09/28/1993 - Special (2)
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September 28, 1993
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in
special session at the Main Library, Tuesday, September 28, 1993 at 9:34 A.M., with the
following members present:
Arthur X. Deegan, II
Rita Garvey
Richard Fitzgerald
Sue Berfield
Fred Thomas
Phil Henderson
Ex-officio Trustee
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Lillian Trickel
Ex-officio Trustee
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Also Present were:
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Peter Gozza
Michael J. Wright
Milton A. Galbraith, Jr.
,Cynthia E. Goudeau
Executive Director
City Manager
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)!>,...,.,' " The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m.
iJ(;".::.'::.: ITEM II. - WelcQ!lJe Pew Gozza, Executive Director
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r<~;:;." ': ::: . . :.ITEM III. - Provide direction to Mr. Gozza
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!~'.~.;! ~,~: .:'...,' ". :.. .'. Chairperson Deegan questioned If the other CRA members would agree to ask Mr.
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~:;,);.' ,':-: ;...'. 'Gozza to have measurable. objectives for the remainder of the fiscal year by the first meeting
;.?):X::..';\: ',- :0:.:. 'in November.. There was general agreement regarding this. Mr. Gozza indicated he felt this
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Chairperson Deegan explained the CRA and the City are engaged in a package of
things, He requested one of things Mr. Galla undertake is to research and explain how the
CRA can do a Main Street program, at least within the first few blocks of the downtown area.
He suggested this be discussed with other groups such as the DDS.
Trustee Thomas requested the City Attorney and City Manager also be allowed to
welcome Mr. GOlza. Soth the City Attorney and the City Manager offered words of welcome.
Trustee Fitzgerald stated he felt one of the most important things Mr. Gozza would be
working on is to improve communication between the different groups working to redevelop
downtown. Mr. Gozza indicated there are five other communities in the state that have a
CRA and a DDS. He is requesting mission statements from them and information on how
they work together.
Vice~Chairperson Garvey questioned whether or not there was any way CRA staff
could be shared with the DDS so the DOB would not spend all its money on staff.
Trustea Thomas fait the CRA and/or City should start billing tha DDS for services
provided. . He had no problem with sharing as long as they were charged appropriately.
Vice-Chairperson Garvey questioned how much the City Commission has charged the
CRA for services to the CRA.
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Chairperson Deegan stated this was brought up approximately a year ago and no
conclusion was reached as there was some concern regarding the amount of effort to keep
track of the time. He stated the principal service provided to the DDS is to have a secretary
to handle the minutes and the election.
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Mr. Henderson indicated this would be discussed at tonight's DDS meeting and they
recognize they need to pay for services.
Tha Secretary indicated Mr. GOlza is to hire a staff person who will, among other
things, assist him in doing minutes for the CRA.
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Chairperson Deegan stated it needed to be made clear in the interviews of the potential,
staff person that they may have a dual role; CRA and support to the DDS.
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Vjce~Chairperson Garvey asked the City Manager estimate how much time is spent by
city staff on CRA work.
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Trustee Berfield expressed a concern that befnrA R tj~c!ek:~ ::: made to share the
secretary with the DDS, thR~ ~!.;'. uuzza be allowed to ascertain whether or not he will be
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Vice~Chairperson Garvey stated there were two issues, payment for the service and
whether or not M~. GOlla will be able to share the secretary based on the work that he has to
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Trustee Fitzgerald stated he has reservations as he remembers when he first came to
the City, the DOB spent all their money on administrative staff costs and had no other funds
to help in the downtown area. He stated he did not want it to get to that position again.
Mr, Henderson indicated they understand the concern and that in the past few years
the majority of DDS expenditures have gone to the advertising agency. He stated last year
funding to the agency was cut in half and they are not in the budget this year. What is in the
budget, is to hire a consultant and secretarial staff. He stated the ODS agrees it would not
want to spend all of its money on staff.
Mr. Gozza indicated he needed an understanding of what charges are assigned to the
CRA, the ODS and other groups,
Chairperson Deegan indicated there will be joint meetings between the DDS and CRA in
order to work this out. He questioned if it was agreed that the City Manager is to come up
with an estimate of time and expense of staff time being provided for the CRA; Mr. Gozza to
determine the time he needs for his staff and the DDS to determine what they will need for
support and what they are willing to pay. There was general agreement. .
Mr. Henderson requested the joint meeting take place within the next thirty days in
order for the two agencies to map out a joint strategy. It was agreed this should be
calendared in the near future.
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Trustee Thomas requested there be a structure of how the CRA works with Mr. Gozza,
recommending the Chair be the focal point of communication.
Vice-Chairperson Garvey stated she felt this was a given, but it needed to be
understood the Chair can not give direction or make decisions.
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It was agreed that the Chairperson would be a point of referral for the Executive
Director but that formal decisions would continue to be made by the group.
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ITEM lV. - Purcell letter - welcoming new businesses
A letter was sent by an individual expressing concerns that there had been a favorable
news article regarding the opening of the Pat Lokey store in downtown Clearwater and that
,similar attention had not been paid to a business which opened on N. Ft. Harrison.
. Vice-Chairperson Garvey stated she asked for this be agendaed as she felt the point
was valid and there was a need for a mechanism to welcome new businesses. It was
indicated this should be a function of the CRA Executive Director. Consensus was to provide
this direction to the Executive Director.
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Trustee Thomas explained the potted plant referred to in the letter which he had sent
to Ms. Lokey had been sent by him to Ms. Lokey as an old friend, not just as a person
opening a new business in downtown.
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Mr. Gozza questioned his ability to purchase some needed items for his office. It was
indicated this would be worked out with the City Manager.
ITEM V. - Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 10:04 A.M.
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