06/01/1993 - Special (2) -;-:},,;\!.;' .', ': ., ?)~I ~!.';'+ ','.j . . J",~ f: ' t.;./> :,~,:,: '. .,: . } / ' . : Jo ..' ,. . , .' ,. . , ., . i " ~: ' I.',. .' ,. .. r j ,;'.:.~ .. . ~ ~ . c', ~/ c., , ~.~ ," c :(. . I: , , i ' ..:.: ", ',. , . , " " .'1': \ '! ." j. i. \. . >. !I!?;tfj~,/)J.~:::~~' f.'.>.:.,;/)'; > ..' , :?:.', . . . c', r > ~ ... COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGE.NCY WORK SESSION June 1; 1993 , . The Ci~y ComIT'ission, meeting as the Community Redevelopm~nt Agency, met in , special session. at Clearwater East Library; Tuesday, June 11 1993 at 9:03 a.m., with the following membe'rs present:' Rita Garvey Richard Fitzgerald Sue BerField Arthur X. Deegan, II Fred A. Tnomas Phil Henderson Chairperson Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Ex-officio Member Also P.resent: Michael J. Wright Milton A. Galbraith, Jr. Cynthia E. Goudeau Executive Director Attorney Secretary The meeting was 'called to order at 9:03 a.m. for the purpose of discussing rules of procedure. . . . , , Mr. Henderson expressed concern regarding how the ex~officio members would be chosen if the Downtown Development Board (DDS) is dissolved. He felt the people in the downtown area should have some voice in who serves as ex-officio member on the CRA. Discussion ensued regarding the impact on the distrid and how the individual should be chosen. Consensus of the Agency was for the first 5e~lence to read, "The membership of the Community R.edevelopment Agency of the City of Clearwater, Florida shall be composed of the five members of.the Clearwater City' Commission and lwo ex.officio, non-voling members of the Downtown Development Board.1t . There was no discussion regarding Rules 2, 3, 4, and 5. , . Regarding. Rule 6, it was the consensus it be changed to w~ere one member could call a special meeting and to delete, the lasl serltence reading, "MinUles shall be taken. and . distributed by the City Clerk." ' There was no change to Rules 7 and 8. Regarding. Rule 9, discussion ensued regarding the terminology of individuals being I . , , llboundlt to attend meetings. It was suggested that altendance be requested or required.. I~ was agreed the Cily Clerk should be deleted. mcrwsOfi.93 . PilgC 1 of 3 6/1/93 ;, . , . " .< ?:"'~r.;'>'~ ,: ~ 'I :'. ' +.,.1. .'.., . .>~ ..; ;;" - . l!, . -:.' >.. < ~ " I I J;;" " .1. , r.:.;.'::.,.,',.. . C '. l ~..' '. .' . .~., . < . .,'1 i I :, ) '.. t " ; . r: ~ .} .::! .' . l' .' t ;:l :,;..;~,:_;.::',/__:;.'..<i/:: !~.:~; .:.:/..~;_:., . ;.~::';;,,; >, . .. , c c 't:.. J ,~ " .).;, ;c'~ .c..... ,. Trustee Thomas' wanted the City Manager and City Attorney to be required to attend in addition to the executjve director, as he wanted their advice and counsel. It was agreed the City Clerk would be deleted and the word "directll be changed to "request." The City Manager stated the word llboundll is the problem. It was recommended it be changed to, "...bound to attend upon the request of a eRA voting member." ' In Rule 1 0, it was agreed to add, "or designee" after "Chief of Police." In Rule 11, it was agreed to add tlvotingtl prior to the word llmember" in the first line. It was requested the City Attorney review the Resolution and add tlvoting" in front of "membertl wherever appropriate. D.iscussion ensued regarding the difference between reconsidering and rescinding an action, and what vote should be taken for each of these. It was stated a reconsideration must be at the same meeting. Rescinding could be done at any time, with a majority vote. Reconsideration takes a supermajorily. The City Attorney indicated what is proposed is based on Robert's Rules of Order. . He stated'a rule is not needed on rescinding unless they wish illo be'different from that in Robert's Rules. It was agreed this will be addressed at a later. time. ,; , Regarding Rule 12, it was agreed the City Manager would be removed .as someone who can agenda an item and the requirement for a 4/5 vote to alter the ag~nda be eliminated. There was no change to Rule 15. The City Attorney returned to Rule 11, saying Robert's Rl//es of Order says to rescind by a majority vote with notice, or a 2/3 vote without. It was agreed to eliminate the sentence. There was no change to Rule 13. Regarding Rule 14, the Mayor indicated she had reworked the rule and submitted it to the Commission in her May 5, 1993 memorandum. Consen5US of the Agency was. to 'go 'With the Mayor's version. Regarding Rule 16, the Mayor questioned the need for a. five minute time slot for . people to speak. Trustee Deegan spoke in opposition to the rule, as well. It was stated citizens have a right to request to be agendaed. It wa!i the consensus of the Agency to delete the rule. Regarding Rule 17, it was questio'ned if the City Clerk should be removed as the office at which material would be provided to the pres!"' and public. There was concern the public is used to going to this particular department. Consensus was to leave this rule as is. mcrws06.93 Page 2 or 3 6/1I93 , ~: ii::~~i(;'i~'~~;'.'>i" :.. .'.', . . . ~ : . i :. , ' ~ '", ~. I , ," ~ ~ >',;', F . ~. .. :,. ',.: . ../ ,!l . . . . 1.:<::>: ., '~. :.' ... . t I>:'. .... . ',/ , ",!. ), : ~. 11 ~;'- , , . , .' .' L . . ."(~: '~IH' /,': ;:. . . .'. J , ,t ::.; :" ' ..' r~;?i.'j':(\\:!:i;.>\' ';\;;;~. /'.. :.'. ' . ,. . .. " . ~ j J; . Further discussion ensued regarding the perception the City Clerk Department is the ,only place to get the information. Co'nsensus was to h~lVe the rule readJ liThe Executive Director shall provide material for the press and public via a special' box .in the Clerk , Department." The second sentence will be eliminated. ' . .' . The City Attorney returned to Rule 15, i1idicating it was the sam.e as Robert's Rules of Order. Consensus was to delete the rule. ,. . +'.< Regarding Rule 18, the Mayor had also submitted some proposals she felt simplified the verbiage. Consensus was to go with the MayC?r's language in her May 5 memorandum for 18(a). There would be no change to 18{b). In 18(c), the Mayor's version would be used, deleting the first sentence which reads, "Only the agendas will be circulate~." ., ". , . . Regarding 18(d), the Mayor felt, if mail received individually related to Agency businessJ it would be bought into the office for copying. Discussion ensued regarding requested confidentiality, The City 'Attorney indicated correspolidence regarding Agency business could not be kept confidential. A .question was raised whether it had to be copied and distributed. The City Attorney indicated it only had to be available. Trustee Thomas expressed concerns there should be some level of confidentiality. The City Attorney indicated, i.f it relates to Agency business, it is not exempt from being a public, record. The question is, where to keep it. He stated anyone can ask to see it. , It was the consensus the City Attorney would review the law and put in the rule as it needs to be. Regarding 18(e)J ,it was agreed to use the Mayor's version. I . ,i ..< . ,. ~. ~ , : . ~ " Rule 1 8(g), which reads, "Except as provided herein, or as may be required by Florida law or the City CharterJ the rules of the Agency for the conduct of its business shall be as provided in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order.", is to be made a separate rule from 18. The meeting adjourned at 10:23 a.m. . , , " PLlge 3 of 3 , 6/1/93 . mcrws06.93 \. I , .1 I I