08/31/1977?. -.??? k',. .. i j,.C,l'. .. BOARD Or ADLTUSTM ENT 6 APPEALS ON BUILDING (rL,OOD CONTROL) August 31, 1977' . MEMBERS PRESENT T?EMBERS ABSENT John Batstone, Chairman' Forest Dean John Logan Edward Walker Joseph Straub Ed Blanton, Secretary The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.%4. by Chairman Batstone, in the Building Director's office at 10'South' Missouri Avenue, 'City Hall Annex. CASE I Mr. Bill Wilmarth of Rutenbeirg Homes represented Mr. and r Mrs. Joseph L. Artibello who were requesting a variance of 2' for net? construction at Trot 18 - Unit .8 - Island Estates, AKA 701 Island Way. The reasons for requesting the 2' variance were:2 1. Theirs is a vacant lot between two exising single family dwellings. 2. Adjacent properties have finished floor, heights of 9,.27' and 8.68' above sea level. 3. A different floor height would cause esthetical imbalance, present problems of ingress and•egr.ess in the driveway 4. Would block the view of the adjacent property owners. Following a discussion period, Mr. JMhn Logan made a motion to grant the variance and Per. rdwird Walker seconded the motion. Motion granted. CASE II Mr. Lee represented Clearwater Beach Hotel who requested an, elevation of 7.561'at the establishment at Lots I - 10`- and South 90' of Lot 9 of Miller's Replat, Clearwater Beach, AKA 500 Mandalay Avenue. Mr. Wallace Lee stated that the additons need the same ele-- 'vation as the 2nd floor units so the sidewalks will have the same elevations. Mr. Walker mach, a motion that the' variance.be granted and after , discussion Mr. Joseph Straub seconded the motion. Variance was granted. The meeting adjourned at 2:35 P.M. t r' 7/ D ' !_ LC J F. Blanton . , SeCretary. .