02/27/1995 , I .. " .' . ' ., ~. " '.' " ' " .' . .. . ," . . . , ,.' ' . ,'" '.., " " .' 1~ . , . '. > r'. ., j. : .\ ,[ ~1~~""""~..-'~y,.........._ .. .. ........... MINUTES ,~ \ . >:\ ,. PARKS & RECREATION .' .. h, <:.~.;; \ . , I' ./...l,~ ~: )i::'~.< ~:~~~ ~..:'~.~ ilF.:<~: '. ~f:>. DATE: E~ J1/'?6- 5/5 '.jl"1~"t. t~. . "'{.: r.:S, ".e.', ,. i~~: ~',::< :,-. :.. " . ~ ' ~r '~\j ~. t r' ~&s;{i.~~;::' :': '1r~j;t"~h'~ >'" f~{,;~: ,;1 t~~;;<~l,~ ' ~,r! ~ t:...... . i~~}:;:,~. ""~7i~j;~t;.l&B:i:;~f,;~!il~;:;:':i!,;;,<:;; ..~::>::.~;y;!t;. ;::..~< .~\ . ~. '. > !o ;. ~ :.1 '~," ,~"..-:. 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"'~ ". .,' . f,' '~~~im1~~{~~.;?,;~{:.~:~~( ~;f:~~::~~i:,',:,:,::..~:"..: >'/: ::,:': . ~'::. >: '.~':~:'.'.' i:j ".'..,: .:.', !f~fi~~o;",:..:l~"~~..' i.~,I.\~':.:'"~iftr.l:.#.f";...t(;":..~~;:).'f,,':..~'- --:;~~.:I--:~..'.~,. .;~.~:f~~~I"\ ~ l' '~"'. _ .c': . . :\.: ~~; ,c ". .'~ i," ? . , '. " . ..1. ~~.. I: . ,. ,"< . __.................'" ..-.~...~..rL...~. '. . . ,'. , .> ~..,~:~~ <"'.'" ~~ . c \~~:": ,~ '. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA February 27, 1995 - 6:30 PM (city commission Chambers) ,/ I. CALL TO ORDER II. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER - Doyce Haggard) (Mr. III. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 23, 1995 MINUTES IV. CORRESPONDENCE v. OLD BUSINESS: . A. pier 60 Status/Letter B. countryside Community Recreation Center C. Clearwater Beach Recreation Center D. Crest Lake Park/Restrooms/Sidewalk E. Response to.Board Members Inquiries NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT .... ~'......,.,...~q"'''''tt:t'''~:;-.1C'~~.''U'rJwi,....~@t..''ItIl(IR _ . .,~,.: n' / ~ ., + ..' ., ~ 'l: I . :. . ~ ~ >~ ":'..~'.::!,;>,. . ::;:~,'-;'>': <~';) :/,;~': I. Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Monday, February 27, 1995 APPROVED . . The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at city Hall on Monday, February 27, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. Members present included Mr. Henry Cruise, Mr. Gary Giordano, Mr. Donald Harris, Mr. stephen Guss, Mrs. Deborah Hobbs, Mr. Michael Stafford, Chairperson Charles Weaver, Mr. William Kirbas, and Mr. Doyee Haggard. Also in attendance were Ream Wilson, Art Kader and steve Miller. 'Mr. Weaver called the meeting to order and, since this was the first meeting of the board to be conducted on television, introduced each of the Parks and Recreation Board members. Mr. Weaver also introduced the newest Board member, Mr. Doyee Haggard. Mr. Weaver welcomed everyone and invited the viewing public to contact the Parks and Recreation Board or Department regarding Parks and Recreation activities and encouraged them to attend mee.tings . Mr. Weaver asked for a motion regarding the Parks and Recreation Board Minute~ of'January 23, 1995. Mr. Harris made a motion that the minutes be approved as mailed which was seconded by Mr. Stafford. The motion passed. Mr. Weaver asked if there was any correspondence of which there was . none. '. ~ .', , OLD BUSINESS ~ . I . ' Mr. Weaver explained that the next item on the agenda was Old Business. pier 60 - Mr. Weaver asked Mr. Wilson for a report regarding the status of pier 60. Mr. Wilson displayed an aerial of the site and said that the Board last month, had sent a letter to the City commission recommending in opposition to any tower being constructed on the pier 60 property. Mr. wilson said the City commission voted in opposition to a tower so it is no longer an issue. However, the door was left open for reconsideration of a . tower ,if it was proposed for a different location in Clearwater. Mr. Wilson also explained that discussions were held regarding the gazebo being proposed for the sand on Clearwater Beach. . Originally, the gazebo was to be of an octagon shape comprised of approximately 5,000 square feet. It was proposed to be located on the sand, west of the Coastal construction Control Line and the pier 60 Parking Lot. However, it appears that the State Department of Environmental Protection will not approve the proj ect. Mr. GusS . asked. why this approval might not be given. Mr. wilson said that .he had seen in the correspondence that it will be considered a "taking" and that there was strong concerns about its impact on sea t~'~~...>~~': ~. ~~l' ':: c', <. .." c >.;'::~ ".. ~;' " . ;~~~,." . ~i~',' " . , . , . ".'. . .;'.;!;; ~:. '. f ~~r~~: ~,,: .~~:::.~" ",e. . . ,I,'.,c ..' 'r ,.".'.. :~t.~ " .:. .',a." '.. f<~':,::",: ~ , l~' ." ,-' t'- ' " ~ ~ ,i" . ':"J--. (~:': : ~ . j' ." . .~<>' , }:. '...... ' 1 \", ," .. .........,.... '.. Ii rr- L ~... '''I.&aMJ........l. . .-----...............~...___..............___._.._.r....___~___. , . . ~ \. . / 1l;\,t;;iji ,\,'\' ',:: ... ;,;:'. .' , .'. ~ I:' ft'; . '", ..r: . .... .' .' '., I +,' :.' '.' .' > , ~ ",: .' ....,. .' '" .": " .' . "..." ~ . f. ..... . ',' . , . ' ~.>" ' , turtles. Mr. Wilson explained that the city commission asked Btaff to look at the possibility of a smaller gazebo being located on the land side of the Coastal Construction Control Line, approximately half way between pier 60 and the entrance to the pier 60 Parking Lot. Mr. wilson showed this location on the aerial. Also, Mr. Wilson said that a proposal to construct a new lifeguard building was considered. He said the existing lifeguard building would be torn down to make way for additional parking spaces. A new lifeguard building might be constructed on stilts immediately west of the existing ticket building for the pier 60 Parking Lot. This way, the building would not block any more view of the gulf. Mr. Wilson stated that these were considerations and that further discussions would probably take place. Mr. Guss said he was against the tower and was happy that the City commission was also in opposition. He asked about a possible fund raising program that he said commissioner Deegan referenced relative to an advisory board. He said he didn't remember the Parks and Recreation Board making any recommendations in this regard. Mr. Wilson stated that he was not familiar with the subject and it possibly was a different advisory board. Mr. Harris said that if a tower is constructed in another part of the city, it should contain a recreation center. Mr. Kirbas informed Board members of two important acti vi ties taking place on pier 60. First, he said that a special event, "Sunsets At Pier 60" will be starting on March 2, two hours before sunset and two hours after sunset. Events will be held Thursday through Monday nights. He said these special events will consist of talented people as well as arts and crafts. He said a grand opening for "Sunsets At pier 60" will be held on Saturday, March 11. He also said that the newest Jolley Trolley will be on display at this event. Mr. Weaver said that "Sunsets At pier 60" will be similar to Mallory Square in Key West. Mr. Kirbas invited everyone to attend. Mr. Harris asked about the swimming pool located at pier 60. Mr. wilson said the City commission had previously made a decision to remove the buildings and swimming pool from the Pier 60 site. He said the commission also directed staff to prepare professional work and conceptual drawings for a similar pool to be constructed at the Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex property. Mr. Wilson said that a conceptual plan would be prepared and would be discussed with the Commission during budget hearings. 90untryside Community Recreation Center - Mr. Weaver asked for a status report regarding the new recreation center building to be constructed at countryside Community Park. Mr. Kader gave a brief schedule for the project and said that a courtesy review would be held with the City'S Development Review Committee this Thursday. He also said the site plan would go forward for review to the City commission on April 20. He said the design team has a meeting scheduled for Friday at the Salvation Army and has conducted numerous meetings in the past. He said a primary item being considered at this time is the type of flooring to be installed in 'f? " . ;'" , . .1 .' (~. . ~',' ~ . ., ", . .... , ,: ). .' ... 2 . . :..., . . I, . "., . '... ' .' ,P".. . . . f' . ." I'.' . ..... . ,I .'.... ~_._--- I,~;... ~ , . ".: . c' " . - . ....---..--.........-.....__..l _,~.. ~H_~ ....~l...<, .... ._-~- . . . ..> the gymnasium. This could be wood, tile, carpet, etc. Mr. Kader also reported that negotiations were ongoing with Florida Power requesting that parking take place on the Florida Power easement, immediately west of the park. Mr. Weaver said that it was good that trees and berms have been installed and planted at the site so that they will have time to grow prior to the building being constructed. Mr. Guss asked if studies have been done regarding the different types of flooring and their cost comparisons. Mr. Kader responded that studies have been done and Mr. Guss asked specifically about a flooring called "tartanl1. This is a hard rubb~rized surface and is quite expensive. Mr. Kader responded that they were looking at tile floors, carpet and wood and that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Mr. Wilson stated that the primary objective is to find a floor that is serviceable, that is within budget, and that will be appropriate for a large variety of activities. Mr. Kader stated that results of a study on the flooring would be made available to Board members. Mr. Giordano asked about how many people would be needed to supervise and work at the Countryside Center once it is completed. Mr. Wilson responded that seven employees will be needed, including a full time custodian. He said that three or three and one-half of these people might come from existing staff members and that three or three and one-half new positions might be requested. He said two and one-half'of these positions might come from the Long Center with an adjustment in programming at that facility. Mr. Kader said that Florida Power looks very closely and is more protective of their rights-of-way and easements. Their primary concern with our parking lot is the asphalt roadway which will require a permit from SWIFTMUD. He said Florida Power would have no problems with our development if we were to use wood chips, asphalt millings, etc., which are permeable surfaoes. Mr. Weaver said he is a member of the design committee and one of their concerns is the mobile home park located to the west and an oil pipeline underground. He said they were concerned about dust being created to adjacent residences. clearwater Beach Recreation Center - Mr. Weaver asked Mr. Wilson for a status report on the grand opening of the Clearwater Beach Recreation Center. Mr. Wilson turned this report over to steve Miller. Mr. Miller reported that over 400 people attended the grand opening of the Clearwater Beach Recreation Center building on February 11. He said the ceremony consisted of a ribbon cuttinq and that it was most successful. He said that 103 people purchased new recreation resident cards on that Saturday. He also said that they have been averaging 145 people a day through the building and that a Country Western Dance is reaching 45 people a program. He said the game room is very busy with young people and said the overall building has been most successful. Mr. Harris thanked Mr. Kader and Mr. Miller for all of their hard work in getting the building finished and completed in time for the grand opening. Mr. Miller referred this appreciation on to his employees who he said worked through the night to make sure everything was ready. Mr. Weaver asked about the wood deck to be constructed behind the 3 '. . .' . ' ' . . ': . '. r . . j' ." ~'. . . I . I..: . : . ". ~ " '. . '. '. . ..' .' . .._ ~~---~ . ~ ':-~~--........-.._.._-....__.....\:r'~lLo4oQ111'.""I_'__~""" . "",. '-. ~ . ....................-~.n..........~+-O-_____..._~"-~___ _C_~'+"""'''''+-''_I''''''~I ..:.. .,...... ..._' . . '. '. building. Mr. Kader" responded that permits are being sought from the County and from the state. He said this takes time but it appears that everything will be okayed. Mr. Harris asked about the approximate size of the patio. Mr. Kader responded that it will go to the end of the concrete and will be approximately 30 feet by 30 feet. Mr. Giordano asked about the hours of the center. Mr. Miller responded that it will be open six days a week including Saturdays. Mr. Giordano also stated that he heard some complaints from residents, primarily regarding noise taking place during construction activities. Mr. Wilson said that he also heard complaints regarding noise during construction but that these complaints should now cease since construction is finished. Also, Mr. wilson said that there have been some complaints regarding young people playing basketball late at night or in the early hours of the morning. He said persons being disturbed by this activity should call the police. Closing signs have or will be posted closing the basketball court from 9 p.m. until 9 a.m. Mr. Kirbas emphasized that the center should have an emphasis on programming for youth. Crest Lake Park - Mr. Weaver said the sidewalk along the west side of the park is currently under construction. He said he is most interested in this proj ect and that the sidewalk has been well received by residents. He asked Mr. Wilson for a status report regarding the restroom building. Mr. Kader responded that the architects have proposed a preliminary drawing showing how the existing restroom building could be renovated into individual restroom units along with one room for maintenance equipment. He said that this might be more preferable than relocating a new restroom building at the south end of the park. He .stated that residents who have. a vested interest in the project living across the street, are concerned and would prefer that the restroom be located at the south end. Mr. Wilson expressed a concern about building a restroom at the south end, especially after he had been informed by some police officers that we might encounter additional problems. He said that if this is the case, he would hate to end up closing a second restroom as was done with the first restroom. Therefore, he also feels the best direction is to renovate the existing restroom building into individual units and create a maintenance area. Mr. Kader has performed a study of productive hours showing that approximately 1,750 productive hours from roving crews are spent maintaining Crest Lake Park each year. Since it takes approximately 1,650 productive hours for a full time employee, staff feels a full time employee could be assigned to the park at no additional cost. Also, Mr. Wilson stated that by assigning an employee specifically to the park, that employee has more pride and you could affix responsibility. Further, the employee stationed at the park would be available in the event there are problems and the employee could open and close the restroom building. Mr. Weaver responded that adjacent residents on Glenwood Avenue appear to be in favor of renovating the existing restroom if a commitment is made to place a full time employee in the park to provide supervision. Mr. Kirbas asked Mr. Weaver if adjacent residents would approve the existing location and Mr. Weaver responded in the affirmative if an employee is assigned <. . . , . '. ;.: ./. . ~,t:. . <,. " . J.\~ .',;\'. .' . :1" ~ .. , .' 4 . '.., ., . ' .' \'." . '. I. . ,. '.,' .. j'," . .... . ..' . ., . ' . ' . ...' '. . . . ..., ~ ,. . " . . . to the site. Considerable discussion took place and all seemed in favor of assigninq an employee to the park since it ,,,ould not require any additional funding. ReSDonse To Board Members Inquiries - Mr. Wilson said that three items were discussed at the last Board meeting. First, Mr. Harris raised the question of whether or not a Board member could use a proxy. Mr. Wilson stated that he checked with the Clerk's Office and was advised that proxies are not allowed. However, if a Board member cannot attend a meeting, he/she could present a written position on a particular subject and forward it with a comember. However, a proxy vote would not be possible. Second, in response to a question raised by Mr. Stafford, Mr. Wilson stated that two light poles exist at the playground at Kings Highway Recreation . Center. However, he said that one of the lights on one of these poles has been burnt out. The 400 watt lamp will be replaced by a 1,000 watt lamp giving more light to the area. Third, in response to a question raised by Mr. GUss, Mr. Wilson stated that the City property located at the corner of Seabreeze and Highland Avenue was being used for construction storage equipment for a Ccunty project rather than work actually taking place on the site. Therefore, the site is not being developed. II. ~EW BUSINESS ,. ::\. . ,I' . Mr. Weaver asked if Board members had any comments under new business. Mrs. Hobbs had no comment. Mr. Kirbas said that he felt the McMullen Park Tennis Complex was an outstanding recreation facility. However, he said the lighting on the .west eight courts is not nearly as good as the lighting on the eastern courts. Therefore, he felt play was not as good on the dimly lit courts. He asked about the cost of installing a similar , light system on the western courts. Mr. Wilson responded that the system would probably cost around $85,000 to $100,000. If the tournament court was also to be included, the cost might be a over $100,000. Hr. Kirbas felt like this should be considered and asked if it might be possible to increase tennis court fees from $3 in order to pay for a lightinq system over a five year period. Mr. Wilson stated that it might be time to review the fees since they have not been adjusted for several years. However, he said a fine line exists in increasing fees to a point where people will play on the free courts rather than at McMullen. Residents at the present time have a choice of playing at many municipal courts throughout the city that are free but where times are not always available for play. A person might be rushed off a court or might not be able to get a court if it is in use. Also, etiquette is different in that you might have youngsters on bicycles, etc. He said McMullen Park, by having a court fee, allows people to reserve a court and set a specific time which to play. He said this is very popular with people who have busy schedules and can only play at specific times. He said it might be appropriate to increase fees and would report back on this program to the Board. S o!... '!, . .:.:' . , '. . " . . , , . J,' , , . ,';', .... :. ..1'< . . , 'r'. , '. . ~. "LT. ','. '} . . " . f. .~: " ~":: ".:"., . ,. . .,': ....,.:. . ~J:,: c. ,-., . c :.:::: '. ,', . ~.,::' ,.< ,. ' ~ ',.' " . i. . '.. ~~~~:I;:~,0'-;~,-~_." .n, ._"~~~-~'--_.. . . ....._........~------------~....'-""~l'll;.t....._......"'....&..... ,...>.;......), '"'p,"~",... ,......._.......- . .. . . , . .: .., . t, . " '.' . .. ' . ':', : : . . .' . L ' _', ' . , .' . >. ..........' ~... ,. . ~ '. , Mrs. Hobbs said that people have actually stopped playing on the western courts because of the lights being poor. She too felt that play would increase if the lighting system was improved. Mr. wilson reported that this could be formulated into a capital improvement project request for consideration during the budget review for 1995/96. He said the Capital Improvement Budget will be prepared and Board members will have an opportunity to review and to add and delete projects. Mr. Cruise asked about projects at Jack Russell Stadium. Mr. Wilson said that the handicapped seating is almost complete in the concrete section and they will not resume in the aluminum. sections until after spring Training. The parking lot is complete and staff is looking at the possibility of installing an elevator to make the second floor concourse accessible along with the pressbox instead of renovating two ramps. He said bids came in very high for the ramp renovation project and it might be cheaper to do an elevator which would be a much superior way of satisfying the ADA problem. Mr. Guss mentioned that the basketball nets have been ripped off the basketball goals at Valencia Park for some time. Mr. Wilson reiterated the importance of maintaining basketball nets on basketball courts 'and tennis nets on tennis courts in good condition. He said he would look into the Valencia Park basketball nets. Also, Mr. Guss asked about possible land purchases on Drew street next to the Eddie C. Moore Complex and the North Clearwater Nature Park. Mr. Wilson responded that the city recently purchased over 30 acres next to the Eddie C. Moore Complex and it is sufficient for a future softball complex if it should be needed. However, he did not feel there was an existing need for additional land between the Eddie C. Moore Complex and the elementary school. He also said that the city is still interested in the four acres containing the waterfalls at the nature park in north Clearwater. However, because this site is owned by an out of state company, and because it is located in the city limits of Safety Harbor, it is a rather unusual project. However, he said staff is most interested in the acquisition but there has been no further development at this time. '~1'"' .' ., , ?' :"<.'. . ~ .'. ' ','.!: ;. ~. , 1-1' . ;.r , ,. . .',.. . Mr. Guss also asked about the Long Center and whether or not there was .promotion to use it as a training site for Olympic teams. Mr. Wilson stated that Mr. Mark Abdo, Executive Director of the Long Center, is actively pursuing such rentals. However, Mr. wilson said that care must be expressed in an effort to secure rentals while not impacting and reducing the time available in the facility for existing city recreation programs such as competitive swimming. However, he said the City applauds the efforts of the Long Center to promote rentals. Mr. Haggard had no comment. :( r.,.: .:,' 6 .+.:.. c ~~,.'.. '''.~------' .. ~------~~w..._,.,,~.~_-.....:......4.:.,... ~ L'.~. .~...1..,,~.--.. it/:-. ~c"... '.,' . ...... . .' ;;.~: .. -' -. .:.' ' . ." .. . .. .' ~ . " i'. ' .'. . '. :. :' ~ . I: , " . ~ . ..,... " .', . , . . '. " . I' .."...". " '..... . _., .' "L,' " " .': ,...,.~.L I"~ ~"r 0... . " " . , ii. , ' J' ~f + ' \' '. ~ ", ' / J'~ , .. ~ , :J.,. 'I ',',t, ,0' " .' , ' '.~'r,:',. ' .'~ . L' '.', ~ ':::>'::'. , ,r~ ;" :;'~',~ ", .(. . r ~1,:..::'.. : /,: ': :< .',', , :~i:r.~., .:.~: '+~... . : " , /): ',~ , t',:: ..., t~;;<.,,:.: '. j ~'. . ~.. . . t:~~~.;.. . ~ /,' ' , ~ " C' ~ ., , 'T" , ',..'+ '., ... c', ' \ ~;, ,:::, , 1(/' ' 'c".$' " .;' : , \~ '.". , ,", , , ;', :l, , , :",: ',J, .', ' : ~'. :..:.' " ~. ,.' ~ ,~ . - ' .., rJit~l~i-"..~ ~, ~~.R~~~.~-:}t"~::';~l'.~~, '~:'. ' ," Mr. Harris complimented Art Kader and steve Miller on the Cleanlater Beach Recreation complex. He also complimented the City Commission on an outstanding decision to not construct a tower at pier 60. Mr. Stafford asked about the programming committee at Martin Luther King Recreation Center. Mr. Miller responded that the committee is in operation and that he will bring information back to the Board. Mr. Kirbas said that a Mr. charles Howard might be interested in serving on the committee and Mr. Miller responded that he would contact Mr. Howard. Mr. Giordano asked about the budget and when it would be going to the city Commission for consideration. Mr. Kader responded that this normally happens in April and May and the Parks and Recreation Board will have an opportunity to review the Capital Budget before sUbmitting. Mr. Wilson responded that no new employees could be approved without City commission authorization through the. budget process. Mr. Wilson also informed members that the restrooms at the Martin Luther King Recreation Center were in need of renovation. He said that a project would be developed to gut the existing restrooms, and renovate them .with new flooring, restroom partitions, lavortories, commodes, etc. He said the building is in outstanding- condition but that it is approximately 22 years old. Mr. Weaver informed members that tents are becoming a problem at Crest Lake Park but the police have been called to try to keep the problem to a minimum. Mr. Weaver informed members and the viewing public about a If Tree : Giveaway Program" being conducted by the Parks and Recreation . Department. Mr. Wilson responded that approximately 347 trees have been requested at this point. The goal is to give away 500 trees at this first session. There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Weaver asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Giordano moved that the meeting be adjourned which was seconded by Mr. Stafford. The meeting . adjourned at 8:10 p.m. (H:\DA TA\WPPIlJ!S\MAllY'IPARMIN.WfS) 7 --~~~'\""''''''''''';:d ~I-";""" .............- , , "--:-.-:-- r~ ... .' . ---~~ .~-- ......,~ ... " '. ' , , ". .' . " . . '.' ,'~ I ~, . :. ',; ~, ." '