02/27/1995 (2) . ' . ." ~ ..: ,.< . ' ~"7" :..~~. ~~))~;:l,~;i,i~';;;\ :.. ...."." ..:~ '. ,:: .....'. .:..:.: . . ,~....". .r'\ . , '--:' ~ .' ~ f',. . ...(), . ~ . I . . "'." I I "j .1 :.. I ,. i j " . ..c ....i ;', " .,. ~::; I . .'. t.:. ", ~ . ~.; ~ j' " :.,:.0 I ::,< " ,., .1 . . !' .- .. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Minutes February 27, 1995 The city Commission, meeting as the community Redevelopment Agency, met in regular session at city Hall, Monday, February 27, 1995 at 9:04 am, with the following members present: Arthur X. Deegan, II Sue Berfield Richard Fitzgerald Rita Garvey Freel r.rhornas Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Trustee Trustee Trustee Also Present: Betty Deptula Peter Gozza Dan Leiter Pamela Akin Jacquie DeGroy Absent: David stone Bill Schulte City Manager Executive Director Ex-officio Trustee city Attorney Recording Secretary Ex-officio Trustee Chamber of Commerce 2. Approval of Minutes On Page 2, 1st paragraph, the word "year II should be inserted. statement to read "The $5,000.00 would come from the Redevelopment Projects Account and would be for a three (3) year period. II A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried to approve the amended minutes of .February 13, 1995. 3. Unfinished Business AIDS Coalition Pinellas {ACPl Lease - Peter Gozza reviewed the lease, which proposes ACP to pay $31,137.47 (in lieu of cash rent for the 1995-96 lease year) for ADA, fire code compliance and air conditioning repairs subsequent to leasing an additional 700 square feet on the second floor. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the lease as submitted. . CRA Office Rel.ocation - Estimated Moving/Monthly Expenses - Mr. .Gozza reviewed the estimated costs associated with the eRA office move. In addition to the monthly rent, utility bills would be approximately $337.00 per month. This does not include GTE telephone or liability insurance. One time expenses will include the actual moving costs, the $450.00 lease deposit and the water turn on charge. CRA Lease for 423 Cleveland street - The office relocation costs for the remainder of the fiscal year will be paid for out of the Redevelopment projects Account. For the 1996-97 budget, a line item for office expenses will be added. The cost for the interior renovations will be paid for by the landlord, Terry Tsafatinos. . Dan Leiter, DDB Chairperson, talked to Mr. Tsafatinos about the possibility of the DOB renting the adjacent property. Mr. Tsafatinos had indicated to Mr. Leiter that at this time he was not ready to leas,e that particular eRA February 27, 1995 ..... VNIIII~U~~". l~i"~:"" ""I; .' of... . .. .'~' .. ." ..'.. '.' ,. . ""1 "+ ,...... A' 'I .,,' ....~;r~~~ .,.. 1*.v.~~~:~~;i4f,j,i~Aii;i<<;~.1:it1~;t~ ~i.:,~~~::~:;;r';"I~j:~~tii}.~~j,t-~.0h~},t\.2;ilik.~ri~i~,~~~~ . " ~'. . ~. 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Entertainment Complex/Betty Deptula Memo - There was no discussion on this item. 4. New Business A discussion ensued regarding a letter received from Dan Leiter, DDB Chairperson, requesting the CRA's participation in a one day retreat to discuss the clarification of roles, along with the specific duties and responsibilities of each of the Downtown Partnership Members. All board members would be invited. Peter Gozza suggested that a meeting of implementation strategy should be held in conjunction with the redevelopment plan and suggested that it be postponed until after the redevelopment plan has completed. Trustee Berfield will represent the c;RA.in.planning the retreat agenda. Executive Director Verbal Reports None 6.' other Trustee Business amo{2i Chairperson February 27, 1995