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AUGUST 28t 1995 ~ 6:30 P.M.
{Location: City Commission Chambers)
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(Minutes Previously Mailed to Board Members)
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Courtney Campbell Causeway Beach - General discussion and
PapUa! Imnrovement Proiects - Update and general
information (Art Kader)
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Annu'a! Board Renort to City Commission - General discussion
and input from Board members for report scheduled for
September 21, 1995
Roller Skating in Parks - General discussion
, J]ncomine Recreation Events,- Steve Miller, Superintendent of
, Dilltributlon:
Parlcll and RocronUon Board Momborll
noam Willon, Parkllllnd Rocrolltion Dlroctor
Art Kador, AlIlllblnl Pnrklancl Rom-ollUon Diroct.or
Bwvo MiUor, Rocrollt{on Suporlnt.ottdnnt.
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City of Clearwater
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
Monday, August 28, 1995
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at City Hall
on Monday, August 28, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. Members present included Mr. Charles
Weaver, Mr. William Kirbas, Mr. Gary Giordano, Mrs. Deborah Hobbs, Mr. Donald
Harris, Mr. Michael Stafford, Mr. Doyce Haggard, Mr. Henry Cruise, and Mr.
Stephan Guss. Also in attendance were Art Kader, Steve Miller, and Ream'
~.i .
, ~\'
Chairperson Charles Weaver called the meeting to order and asked for a motion
regarding the Parks and Recreation Board minutes of July 24, 1995. There
being no recommended changes to the minutes, Mr. Harris made a motion to
approve the minutes as mailed, which was seconded by Mr. Kirbas and approved. '
Mr. Weaver asked Mr. Wilson if there had been any correspondence for Board
action. Mr. Wils~n responded 'that there was none.
Mr. Weaver eKplained the next item on the agenda was old business.
, OA. Courtney Campbell Causeway Beach -' Mr. Wilson stated that the beach area
- on the Courtney Campbell Causeway' is owned by the Florida Department of
, Transportation. Because of concerns about the beach and liability issues,
- the City Commission discussed the subject at their work session of May 1,
. 1995 with Mr. Rich Baier, City Engineer. After considerable discussion, the
,City Commission, by consensus, approved staffs recommendation for the City
not to take over the ',beach but rather to allow the Department, of
'" Transportation to continue to ,operate the facility since it was their
property. However, Mr. Wilson informed the members that the D.O.T. will be
constructing and installing a deceleration lane entering the beach area I
during the fall months. This should make it safer for vehicles to enter the
facility. Mr. Wilson indicat~d that this might have been a major concern of
Mr. Weaver. Mr. Haggard expressed concerns about the water and said-he felt
'it might be polluted. He said that approximately 1/3 of the dogs run wild on
,the beach' and there are considerable jet skis which he feels might be
,dangerous. He said no one cleans up after the dogs. He said the D.O.T. or
others should be concerned about possible pollution of the water. Mr. Guss
said that the issue became political when a legislator from Tallahassee
'became interested in wanting to retain the beach. He said, it is the only
'beach that allows the type of activity involving dogs, jet skis, etc. and"
',that it is not a very healthy situation. He also says that even though City':
Ordinances are in effect, there is probably a lot of alcohol. He said jet
., skis are not allowed at other beaches. Mr. Haggard said he saw police
,cruisers from Clearwater cruising the beach and there were many mothers with
.; young children. Mr. Kirbas said there are dogs also on Clearwater Beach and
.,Ofeels that the City's ordinances need to be better enforced. Mr. Weaver felt
. that the Causeway beach was' widely used and people liked it so that they
could take their dogs. He said that we keep cutting away at peoples use of
property and we should not do ~way with the beach. Mr. Kirbas responded that
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we should just follow rules for everyone's safety and it was not his,
~intention to try to deny people the use of the beach. Mr. Haggard also said
.. -' that he was not so interested in closing the beach as he was in improving it.
B. Capital Improvement Projects - Mr. Kader gave an overview of existing
',Capital Improvement Projects. He said that bids for the elevator at Jack
Russell Stadium have been received and it will go before the City Commission
, on September 1. He also said that the rehabilitation building and storage,
building at Jack Russell Stadium and Carpenter Field will go before the City
Commission on September 1. Mr. Kader informed members that construction
plans for the Countryside Recreation Center could be picked up today and that
they will open bids on September 21. He is hoping for good bids. He said
that plans for Soule Road Park goes to the Development Review Committee this
Thursday for consideration and, if approved, the project could be let out for
bid within a month. Regarding Crest Lake Park, he said that a pre-bid
meeting. was held at the park for the restroom renovation project. He said
that bids are scheduled to be open on September 5. Mr. Kader also informed~
members that for the first time, a prefab restroom building is being
,considered and will be placed n~xt to the ball fields at Ross Norton. He
also informed members that the patio deck could be completed within the next
week or two at the Clearwater Beach Recreation Center in that lumber was
delivered today and the contractor should be on site tomorrow.
Mr. Guss asked how the Soule Road Park came in to play. Mr. Kader said that
Othe City acquired the property some years ago and that it will be used for
, neighborhood recreation. Mr. ,Wilson stated that recreation and open space
impact fees contributed to the land being avai labIe to the City for parks
and, in this type of situation, the land usually sits vacant until such time,
as homes are built and residents then demand recreation facilities so that
children have a safe place to play. He said this is basically how Soule Road
Park development came about, in response to requests from residents of
Alyssum and Chelsea Wood. '
Mr. Weaver asked Mr. Wilson about the status of shelters along the Memorial
Causeway in that the Board sent a letter to the City Manager and City
, ' Commission. Mr. Wilson said that he had not yet received a response.
Mr. Weaver explained the next item o~ the agenda was new business.
A. Annual Board Report to the City Commission - Mr. Weaver distributed a
draft copy of the annual report that he hopes to present to the City
Commission on September 21, 1995. This report would cover Board activities
for the last year. Mr. Weaver asked for board member comments for additions
,.or deletions.
Mr. Guss said he wants the board' to become more active rather than reactive.
O. He feels the Countryside Recreation Center came to the Board after major
, decisions had already been made. He also' felt that the priority listing of
1995/96 e.l.p. projects had already been decided and that the board's ranking
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 08/28/95
Page 2
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should have come earlier. He feels that the Parks and Recreation Board would Ii
~ like to have more input into proj~cts earlier in the game.
Mr. Kirbas said he brought the same idea to the last Board meeting and that a ,I
letter was sent to the City Commission asking for specific direction. Mr.
Kirbas said he felt the letter might produce some good results and said he
had recently talked to city Engineer, Mr. Rich Baier, and that some comments
from the Board might be taken into consideration for the concession building
on Clearwater Beach. Mr. Kirbas said that this is the type of activity the
Board should become involved, in. Mr. Harris expressed concerns about the
tower idea on Clearwater Beach and feels that the issue should have come
before the Parks and Recreation' Board. He said that if the Board is just
going to be a rubber stamp, he will resign.
Mr. Kirbas said that he would like to see people corne before the Board to
'discuss and request various projects and parks. Mr. Guss said the Board
needed positive projects and felt, that many of the things the Board got
involved in this past year were negative.
Mr. Stafford asked about the status of the letter sent to the city Commission
regarding board input. Mr. Wilson explained that the City Manager has
appointed a committee of department heads who act as liaisons with various
City advisory boards and: committees. He said a plan is being formulated
where leadership from boards may have an opportunity to informally discuss
their board's activities directly with the City commission. This may be done
at a work session or at a separate meeting.
, (Z)Mr. Haggard felt that Board members should-let Mr. Wilson and the staff know
of things the Board would like to see done. Then he said the staff could
refer things to the city Manager and city Commission. Mr. Wilson said that
staff could accomplish requests of the Board on a fairly quick basis. He felt
this is a good way to proceed. However, he said for those items beyond staffs
authority, staff could forward recommendations of the Board to the city
Manager and City commission.
Mr. Weaver said that government just doesn't jump into things and at times,
we might get frustrated. However, he said members should have patience and
that projects eventually get done.
Mr. Kirbas said that the annual report looks good and that Chairman Weaver
should present it as is to. the City Commission. Mr. Weaver responded that he-
would include many of the comments discussed by the Board at this meeting.
UNSCHEDULED PROJECTS - (Not on agenda) - At this point, Mr. Wilson discussed
tWO projects with the Board including the sand castle being proposed for ~
Clearwater Beach and the Santa display b~ing proposed for Coachman Park by
the Church of Scientology. Mr. Wilson stated that presentations for each of
these projects will be made to the City Commission on Thursday night,
September 7. Regarding Coachman Park, Mr. Wilson said he felt that although
the display conducted by the Church of Scientology on their property last
Oyear was outstanding, he is concerned about the long duration of tying up
, 'Coachman Park. Specifically, erection of the display would probably occur
around the middle of November and it would be up through Christmas. He said
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 08/28/95
Page 3
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B. Roller Skating in Parks, - Mr. Wilson distributed to Board members a
letter he received from Mr. Tom Sellhorst regarding the police stopping him
from roller skating in Coachman Park during the Fourth of July festivities.'
Mr. ,Wilson also distributed a copy of pection 22.49 of the City ordinance
which was referenced in Mr. Sellhorst's letter governing roller skating.
Basically, Mr. Wilson indicated that the" ordinance is flexible and that it:
was the Police Departmen~' s opinion that' Coachman Park was not a suitable
:'"'. ,location to roller skate at such time as 20,000 to 30,000 people were in the
Park. He said police felt that this would be a dangerous situation.
Otherwise, Mr. Wilson responded that roller skates are welcomed in City parks
and in Coachman Park at times other than during major special events.
., However, he feels that there are times that safety would be an issue. Even
though Mr. Sellhorst is a most competent and proficient skater, others might
'also want to skate at Coachman Park during large special events and there
could be a high exposure to liability.
;.,." OMr.' Kirbas said that Lt. Frank Daly of" the Police Department, had discussed
,roller skating on streets of Clearwater Beach at a meeting he attended this
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no other group or project has dominated the park to this extent in the past..'
He feels that a precedent could be set in that other groups could request'
similar usage. '
Regarding the sand castle proposal at Clearwater Beach, Mr. Kirbas indicated:
that there is substantial opposition to the project. He said items such as
traffic, trenching of sand, etc. are of primary concern.
Regarding the Santa display, Mr. Guss thought it was a great display. Mr.
Haggard asked if Coachman Park is the only location and 'asked about having'
the display at the north side'of crest Lake Park. Mr. Weaver responded that
Crest Lake is too much of a residential neighborhood and would probably be'
opposed by adjacent residents. Mr. Weaver felt that some other location
should be reviewed other than Coachman Park. He felt that long and
substantial usage of Coachman Park could set a precedent with other'
Mr. Harris had no problem with the display, he was just concerned about the
long period of time. He felt that a two week duration might be more
Mrs. Hobbs asked if a fee would be paid to the city. Mr. Wilson responded
that it was his understanding that no fee would be paid to the City but that
the Church of Scientology would cover all costs of the projects. Mrs. Hobbs
,also asked if there would be an admission fee. Mr. Wilson responded that he
understood there would be no fee.
<:)Mr. Kirbas said that the Church of Scientology probably wants to get the most
'impact for its dollar and that is why they are asking for a long duration for
the project. '
Mr. Wilson again advised members that these events will be discussed with the
City Commission on September, 7 and they might want to attend if they are
, interested in giving their input.
'Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 08/28/95
Page 4
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morning. He said that roller skates were not allowed on streets, but they
~could be on sidewalks. Mr. Haggard said"that the bike lanes along Drew st.
, by the Junior College appear to be very af~ective.
Mr. Wilson stated that Mr. Sellhorst will be placed on the agenda for the
Parks and Recreation Board meeting in September to discuss his concerns about '!
the City's ordinance and about roller skating in public parks. :
C. Upcoming Recreation Events Mr. Miller distributed copies of the
Department's ~Cornmunique'" magazine which highlighted various successful
senior citizen activities including lawn bowling, shuffleboard, horse shoes,
etc. He also distributed a sheet titled "Highlighted" Programs / Events for "
the month of September. This list included events such as Downtown Comes
"Alive Concerts on Friday nights at Station Square Park, the twelfth annual
Officer Friendly Bike Jamboree on September 16, the A.S.A. National"
Invitational Softball Tournament at the Eddie Moore Complex, School's Out
Camps, Performing Arts auditions, Times Turkey Trot Track Team - Cross
Country Meet at Crest Lake Park, Bird Walks and Night Walks at Moccasin Lake
Park, Ranger Rick Discovery Club at Moccasin Lake Park, Aquatic programs at
the Long Center, and Little People programs at various recreation buildings.
Mr. Miller highlighted each of these programs and explained the various
activities. He also said ,that regarding the softball tournaments, his
division will be monitoring the economic impact the programs have for the'
Mr. Weaver said in the future, Mr. Miller will present a program of "Upcoming
<:)Recreation Events" each month but that his presentation might be included at
the beginning of the meetings so that there would be a bigger viewing public.
Members agreed that this would be a. good idea and Mr. Weaver instructed Mr. '
Wilson to move the program up on the monthly,agendas.
Comments by Board Members - Mr. Harris said that he stands against the tower
issue on Clearwater Beach. Mr. Kirbas ~xplained that this tower is a
:different project than the tower originally considered for the pier 60 site.
He ,said that this tower is already constructed, it will have no expense to
the city, it will only occupy a 40 foot by 80 foot footprint, a laser show
. ,might be available to attract tourist attention, a bond would be posted in
the 'event the tower was not successful and had to be removed, etc. He said
it is an entirely different situation' than ,the original tower and that it has
considerable support from the business community on the beach.
Mr. Guss asked if there were any more Olympic teams wanting to train at the
Long Center. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Miller indicated that they did not have any
more information in this respect.
Mr. Weaver
' -
said the agenda for the September meeting will include a
of roller skating in parks with Mr. Tom Sellhorst, more
relating to the tower on Clearwater Beach and earlier
of "Upcoming Recreation Events".
Parks & Recreation B~ard Meeting 08/28/95
Page 5
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,i' Mr. Kirbas asked Mr. Wilson if he had any more
,'" 0 intern project for the survey of the department.
~r he had not heard any more at this point.
informa tion regarding the :.'
Mr. Wilson responded that
,Mr. Cruise made
a motion
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Minutes Not Approved (Distribute minutes asap after completion, prior to approval)
Parks and Recreation Board Members
Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation oireetor
Axt Kader, ~sistant Parks and Recreation Oirector
steve Miller, Recreation Superintendent
Administrative Support Staff
City Manager's Office
Minutes Approved
City Clerk's Office
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Board Meeting 08/28/95
Page 6
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