03/23/1977a $t?l .3,. ,i
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of 4"rr E A'PElas rr3ZxllldG
1 ARCH 23,1 117 7
11ohn Brats,tone, Ch aii7ran
John Logan
Edward .Wa Iker
Joseph Straub.
' Wi E. Tripp Secretary Pro-` em
Edwin Blanton $ Secretary "
Re: Lots 7 8 8 Block 28' - Magnolia Park 'Sty Aiv.i.sioii
A/K/A 508 tf?Srr.7-r4e Pay
The meeting; 'v,as called to order at 2 :00 .M. 'b» ''?r. trohn `
Batstone, Chairman, to hear the: requ'es't o P.a2-??v' ortr, ght.
to operate a business, the a;,ejnbly of frames,'' in a wood, `,
s ngle fauTfilv Structure
)Ur1ng t3.e c.?1;3eIIs?Cin'_Lt was dr?te-iris?.nrd t?'ltyt t!.e 1oca't.-CM
is zoned 'CC %-?hich a11o?'.s coi"merc? al hur,7 ??F?ss, that the ?e
would not be a large supply of- Mock on hand, that there
was ample parking , there Would he no heavy c'?iyinrnent used
in assembling the frames and cutting rnats.
The Board agreed there :4ou:ld be no hazardous situation
created,'Zf the variance were a2l.os•:rd,-
' f
l Motion 1•1,as made by John Logan that the var.i.ahc:e granted, , - "
seconded by Edward Yall,er imd ?)as carried unani-mo 3slv.'
The meeting ad i,nre(I at 220
?T. .. Tripp ,, ec) ary ro. e:_
%I_ k .C , l T Y O T C L E A R W AT E It
41 A08T OFFICE nOX 4740
'?Cj?_T•,.y?nn?-GGG???7' CL.EARWATER. FLORIDA 33518
;Iror' S ,
August 25, 1977
John Batstone, Chairman
Forest Dean
John Logan .
Edward Walker
'Joseph Straub
Re.:.Notice of Hearing -- Flood Control Ordinance No, 1426
The City of Clearwater. Building Board of Adjustment 6 Appeal has
received,w2+itten applications requesting a variance from the City
of Clearwater Flood-Control, Ordinance No. 1426, requiring floor
elevations to be above the 100-year flood level, as designated by
the Federal Insurance Administration.
You are hereby duly notified that there will be a meeting; of the
Building Board of Adjustment E APPeal to heart a meeting; Wednesday,
August 31,,1977, at 2:00 P.M,, in the Building Director's office,,
City.Hall Annex, 10'South Missouri Avenue. Applicants must appear
in,-person or be represented by a duly authorized agent.
In order for. the Board to be properly informed, it'•is recommended
that the' following; information be furnished:
1. Show existing elevation of`seawal•1 cap, street and land where
structure is to'be.placed.
2. Show approximate proposed elevation of first floor..
3. On isolated.lots, snap--sho is of structure on either side of
property would be helpful.
Very truly yours,
Blanton, Secretary
Board of: Adjustment E Appeals
CC: John Logan
Bill Wilmar. th
EB: fo'
t: TittrS'?F}Y.f ;'ti4i {r,}a. . ','?,•?r ,r?