06/12/1974?3f'?C?.'7'. ... ;??7.'..? L MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPELAS ON BUILDING ( FLOOD CONTROL ) MINUTES OF MEETING JUNE 12, 1974 BUILDING DIRECTORIS OFFICE CITY FALL John Batstone, Chairman ..John Logan Edward Walker J.R._Curtis - Forest Dean, Absent E. Blanton, Secretary f • :': i r.' .. rr 1: Grp ??,,,,...... ' Meeting called to order by Chairman Batstone at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Three (3) cases were presented. Lot 46,. Unit 7B » Island Estates Subdivision, also known as 762 Snug Island, owned by Mr. and Mrs. George Mclnally of 675 Fieldstone Dr., South, Rochester, Michigan, who were represented by Charles B. Toland of Beaver Homes, Inc., of 2980 East Bay Drive, Largo, Florida. Mr. Toland stated that they requested a variance from the 121 required floor elevation designated by the City of Clearwater Flood Control, Ordinance #1426, in order for the floor elevation to be lowered to conform with the existing surrounding,elevations. The 12, floor elevation would'place undue hardship upon the property owners and would not conform with the surrounding properties. A variance of 2.77' was requested. Mr.-Batstone advised there would beano flood insurance available from the government. A motion was made by Mr. Logan, seconded by Mr. Walker that the appeal be granted. Motion carried. Appeal granted. Lot 28 - Unit one - Island Estates Subdivision, also known as 207 Leeward Island, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.'Stock of 1692 Broad Street, Bloomfield, New Jersey, who'were represented by Neil Schoonderwoerd of Rutenberg Homes. Mr. Schoonderwoerd stated that the existing floor elevation of adjacent properties are below the flood level, and to construct this house at the level required by the. Federal Insurance Administration would cause excessive additional block and fill, and would create drainage problems and that the property would not esthetically fit in with the adjacent properties. He requested a variance of 41. Mr. Batstone advised that there would be no flood insurance available from the government. Mr. Walker made the motion that the variance be granted, seconded by Mr. Logan: Motion carried. Appeal granted= Lot 63 - Unit 8 - ,Island Estates Subdivision, also known as•812 Island Way, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sipera,of 1871 Forrest Wood Drive, Clearwater, Florida,' who were represented'by Mr. Neil Schoonderwoerd of Rutenberg Homes. Mr. Schoonderwoerd stated that the existing adjacent houses have a floor elevation of 9.77 feet on the south,- and 9.73 feet on the North. He said a finished floor level of ten (10) feet would esthetically blend in with the existing properties and cause no drainage problems that could be incurred if they were required to maintain the 121 mean high water mark designated by the Federal Insurance Administration. Mr. Batstone advised that no flood insurance would be available from the government. Mr. Logan made the motion that the appeal be granted. Seconded by Mr. Curtis. Motion carried. Appeal granted. The meeting adjourned at 2:45 o'clock. Chairman Secretary ++w i• i BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPELAS ON BUILDING ( VLit D CON'T'ROL ) MINUTES 01 MI'ETING JUNE 12, 1.974 BUILDING' D I RECTOR I S OP IC11 C r Y I1ALL MEMBERS PRESENT! f John ilatstone, Char irnuan ; John Logan Edward Walker J.K. Curtis Rarest Olean, AUseiit E. Blanton, Secretary Meeting called to order by Chairman Batstone tit'2:00 o'clock P. M. Three (3) cases were presented. Lot 46, Unit 711 - Island Estates Subdivision, also known as 762 Snug Island, . owned by Mr. and Mrs. George Mclnally'of 675 fieldstone Ur., South, Rochester, Michigan, who were, represented by, Charles H. To hind of Beaaver Homes, Inc . , of 2980 Eaat Bay Prive, Largo, I'lortda. Mr. 'Poland started that they requested a variance from the 12, required floor elevatLott designated by the City of Clearwater Flood'ConLrol, Ordinance #1426, in order'tor the floor elevation to be lowered to conform with the existing surrounding elevations: The 121 floor, elevation would place undue hardship upon the property owners ,and would not conform with the surrounding properties. A variance of 2.771 was requested. Mr. liatstone advised there would 1)6 no flood insurance available from the government. A motion was made by Mr. Logan, seconded,by,Mr. Walker that the appeal be granted. Motion carried. Appeal grrirnted. Lot 28 Unit'one - island Estates Subdivision, al.so.known as 207 Leeward . Island, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Stoq.k. of 1692 Broad Street, Bloomfield, New Jersey, who were represented by Neil Schoonderwoerd of Rutenberg Homes. Mr. Schoonderwoerd stared that the existing floor elevation of ad,jacent 'properties are below the, f load level, and to construct this house. at the level required by the Federal Insurance Administration would cause excessive.additional. block .and fill, and would crearL'e drainage problems and that the property would not esthetically fit in with the adjacent properties. Ile requested a variance of 41. Mr. Batstone advised that there would be no f load insurance available:' from the government. Mr. Walker made the motion, that the variance be granted, seconded by Mr. Logan. Motion Carried. Appeal granted. Lot 63 - Unit 8 - Island .states Subdivision, also known as 812 island Way, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'A. Sipcra of 1871 Forrest Wood Drive, Clearwater, Florida, who were represented by Mr. Neil Schoonderwoe:rd of Rutenberg Homes. Mr. Schoonderwoerd stated that the existing adjacent houses have floor . elevation of 9.77 feet on the south, and 9.73 feet on the North. Ile said a' finished floor level of ten (10) feet would esthetically blend In with the existing properties and cause no drainage problems, that could be incurred if they were required to maintain the 12t mean high water murk designated by the Federal Insurance Administration. Mr, Batstone advised that no flood insurance would be available from the government. Mr. Logan made t'he. motion that the appeal be granted. Seconded by Mr. Curtis. Motion carried. Appeal granted. The meeting adjourned at 2:45 o'clock.' Chairman Secretary ':. ,cad"?4rll?aa?c?ts?wodra?t?a.itc???i?.:..• • BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPELAS ON BL11LDI.NC ( FLOOD CONTROL ) MINUTES OF ME1.TINC JANE 12, 1974 BUILDING iylAI:CTOR1S OFF1Cr C'IT'Y HALL MEMBERS Piasi.T : 'John Batstone, Chairman John Logan Edward Walker J.R. Curtis Forest Dean, Absent E. Blanton, Secretary Meeting called to order by Chairman batstone at '2:00 o'clock P. M. Three (3) cases were presented. Lot 46, Unit 7B - Island Estates Subdivision, also known as 762 Snug 'island, owned by Mr. and Mrs. George Mclnally of 675 fieldstone Dr., South, Rochester, Michigan,, who were represented by Charles 13. Tuland of Beaver !tomes, Inc., of 2980 East Bay Drive, ;ergo, Florida. Mr. Toland stated that they.requested a variance from the 12t required floor elevation designated by the City of Clearwater Flood Control, Ordinance X11426, in order for the floor elevation to be lowered to conform with the ext'sti.ng surrounding; elevations. The 121• floor elevation would place undue hardship upon the property owners and would not conform with'the surrounding properties. A variance of 2.771'was requested. Mr..Batstone advised there would be no flood insurance available from-the government. A motion was made by Mr. Logan, seconded by Mr. Walker that the appeal be granted. Motion carrl,ud. Arr-al granted. Lot 28 - Unit one - Island Estates Subdivision, also known as 207 Leeward Island, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Stock of 1692 Broad Street, Bloomfield, New Jersey, who were represented by Neil. Schoonderwoerd of Rutenberg Homes. Mr. Schoonderwoerd suited that the existing floor elevation of adjacent'piroperti.es are below the flood level, and to construct this house ;lt the level required by the federal Insurance Administration wouil:d cause excessive additional block and.fill., and would create drainage problems and that the property would not esthetically fit' In with the adjacent properties. Ile requested a variance of 41. Mr. Batstane advised thi1t there: would be no flood insurance hvailabLE~ from the government. Mr. Walker made tile Motion that the variance 6e:'granted, seconded by Mr. Logan. Motion carried. Appeal granted. Lot 63 - Unit 8 - Island Estates Subdivision, also known as 812 Island Wily, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. SIVera of 1871 Forrest Wood Drive, Clearwater, Florida, who were represented by Mr. Neil Schoonderwoerd of Rutenberg Homes. Mr. Schoonderwoerd stated that the existing adjacent houses have a floor elevation of 9.77 feet oft the south, and 9.73 feet on the North. Ile said..a finished f loor level of ten .00) feet would esthetically blend in with the existing properties and cause no drainage problems that could be incurred if they were required to ma-Intaln.the 12, mean high water Mark designated by the Federal Insurance Administration. Mr. Batstone: advised that no flood insurance would be avaf table from the government. Mr. Logan made the motion that the appeal be granted.' Seconded by Mr. Curtis. Motion carried. Appeal grunted. Tile meeting adjourned at 2,45 o'clock Chairman Secretary E X r F x } S 3 9 ,.: i Lot 28 - Unit one - island Equates Subdivision, also known as 207 Leeward 'island, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Stogk of .1692 broad Street, Bloomfield, New Jersey, who were represented by Nell Schoonderwoerd of Rutenberg Homes. Mr. Schoonderwoerd stilted that the existing floor elevation of adjacent properties are below the flood level, and to construct this douse at the level required by the Federal Insurance Administration would cause excessive additional block Lind f i 11, and would create dra ttn.ege problems and that the property' would not esthetically fit in with the adjacent properties. Ile requested a variance of 41. '9r. llatstone advised that there would be no flood insurance available from the government. Mr. Walker made the motion that the variance be granted, seconded by Mr. Logan. , Motion carried. Appeal granted. Lot 63'.- knit 8 - Island.E.states Subdivision, also known as 812 Island Way, owned by Mr. and Mrs. 'P1lomas A. Sipera of 1871 Forrest Wood Drive, Clearwater, Florida, who were represented by Mr. Neil Schoonderwoerd of Rutenberg Homes. Mr. Schoonderwoerd stated thilt the existing adjacent 11oLISes have a floor elevation of 9.77 feet on the auu[11; and 11.73 feet on Lhe North. Ile said a finished floor level of ten (10) feel would esthetically blend in with the existing properties and cause no drainage problems Lha.L could be incurred If they were required to maintain, the 121 mean high water ma'rlc designated,by the Federal Insurance Administration. Mr. 13atstone'udvtsed Chat no flood tnsur.ance would be available from the government. Mr. Logan made the motion 'that the .appeal be granted. Seconded by Mr. Curtis. Motion Carried. Appeal granted. The meeting adjourned at 2:45 olclock. Chairman BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT & AI'111-:i,AS ON BUILDING ( F1.001) CONTROL ) M1131fTFS O MEETING JUNE 12, 1974 13111I?U1Nr 1)1lt1:(,7,()ItJ S UFI,.fCI: CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Ilat'stone, Chit' irmmn John Logan, l:dwa rd Walker. J.R. Curtis' Forest Dean, Absent P.- Blanton, Secretary Meeting called to order by ChAtrman 13at:stone at 2:00 olclock P. M. Three (3) cases were' Pre'sented. Lot 46, Unit 713.- Island Estates Subdivision, also known as 762 Snug Island, owned by Mr. and Mrs. George Mclivil iy of 675 Fieldstone Dr., South, Rochester, Michigan, who were represented by Charles B. 'Poland of heaver Homes, Inc., of 2980 East Bay Drive, Largo, Floridn. Mr. 'Poland stated that they requested a variance from the 121 required floor elevation do :ignatead by the City oC Clearwater Flood Control, Ordinance Jl1'426, in order for the floor elevation to be lowered to conform with Lhe existing; surrounding elevations. The 121 floor elevation would place undue hardship upon the property owners and would not conform with the surrounding properties. A variance of 2.771 was requested. Mr. Batstorne adyised there would be no flood insurance available from the government. A motion.was made by Mr. I.ogan, seconded by Mr. Walker that the appeal be granted. Motion carried. Appeal granted. (?l'i 4?4 (.11^ti Secretary.