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JULY 24, 1995 - 6:30 PM
(Location: City Commission Chambers)
(Minutes Previously Mailed to Board Members)
Bayshore Park/Del Ora Park - Presentation by Mr. Rich Baier, City Engineer,
. regarding exchange of capital funding
Concession Building at Pier 60 - Mr. Baier
Capital Improvement Proiects - Update and general infonnation
Board Letter to Mayor and City Commission - Status report
Parks and Recreation Del1artment SUlvey - Ovetview by USF Interns
Upcoming Recreation Events - Presentation by Steve Miller, Superintendent of
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City of Clearwater
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
Monday, July 24, 1995
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at City Hall
on Monday, July 24, 1995, at 6:30 p.m. Members present included Mr. Charles
Weaver, Mr. William Kirbas, Mr. Gary Giordano, Ms. Deborah Hobbs, Mr. Donald
Harris and Mr. Michael Stafford. Mr. Doyce Haggard, Mr. Henry Cruise and Mr.
Stephan Guss were unable to attend. Also in attendance were Art Kader, Steve
Miller, Rich Baier and Ream Wilson.
Chairperson Charles Weaver called the meeting to order and asked for a motion
regarding the Parks and Recreation Board minutes of Monday, June 26, 1995.
There being no recommended changes to the minutes, Mr. Kirbas made a motion
. that the minutes be approved as mailed, which was seconded by Mr. Stafford.
The motion passed.
Mr. Weaver asked Mr. Wilson if there had been any correspondence for Board
action. Mr. Wilson responded that there was none.
Mr. Weaver explained the next item on the agenda was old business.
:,: 0 A.' Bayshore Park/Del Orc Park - Mr. Wilson gave an overview of this subj ect
:,' , and explained the Board had previously made a recommendation that capital
improvement monies be included in 1995/96 for the development of the Bayshore
Park ($100,000.00) and for the replacement of the basketball court at Del Oro
Park ($30,000.00). Mr. Wilson stated this recommendation had gone to the
:, :~" City Manager at administrative hearings and that funding for Bayshore Park
had been postponed one year to 1996/97. However, he explained Bayshore Park
-., ,': included major retention areas and it was important it be developed in the
", . 1995/96 year. He explained that Mr. Baier, Director of the Engineering
Department, was present to discuss the plans for the Bayshore Drive Park and
':'".' to. exp.la~n the role the Engineering Department would play in regard to
,'.". " ' funding. Mr. Baier explained that retention and environmental portions of
~,.; " . the' park " would be developed in 1995/96 and he was in hopes the Parks and
,;', . Recreation portion of the project could also be funded for 1995/96.
Specifically, this would include the roadway with some parking, sidewalks,
picnic tables~ water fountains, etc. He asked that the $30,000.00 budgeted
.",: ' ,in' 1995/96 for the Del Oro Park basketball court be redirected in the same
year to the park development of Bayshore Drive property. Mr. Wilson stated
he would have no problems with this exchange in that the basketball court at
Del Oro could wait one more year and be funded in 1996/97. Mr. Kirbas asked
if the parks $30,000.00 was redirected to Bayshore Park, would he be able to
. complete the entire project. Mr. Baier responded this could be done since he
would,have other funding from grants, etc. Mr. Wilson also informed members
'... ~. the City Manager wanted the Parks and Recreation Board' 5 feelings on this
, ~ transfer of monies so that she could relay this information to the City
. ",' Commission at budget hearings.
Mr. Harris made a motion that the $30,000.00 budgeted in 1995/96 for the Del
Ora Park basketball court be redirected to fund park improvements at the
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Bayshore Drive Park and that the basketball court be funded in 96/97. This
motion was seconded by Mr. Giordano and passed.
" B. Concession Building at Pier 60 - Board members were given colored
conceptual drawings of proposed buildings that are being considered for
concessions at pier 60. Mr. Baier also showed larger conceptual drawings of
the designs and explained the City wanted to build the building and lease the
operation out. He said that demolition of existing buildings on the site
would begin this week. In addition to the concession building at Pier 60,
Mr. Baier showed a site plan showing a covered playground to be located in
the center of the pier 60 property as well as a pavilion which could
accommodate musical events, rentals, etc. Mr. Weaver asked Mr. Baier how
many parking spaces would be lost because of the development. Mr. Baier
responded two spaces might be lost in the Pier 60 lot and about 21 spaces
would be lost on the loop road. In response to a question asked by Mr.
Weaver, Mr. Baier explained handicapped parking spaces would be addressed and
if any are removed from one location, they would be made up in another
Mr. Baier explained schematic drawings of scheme A. Mr. Weaver asked if this
proposed building could be closed down during a hurricane. Mr. Baier
responded in the affirmative and said it would have ,roll down shutters. Mr.
Baier also added that seating would be outdoors. Mr. Stafford asked how many
seats there would be. Mr. Baier was not aware of the exact number of seats
and Mr. Wilson responded that the building would be approximately 1,500
square feet in size. Mr. Weaver asked if the building would be on pilings.
0, Mr. Baier said this would be the case and it would be easier to plumb the
, building and would keep it safer from water damage.
.1... ,"
Mr. Baier then explained scheme B. Mr. Kirbas asked if there would be more
shade under the roof in scheme A or scheme B. Mr. Baier felt like this would
be the case in scheme B. Mr. Weaver asked if restrooms would be included in
the buildinq. Mr. Baier responded this would not be the case and restroom
facilities would more than likely be provided in similar six pack buildings
as now exists elsewhere on the beach. Mr. Baier said the city Commission has
asked for as many seats to be placed under the shade as possible. Mr. Harris
asked why there would not be any indoor seating included. Mr. Baier
responded indoor seats of a restaurant type brings different responsibilities
and problems.
Mr. Kirbas asked if scheme A would cost more than scheme B. Mr. Baier
responded both would run approximately $200,000.00 to $220,000.00. He feels
scheme A would be a little more expensive. However, Mr. Baier said the idea
of gettinq the best possible building for Clearwater Beach should take
precedence over saving $10,000.00 or $15,000.00.
Mr. Weaver asked if there has been a date set for the groundbreaking of the
concession building. Mr. Baier responded that a date has not been set. He
said a "Request For Proposal" was sent out on Friday and should be returned
in three weeks. He anticipates the proj ect moving forward as quickly as
, , OposSible. Mr. Weaver asked if all other facilities would be constructed at
, '. the same time or would they be constructed separately. Mr. Baier said the
'concession building would be the first phase and it involves dollars coming
~. I
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 07/24/95
Page 2
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to the City as well as providing an important service with concessions to the
beach users.
~ Following general discussion, the Board thanked Mr. Baier for taking the time
out of his schedule to attend the board meeting and to discuss the above
C. Capital Improvement Projects - Mr. Kader informed members that playground
equipment has just been installed at Marshall street Park. He said he
inspected the park today and it was heavily used by youngsters. He informed
members that Del Oro Park is the next facility to receive new playground
Regarding the Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex, Mr. Kader informed members
the decking at the south side of the building was now under construction.
delays had been encountered by the contractor due to high tides, the pouring
of footers, etc.
Mr. Kader also reminded board members that several important projects will be
advertised for bid. These include ADA and other improvements at Jack Russell
Stadium as well as improvements at Crest Lake Park.
~ "
Mr. Weaver asked if staff had discussed the possibility of shelters along the
south side of Memorial Causeway with the City Commission. Mr. Wilson said he
thought this was to be discussed during budget hearings, and if approved,
, would be accomplished in the new budget year after October 1st. Mr. Weaver
,-.... said the hot summer months would be over by that time and he thought they
, ~might could be accomplished with the operating budget. Mr. Wilson apologized
for the confusion and said he will inform the City Manager of the desire to
place the shelters along the causeway to gain input from the Manager's Office
and City Commission. He will keep the Board apprised.
," .
Mr. Harris asked if the deck at the Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex would
,have an affect on the Clearwater Beach Recreation Center programs. Mr. Kader
responded that it would be a good asset to the programs and this was
reinforced by Mr. Miller. Mr. Harris also asked if the construction of the
, deck would be a problem to the CBRC. Mr. Miller responded that it should not
be a problem and City staff would more than likely rope the area off for
safety reasons.
. ~'.
.... .'
Mr. Kirbas asked how the parks' grass was kept so green. Mr. Wilson
responded this is a result of a good fertilization program as well as regular
. herbicide and pesticide treatments. This program is under the direction of
Mr. Mark Roether, Nursery Superintendent and Horticulturist.
i ,~
D. Board Letter to Mayor and City Commission - Mr. Weaver read the letter he
sent to the Mayor and City Commission explaining concerns of the Parks and
. Recreation Board about their responsibilities. He also read the letter of
,response, from the Mayor. Mr. Kirbas said he was rather disappointed and is
in hopes that the City Manager could get a program going that would make
O responsibilities of advisory boards more definite. He said he is still up in
. .. the air regarding responsibilities of Parks and Recreation Board members. Mr.
Wilson stated he felt the letter served a good purpose in that the City
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 07/24/95
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Manager has already discussed her intentions to meet with department heads to
determine the best ways to get advisory boards throughout the City more
r") informed and involved. Mr. Kirbas said maybe the letter from the Board
..- served a good purpose if improvements could result.
Mr. Weaver explained the next item on the agenda was new business.
A. Parks and Recreation Department Survey - Mr. Weaver introduced Ms. Ellyn
Rapaport, an intern with the University of South Florida. Ms. Rapaport
informed Board members the interns were serving under a program where they
received scholarships from City Commissioner, Mr. Fred Thomas. She said the
interns are working on a project which is a survey of Parks and Recreation
programs which they hope to mail out with utility bills. Ms. Rapaport
indicated recreation attendance was down and one of the purposes of the
survey was to find out why many people do not participate. Mr. Weaver asked
what the interns were using as their baseline for attendance. Ms. Rapaport
indicated she understood attendance was dropping. Mr. Kirbas asked if the
survey would produce results that could' be compared to the previous survey.
Ms. Rapaport indicated this would not be the case. Mr. Weaver asked if the
survey would be in a letter or card form. Ms. Rapaport said it would be a
fold-out survey. She indicated the initial survey was done randomly and it
showed a number of people were not aware of recreation services.
Ms. Rapaport introduced the two other interns, Ms. Crystalline Rosene and Ms.
.0 Marta Ellis.
The interns also mentioned 15% out of 100,000 residents in Clearwater
currently have resident participation cards. She asked who was in charge of
marketing for the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Wilson responded that
Mrs. Birgitt Dowd was in charge of this aspect of the program.
She explained one of the purposes of the survey was to determine how
playground equipment would be installed and how it would be maintained around
the City. Mr. Wilson responded Mr. Larry Dowd, Superintendent of Recreation
,Facilities, conducts a detailed inventory of all playground apparatus
throughout the City playgrounds and decisions on new equipment and
replacement equipment are based on this inventory. The primary objective is
. to keep attractive playground apparatus that is also safe. He understands
this subj ect becomes qui te subj ecti ve a t times. Mr. Wilson also informed
members the 15% of citizens who purchase resident cards do so for programs
such as ballroom dancing, bridge programs, softball registrations, etc. where
by having a card, they pay a lesser fee. He said the 15% does not count for
the many people who participate in playgrounds that do not have cards such as
at Crest Lake Park, Kinqs Highway, Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex,
Morningside, etc. It also does not include the many thousands of people who
attend the special events and concerts and Fourth of July festivities at
. Coachman Park. However, he said the department welcomed and encouraged the
survey to be conducted by the interns. He said that no matter how good
O programs might be at the present t~me, everything could be im?r?ved. He gave
" an example of residents in his ne1ghborhood where some part1c1pate and some
don't. The primary purpose of this survey will be to find out why some
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 07/24/95
Page 4
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people don't participate and what could be done to change this situation. He
also felt the survey might provide information regarding where taxpayers
r) would like to see their dollars spent. For example, do we now need more
", rollerblade rinks like we needed more soccer fields several years ago.
Mr. Kader explained there has been a large change in the philosophy of
providing public recreation. For example, he said years ago we had
recreation leadership on playgrounds and conducted low organized games, arts
and crafts programs, special activities, etc. However, all of these
playgrounds are now unsupervised and recreation activity is self-directed.
Monies are no longer available to provide individual leadership at individual
playgrounds. He said when people are asked if they participate in recreation
activities, many of them might say no. However, if you asked if they
attended concerts at Coachman Park or the Fun 'N Sun parade, they might say
yes and don't realize that these are City sponsored activities. He feels
many people take part in city sponsored recreation programs without realizing
they are actually paid for by their tax dollars.
Mr. Kirbas said if residents were going to pay several dollars, they should
get quality programs that are worth the money. He said he did not know about
the MCMullen Park Tennis Complex until recently. He said he now
participates. He said he feels the recreation program of the City of
Clearwater is one of the best in the state.
The interns said it would be to the City's advantage to encourage as many
volunteers as possible. The example given was the Sunshine Playg~ound at the
'. '!';'\ Long Center. Mr. Wilson responded we do try to encourage as much volunteer
'.. ' \:;..) participation as possible and gave several examples. For example, he said
, all pressboxes and concession buildings throughout the City's parks were
.', constructed by parents of little league, youth football, youth soccer, etc.
~ :. .
. ' He also said the city has a number of adopt-a-park agreements for the
maintenance of park facilities and a number of "adopt-a-shore" agreements
whereby debris is removed from shorelines.
The ,interns stated they looked forward to conducting the survey for the City
and were in hopes the survey could be of assistance to the Parks and
Recreation program. Mr. Wilson invited the interns to contact his office and
continue working with Mr. Jon Russell who could also help coordinate the idea
of including the survey with the utility bill. This inclusion would need to
be discussed and coordinated with the Graphics Division.
Board members thanked the interns for their presentation and said they looked
forward to the survey.
. B.' Upcoming Recreation Events - Mr. Miller explained this portion of the
program might be something that the Board continues at future meetings. For
example, he said in the Cultural Arts Section, the production "Music Man"
will 'be perfor.med at Ruth Eckerd Hall and it will involve 85 cast members, 29
orchestra volunteers, etc. He said this is a very professional production
, whereby people could attend an outstanding cultural facility like Ruth Eckerd
" 0 Hall at minimal cost. He also said the summer concerts from 7: 00 to 9: 00
. : p.m. are continuing to be conducted free of charge at Coachman Park. He said
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 07/24/95
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these have been extremely well attended and are conducted each Friday
~Mr. Miller also informed Board members of the "Summer Family Festival" to be
held at Martin Luther King Center. He said this event was being co-sponsored
by the Police Department.
Mr. Miller further informed members of "Camp Clearwater Basketball Camp"
which is being conducted at Clearwater High School. He said this has been an
outstanding program and consists of two sessions. It is an outstanding
opportunity for people to improve their basketball skills.
He said that youngsters interested in competi ti ve swinuning are now taking
part in programs at various City swimming pools. These are youngsters that
are just beginning with competitive swimming and major activities will be
,held at the Long Center. "Camp We Can Do" is also being offered in
cooperation with UPARC. This is an outstanding example of a partnership
Mr. Miller also informed Board members of the sign up periods for "Free
Trees". Live oaks and crepe myrtles are available and clinics will be held
on how to plant the trees. Mr. Kirbas asked as to the time to sign up and
Mr. Miller responded this could be done now for future trees.
Finally, Mr. Miller informed members of the viewing public that if they pave
.' any questions regarding recreation programs, they could call the programming
'~': '0 office at 462-6531.
The Board agreed that this type of information on upcoming recreation
programs should be scheduled for all Board meetings.
Comments by Board Members - Mr. Harris asked about a light falling from field
four onto field five at the Sid Lickton Little League Complex. He wondered
if any precautions were being taken by the department to prevent this type of
accident from happening in the future. Mr. Wilson responded this is a very
unusual situation and more than likely occurred during a recent storm. Mr.
Miller said this was the case when high winds hit the Sid Lickton Little
League Complex. Mr. Wilson responded also that all of the lighting systems
throughout the City recreation facilities are closely inspected in an effort
to keep them as safe as possible. He said this was an exception to the rule
but it is important to make certain this type situation does not recur. Mr.
Harris also asked about the status of the Pinellas Trail. Mr. Kader
responded from the minutes of the June meeting that the County is working on
gathering right-of-way for the trail and construction could begin in June of
1996 if permits were not required from the DEP. It would take approximately
'six to nine months of construction time.
'., .
Mr. Harris also' asked if the construction of the Countryside Center was on
,schedule. Mr. Kader responded in the affirmative.
.:,' , 0 Mr. ,:stafford had no comments.
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 07/24/95
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Mr. Kirbas said maintenance vehicles are causing ruts along the south side of
the Memorial Causeway as they perform their tasks. He asked if the route for
~maintenance vehicles could be changed to eliminate these ruts and dead areas
',."..,. of grass. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Kader responded that this could be done.
Mr. Weaver said he feels the City should do something with the beach on the
Courtney Campbell Causeway. He feels it is dangerous and the facility could
be made safer for all participants. He said it is heavily used and persons
there could take their dogs, etc. He said current City resources are used at
the site involving police and fire. Mr. Wilson stated this subject was
recently discussed at length between the Department of Transportation and the
City Commission. Basically, the beach is not city-owned property but is
. rather owned by the state. The state has indicated they are also concerned
with the liability of the many people who use the facility. At first, the
City considered taking an active role in the site but then turned the
situation back to the Department of Transportation because of liability
concerns. Mr. Wilson said jet skis, dogs, alcoholic beverages, and parking
on the sand currently take place at the site. These activities are not
allowed on Clearwater Beach and would not be allowed if operated by the City.
Either way, the subject was thoroughly discussed with the City commission on
a previous occasion and the property and responsibility lies with the
Department of Transportation. However, Mr. Wilson said he could not recall
the exact conclusion to the matter and he would bring information back to the
Board at the next meeting.
,~'.. '
,.". .
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1::.':,." " There 'beinq no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
f,::..O", 8:10p.m.
" .' !
.~~.:. ~ ,.. .
,," "cc: Minutes Not Approved (Distribute minutes asap after completion, prior to approval)
~arks and Recreation Board Members
Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director
Azt Kader, ~sistant Parks and Recreation Director
Steve Miller, Recreation Superintendent
, Administrative Support Staff
, 'City Manager's Office,
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Parks & Recreation Board Meeting 07/24/95
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