11/14/1994 (2)
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November 14, 1994
The city commission, meeting as the community Redevelopment Agency,
met in regular session at City Hall, Monday, November 14, 1994 at 1:00
pm, with the following members present:
Arthur X. Deegan, II
Sue Berfield
Richard Fitzgerald
Rita Garvey
Fred Thomas
Also Present:
Betty Deptula
Peter Gozza
Pamela Akin
Phil Henderson
aill Schulte
Jacquie DeGray
city Manager
Executive Director
City Attorney
Ex-officio Trustee
Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce
Recording Secretary
David stone
Ex-officio Truste~
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A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the
minutes of October 17, 1994.
3. Financial statements - August , September 1994
'Peter Gozza reviewed the submitted financial statements. The
excess revenue of $874,087 represents the $610,000 from the sale of the
Bilgore property and the carryover from the 1993-94 budget. Of the
, ,'$874,087, $150,000 is designated for the Harborview Center exterior;
$40,000, for the DDB facade matching grant program; $50,000 for the
downtown plan; $50,000 for the zero interest loan program; approximately
.' $20,000 for the' downtown beautification program and $20,000 for the
,archit.ectural grant program. The final taxable value figure from
Pinellas county is $306,120 which is down from the preliminary figure of
$322, 119. The interest earnings on investments and debt reserve
reflected on the August and September statement are n\ore of a "timing"
nature 'and are periodically adjusted. The $610,000 proceeds from the
sale of the Bilgore will be held in reserve until the Park street Garage
issue, is resolved. A more detailed financial statement reflecting
, 'actuals for the 1994-95 budget will be available in December. A motion
November 14, 1994
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was made, seconded and unanimously carried to receive the August and
September 1994 financial Gtatements.
4. Unfinished Business
Hanson-Tavlor croposed calendar - Mr. Gozza reviewed the tenative
schedule in preparing the redevelopment plan. The CRA Board's
attendance at three of the sessions would be greatly appreciated:
The Issues Workshop on November 30, 1994
The Visual preference Survey findings on January 25, 1995
The Presentation on January 28, 1995
The eRA Board members may be scheduled (if necessary) for the "Key
Interview" portion of the Issues Workshop. These interviews will be
conducted after the November 30th workshop.
Plans are being made to produce a video (with the city's Community
Outreach department) that will be used to survey the television viewing
audience regarding the downtown plan. Mr. Gozza reported that Vision
Cable has agreed to run the 30 minute program, three times a week from
December 12th through December 30th. There will be no charge for this
The CRA Board will continue to be updated on this issue.
Park street Garaqe - Mr. Gozza reviewed the issue indicating the
city does not feel that the Mackey appraisal was'done in compliance with
the requirements of the Option Agreement, therefore the City oontracted
to have an additional appraisal performed. Since there is a substantial
difference between the two appraisals, the city advised Mr. Mackey of
the results and suggested that "possibilities be explored in resolving
this matter without the risk, cost and time delay associated with
protracted litigation." The city Attorney, Pam Akin, agreed with this
course of action.
5.' , New Business
eRA Downtown Plan Issues Workshop Memo - There were no additions to
the 'list of those invited from the CRA board at this time.
,,6. Executive Director Verbal Reports
,Mr.,Gozza reported that two new restaurants will be opening in the
downtown area - the cajun Grill Express and Elena I s Cafe. He also
announced the addition of a new vendor in station Square park, cafe de
Parisi and the opening of a new business, The Thinkables..
November 14, 1994
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7. Other Trustee Business
As an ex-officio member of the Downtown Development Board,
Chairperson Deegan requested that DDB Chairperson, Elise Winters, recap
for the CRA Board, the events of the 1994-95 DDB board election up
through the special DDB meeting. Ms. Winters summarized: Two DDB
members had be appointed (by Ms. Winters) as the nominating committee.
Their initial report had been delayed by two weeks because they were not
ready to submit a report. Two questions were raised about the
nominating process: 1). Is the nominating committee required to accept
all names entered for nomination? After research by Ms. Winters, it was
indicated that the board does not have to accept all nominations.
Further, nominations may be submitted by the DDB Board members or from
the meeting floor. The DDB Board may reject the nominating committee's
report. 2). Is the nominating committee required to submit two names
for each seat available? Two names are not required.
Seven names were submitted by the nominating committee for the two seats
available, one was rejected because the candidate did not meet the
district minimum qualifications.
The preliminary count of the ballots indicated that Joe Alexander and
Joyce Baskin were the election winners. However, there were 20
questionable ballots that had to be accepted or rejected by the DDB at
a procedural canvass of the ballots meeting. 17 ballots were rejected.
Three ballots were unanimously accepted by the DDB Board - one which
should not have been raised as "questionable" and two for an omission
error carom! tted on the part of the notary. As a result of accepting two
ballots, the election outcome was changed and the winners were Joe
Alexander and Kate Mccullough. Ms. Baskin was defeated by one vote.
After the meeting, a concern was raised that state election laws had
been violated by accepting those two ballots. Ms. winters contacted the
legal department at the division of elections board in Tallahassee. Ms.
Hightower advised Ms. Winters that "as long as there was substantial
compliance the board had the discretion to accept those ballots n .
(Boardman vs. Gustava)
'A memo haa been sent expressing concern regarding "politickingn prior to
the election. At a special meeting of the DDB called to review the
events of this election, the board voted 5-2 to accept the election
At the special meeting of the DDB, both ex-officio' s (Deegan and
Berfield) had been asked their opinion on the situation. They
recommended that due to the "politicking" allegations and the alleged
incorrect procedures used by the DDB that a new election should be held.
The recommendation was not upheld by the DDB on a 5-2 vote to not hold
a new election.
November 14f 1994
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There was a lengthy discussion involving the politicking allegations,
conflict of testimony, voter registration, multiple ownership
affidavits, number of voters registered, number of ballots received, the
DDB's voting procedure change, low voter turnout, etc~ Trustee Thomas
expressed concern over "a significant cloud of, ethics" associated with
the DDB and their recent election.
This issue will be continued at the following city commission meeting of
November 14, 1994.
Per Chairperson Winters, Jesse Goodman and Terry Schmidt will be placed
on the, agenda for the next DDS meeting as soon as additional information
is received from them.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:50 pm.
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November 14, 1994
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