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September 16, 1993
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met at City
Hall, Thursday, September 16, 1993 at 4:30 P.M., with the following members present:
Arthur X. Deegan, II
Rita Garvey
Richard Fitzgerald
Sue Berfield
Fred Thomas
Lillian Trickel
Ex-officio Trustee
Phil Henderson
Ex-officio Trustee
Also Present were:
Michael J. Wright
Milton A. Galbraith, Jr.
Cynthia E. Goudeau
Executive Director
ITEM II. - Minutes: Special meetings of July 8 and August 9, 1993 and regular meetings of
. August 16, 30 and September 2, 1993.
. . Chairperson Deegan wished to clarify in the August 9 minutes on page 2, paragraph 9,
.' that it was from.an earlier discussion, not from a latest discussion regarding the policy for the fiVE!
. . .year. return on investment.
. ' hi the August 1 6 minutes, Trustee Fitzgerald questioned the Executive Director statement
,. on pag~ J2 regarding having spoken to the Mayor of Fort Lauderdale regarding Mr. Holzman. It
.. was indicated this was the statement made by the Executive Director. The Executive Director
.. C1a'rjfied the. statement stating he should have said he spoke to the Mayor of Fort Lauderdale
regarding Ms. Magee, not Mr. Holzman.
Trustee Berfield moved to approve the minutes of July 8, August 16, August 30 and
. ..' Septe~ber2 as submitted and of August 9 as amended. The motion was duly seconded and
.:. . ca.rried unanimously. .
ITEM 11I..~ Unfinished Business
. .. a) .Sale of. eRA property In conjunction with Sun Bank (Atriuml Building
. . The eRA has met several times to discuss the possibility of selling CRA owned property
.: ir:lconjunction With the City selling the Sun Bank building (Atrium) to Walter T. Krumm Ventures
. ..Incorporated. '
. minCR09b.93
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AI Justice, representing Mr. Krumm, stated the objective today is to ask the CRA to
approve those ingredients in the Memo of Understanding and to direct the City Attorney to
include those provisions in a contract for sale in order to proceed to an early closing date. A new
draft of the Memorandum of Understanding has been received.
Paragraph 1. Sun Bank/Atrium Building
A statement has been added in the second line after the words parking garage, It(including
a pro rata 1/2 interest in land). n
Chairperson Deegan indicated he felt the appraisal of the garage was based on the bottom
two floors having the land valued with them.
There was some confusion as to what this statement means.
Walter Mackey, Attorney and associate to Mr. Krumm, stated during the last discussion
it was stated the price of the garage included half the value of the land. It was felt when an
appraisal of the garage was done it would include the whole parcel.
The Executive Director indicated that, legally, the CRA owns the land and the first two
floors. Chairperson Deegan questioned whether or not the value of the building's top two floors
was abse.nt land value. The Executive Director indicated that use restrictions tie the third and
fourth floor to the land.
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Emil Pratesi, Attorney representing the City, indicated this was not an issue at this time,
. and how to value the two floors would be determined when the purchaser's exercise the option
on the ga,rage.
It was indicated this should be deleted for now.
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Chairperson Deegan again questioned the provision in the draft regarding who would pay
closing costs. Mr. Mackey indicated if all other issues can be worked out, this will not be a
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Also added in paragraph 1 is the phrase Itconstruct on top of or" in regard to covering the
fourth floor. It was indicated this could be allowed.
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Another phrase which had been added to paragraph 1 is Itwhich will expire when and if
.the Buyer purchases the garage. It This references the joint use agreement regarding maintenance
, and operation of the garage. It was indicated it should be clarified that this is when they
purchase the balance of the garage, as they are already purchasing the top two floors.
Paragraph 2. Parking
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The potential purchaser has changed the title of this paragraph to "parkingn from "Bilgore
Tract. It Chairperson Deegan expressed concerns regarding the phrase "at any time" being
included in this paragraph saying the time period is to be limited to five years.
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Mr. Mackey indicated they have changed their thinking and they are not asking for the 1 50
spaces right away, and actually there is no interest in ever obtaining the Bilgore site. This simply
allows the CRA two years to find an alternate site for provision of the 1 50 parking spaces.
Chairperson Deegan said during its latest discussion the CRA had deleted a'responslbility
for it to find the alternate 150 spaces. stating the eRA would help locate them but would not
assume that responsibility.
Mr. Mackey indicated they were willing to pay for the property, however they did not feel
they had the clout the CRA did in order to obtain the needed property. He stated essentially they
are providing a two year period in which to find a site.
Chairperson Deegan indicated it was the CRA's desire not to permanently tie up the Bilgore
site and, as currently written, this agreement ties it up for 20 years.
Mr. Mackey indicated they would be paying 100% of the costs and it is totally at the City
Commission's option. He said they are just saying there needs to be the 150 spaces somewhere.
Vice-Chairperson Garvey stated the way the agreement reads now, it is at any time after,
that the eRA will be obligated.
Mr. Mackey indicated after they purchase the garage, the eRA would have to find the site
for the additional 150 parking spaces.
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Vice-Chairperson Garvey questioned within what radius the parking spaces had to be
located. Mr. Mackey indicated the proposal is that the CRA would have X number of years to
find an alternate site. If this can not be done. Bllgors could still be used for the parking.
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Mr. Justice indicated the 150 spaces did not have to be all in one spot.
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Chairperson Deegan emphasized the CRA did not feel they should have the responsibility
to locate tlie site, and that they only wish to tie up the Bilgore site for a five year period.
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Trustee Thomas $tated the crux of the problem was the purchaser's need 150 spaces to
add to the parking for the building. He expressed concerns that the way the agreement is worded
the CRA is put in a corner where they are in a Uno winu situation. He felt options on Bilgore .
should run parallel with an option to purchase the Police Department or other property that may
become available.
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Mr. Mackey indicated this coutd be changed to at any time to within the next 24 months
the CRA would find an alternate site.
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Trustee Thomas indicated when the CRA comes up with land they would notify the
purchasers, and if the purchasers say no to that site the CRA would be released of the obligation.
Mr. Mackey indicated they would not want to be "hung out" more than two years. He
, stated within two years the site would be identified, they w.ould buy the property at the City's
cost with a 20 year amortization.
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Trustee Thomas suggested there be a two to three year time frame in which the CRA can
come up with the land within the area designated, and that it would be provided to the
purchasers at fair market value with the right of first refusal. If they refuse to purchase the
property, the CRA would be released of its obligation to provide 150 spaces.
Mr. Mackey indicated he would accept that general concept.
Trustee Fitzgerald questioned jf this meant the CRA was going to go out and buy property
and then offer it to the purchasers at fair market value.
Trustee Thomas said it does not mean the CRA would be buying anything, but that they
would identify the land. If it is property that is already owned by the City such as,the Police
Department, it would offered to the purchasers and if they refuse, there is no longer an obligatiol1
to provide the 1 50 spaces. He stated the agreement is obligating the CRA to maintain the Bilgore
site until an alternate piece of land is identified.
Mr. Mackey expressed concerns regarding the property identified being more expensive,
Cleveland Street frontage.
The Executive Director indicated there are 150 city-owned parking spaces within the area
designated by the purchasers.
Mr. Mackey indicated he was in disagreement with Mr. Justice regarding the 150 spaces
not being all together. He indicated he would like to see a maximum of two locations.
Trustee Fitzgerald questioned the language "lease shall be a permanent arrangement. It Mr.
Mackey indicated that once they purchase the property they would own it, but the cost to the
. . CRA/City would be taken and amortized over 20 years.
Trustee Thomas indicated this might be possible on property owned by the CRA/City but
not owned by others. He felt the issue being discussed now was different from that of the
parking garage and he had no problem with payments being made over time for the garage
purchas.e. He indic~ted there would be 1 50 spaces at the Bilgore site with a right of first refusal
for the purchases on properties owned by the City/eRA. However, if another piece of property
not owned by the City/CRA were to be brought forward, the purchasers would be obligated to
make a decision. If they refuse to purchase the property, the eRA/City would be off the hook.
Mr. Mackey expressed concerns regarding them being obligated to purchase an overvalued
. piece of land. It was indicated the land would be appraised.
Chairperson Deegan suggested it be phrased as the UBilgore site or other property of
comparable value. U
The Executive Director indicated there were four sites with 140 underMutilized spaces that
the .City owns at this time. He indicated the property is owned by the City but could be sold to
the eRA for less than fair market value.
Trustee Thomas questioned whether they accepted the right of first refusal on the Police
Department and maintaining the current language for all other properties owned by the City.
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Mr. Mackey indicated they accepted the right of first refusal on the Police Department but
would request some language regarding the Bilgore site.
Chairperson Deegan indicated the purchasers had indicated they were not willing to buy
the Bilgore site at fair market value. Mr. Mackey indicated there had been no appraisal on that
property at this time.
A question was raised regarding the boundaries which are currently stated as the area
west of Myrtle, east of Fort Harrison, south of Drew Street, and north of Court Street. The
Executive Director recommended changing Court Street to Chestnut. He also questioned leaving
it at east of Fort Harrison as there is city-owned parking on the west side of Fort Harrison, south
of Drew.
Chairperson Deegan emphasized the CRA was in no way anxious to tie up the Bilgore site.
The City Attorney requested clarification regarding which agency would be obligated to
find the parking. Consensus was it would be the eRA's obligation. He questioned the term of
the obligation, and it was suggested it be limited to 20 years.
'\ '
Mr. Justice expressed concern that if there were 150 spaces on the Bilgore site and the
eRA said there was another site, and the purchasers did not buy that site, that the lease on
Silgore would be canceled. He felt there should be a restrictive covenant that this could only be
done if the City has a use for the Bilgore site.
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Trustee Thomas expressed concerns regarding 38 spaces on the garage site currently used
by the Police Department.
Paragraph 3. Parking Garage
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Chairperson Deegan stated the language about purchasing the air above the garage was
moot as that will already be purchased along with the Sun Bank building. The Executive Director
indicated they may want the air space even further above than the fourth floor.
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Chairperson Deegan pointed out the requirement for the initiation of the buyer's right to
request 150 parking spaces should be deleted as this has been taken care of.
Mr. Mackey indicated they will have a right to ask for 100 spaces in the garage.
. .
Trustee Thomas again expressed concerns regarding the 38 spaces on the ground outside
the parking garage. Mr. Justice indicated they have already agreed that when they purchase the
garage, the City will still have a right to use those spaces.
Trustee Fitzgerald questioned the reduction of the option price from $200,000 to $50.000.
It was stated the $200,000 had been requested when the CRA planned to improve the SUgore
site, and this was no longer being required. Trustee Fitzgerald expressed a concern that if an
alternate parking site was not identified, the CRA would still have to improve the Bilgors site and
pay for it at that time. General consensus was to accept the $50,000 payment for the option
to purchase the parking garage.
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Paragraph 4. Police Station:
The Attorney pointed out that the previous draft had the option on the Police Department
not being transferrable. The current draft has added to it "or its general partner." Mr. Mackey
indicated the closing could be in a related partnership rather than Walter T. Krumm Ventures
Chairperson Deegan questioned the addition of the words "at ort! in the third line between
bid and above. The Executive Director indicated you needed above as you did not want two bids
at the same amount.
Chairperson Deegan asked for an explanation of the added phrase "this right shall expire
upon the closing of the other offer. t! Mr. Mackey explained this would be the closing by the third
party .
Chairperson Deegan expressed concern that the right of first refusal had an indefinite term
and felt that was too open~ended.
It was Indicated if the City abandons the Police Department, they are merely asking the
City to follow the procedure to declare the property surplus and sell it.
The Executive Director questioned what if the City decides to put the building to use othe~
than a Police Department. It was indicated as long as it is for a public use, the City would not
be obligated to sell it. It was the consensus to change the wording to "abandons the police
station as a City use", rather than it being abandoned as a police station.
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Mr..Mackey indicated he felt jf the building were abandoned as the Police Department, the
City would not require the 38 spaces surrounding the garage.
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Paragraph 5. Spaces Around Garage
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Trustee Thomas expressed concern that if they buy the garage they will have purchased
the 38 spaces surrounding it and the obligation for the 150 spaces elsewhere should be reduced.
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Chairperson Deegan stated on page 6, third line, that the closing referred to should be the
closing on the garage, not on the bank building.
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Trustee Thomas stated the easement required is a problem, in that, If the purchasers do
not buy the Police Department, it is lost property.
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. Chairperson Deegan questioned whether or not it would be a problem if there was an
easement until an ownership change..
, Vice-Chairperson Garvey questioned whether or not this would be a permanent
incumbrance. It was indicated it would run concurrent with the option. Attorney Pratesi stated
the easement could be terminable. The Executive Director stated the easement would be needed
in order to access the parking.
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Paragraph 6. Spaces South of Sun Bank/Atrium Building
It was stated it had been mentioned that the purchasers had talked with the restaurant
owner and they were agreeable to the reconfiguration. It was emphasized they are the tenant,
not the owner of the property.
Mr. Mackey questioned if they brought in a petition from the property owners supporting
the reconfiguration, would the City put forward $180,000 for improvements to this area. Thera
was no guarantee of funding but It would be considered. It was stated it had to be understood
this would be a petition of property owners, not tenants.
There were no problems with paragraphs 7, Band 9.
Paragraph 10. Taxes:
A question was raised regarding whether or not this referred to sales tax on rent or on
closing costs. It was indicated the sales tax would apply to rent.
Paragraph 11.
This is a new paragraph regarding appraising the value of the garage. It was stated
valuing the property in the way it is set out in paragraph 11 would result in a lower value. 1'1'M3
Executive Director pointed out that 38 spaces outside the footprint of the garage were valued
separately. It was indicated this would be two floors plus a factor for the parking and the
easement. The Executive Director also pointed out there was not a 50/50 split on the garage,
but that there was a slight difference in the number of spaces. It was the consensus to use the
appropriate 'ratio.
Paragraph 12.
This is a new paragraph regarding a City commitment to spend money south of Cleveland
between the Park Garage and the Sun Bank building in o.rder to beautify, reconfigure, landscape,
and create park areas.
Chairperson Deegan suggested that rather than inserting a dollar amount, that it be that
. we would. support the concept of being willing to work something out regarding the
rBconfiguration and beautification of this area. The Executive Director recommended this not be
left open-ended.
Mr. Mackey stated they would need one last meeting on this issue, and they would have
to meet with the landowners. It was the consensus that this would be worked out.
Trustee Thomas indicated he felt there was still a IIloaded gunll regarding the 38 spaces
. outside the garage, and that the requirement for the 150 other spaces should be reduced by that
. amount if they bu.y the parking garage. Mr. Mackey explained they were paying for all the
, minCR09b.93
9/1 6/93
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Chairperson Deegan requested what would be a reasonable target date for closing. The
Attorney indicated the Memorandum of Understanding would have to be redrafted. Mr. Mackey
indicated he would redraft it and send it to the Attorney. .
The Executive Director questioned whether or not staff and the purchasers were authorized
to complete the sale at the earliest possible moment. It was the consensus they wanted to sae
the final document first, and this would be done at the CRA meeting of October 4.
b) CDC Status - Continued
c) Executive Director Search
Chairperson Deegan indicated a letter from Mr. Gozza had been received stating the basic
offer was acceptable. There were two issues he wished to ask the CRA to consider: 1) a
vacation which he has already planned for the week before Thanksgiving and 2) his ability to do
private consulting work two days a month.
Chairperson Deegan indicated he had checked with the Human Resources Director
regarding the normal procedure for city employees regarding outside employment. The Executive
Director indicated as long as the outside employment does not conflict with City duties,
employees are allowed to participate in outside employment. Chairperson Deegan questioned
whether or not the CRA members would allow the private consulting work with the understanding
that the consultant contracts would be approved by the CRA.
Trustee Fitzgerald objected to this stating he felt this employee should be committed to
the City of Clearwater full time. He felt private consulting work could be in conflict with City
Trustee Berfield stated she was not in favor or allowing the private consulting work, but
. would consider readdressing it after a year. She stated right now Mr. Gozza would have his
hands full with .the eRA.
. Chairperson Deegan stated he felt a precedent had already been set as other employees
are allowed to do this.
Vice-Chairperson Garvey stated when outside employment is allowed there is no conflict~
Chairperson Deegan said if Mr. Gozza was to give a presentation, he would be paid to do
so. He felt this would add to Mr. Gozza's service to the City.
Vice-Chairperson Garvey stated she felt there was potential conflict.
Chairperson Deegan again pointed out the CRA would approve the consulting contracts.
He questioned whether or not he was authorized to go back to Mr. Gozza and say they accepted
his. contract as long as there was no conflict with the private consulting and that the eRA
approve each of the private consulting contracts.
Vice~Chairperson Garvey stated she agreed with Trustee Berfield that there should be at
least one year before private consulting was done.
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Trustee Thomas stated he concurred with Trustees Barfield, Fitzgerald and
Vice-Chairperson Garvey. He felt the person should be with the CRA 100% for at least the first
There was no problem with allowing the vacation the week before Thanksgiving.
Trustee Deegan stated he would notify Mr. Gozza of the CRA's consensus.
ITEM IV. - New Business
aJ Transfer of available balance in eRA Trust Fund as of 9/30/93 for funding of redeve10pment
~.. '. '
Chapter 1 63 of the Florida Statutes requires that all monies remaining in the CRA Trust
Fund at the end of the fiscal year be appropriated for a "specific redevelopment project pursuant
to an approved Community Redevelopment Plan" or deposited into the debt service fund to be
used for subsequent retirement of existing debt. Failure to do one of the above results in a
requirement to return any such balance to the contributing taxing authorities, in this casa the City
and the County.
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The following list of proiects are believed to qualify for appropriation:
Cleveland Street parking modifications
Maas Brothers repair/renovation
Bayfront park renovations
Bilgore parking lot construction
Facade improvements assistance for downtown businesses
Train station acquisition
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The Executive Director indicated he felt the Park Street'improvements could also be added
to the project list.
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Chairperson Deegan questioned if the whole sum was put into one of the projects and it
was found that all the funds would not be needed, could it then be transferred to another project.
It was suggested the eRA adopt all the projects as possible uses for the funds.
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Trustee Thomas moved to authorize the transfer of whatever balance remains in the CRA
Trust Fund as of September 30,1993 into a project which would include the options of Cleveland
Street parking modifications, Maas Brothers repair/renovationJ Bayfront park renovations, Bilgore
parking lot construction, Facade improvements assistance for downtown businesses, Train station
acquisition, and Park Street improvements. The motion was duly seconded and carried
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It was indicated this would show up as one project which encompasses all of the options.
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b) Monthly Financial Statement - Continued
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~y~.','.' . The meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
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cl 1993/94 Budget (Res. #93-03)
The budget has been discussed at the previous public hearing of September 2, 1993.
Total revenues for 1993/94 are shown as $487,600 with expenditures of the same amount. The
expenditures include administrative, miscellaneous, saturday downtown parking, and advertising,
as well as transfers for redevelopment projects, debt service requirements, administrative
expenses, Jolly Trolley, and the Garden Avenue Garage funding.
The City Attorney presented Resolution #93-3, and read it by title only. Trustee Thomas
moved to pass and adopt Resolution #93-3, the Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning
September 30, 1994, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. The motion was
duly seconded and upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Fitzgerald~ Berfield, Deegan, Thomas and Garvey.
"Nays": None.
el1l clean up of downtown streets - No Action
ITEM V. :. Executive Director Verbal Reoorts - None
ITEM VI. - Other Trustee Business - None
, I
9/1 6/93
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