05/22/1995 .. " . , :, .' ,.; , ", . ' ' ", ' ",'," . . . '.'; I,: . ; . ,'. " ' .~. ~ ".,..' "'.' " .,', ....;. . ~ ->; ~ ~ , . ~~ . . ~i~,~.: , ", '$' i:~ . ~:. .. ~ ~~. :." ~.! ,.: "i., ,'"," :"1' t-:t":'.........*""'.. "f~"l"". ~ '..--.. ....... L.t............, -.: MINUTES . , PARKS & RECREATION J. F,', ;..t~"\ ~ " +~. ~,~ "[;h I. . ts:.-.:... ~~{.;i.: F. :':: . . I'. .'., ~: t.: ... ~ ')'1.:" ' lit::;., , .'~'. ,. ~:~t{,:~ :' ~;~'t:, iirM'~~ I.:: :;:' :./....... '. ..~i~.:)::"t,':'....:. '.' t:lltW.t ' '. ~\1f:'::':} ::J ".' ~:' , .'. '. fi.~,':,r", . , ,',' ,"'.' f}'I.> ","- ';,', l!.{i/~~\+~ ~:.~~'.. ''- ~f:r"'" no' '. t;!0~A~J~\:: ~ .~'~:~.":'~ ~ ?p.""'"'' . . ~~~1,f>:,.:::":' :' ~!~;~~~~;~~~~~> 'i\< ~ '::'.." ~,...""."" "'.',,, . '~~~;;;,C,:', ~4,f~'_, <"" ,;" '. . , :~~!i~;'~/{: ::-:;?'::': ' !~<!;r,I.. . .. ", ". ' :~~;~~~)':~{"~::' ..,' ',' If'.f''....;'\''.'... . '~:6:~:;?/,':" -:". ii"j'" n',.. .. 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'. . ::.~< ::. r.c . m. :.~f;:f. .,;.;:,:.< . ~~i:' IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Crest Lake Park - Restroom Architectural Drawing 'I: ~.:' " .', ,:' t, ';~' . . . . 8Ca' . ~:f.+:':'.'''.' " ;,~:;!:. . v. ~(j,{':(; . ". ~!t;t>< ~,~.;\'ti,. .... VI. ~ (!, . ~~ ~ I : <i/((t):, ' ',('" > . ,\'.1;',., '.:" ,...","".' j}f?:<" ~':: Wf~:~::'.:': '::,' J~r\"'; . " B. Pinellas Trail - Status Report c. Capital Improvement PrQjects - Updated Information NEW BUSINESS A. Operating B\ldget 1995/96 - Preliminary Departmental Submissions B. Grants - Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Discussion C. Comments by Board Members ADJOURNMENT , Distribution: Parks and Recreation Board Members Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director . . Art Kader, 'Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Steve Miller, Recreation Superintendent '.." . ' III\tlAT A\\VI'F1I.SSIDIiBB1Ii\BOAJlD\PAJlAONDA.WPJ "">i&~;~};~,:,ic;:[):{r~J,:~:;:;ii:~A!'~;. ,,:,..~', <L;;.;';;:~;'.'. '~':~~--.. :)tJ..,,"t"."~,:....-. ~."'~ I~""-" L _........~.. '""~ ~..' " >. . :-..,~~~~J1IiIWr ~:: .1 ., . . d c . ~ . t .:" .' ,. .' .,<' :'.~'....~.':. . <: .:,......;...';<:.F/ .[:~ ....~ : ~, > . ~ ..t. ..: ~-1" '~i".. ': APPROVED f} city of Clearwater Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Monday, May 22, 1995 The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at city Hall on Monday, May 22, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. Members present included Mr. Henry Cruise, Mr. Donald Harris, Mr. stephen Guss, Mrs. Deborah Hobbs, Mr. Michael Stafford, Mr. William Kirbas, and Mr. Doyce Haggard. Also in attendance were Art Kader and steve Miller. Members absent included Chairperson Charles Weaver and Gary Giordano. In the absence of Chairperson Charles Weaver, Mr. Donald Harris, Vice Chairperson, called the meeting to order and introduced all members of the board and staff. Mr. Harris welcomed the viewing public and asked for a motion regarding the Parks and Recreation Board minutes of April 24, 1995. There being no recommended changes to the minutes, William Kirbas made a motion that the minutes be approved, which was then seconded by Mr. Deyce Haggard and passed by the board. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Kader if there was any correspondence for board action. Mr. Kader responded in the negative. ].. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Harris explained that the next item on the agenda was old business. ".' Ob. Crest Lake Park - Mr. Harris asked Mr. Kader if there was an updated report on the archi tectural drawings for Crest Lake Park. Mr. Kader distributed a handout detailing a tentative renovation schedule for the crest Lake Park rest room facilities. The handout included the most recent design for the rest rooms. Mr. Kader explained that the new rest room design would meet A.D.A. requirements. One of the added benefits of redesigning this rest ,> room will be the inclusion of a storage area for a full time employee to be stationed at the park. Mr. Kader reviewed the renovation schedule with the board. Mr. Kader indicated that, presently, roving crews maintained this park. Mr. Haggard suggested that quite possibly one of the roving crew members could be stationed at the park since they were most familiar with the park. ~. Kader responded that this was a good idea and it would be taken into consideration as we evaluate the staffing requirements for the park. Mr. Stafford questioned whether or not the storage facility was large enough , to house the employee and their needed maintenance equipment. Mr. Kader responded that it was, but that some modifications would be made to handle all of the equipment needs. B. Pinel1as Trail - Mr. Harris asked for a status report concerning the pinellas Trail. Mr. Kader reported the following information he had received from Mr. wilson, who was unable to atttend due to a death in his family, after his conversation with Jim Collins. e:) 1. The ~ounty is presently pursuing the purchase of 6 or 7 pieces of property south of Turner st. which will be needed in order to 'complete the trail. -- i .IIfl"1r" -.., C_'~----""""""~,::.;~':r' . .. . ., ..,... ".. . < -., '. .. ,I "J '~i1____.oL"'''----..' It: . ......, . '.',:. .; , . _.. . ~J!~~~k;;:%~~w~tM'::tYt,,\~..i:W~+1t-.~I~.;""40~;""'~~~~~\o, ,~~~ \:.,.i+'.~fJ...'...:.....: t'l~ '; ".'...' , . '.. ."<' . '+, . I ~ .. -------.....---~-....""....~....~, -.:" .,L..............#<....... . .' . ." .. ...... . . .. . . .. ... I ~.. . <. "". I .. . . ~. I , .' .. , .' .... . .: 2. An interlocal agreement between the City and the County is presently being drawn up. ~ 3. The design work far the trail will be done by County staff rather than by an outside consultant. 4. No specific time tables have been developed concerning the completion of this portion of the trail. Mr. Guss indicated that he had read in a publication entitled "Downtown" that the County would begin construction of the trail sometime in the month of September. He asked where they had obtained this information and why we were unable to get the same type of information. Mr. Kader responded that he did not know where they received their information and simply that Mr. Wilson had obtained his information from Mr. Jim Collins. Mr. Collins was unable to give us a specific time table of when the trail would actually be constructed. C. capital Improvement Projects - Mr. Harris asked for an update concerning the Capital Improvement Projects for fiscal year 1995/1996. Mr. Kader distributed copies of an updated Capital Improvement Budget which had been reviewed by the City Manager and submitted to.the city Commission for their review and approval. . He indicated that the City commission would be reviewing the updated Capital Improvement requests on Tuesday, May 30. Mr. Kader briefly reviewed the results from the meetings with the city Manager and the changes from the original request which were reviewed by the board at their last meeting in April. Mr. Kader indicated that of the 17 projects that were submitted far Ofunding during fiscal year 1995/1996 that 12 projects were left in as submitted. Those projects included Lake Chautaqua Park, concrete sidewalk and pad repairs, fencing replacement program, light replacement program, playground equipment replacement I tennis court resurfacing, Del Orc Park renovations, recreation bicycle path, parking lot resurfacing, Martin Luther King rest room and lobby renovations, picnic shelters, and Clearwater Beach Pool. Further, Mr. Kader indicated that funding for three of the projects were moved out to fiscal year 1996/1997. Those three projects include Carpenter Field clubhouse renovations, McMullen Tennis lighting upgrades and Bayshore Park. Also, funding for the countryside Center furnishings was reduced from $138,00 to $100,00 during fiscal year 1995/1996, with the remaining $38,000 being included in the 1996/1997 budget. The only other change to the original 17 projects submitted was the reduction of funding in new parking lots primarily for the Countryside Sportsplex from $75,000 to $35,000. Mr. Kader explained that this reduction would in no way hurt this project since they have reduced the scope of work needed for this parking lot and that $35,000 should accomplish the project. Mr. Kader explained that in addition to the 17 original projects submitted by our department, that two new projects were added and that one was deleted. The project which was deleted was Lake Chautaqua Park South and the projects added were Big Pier 60 Park and a new Martin Luther King Center. Mr. Kirbas asked if Mr. Kader felt that the City commission listened to any of their input as a Board regarding the priorities of the Capital Improvement Oprojects. Mr. Kader responded that he believed that they did listen to those 'priorities but, that as of this date the city commission has not had an opportunity to review the Capital Improvement Projects. Further, Mr. Kader explained that of the 17 projects submitted only three projects were actually Parks & Recreation Board Meeting OS/22/95 Page 2 ~_. " . ~ ---~~'-f"':1o:<f........-...; _.~,. ;1/"~.'J.o~'.:"J..;':l;.::/:~;J';;i"''\(.''1.~~'d':''.~' ..J. ...~... .........J,: 10 i.~ ....,.".oy.."'."""... ~",,,,,,,p, -. ~ ---~... _..~....---.....,.... ........-. _.,~... '.'::'~a_...~ -..~_<r,:.... ~ . ~. ... ' ........-- :~c...r":~<' ~:,<c .~; > '. . f. +. '. ' '. ~ . .' L':" '. '. . '. .' L . : ','. '..' . ,',' . . '" I '. . . " I It', .'.'. .'. . moved to a different year. So, in other words, of the 17 proj ects recommended by the board along wiht their priorities, 14 of the original 17 remain intact. Mr. Harris questioned why the Countryside Center furnishings ~were reduced by $38,000. . "\ . ~ Mr. Miller, Recreation Superintendent, responded that the city had set priorities for those items needed by the center during the first year and those items which could be purchased during a second or third year. Therefore, the city Manager approved only those items which were necessary to actually start up the center during fiscal year 1995/1996, deferring other items to the following year. Mr. Kirbas asked how did the Martin Luther King Center and the Big pier 60 Park get added to the Parks and Recreation Department Capital Improvement program without first being submitted to the Recreation Board. Mr. Kader responded that citizens within the Greenwood community had submitted a letter and pet! tion to the elected officials requesting consideration of a new recreation center building for the North Greenwood community. Mr. Miller explained that this petition came about due to some residents' concerns that the present Martin Luther King center and its facilities are located on School Board property. He explained that future development and/or expansion on the present site appears to be highly unlikely since the School Board recently rejected the city's inquiry to construct a picnic shelter near Martin Luther King Center. Mr. Kader explained that at the direction of the city Manager these two items were included in the Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Kader also emphasized that the City Manager recommends a budget to the city commission and that it is in fact the city Managers budget which is being recommended and not the Parks and Recreation Department budget. -, ~ThUS, the city Manager and staff arrive at a budget that is compatible with ., the overall needs of the city. Parks and Recreation projects must compete with other projects for various funding sources and the City Manager makes "::" the final recommendations that actually go before the city commission. ;::". Mr. Kader explained that the Big pier 60 Park has been talked about for years .; and has been included in various budgets during those years. The city '.... Manager simply made a decision to place this budget under the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. K!rbas again indicated his strong belief and concern that it appears that the Parks and Recreation Board is being left out of the loop when it comes to various decisions regarding the Capital Improvement Program and quite possibly other budgeting matters. Mr. Kirbas feels that these type of items need to be addressed by the Parks and Recreation Board, or at least that they need to be notified in advance that they are being considered. II. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Harris explained that the next item on the agenda was new business. A. Operating Budget 1995/1996 - Mr. Harris asked Mr. Kader to inform menlbers of the operating budget for the Parks and Recreation Department for fiscal year 1995/1996. Mr. Kader had previously distributed copies of fiscal year 1995/1996 organizational charts, program descriptions and personnel summaries. In addition, he included a copy of the program budgets for the 'various programs for fiscal year 1994/1995. Mr. Kader explained that the , ooperating budget has yet to be completed for fiscal year 1995/1996 but will , . . be submitted to the City Manager within the next two weeks. Therefore, this financial information was not available for the meeting. Mr. Kader requested that Mr. Miller walk through the Recreation Program Budget to Parks & Recreation Board Meeting OS/22/95 Page 3 J':-:-,~.' ,~-_. ----~'..\l'.:.."......:~~\\'!;~.;~~: i,-,;i.:/::.<.; J,\~:,C'T.~,j~,c" ,,:-. w .' c.......... ~~ ::...' '. :: ~..< . ,..:.....: .. : > ...... ~'.: . , --- .........~..........~u. .......;.I.........\.;...............~"""'.:..... .~..... ,Ie...~ ~. ......i.....~ , ..' : ~ , ..' .... . '. . ., . \ . : : : '. , : '. . . :. . ..... I . " '.: ' , familiarize the board members with the information which was submitted. Mr. Miller reviewed the Recreation Programming Division with the board members by describing the organizational chart and indicating which cost centers belong r-\to each programming section. In addition, he reviewed the program service 'information as well as the personnel program. He explained why the personnel had increased from 73 to 76.3 full-time equivalent personnel. He indicated that of this 3.3 additional personnel that .5 full time equivalents was simply a transfer of a custodian from the Facility Maintenance section to the Recreation Programming section. The remaining 2.8 full time equivalents will be new positions needed to staff the Countryside Recreation Center building. Mr. Kader thanked Mr. Miller for reviewing his budget and suggested that the board members review the remaining programs within the Parks and Recreation Department. Other programs within the Parks and Recreation Department include Administration, Recreation Facility Maintenance, Nursery and Parks. Mr . Kirbas asked if the operating budgets would in fact be completed within the next two weeks. Mr. Kader responded that was the time table set by the Budget Office and that he had every intention to complete the budgets on time. Mr. Kirbas requested that the Board be given the updated budget information for fiscal year 1995/1996 as soon as it was completed so that it could be reviewed in advance of the June meeting. Mr. Kader indicated that this could be done and asked Mr. Kirbas if the format which was submitted to them for fiscal year 1994/1995 was acceptable. He indicated that it was acceptable. B. Grants - Mr. Harris requested that Mr. Kader update the Board on various grant opportunities available to the Department. Mr. Kader distributed an <:)information sheet containing the information about the Florida Recreation . Development Assistance Program (F.R.D.A.P.). He briefly reviewed this information sheet with Board members to let them know about this grant opportunity. Further, Mr. Kader indicated that the city had taken advantage of this F.R.D.A.P. Grant Program on many occasions in the past. However, he also indicated that the requirements for these grant programs are very specific and that staff carefully evaluates each project prior to submission to make certain that we have an opportunity to be considered in the final grant awarding. He directed the boards attention to how the F.R.D.A.P. Grants are awarded. Mr. Kader included the evaluation criteria for the F.R.D.A.P. Grants and reviewed some of the more pertinent items and their point values. He showed how certain projects would get more points than other projects. For example, a project that was water oriented or had connection with linear parks and/or was a preservation project would receive higher point values and thus, more than likely, be in stronger contention for the grants. Projects such as tennis courts or relighting of tennis courts would receive very low point values because they could not meet these various criteria. Mr. Kader discussed that staff could not invest time and effort in grant proposals that would not have a very good chance of receiving the necessary points to be successful. C. Comments by Board Members - Mr. Harris asked for comments by Board Members. Mrs. Hobbs had no comment. ~Mr. Kirbas indicated that Commissioners and the press received parks and Recreation Board minutes prior to the board actually receiving the minutes. He indicated that he had been asked about the minutes when in fact he had not Parks & Recreation Board Meeting OS/22/95 Page 4 :~~~~.~~_.-...._.. . ~ T. C ..-.-..-........-.............. t......:. ~ ~ _.;~""''' ,~...~:,~.~~',~.:.:-....~_,.. ~tI- .......... - . -... -"- ...........'''"' ......" ......-.t--.._\ ......._111L.,..~ ._ '""~. ~ .;. ;,-. ~',_ < .....;. ~..,....- I' .. . . ~. . 7" . . . . \' . ..... .. ~'.' ~ . I. .,' ~, ." . ~ '. . . 4. ' . , . . . . '. ..' '... ' . . . ' . , I. . _ . ~ :.'. .' '.... '. :.' . ..', .' . . . :. ~ . '. '. .' :. '" :', .. . '. .' .: '. .... '.,)J......' . .: . '; ~-!t"';I-.,,:~~'o ." ._..,.., ........ . - ...... "". .... '. even received these minutes. He requested that the minutes be sent to Board members as soon as possible but at least at the same time that minutes are sent to the press. ~Mr. Kader responded that this could be done. He further explained that the major reason for the delay in getting the minutes to the Board members was so that they could get a complete package for their next meeting which include an aqenda and any other pertinent information. Mr. Kirbas also reiterated his desire to have the Board more involved in the budget process and that they receive information prior to the board meeting for their consideration. Even items such as the financial information for the Long Center and other type of subj ects should be sent to Board members in advance.' Mr. Kader said that when possible these type of items could be sent to the Board members, however, a lot of information is simply preliminary and , needs explanation prior to distribution. ~tt. cruise had no 'comment. Mr. Stafford had no comment. ,Mr. Haggard had no comment. , , There ,being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at :J, ;,; ,7':25 p.m. ~ .. . . . " '\ . ~.\' . ':C'" " .. ce: " Mlnllte. Not ADDroved lDltlributQ minute. ..liD aner completion. Drior to IIJDroVlln . ~. ~.: . '. , .; Pub and R.c.crutIon Board Members {'.: ,.' Rum Willon. Parb and Recreation Director '~,::',: ~. Art Kader. Autltanl Parb and Recreation Direclor -- r..w Slevo Miller, Recreation Superinlendent ~tr!:' z:'::n .~<< t1( :,'" , Cily Clerk.a Office ;:i';(: ,'. '. ". ~X ,) '.- ", 'H:\DATA\wmLns\MOOHnez.nuOARD\P4R'MIN.MA Y frr>, , . ' '~~>~'" ' ~+~r.:~ ~ . < :,!... ;'I?/';,-':;, -,' ~f.::~:~' ': 'Parks & Recreation Board Meetinq OS/22/95 ';';;,: . ~~~ . paqe 5 - ., : . . \ ~ ~JT_T ~ . :~-~~....--:--~, . ~.~'1 ,1l~v&;:1Mi~~~~iUM~-'-.~"--"""'-'_._-"".'--~~-':;""""~L""''''''~1~i''c''\iA~'''''jr~~- ~~~&i~~n};:/:':~~f~::);"~:'~":::'~"-'>'(:;::';>"~-<~,:::' ,',' , . . ':: -: -'. .;:- " .,:', ;.' " ' ~~,-::'J~:-"'i-:s.;.,4;';'2'i,.~.,,:.~,.,. ~..,;~..~"!{, 'j '}.'_'tJ.J~..... ". '..'~ ~. ~.' . t~~t~{d~Yt~f,~~~::~~~,~.~.\~.~~~:~~::~\~~:t,.'~'~' :~"j:;~:),~::\:f;..~~: !.>.~ "'~:': "1<' :-~;: ," .:':"'~'/'~ \.". '-." " .',: ~ ; ~' " .. ' A ,. ~ .' I ..... ~.f' -.. . ,t, . . .'. ~ " ; . . . . . I'. . '. I .' ~ . " '.'" i. . . .:..'