10/16/1974:??,'ti`; .; ,?:? .. Ito .> >i. '. 1 13,0ARD O AnJl1V'I' IMIT F. AnPEAIZ ( I bnD CONTPOL) MTNUTUS Or 111:ra't. TNT, OCT. nn i3l1I I.,m, i r, 1.6, 1974 CITY 11AL!, r:n"'USSION s'.00'1 MEMBERS PRESEIIT John Batstone, Chairman John Logan Forest Dean Edward Walker E. Blanton, Secretary Member Ab cnt J. R. Curtis The meeting was called to order by Chairman Batstone at 2:00 P.!1. Before hearing the three (3) scheduled case, Chairman Batstone nade the follot;ing announcement: So that you may aquaint yourself with the procedure of the Board, the following will be adhered to: ('a) Statement of case by Chairman. (b) Supporting argument by applicant, agent or attorney. (c) Supporting argument by others at the hearing. (d) Supporting written documents. (e) Opposing arguments by persons at the hearing. (f) Opposing.written documents. (g) Rebuttal by those supporting appeal. (Other than anpl-cunt) (h) Rebuttal by those opposed to appeal. (i) Final rebuttal by applicant. The first case on the agenda was: Lot 5 - Block •5 - Han.dalav Subdivision - AKA 816 Eldorado Avenue. 'Is. Mart'Lia Hurley, owner, was represented by Ronald Girard who requested a variance, of-4' from the 100 year flood level. The reason for the request was to rmal:e the floor elevation conform with adjacent construction. ?hr. Gi.ri-ird also pointed that this is an isolated lot in a built up area. John Logan .made=. t4he motion that upon consideration of the,appeal of Ms. Martha 1.urley frnr. t1le decision of the Building Inspector concerning; Lc t 5 - Block 5 - `landalay Subdivision it appearing, after this duly constit ated hearing that the firr- 'forcement thereof would do manifest injustice, and would he contrary to the spirit and purpose of this code or public interest, I move that such appeal be granted in accordance with the anplication'su )witted herewith, wit:l the right to obtain a building permit shall cease after six (6) months from this date. Motion teas seconded by, Mr. Dean and carri,d unanimously. Variance granted. The second case considered 'wTas that of. Jack Ecke nd, owner of the North 15' of. Lot 26, together with Lots 27, 28, 295 30 and 31 together with the west- erly half of vacated alley adjacent thereto, Block B - ls-t Addition to t?7 r zr- water Beach Park, as recorded in Dlat book, 15, page 80 of tho Public record of Pinellas County, Florida; together with Lots 9 6 10, and the easterly half of vacated alley adjacent thereto -- Block.A - according; to,n Replat of Block A and Lots 1 to 15 inclusive of Block B of Clearwater Peach 11;irk rir: t Adittion, together with the inventory of personal proDerty located therein, with the exception of the' •otrner's apartment, Trhich will he completely un-- furnished, AKA 1167 Mandalav !!venue. The applicant was repre ,enters t:v Castag;na, attorney, who gave the following reasons for the. variance reniv!nt; 1. To require this strticture to be built on DilinR lrlvi.n- an additional elevation of 6' would be economical iv unfea,ilAe. 2. It would be architecturally une nthetic in comparison t-.,ith ad- joining improvements. 3. It would cretite a eriou. public sciFety factor. a ...I,xlvrWrl?esliClArz?S1Ai,Y.ix ....:? i +? r Pago Two Whrn Chairman n.1trt nnt1 F1I:};(. 4I f 47 Z' `.ll?>*7Ct!' ?; l t3 f' t'1':`. t t't,Tl f14lt'SaTni?n'1 ; ? 7 }11? t'1(-!c rr1cr read the follouinp latter t")'on t}1G :4;10- r:o):erc't. C:ort)nrrat. r)n, O t(!d Ci! pte ml (!r 20, 1074, to the Board of fl•iiv-,tt-,nt .inrl ?rne,al_ on tAua.lcl.ing of t11c C+. t'1 of Clearwater: Gentlemen: The undersigned has anpl.i.ed to .?ou for consideration in granting of a variance from the terra^ ?Ind provw ,i.o:1 , of- the '''lood control Ord- inance of the City of Clc,ir't,:itcr for the above property. The •undersigncd ac) :noc•rledgas to you that he has been fullir advi, c cZ` the following fact,, 1) the fact rhat: the proposed structure bill he located in a flood-- ' • prone area; 2) the first floor of the nronosed structure will hr, si factlfe 1ot•r the 100 ge=ar Flood level d?'3i S n=atecl 11t! the Federal Tnaur?Tnce A,1- ministration; .3} the faet that flood insurance mites will. be increased onmmensur.a te- ly with the extent of the deviation From sa d L0`1 year flood ,t?zrld- ard. ' After being; fully advised and' informed of t}1e above se{ • fort}3 reacts, tile undersigned requests that said application -For variance be granted afid acknowledges that anv construction pursuant to. ,a iariance pranted t.?Lll. be soley' at.'the risk.' and peril of the owner enri 'builder. The' under-- signed hereby absolves and 'reler-tses the Poard of .Ad iustment and' Appeal on Building of the City of Cleart•rater collecti.vel.v and ind.ivicluall?, from any and all liability or responsibility' on its behalf for the consi0erat:ion and/or granting of such a, variance. Very truly your s, If. B. ilendirck .When Chairman Batstone called for. otann•: i ng aVFUT:tents by per song at the hearing, Attorney Jack [•Thite, represent=_nR '!i0icls Island Village Pharmacy, Inc., Island' Estates, stated that his client u!as oDno sed to the granting, of thevariance because, as he' interprets the r'ederal.insurance Administraticn, Title 44, National rlood Insruance Pro-ran, insurance previous!y allowed in flood-prone areas can he lifted ; f variances are indiscriminately grar.tecl. Following discussion, at which time 1r, liatstone stressod the point of compliance with the 100--near flood level or flood nr.oofing the structure up to that level the flood nroofing procedure- would be as required hV the Building; Department,'Tr. 7orest Dean roved upon •con sideration of the a ?pnr.l of Jack Eckerd, from the decit;-.on of- the t?•ui Idi.n? "inspector r_cncerni.nP the proposed building at 407 I!anda.Lav Avenue, Cleart•rater !?cach- it '3npe:aring after this duly constituted heari.n , t},-:t the nnforcen. ent thereof, trould do manifest injustice, and would be contr. =arv to the spirit Add nurnose. of this code or public interest, I move that such appe=al be granted in accordance with the -application submitted heretai th, ui th the rinht to obt=-ti n a 1)u ildi ng permit shall cease a.f•ter six (6) months from this date. The motion was' seconded by John Logan. The motion carried, t•rith Erlt•r=ard !-Ialke:r ahstaininf,, Case number three waa renresen•cerd by `:very r'.7TiilE? • tfr. and Mrs . T)avi d (2,cist , owners of Lot 32 Unit 7C - Island Estates of Clcar?.,qter, AM 769 Harbor Island. Mr. Ronne requested - a vari=ance of 3' U" -beloc•r the 71ood Control. Ordinance •,11426. The reason for the rcelucr;t was to conforttt with the exi ct- ing structures in the area. '4r. Ronne added t1h it this is are isolated lot in a 98%• developed nrea. Eduard 1•:r?-llker matte the notion that, the requnst be granted; Mr. John Logan seconded the notion and it carrinrl unanimoussly. Variance granted. The me tt ?d]ourned ],t 3:00 p.". Chairma "ccrot::trv 3. s •' V .. t i ( ,r i., '!1 ,It?.r .ii .??"", I' :' ,? r .ill . .I•+' r. ?.+.+ 1 I 1 . t ilfr I i lr? ! "i:', r?'1 1•i1?1; S+f ? ?, .? 5 ' {,1.1:?1i 11.:1+:r, i.i?,',•,r) {t;• ,,1?r; E',i'i'++i',,,!' .I,,.t 1?1 ! t i?J.;+ h,;51•11.I)I,+ti+ SapL-ember'- 20, 1974 0 111ir: i:._.. , ?CIC C1{1?Rn, C0RVORA`':?ON? ....?__....._ _. ?._ . __........ _.. ___ __...? ... S. . .Y f`,Illlt\Ir,,c, P. O. Box 4669, Clearwater., Florida, 33518 1'11oor 531-8911, Ext.' 276 (7P ,%:'i ). .M....-WILLIAM M._MACEUN'LIr;_.. P. Oa Drawer 2137, Clearwater, Florida,33517 442-5181 '? i' ,. ,.l';, (t•1,•t ]r;{..?, [, ; 1 ,?.,) 1J:C+. J, 1 i.,?C:c11 > i,.l 0,01 The North 15.0.•.feet . Of, Lot 26, - _? together with Lots 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, together with.the westerly half of vacated alley adjacent the?:eto, 131ock "B", FxRS7.' AUDITION TO CIlEAR1;?IATER IIEACH ''PARK, as recorded in -PJ.at }?001. 15,__pag? BC} o „i?l?e _public _records _of?Pindllas County, s^Florida; TOG>;THER WITH Lots 9 and 10, and the easterly half of vacated ;1.11e,,y__adj.acent- there-to,_ B.luck__„A",__a.c.cQSding. _to_-?].2tRPLAT..QE LOTS.- I TO .1.5 INCLUSIVE OF BLOCK ''II" OF CLEARWATER BEACH PARK FIRST ADDITION, as ?.?s?xded_in....plat_..l?ook.._2LN._page_2L.a?the_.pal?lic_.rec4.rds_.mf...II..inellas..?o.unty_,.._ Florida. 11AT1<t;;1: U A variance from the requirements of Section 7--9 .of the Clearwater City Code to permit new construction of a drug store at a. ,finished floor elevation of _6 feet- above mean _sea level and flood --d to ,an elevation of 13 'feet above _mean sea level as 'authorized by Section 7•-9 (b) and 'Sect oi?? 7--10. of the Clearwater?Cif:y?Codeo ?S(?e attached Sheet) -.-----•__ _ ____.. (See attached sheet) CG (General Business) .-....__.?...._..._.._.__.__._ ....._ ... ?._....?._.....___....?___.. JACK I;CKE- RD CORPORATION } By: ' Vic(: President {?Ulll?li? Ui }rLilti11J7i:i } ' VjcR'_Pres,ident.of -JACK.. ECIQ ID CORPORATION., dull: 1lie 3.1;tt l l.'1':i'i111S1 11ICI :rC.L f+ll(• ;11'[, LI' , iltld 1!1:1.1011:. h::tl 1,r? i 1:+, (ll1 } ti' ;;.Ig1'1I 00 Mid C01'I1C•C. ( [0 L lif,' HERBERT HENDRICK, ::: ?:+ ttsl:Iu1? n:li.ll .c ' ,, (111 ;,C?!• EE,?•;l 1„sl?c,1'(` ,• r • F14+t't1 (A) :(.1ul 11r 111i:; 2U..1:I1 Septembc.i:...,_ .? 0.74 - „ r e APPLICATION 01" JACX i:c.'K :tt1) ('011100R11'.E';i.ON Continua t1on . of NATURE 01P Rl?VIEST: 'Thd Applicant proposer to construct. -a drug store on the promises described above which are also described 'zt 467 Mandalay Avenue, Clearwater Beach, Florida. Section 7-9 (a) (d) requi.xes ail new construction to have the lowest floor elevated to 1.2 feet alcove menn sea level, which is the base flood -level of the 100 year flood as designated by the Federal. Insurance Corporation and further requires that it be elevated on adequately anchored pilgs or columns to the said base flood level. Section 7-9 (b) provides as an alternate that if built at existing grade level, the elevation up to base flood level, together with, the tenant utility and sanitary facilities, may be-flood proofed. The City Building Inspector-had been interpreting Section 7-9 on areas that are already developed and built up to give him the alternative to either,require building on pilings with the lowest floor level at the base flood level (12 feet above mean sea level). or to'build a grade level but with the structure flood proofed from grade level to base flood level. The City Attorney's office has. given an opinion to the City Building Inspector that authority for flood proofing in lieu of building at base flood level can be granted only by variance issued by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals on 'Building . The new shopping plaza on Island Estates presently consists of a Publ.i.x Market and Michels.Phaxmacy, both of which were built to the flood proofing requirement and not '.with the lowesL'flopr level-being, anchored on pilings at 12 :Feet above mean sea level. REASON FOR REQUEST: The proposed building site is in the middle of a lar4e built up area with'all surrounding improvements being built at' grade level. To require this structure to be built on pilings having an additional elevation of 6 feet would: 1. Be economical.ly unfeas ibl.e 2. Be architecturally unestlieti.c in comparison with adjoining improvements 3. Create a serious public safetjr factor Eckerd Drug Stores and its pricing policies give special discount, in their drug department to the elderly and a high 1 porcentage of the patrons of its drug stores are senior citizens„ To require, the lowest floor level to be at the base flood level, would require every exit, and entry to have ,3Laircases, 'thus' greatly increasing the risk-of falling on the part of elderly patrons. • E 1 IF 1 64 11 ' I: r ' T G I , T .1. OF 'la ??C]l l[ Y L a.' 10, T? i'oO7 OFFrICE Di X 4740 CLF_ARWATER. FLORIDA 33310 BUII.MUG BOARD OF October 3, 1974 ADJUSTMENT AND APPEAL Re: Notice of Hearing -- Flood John Batstone, Chairman Control Ordinance #1426 Forest Dean Edward Walker, Jr. John Logan Gentlemen: The City of Clearwater Building Board of Ar11 ustment and Appeal has 'received written applications recluestinp, a variance - from the City, of Clezrtilater Flood C antrol, Ordinance f?1426, requiring' 'flood elevations to be abc,ve the 100 near level as designated by. the Federal insurance Adm:.nistration. ` You'are hereby duly notif4ed that there will be a meeting; of -the Building Board of Adlu -• mvnt and Appeal to hold a. hearing; [•,ednes- day, 2:00 P.H., October. It.,,• 1974 i'n the Commission Room,.Third Flour of City Hall. A>anl.icants must appear in ner ann or be. re- presented by a duly authorized r-af;ellt. The following cases will be on the af?enda for your consideration: Lot 5 - Block 4 Mandalay Subdivision 815 Eldorado Avenue, Ms. "artha, Hurley, Owner Representative, ' Kenneth Paul. Malmstrom North 15' of Lot 26 Together with Lots 279 213 1 29, 30 6 31 Block B - First: Addition to Clearwater Beach Park JK-ick Eckerd Corporation, Owner ReprercntRZtive, William M. MacKenzie ' Lot 32 - Unit 7C -- Island Estates Subdivision Mr.. and tors: Dave Guist, 0%.;ners Representative, Sven Ronne Very truly yours, E. Blanton, Secretary Board of Adjustment and Appeals EB: fo CC: Jack White, Attorney At Law William MacKenzie' Sven Ronne Kenneth Paul tlalmstrom '' ` - ----- -•--° =-=.iL1Le?.o.uurs.flryreay.u-<=- __--_ i ''?' •1 a •` 1 1 ! .t 1 f • ' rt§SL?L??ffIG Z , or w. Ct.FARWATrR; FLORIDA 33sic ti r Tn BUILDING BOARD OF. ADJUSDIENT & APPEAL- RE:- NOTICE CIF I1EA12ING - FLOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE #1426 The City of Clearwater,Building Board of Adjustment & Appeal has received : written. nnpli.cations requesting 'a variance from the City of 'Clearwater Flood Control, Ordinance ;1426, requiring floor, elevations to,'be above the 100-?year flood level as designated by the Federal. Insurance Administration. You•are'hereby.duly notified that there will be a meeting of the Building Board of Adjustment.& Appeal to hold hearing in:the City Conmiissi.on Room, 3rd floor, City Hall, Applicants inust appear in person or be represented by a duly authorized, agent. 1 NOTE: In order„for the Board to be properly informed, it is recommended the following information must be furnished. 1. Show existing'elevati.on of seawall cap, street and Iand where structure is to be placed. 2. Show approximate proposed elevation of first floor. 3. On isolated lots, snap-shots of structure on either side of subject property would be helpful. It will be necessary for you,to complete and sign the' enclosed Board of Appeals form before the hearing. E. Blanton Sec. Board of Adj. & Appeals at 1 % i 1 t.l i p r 17 r ' t r li - C I T "Y O F CL T A. R W. A T E R e POST 0Fricr Box, A7aa CLEARWATER,' FLORIDA -33518 BUILDING DEPARTMENT October 10, 1974-' ? News Room ' Clearwater Sun . 301 South Myrtle Avenue " Clearwater, Florida Gentlemen:' Please-insert the following announcement in your schedule of meetings to beheld: The Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Building will meet Wednesday, October 16;. 1974 at 2:00 P.M. in the Commission Room on the third'floor of City Hall to consider variances F, of Flood Control Ordinance # 1426 on the following properties: 1. Ms. Mattha Hurley - 769 Harbor Island - Lot 32 Block 7C - Island'Estates'Subdi.vision J 2., Jack Eckerd - N. 15" of Lot 26 together with tots 27;28,29,30,'& 31 -- Block B - First Addition to Clearwater Beach Park. 3. Mr.-and Mrs. David sY4- 8i6 Eldorado Avenue - , Lot 5 - Block 5 - Manda Subdivision ' Very truly yours, . E. Blanton Building Director DB:fo