490' that ce1'011el31t nlunil'.!9un'nl - all the Colmilittett 1,ft'Itu' to ,urh fll'I1t19r . 11*1A that lo, Is Ii0,1 knilivn a, tho` ',.. •'i}I IltI1L'r'K t,il ll l)1/ {I Itl1 hitY 1i11CI1ilIC 11 •" ' 9nparate orgaili411tk0S0. S'.:. • 1 418 1:I1LV1'tk?lrllnk'nt (.:[II1111111N?It 11410'11 ; The I_/lrQn litany entertainments and hav9 worked hard. NVu a111rel:iuttr 111011 ?,?[ .` H(YQI'SH Alld ai'o KPItl.atltll thSLt thl!y 11x111! ! . 1111,1111 It 910x1111113 t41 !lay our tirllts laud to have a fair hull?neu. 0Ljr, lihrarlnn hits rurtltlnl y glut fnrth her hndt WTort4 and impel1 of that ?'' .' ?.•? t illwestl of the llhr;tr+' 14 (lilt) to hat(. I' 1 Arran KlnK tho lulnkw and lift ulut., in order the card *yaw)m tu?x IMMI I] Mill its unth!rtakiul,•. Oil 1411110f nl' that hnard of dimetory Ito,! Ill titilf, Wit ` wltih to thank till thnsat whf) have !,9 1 -nitromnly livIlwail its Hiring: Litt' lla+iL } i.luua 1:. .\13,l,n, I ca r. C 1 1 4 •!'„ 4111, 11." ,, :,••. ,11 rllt 1 I . I)',• 11. i' 1.IIr1iL, ti `'•.Ilt'1111,'11 1i11 •' lift ?,f 14104 if 1[1} Iris•It :!'+ III';1-?Ihl{•, „( 's, 1+•1.1+, Ill •, it lt'l { , I till dill(, ,11 {''., 1llt, 1.1-1 :111Iii1 If till lot mg Ili ihill•. 1311' 1(11114 1.1,1 1-1'.;1' i ,t[:+ 1 ', .1i1'?I II'•1f N'1 rll111'19;111f111•. `l,1 • '• " I, (0'1.11 II111'• 1 ?, •,• ,r ' " '• /' 1!YI't ,f lr, }Ile It H .. •1 1,41,,.1. I 1-1 M 3191'1., 1'tl' .. ? IIII i •I'Iltllf 11111'l r'1't't•lit'ii 4 1,11_.3 Aill it 1•+011'41 fill..... iI"ls;ltlllt4 1'1141113 ... I' 1` v%v hil111t+4 ...... . .. .... /?Ifl f,,? 1•'ui'lutill'%' 1111(1 l'llu illlurtht..>. •I%1,114 Ilitrr•lilhig 1•$i), 111113 , loll,.. :3!111111 ,1111`Illi!IitLt14,Il1gl,po4ti1wit. l•te • 1.1,tltl 'i'ONI I•xpr.llllltl1r4.4 , „ ......... w7.I 13x1 111411 Toil 1141111 .. ..... ..........1 ?':11,1i7 That lietnll 1:f1n111111'I• ,l Wilh' that III I. vimis year 94v it, fol lUSP,: 1!11_' k!1k:f Ilflliilllrlll, ... i4'III { ,14111 111 II--t14 11114 a.N1 tit) Imo, :111 11'1111 .l ll ti 111' 43,•1{1 l,`f 1,l, 13,•+,11131 +4111', 13 1714 '1.0(11 I :111,•4 111 II, Ih, 1't HI ill t X11 :.. 1 I, It- 4' ,,. it ,'•". l" i7 ,.1 itI t',, 411 .11.1 li'o11 . I? '.!•1110(' r'. •,1111 .;, ::.I ,,ti '1a Via 111 ,1• r Ill,9 tt'irt i i 1 •.'; t:1';,I 411n'I':It411!1,•\ll+,ll,l•?. .111 •4!1;'.140 { [ 11111'1• 511'141. .. 111!1 '1^1 t!?,1•11 i +,411 I:1 ": ti ),lilt t 101',311'1'1(11115 ti9111tfllll 11, 11 r,. 11' . 'I•. II1tII' ItIt i 1 ICOLIECTION 7 fe , 4-1 ....... ... 4l'n th, ilia,; torsi of this ('.lenrNY?tr!r i l,ihrarv Assneilttion., The clubs- of the nrennd y,-.%r vin0v thn Vlo- itrtvaIor I tihrary .1,4tit!i;tlinlt wu% foirsuod Iltltlot In ulmn'it every hits' Nihin WILY A :rtrntly imltrot+'ruuolt in Illy Pepsinmont, viowth Anil osnY m, cif both the lillrary and t•1'!?rli.Yt; r•tertns, A1i11mirit tin menf wo4iiili 1, not %to full Irv al l11114 tdtllf,- Ittvt 41Wr, it is It— rnnler 11111.1111, tho' IlrnL year it Rruut Itllntht•t• drew not tIckeli 111 hrlis 1111' ('1141140, not o++clietetlriu Lei rl•0111v, fknw• 114114,, lit l!t•u4u11t W6,11Ptvn fJlrty rYU1uNk, Jill i-modent4 of (:IOarWaWl" 4,111. thf• lint Of tilt first ylilte 111nlnhurn, whiltlit tlatnuts do not ttplmillsr On Ihr prl',Cnt rn11;1110 illy ttortt 114110lltrti111lig 1,11;I1ly 11441 111t111VI1 who Rrtl p11311 till to flllh•. Throtigh On pa11 winter nta11?' 4,4,11}4,n bonkn than over Mom huv0 bran borrolrrd dAlly, b qt It ham hw,n lai• possible to dcofip 'ft ord of the whodo; number takon out, ids war clone 1114,1 oprink, her the wh a y6fir. The '3101y average timmi h It patot wtnW ran ab ut thirty-three 4'ooka while land •uaantar-it-wnn-tit7oin6rc ,?Pl't OR 1'a 4" stn hveraua thm u r of tlwen- tyMur, which 11166 thud that of Iaet your. The sehoul children have made uvN of the rcifrronco htinkl, clawilC9 amid hlntory 1.11110 wlntotli much moth Ihnn , over btsfore, uautin?la 001111)01. Of VIIII!s Ito us" I}11} flllnylll)p?illlt, find rljmdint,• standrird wnrks p ollcrILI I ill their high ncllool 1;nurli - '1'ituy lit I,•u14t [login to renlizo tot we haves It lihrw ry. Ninny calk ht +0 llfa0n 1timitt by punplu Eooklit r fly' hooka fill Ilill. h'lorltllt 1111,119 tsnd ' that) boplcli l1Ur• I tltininl,? Lt. Florldu '1011 141411r?0inldy its tim w0st coltnt, Witte 140 arp Lfnur,lo It) Natinty ml, utwoun T! t 6111 llratoll( nlippiy nil those silWIN. The literary now ntadlin 2,21 a vul• 1(111(1x, 211:111 voluntem alms now 0o the ")lleives rtlacl?' fur, PCUIR Mdn, Wilfilw,, Ilia I1t1110ne•t• lust ,veil "did not I•xr,tad that of 1.1111+ the pr6sent numbor• oy- c;ue:dinu umt of latest our 94 vulu-w,i, 1'111(1 lacceit%l' enntt pp.% 16 vary Vila - Mole 1st of honks, 1ludndlnf; a com ll`uLe out of unt +ileilledin' Brltfitmo l rind nearly 11110 bull si of Into Instill. Isations. Unts of t4 ilts k1rtvttahlF'Enl lll'o vrn H'n l4 Of Lin ontiru yu:?r Is tlle? Curti inch-x, trn- . 11111it1i," Itnt 0110 41 find wFtat 40111IM'S r lru4Ydtr are 011 till"fS1M1VN4, ail rho Ilctinn 111111•It t•eM1.1;tit?11la nItnut 111111 tItu tlnnlt5 Ill Ile4i 1i11rltry, hats 111.1'11 Ill' 4dt-A.01, alllhAbQLvd and urrangf•d In till! (170141 11•,t v. 4;11111: ft 111ISn11W of jollOItH, 1 41,11(1y dnnittett, Itato tint ytsl 14(11'11 LIrI.11as'4+t! 1411. ldul hllslvot,, till act-okint of It•itill of 110111 On 11ir• Marl of List! lihrur'ian. III- 1 („t!'Ii111'd fl•i,,11+1•, himp llrNtl f!\l,•1',?rYlrt;.{IS 1.•01ttmills in iholy dnnuti0nti unit 111411 lulnk1 11011.111-41 11avit hr'n11 In flueit'i lo1N IlUlt Wt1 ,Illltllcl havo, alrld i al: hart, ht',vi ;Irrrl1t;1111n. 1''11111• sit]" h0ulc oum-h huvit Ill•+,n tIllI f Itt t?ntl by It151 tililN ttli t1w tilm," ":,I ti 1'4S1111Y fill' Slit' NhPIV,,•. the 1111;0'1' :5111 Ii+' Ila'uulia;ill+' all I;tlto11. Tim retailing room whit-11 1,01119511Y:1? l.tlilolnt the ha1filo its hvit ('Nily 111 I I1- I fiulirunca 1111!; Mien u5,.d all!1 '1.Mlir'1r- :?iutud much inol•u tllist 1.1, 04, Lhuu taf+tl I ?tnd hue 1('111( many wor4dsi 141 V0111- tlundutloli fruln vihitisrs of IsIm Yt 'ttrguv tows 1i, title d%tily li kilm, tm-t }uen 1•ct:rtnlly aliduii • l,0 our U1I'4,,111y itrUts list of pel•i0dIVIL14, tin (:1irl,0rtts lQiunCo N1o111tur. 1lyItictl svun It 411r1s,t- Inn Somor ?I vvvy oruanYt,nla.l Ylii'• , • .1.1( r,'rtitinl,• roost winch 1.01nalne 131nlnst 1111, K=111114 Im ImL vent in mp- lu',IrYtnr4' 1111% h0+11 114011 Hell appre- +'t:oo-d miwit wisro, this ?i!ar Illltn If44, i IN,t isi,ti wml 115011(' 151-,r,t•5 ill coo. t Ilwltti Ptllnl. Irmil vi"It11r4 411 1111toll l,tr;,r't•11•+, trill' d,liIt pttl,.'t• 111!4 1'l, •+'14 l','+'+'111;1 1('4,.11'11 1.1 11th illell it ll5' I:u,'1" 11,1 „f !?+'fFf3dll';tl'i, tIt1,4 Iktl.tinlr rlt•111'i• ?3tAiit+7!'. 1Y I1I1'if IV Iti .l 4,101(.1• ?rli: ;n•', 1.11 5'4'4, ?• 1,t'n U1L•'14tdi l,Il'• I'll,., I4,!' ?• hol-11 11+11.'• i'rr+ n41ti 10ifl 'I,Lt 111 1111' ntl,•:11•Yi4+e +11 11•+' 1'•,4,111+. A }. ,,t,5t u,lY +I,iok I,,t, W,011 +1ft ,(tit I'•ti+5tt ,.t 411 ail n:.Iit 14l title J-1141111 Its.' In,llll, whet lilt jly tH 0.1111'( 14'11it Id l' 4,•11, Il'i•-, tti iit it t I'AIl Ifit i of i h„ilitIifill and cailtJ sill. 4•11l11.1011 4,f .ht-11it ;,,I V it is µM1'1(1(; 't'lu•Irugh lh4• wlntrsr, it has 11r.rn ruthot• out of this t1111'hilim to milk, it 1 nitt,• etwji dity of thtt vl4ilnri U? th0 rrY1111114 1111m1, howlsvor liarillit' the morsthv 11.0(0 Mist April tri Not4,nlhltr Itits avol-ago h0ri lietm nix vi"itorrt daily, rucking jnst dnublo the }oavly avuritue flint it irtd bcou iii-fore, 0nt1 Illtunv 111011t LlOm that throb h the WElitt'1• RVIL4011. 1 This 1iMmillay Story 111104,," r•ai,Il• larly vvf'r;• Monday aftNr11114}n, file tint 1'1111divil Ilm4 t1ovniopt'11 1111f? tf',ilt1 tits itilm in Ilm w4-4+kly prnl;r,sm, Mitre 0V(I or hi.N I;i1.19 'tore prNa4'nt a yrat' 11„11 wo h.kvf- ithntit five, hil -4 aml Len or twelve t~111s tlvevy 10mid:?v and Mimi its Inrtily aw IN'I'lltl'•NiRht nP thirit. TI),'t Nn10y Ihn slorl4+,q Efn- lop-tu' y, 1114,11. I•noiltlrt 14 knoll and It-' h:LlltP (1,1115ke1 returns evert' wovk tillll µ11i:11[. v,lrintinrlti 4,p fl'IV rrrrlttlnns. 11111 %V 11.11 41 ,erilikirs 11;11,1 101(4,11 1+xtt'rrultlti l•urn[ i-mit 4rf flits honk'( strut Innl•ualni!x It %'m'%• flew I't'till-I?ilIg in unpthlnl, trill, 4ntlrl nrrltw, 'd h%- %i\ 1'•I•Oul %I)Itnt loy the 11151•itr1atl in 1111' ,f.I- ltronvllle 1.0111-u1•y Ilt"t sttrn- r111•1.11:1. 1-11f, tt very Brat ho11rc0 of 11111 t1 t, 11'1 11t11'1111r'ItRanIt'll 1 dnrinI, till! 1111114' 111114, flood IIILY n:urhi her wnrk iI Ionr',. 4•Ili,•I.1.11 Ilrol 1111'fls;mt. in ttio%t ! ,•?1•rt a.4 4 111:411 nlltlll'N'Iml It WnUlll flk:t Lr,.,, 1,114•.1111,+. Jlau•:•.,r.•t illJn5tilol, I.il,r:u•tan. 'fib IIISTOI:. ?o?criol?I ?i _;'I ¦ Directors Meeting Called to order by the President Mrs. Aiken, 'Present Mrs. Aiken, Mr.. Wright, Mr. Jones. Mr. Sparkman, Mrs. Harrison. The following officers were elected: President - Mr. G. H. Jones Vice President - Mr. E. P. S. Wright Treasurer Mr. C. H. Evans Secretary - Mr. W. G. Sparkman Upon motion the matter of insurance was referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. Adjourned to meet Monday April, 14th at 9 A.M.. W. G. Spar} man . Secretary, U5MI HISTORY !COLLECTION