10/19/1992 (2)
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Goal Setting Meeting
October 19. 1992
The City Commission, meeting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, met in the
CommissionChambars at City Hall, Monday, October 19, 1992 at 9:00 A.M., with the '
following members present: '
Rita Garvey
Lee Regulski
Sue Barfield
Richard Fitzgerald
'Arthur x: Deegan, It
Also Present were:
Michael J. Wright
Jerry D. Sternstein.
Milton A. Galbraith, Jr.
Cynthia E. Goudeau
Executive Director
Economic Development Director
City Attorney (arrived 9:15 8.m:)
, The Executive Director indicated that over the years the Community Redevelopment
Agency (CRA) has generated approximately $5 million in revenue and has had expenditure's of.
$4.8 niillion. He stated however there had been no established measures of success for the
He stated two years ago there was consideration of sunseting the Downtown
Development Board (DDB). However, the DDS and the CRA began working together and the
sunset provision was deleted. At that time, there was a decision to hire an Economic
Development Director. Upon the hiring of the Economic Development Director, concentration
was on what has become commonly called the East End project. He further reported that at
that time, the City did not own the Maas Brothers site and the second MAS-ONE building had
not been constructed.
He stated the Economic Development Director pursued the City Commission's direction
to do something on the East End property with the possibility, of a new City Hall being
included. The CRA reached an agreement with the DDB that the DDB would do the main
marketing activity. He stated a series of events resulted in the receipt of two proposals to the
RFO for the East End project.
He stated the purpose of today's meeting is to gain future direction from the CRA and
to get guiqance from them regarding what incentives, if any, they are willing to consider in
order to encourage development in the downtown area.'
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Discussion ensued regarding what has been accomplished by the eRA and the fact that
thero needs to be a concerted, coordinated effort by all the various groups in order to
accomplish what is needed in the downtown area.
Concerns Were expressed that when ideas are brought forward, they are examined to
fi,nd out what is wrong with them instead of what is right with them.
It was also stated the view of the citizens needs to be taken into consideration as most
of them are here, not because of job opportunities but view the community as
noncom me rc ial/i nd ustrial.
Discussion ensued regarding the need to establish a public/private organization that
would have citywide representation in order to provide the coorc!inated efforts needed. It was
also emphasized financial incentives need to be provided in order to encourage development in
Information regarding Florida Progress's economic development group, an economic
development group that had been put together by former Mayor Kelly and the goals and
objectives of the Main Street program was requested.
Discussion ensued regarding developing a revolving loan fund that would be handled
through local banks but guaranteed by the CRA. Reference was also made to the general
appearance of the downtown area with a suggestion being made that funds could be provided
to assist people in improving the appearance of the buildings.
(~':; Discussion ensued regarding the need to encourage better upkeep of property,
including city-owned property. It was indicated the DDS sent out letters to property owners
requesting they "spruce up" their properties.
A question was raised regarding the role of the Church of Scientology in the downtown
area and it was suggested they be requested to make a contribution in lieu of taxes.
Concerns were expressed that this issue is in the courts and the tax assessor would need to
be consulted or the tax assessor's position he taken into consideration when making a
decision regarding this.
Discussion ensued regarding what the eRA wished to accomplish. It was indicated the
Downtown Plan should be used for the basis of discussion. If the development veers from
that plan. it is not successful.
A concern was expressed regarding setting goals without first having formed the
public/private organization and including them in the goal setting.
Discussion ensued regarding a suggestion that the S.R.60 designation be removed from
Cleveland Street and be redesignated to Drew and Chestnut and that parking be allowed on
Cleveland. It was stated that if the S.R. designation was changed to Drew Street, it might
'provide greater incentive to the State to accelerate the Drew Street improvements. Concerns
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were expressed regarding accomplishing the redesignation prior to the Drew Street
,improvements being completed and there was concern that too much traffic would be
eliminated from the Cleveland Street corridor. 'It was also suggested the traffic impacts
throughout the area would need to be considered prior to making a decision regarding this.
Concerns were expressed that there is already a perception that the transportation link
to downtown is horrible. A question was raised regarding future plans for the Memorial
Causeway Bridge and the Executive Director indicated the FDOT has no plans regarding this
facility at this time.
It was also stated that information regarding the ultimate transportation plans including
mass transit need to be incorporated into this decision.
The meeting recessed from 10:34 a.m. to 10:41 a.m.
Discussion returned to how mass transit and the ultimate transportation system would
impact the downtown corridor. It was stated PST A needs to expand its terminal and will need
a new location in downtown Clearwater. It was also stated that studies done in the past have
indicated that removing the S.R.60 designation and installing parking on Cleveland Street
would negatively impact traffic patterns. It was stated these studies were done prior to the
improvements to Drew Street being considered. '
A concern was expressed that if the S.R. designation is removed from Cleveland
Street, downtown would need to be a destination point. It was also stated the merchants in
the east portion of the downtown corridor have reported the signs indicating the beach route
to be on Court Street have been detrimental to their businesses.
Discussion ensued regarding the need to slow down the traffic on Cleveland Street and
it was suggested strict speed enforcement be implemented.
A concern was expressed that parking would not regenerate retail on the Cleveland
Street corridor. It was indicated a package of things are needed. It was also stated if a
destination is popular, the lack of parking is not a deterrent.
Further discussion ensued regarding whether or not parking would assist in the
revitalization of downtown. It was the consensus there be enforcement of the speed limit on
Cleveland Street with additional signage and publicity regarding the enforcement. This
enforcement is to begin at Fredrica Street to the Bayfront.
The Executive Director indicated he would request the Traffic Engineer go over the
traffic ramifications with thEs CRA and it was also requested this include traffic patterns to
points of employment.
Discussion then turned to the use of the Kravas property with a suggestion being made
that it be used on a short term basis until the parking lot could be constructed. The Executive
Director indicated staff was moving quickly to do the parking lot with the only hold-up being
the FOOT permit for the curb cut on Cleveland Street. He stated the tenant, whose lease
n~eds to be addressed, is willlng to move out with some financial assistance.
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("'" Jerry Sternstein, Economic Developmellt Director, indicated he has been speaking with
Mr. Flowers, the leasee, who has indicated he will move as soon as possible but is,requesting
$5,000. There was concern regarding the $5,000 being oxcessive and consensus was to
offer him $2,500. It was stated that if the City does not require Mr. Flowers to move until
July, there will 98 no obligation to assist him financially as the lease will expire.
A suggestion was made that a trade requiring tl1e S.R.60 designation be done without
a decision regarding parking in order to assist in getting the curb cut on Cleveland Street. A
question was raised regarding planned improvements to the Greenwood/Court intersection
which, if traded, would become a State responsibility. The Executive Director indicated he
would discuss this with the State at a staff level.
~iscussion turned to suggestions that lass restrictive ordinances for the downtown
area be adopted. These ordinances would allow such things as vendors, sidewalk sales,
clowns, etc. It was also stated there needs to be follow-up regarding Chamber
recommendations for the downtown area. It was stated staff is working on these responses.
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It was stated sidewalk sales had been authorized for weekends and a concern was
expressed that thesa types of activities can not be on city rights-of.way. It was also stated
the preference was to allow these activities by existing businesses and not by outside entities.
Discussion ensued regarding how to accompllsh this. A general direction was that existing
businesses be permitted to extend the services provided inside the business to the outside
area. Staff will develop a proposal. Further direction was provided that this activity be
limited to the downtown core area and that a one year sunset be included.
Discussion ensued regarding the need to provide support for independent activities
such as the "World of Clearwater" and the artist colony programs. Concerns were expressed
that the eRA could not predict what the downtown area will be and the need to establish
parameters regarding this. It was stated direction had already been provided to the Executive
Discussion turned to the need to improve signage to direct people to the parking areas.
There were concerns that there is enough signage in downtown and that larger signs would
not be beneficial. It was requested a decision regarding this wait until after the ~ravas lot has
,been developed and a sign be placed on the Kravas lot to say where the other parking areas
, are.
Questions were raised regarding the inventory of available property being done by the
DDS. The Economic Development Director indicated this is in the final stages. Mary Vaughn
indicated this should be completed by year's end and at the next meeting of the DDS, they
will discuss what to do with the inventory once it is completed.
A suggestion was made that the ODS be encouraged to hire a part-time marketing
professional. Ms. Vaughn indicated this too would be a topic of discussion at the next DDB
meeting. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the CRA should be making a
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recommendation as this is a DDS decision. Discussion ensued regarding what this individual
would do with suggestions being made that they would follow-up on leads and recruit people
to move into the downtown area. Some concerns were expressed regarding using tax dollars
to move businesses from one area of the City to another. Further discussion ensued regarding
the responsibility of this individual and there was no consensus to formally oncourage the DDS
to hire such a person.
Discussion then turned to incentives to support relocation and retention of businesses
in the downtown area. Staff indicated they do work with businesses in an effort to retain
them in the downtown area and to have them moved into the area but there are times where
the needs of the business simply can not be accommodated. It was also stated currently staff
is working with at least two businesses regarding locating in and staying in the downtown
A suggestion was made that Enterprise Zone incentives be used. It was indicated
these are basically employment incentives with the incentives being for hiring people in the
Enterprise Zone and also the provision of sales tax exemptions.
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In response to a question, it was indicated the Enterprise Zone and the downtown area
Bre not coterminous. A question was raised regarding whether or not the Enterprise Zone
should be and could be expanded to include the entire CRA district. It was also stated that
retail needs to be focused upon and there need to be local targets versus national advertising.
An opinion was expressed that use of money generated by the downtown area could be used
for relocation rather than tax money. Staff will report back regarding the process needed to
expand the Enterprise Zone.
The Executive pirector requested direction regarding the incentives the CRA would be
willing to consider. Various opinions were expressed with it being stated the CRA would have
to look at what the development would contribute in regards to taxes, jobs and what return
on investment would be provided to the CRA.
The Executive Director indicated a dilemma is created when a business does not wish
to go public as soon as they approach the City regarding their plans.
Discussion ensued regarding the eRA philosophy on land purchases with it being
indicated the CRA could buy land and essentially "bank it" to the future at which time it could
be sold at the, purchase price rather than at the current value of the property. There was
concern regarding a precedent that the policy was to buy land at a high price and sell it for a
lower one. The Executive Director indicated he was requesting general guidelines to use in
negotiating with potential downtown businesses. He indicated that in some cases, the
potential business is willing to purchase the land howeve,r they are looking for considerations
regarding'drainage problems, landscaping or the payment of impact fees.
Further discussion ensued regarding the incentives the eRA would be willing to
consider with concerns being expressed regarding buying additional lands which would be sold
at a lower price. There was also discussion regarding the previously used five year return on
investment rule, with it being stated this would be considered for property already owned by
the CRA but would not be always considered the best incentive.
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Concerns were expressod regarding giving a flat yes or no to any of the incentives
proposod. It was stated that a general rule would be that the CRA would not buy land and
turn around and sell it at a discounted price. It was stated that if someone is looking for
property and can not find it at a price they can meet, then CRA properties would be looked at,
incentives considered would be potential, write downs on the property, participation in
Enterprise Zone incentives and other items such as exemption from sales tax.
The meeting recessed from 1: 15 p.m. to 2:22 p.m.
Discussion returned to the types of incentives the CRA would consider in order to
enpourage people to locate or develop businesses in downtown. The Executive Director
indicated there may be requests for assistance in such things as infrastructure, construction
and impact fee payments and he asked if these sort of things would be considered based on a.
cost benefit analysis. There was concern that waiving of fees would negatively impact the
General Fund.
General con,sensus was that as a general rule, the eRA does not wish to underwrite
land purchases but it is willing to consider underwriting impact fees and infrastructure
requirements and that a five year return on investment was a reasonable guideline.
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Discussion then turned to the need for residential development in the downtown area.
In regard to the proposal for residential development on the East End property, it was
indicated this will be a City Commission item. A suggestion was made that affordable
housing be encouraged on the Bilgors property.
Concerns were expressed that the Bilgore Property may not be appropriate for .
residential development due to its proximity to the railroad tracks, the Police Station and an
auto repair facility. It was indicated this proposal is for affordable housing, not subsidized
housing. Suggestions were ri1ad~ that there may be better locations for residential
development in the downtown area. .
Mary Vaughn, Ex-Officio Member, indicated the 8i1gore property could be included in
the DDB's property inventory and marketed through that facility. It was stated that all CRA
property should be included in the inventory.
Further discussion regarding residential development in downtown with it being stated
that the East End proposal is for residential as thl!lre is not enough Cleveland Street frontage
for retail.
Discussion ensued regarding the lack of responses on the East End project and it was
indicated the economy had changed, there was a lack of land, as the original proposal had
been for 40 acres and only 25 was assembled, and that many of the people requesting the
RFO indicated they were looking for more flexibility and offers of more economic inducements
in order to develop the property.
Discussion returned to the need to encourage residential development in the downtown
area and it was indicated it was felt a mixed use proposal would be the best route to take.
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Further discussion ensued regarding mixed use and it was the feeling this should be
pursued if possible and to start with the Bilgore property being targeted for marketing as a
mixed use development.
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Discussion ensued regarding targeting other properties in the downtown area for
residential development and there was some concern regarding limiting what could occur on
privately owned property. The Executive Director indicated he saw the Cleveland Street
corridor as being mainly office buildings with supporting retail and if there is to be a
destination retail area, it will be developed on the bluff.
A question was raised regarding whether or not an outlet concept had ever been
considered. It was indicated this had not been marketed. It was requested the Economic
Development Director look into this possibility.
. The Chairperson stated that there is a goal that there be affordable housing in the
downtown area but not tied to specific sites.
, ,It was stated that for office and commercial development. a goal regarding City Hall
has been set. The incentives for office and commercial development would be essentially the
same as those fo~ the retail/entertainment develoment which was previously discussed.
Discussion turned to recreational development in downtown with Pinellas Trail being
the topic of discussion. It was indicated that alternate routes would be brought to the City
Commission after King Engineering. the County's Contractor, has finished the Preliminary
Engineering Study. It was stated there are safety concerns regarding the trail being along the
railroad tracks and there is concern regarding barriers and closing of streets to accommodate
the trail. It was indicated there is a statement in the Downtown Plan regarding connecting the
trail to the parks in the downtown area. It was indicated downtown property owners have
been notified' of the deadline to submit comments regarding their concerns regarding the trail.
A recommendation was made that there be a campaign to spruce up downtown
properties. There was some concern that City-owned properties are not being kept up
properly. It was suggested the DDS implement a downtown pride program. It was stated the
City needs to take a positive stand and publicize the efforts to clean up downtown.
It was also recommended the DDS be assigned the responsibility of designating
buildings and property needing to be brought up to standards. There were questions regarding
if properties are not voluntarily brought up to standards, whether or not these could be
mandated. Staff will look into this.
Another suggestion was that the 008 become more of a promotional board than an
advertising board.
Ms. Vaughn expressed concerns as the DDS may not have the appropriate staffing and
it was stated this could be considered but it would be a DDS decision.
The possibility of The Church of Scientology making a contribution in lieu of taxes was
readdressed and it was requested the City Attorney be asked to follow up on this suggestion.
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Discussion then turned to the CRA's rules of procedures. A suggestion was made that
the CRA budget be publicized and adopted at a public hearing in the same manner as the
City's budget and that quarterly financial statements also be prepared.
Some concerns were expressed that some of the members saw no problems .with the
current procedure. A concern was expressed regarding public accountability on the budget. It
was stated there had been no complaints regarding this and there was some concern that its
because the public is unaware of the eRA.
Concerns were expressed 'regarding the need to do the same amount of advertising and
holding two public hearings in order to adopt the budget. Staff was directed to develop
proposed language regarding budget adoption for the CRA and it was to include quarterly
financial reports.
A question was raised regarding whether or not the advertisement of a public hearing
for the budget would be directed only to property owners in the CRA district. Staff will
develop a proposed rule regarding this.
Another suggestion was made that' a list of goals be prepared for each fiscal year and
these be approved prior to the submission of the annual budget and quarterly status reports
be provided. Some concerns were expressed that quarterly reports may be excessive.
General direction was to include this in the eRA procedures.
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A third suggestion was made that the Executive Director of the eRA be a full time
pcsition filled by a non-city employee reporting directly to the CRA. It was stated the reason
for this suggestion was it was felt the City Manager had enough to do in running the City and
that in order to accomplish the Downtown Plan, a full-time person was needed.
A question was raised regarding the Economic Development Director and there were
concerns that perhaps his efforts should be for the whole City and the Executive Director of
the CRA exclusively for the downtown area.
A concern was expressed that by doing this, two people would be responsible for the
same thing and it would complicate matters. Some concern was expressed regarding a
possible conflict of interest with the City Commission serving as the eRA and it was indicated
the City Commission could appoint private citizens as the eRA.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the General Fund should be reimbursed for
all staff time spent on the Downtown Plan and the CRA. Concerns were expressed regarding
the amount of time to be put,into the plan with some concerns being expressed that in order
to make the plan work exactly as proposed would require site specific zoning.
The general consensus was that a separate, employee was not needed to be the
Executive Director of the CRA. '
Discussion ensued regarding the scheduling of meetings of the CRA with concern being
expressed that eRA meetings are not regularly scheduled. Some opinions were expressed.
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that the eRA meets when needed and that regularly scheduled meetings are not necessary. ,A
concern was expr,essedthat ,in order to implement the plan there needed to a more regularity ,
of meetings.
The Chair'person stated that some members needed to leave and' that the issue of the
rules of procedure would be taken up at another meeting.
, The meeting adjourned at 4:28 P.M.
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