07/14/1992 (2) " ACTION AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JULY' 4, 1992 - 1 :30 PM (!t. A. ITEM APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. June 3D, 1992 - Approved JUL 3 1 "1992 . ._-J ( I ~ /, ',. _,. i'':': .:rr CONDmONAL USES. ANNEXATlON. ZONING. LAND USE PtJ\N AMENDMENTS. LAND DEVB.Of'MENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS, AND LOCAL PtJ\NNING AGENCY REVIEW: THE BOARD FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW. ALL TESTIMONY FOR CONOmONAL USE REQUESTS IS GIVEN UNDER OATH. 1. The Chairperson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each item as it is presented. .2. The staff report and pertinent background information are presented. - 5 minutes maximum. 3. Staff presents any supporting written documents. 4. Staff presents any opposing written documents. 5. The applicant or his representative presents his case. - 5 minutes maximum. 6. Persons who support the application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokesperson for group - 10 minutes maximum. 7. Persons who oppose the application speak . 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokesperson for group - 10 minutcs maximum. 8, Persons supporting the application (other than applicant) may speak in rebuttal . 3 minutes maximum. 9. Persons opposing may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes maximum. 10. The applicant has an opportunity for final rebuttal - 5 minutcs maximum. 1 1, Public Hearings are closed. 12. Discussion by the Board. 13. The Board makes a decision. P & Z ACTION AGENDA 07/14/92 FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105 STATES: ANY PERSON APPEALING A DECISION OF THIS BOARD MUST HAVE A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO SUPPORT SUCH APPEAL. B. REOUESTS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. (Continued from 6/30/92) Reauest for extension (third extension request, second extension request was for building permit in 60 days and Certificate of Occupancy within eight months granted 4/14/92, first extension request was for six months granted 9/17/91, original request was for six months granted 2/19/91) Lots 118 and 119, L1oyd-White-Skinner Sub, 1348 Coronado Dr.) Ropert E. Malke IRose Garden Restaurantl, CU 91-18 Request - To permit on premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned - CR 28 IResort Commerciall Approved (motion by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Carassasl request for 30 day extension. Motion carried unanimously (5 to 01. 2, (Continued from 6/2/92 & 6/16/921 Lots 7 & 8, Blk 15, Map of Belleair, 11345 S Ft Harrison Avel DMR Corp d/b/a Fuel Mart, Inc., CU 92-30 . , Request. To permit outdoor retail sales, displays. andlor storage Zoned - IL (Limited Industrial) Approved (motion by Mr. Savage. and seconded by Mr. Carassasl subject to the following conditions: 11 There shall be no repair CJperatiCJ(ls permitted on site; 21 The final parking Jot layout and access drives shaJl be in conformance with the Land Development Code and subject to final approval by the City Traffic Engineer; 31 Prior to the issuanca of a building permit. the applicant shaff submit a landscape plan to the Envkonmantal Management Group for approval; all required landscaping shaff be installed prior to the is.wance of a certificate of occupancy; 41 If the underground tanks are removed, the site must be redesigned and reconstructed in accordance with the approved plan; ;md 5/ Aff signs slwll be btought into conformance with tbe sign regulations on or before Octooor 13, 1992. Motion carried unanimously (5 to 0/, I.. '. "..~. ':,.~:..; t':'.L.~" ...,~, ~. '.."" , I ~< , ..,.~, . ., . ", ,~,.,.,:' , .....".' " . 1..../~.t. '. +.'.~ '...l'.'. /' '. ',I":' 't, , I . "'~' :. .,. 'I~' ",'. ,t, '.~':. r'.. ,.; ", 3. (Continued from 6116192 & 6/30192) M&B 14.05, See 12.29.15 12131 Range Road' John E. and Patricia A. Sad tier (Shazam Boat Worksl. CU 92-35 Rcquest . To permit (1) vehicle service; and (2) outdoor retail sales, displays. and storage Zoned . IL (Limited Industrial} Approved request to continue this application to the August 4, '992 meeting (motion made by Mr. Car.Jssas, /Ind seconded by Mr. SavageJ. Motion carried unanimously (5 to OJ. 4. (Continued from 6/16192 &. 6130/92) Lots 3. 4. and H2 vacated alley on east, J B Roberts Sub 11253 S Ft Harrison Ave' Morritt Htlmes, Inc. (City Pawn & Jewelry). CU 92-39 Request - To permit outdoor retail sales. displays. andlnr l:t~r,,~~ Zoned. IL lLimit"'''' !,',J...::, ;r.:: Request denied (motion made by Mr. Carassas and seconded by Mr. BkkerstaffeJ. Motion carried unanimously (6 to 01. C. CONOmONAl USES: . . 1. M&B 33.01. See 17-29-15, (1 160 Gulf Blvd) Sand Kev Assoc Ltd Partnership d/b/a Sheraton Sand Key Resort (Resort Recreation Ine), CU 92-41 Rcquest - To permit rental of motorized personal watercraft (use not specified in codel Zoned - CR-28 tResort Commercial! and AL/C tAquat;c Lands/Coastal} Approved (motion by Mr. $avaJ}e, and seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe) subject to the following conditions: 1 J The proposed cmerpency rescue vessel shall be available during all hours of operation for safety purposes Dnd not for rent; 2J The proposed hours of operation shall be 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on any given day; 3) Tho proposed Waverunners :>hall remain out of the Clearwater Pass navigation ch;mnel; 4J The proposed rental opc1<1tion shall be limited to three Waverunncrs. and any additional requests for WaverontJel'S shall be subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning Board; 5} The applicant shall maintain one million tkNlar liability insurance COVCf3J}e to be carried at all times and all co-insured shall have the same coveraJ}e; 6J The rental business retain two on-site competent attendants at all hours of operatkJn to enforr:e safety rules to prospective operators and provide total business monitoring; 7} Tho applicant shall be advised by the Clearwater Environmental Management Division in cooperation with the Clearwater Marine Science Center of sea turtle nesting activities and shaff conduct business operations accordingly to eliminate the destruction of any oosting areas and shall cooperate fully in turtle nest relocation efforts by the Clearwater Marine Science Center; 81 Tho applicant sllall obtain the requisite occupational license within six months of this public hearing; 91 All rental vehicles shall be clearly matted to identify them from private vehicles in accordance with City policy; 10) Rental of thase watercraft vehicles shall be limited to the exclusive use of the hotel guests; 11) Tbe arc of operation of the watercraft vehicles shall be limited to the specific limits as submitted with the application; and 121 The operations shall be subject to the violations provisions of the Waiver Agreement in effect for Clearwater Beach. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. 2. Lot 1, Radisson Bayside Hotel, 11261 Gulf Blvd, Suite 104) The Shoppes Assoc Ltd Partnership fTran Thang d/b/a Macau Chinese Rest), CU 92-42 Request. To permit on"premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned - B tBusiness) Approved (motion made by Mr. Merriam, and seconded by Mr. BickerstaffeJ subject to the following conditions: 11 Tile sale of beer and wine shall be restricted to consumption on premises with no package sales; 2J The requisite occupalionallicense shall be obtained within 6 months from tIJe date of this public hearing; 3J Tbere shall be no outdoor seating or other expansion of tiN! floor area devoted to the proposed use,. 4J TIJe applicant shall obtain approval from the City Commission for the requisite separation distance variance; and 5) Closing time shall be no later than 10:30 p.m. on week days, and f 1:00 p.m. on weekends. Motion carried unanimously 16 to 0). 3. Lots 8 through 10. Enghurst Add to Clwr, (1209 N Ft Harrison Avel Wieland Irle (A.N.Y., tnc/Quick. Stop Food Mart), CU 92-43 Acquest ~ To permit package sales of beer and wine Zoned - CN INelghborhood Commercial) Approved (motion made by Mr. Car.Jssas, and seconded by Mr. Merriam) subj~t to the following conditions: 7 J Applicant shall obtain State alcobolic beverage license and City occupational license witllin six mooths; 2) All signage shall be brought into conformance with all Code requirements on or before October 73, 1992; 3J Additiona/tighting shall be provided behind the building for the purpose of crime prevention and this lighting shall be directed away from surrounding residential areas and street ngMs of way; and 4J Hours of operation sl1all be from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on week days and from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekends. Motion carried unanimously (6 to 0). P & Z ACTION AGENDA 2 07/14/92 ~., " .....',... I ~..: . . , ' ~,.' ~ I ~.' " . " ' ,. . , .. ,~. ' ,,\ '~'.,: I " ~I . .' '. " .. .' '.'. " .' .'. ~ . 4. Lots 57 through 63 and part of Lot 64. Clwr Beach Park. {490 Mandalay Ave) Mary G. Realty, Inc. {NTA Food Center, Inc. d/b/a Waterfront Pilla Rest}, CU 92-44 ,:.. , r . '~ Request - To permit on-premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned. CB (Beach Commerciall Approved lmotion made by Mr. Savage. and seconded by Mr. Merriam) subject to the following con6tions: t J There shaH be no other ak:ohorlC beverage sales uses (lK!1ll package and on premise consumption] within the shopping center; 21 Approval shalf be for on..premises consumption of alcoholic bevenges only with no package sales; 31 The requisite occupational license shall be obtained within six (6J months from the date of this public hearing; 4J The buildina shall be used In web II manner as to retain Its status iIS a retail center (not more than 400 SQ. ft. of outdoor seating area shall be provldedJ; 5J The apprlCatlt shall obtain the requisite alcoholic beverage distance separation variances from the City Commission; 6} The applicant $haJ1 moot the perimeter landscaping material requirements of Sec. t 36.023 along the north side of the property and shall Incorporate II low (30. tall) wall or fence Into tho site design to physically separate the restaurant patrons from the street right-of-way and the north side driveway; 7J All slgnage on the property shall be brought Into compliance with the City $ign rCDulations on or before October , 3. 1992; OJ The closing time for the use shall be no later than 11:00 p.m. for extedol' seating IIIJd '2:00 midnight for interior seating; and 9) ThenJ shall be no entertainment or . ootdoor speakers associated with the use. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. Part of Blk 2, Baskin's Aeplat Resub, 12779 Gulf to Bay Blvd) Herbert E. and Jane B. Wollowick (KCMT Entertainment, Inc./Sweaty EddV's). CU 92-45 5. Request - To permit on'premise consumption and package sales of beer, wine, and liquor Zoned. CG IGeneral Commercial) Motion was made by Mr. Carassas, and seconded by Mr. Bickers,affe, to continue this request to the August 4. 1992 mooting. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. 6. M&B 33.02. Sec 4-29-16, {3040 S.R. 5901 Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Clwr, Inc. (Humane Society of North Pinellas. Incl, CU 92-46 Request - To permit temporary building for wildlife rehabilitation (use not specified in codel Zoned - PISP (Public{Semj.Public) AppIVved (motion made by Mr. Carassas. and seconded by Mr. Savage) subject to the following conditions: ,) Any proposed outdoor areas associated with the use shall be clearly indicated on the site plan prior to the issuance of the requisite building permits; 2J The perimeter landscaping standards of Section 136.023 shall be provided; and 3} The raquisite penn Us and any necessary occupationalliccnsc approvals sllall be otJtained within 6 months. Motion carried unanimously (6 to 0). 7. Lots 1 through 10, Blk C, Bayside Shores, (731 Bayway Blvdl William Kebort (EI Mexicano of Clwr Inc', CU 92-47 Request - To permit on-premise consumPtion of beer and wine Zoned - CB (Beach Commercial} Approved (motion by Mr. Carassas, seconded by Mr_ Bickerstaffe) subject to the following conditions: ,) Closing time shall be no later than 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. and 11:00 p.m. on weekends; 21 The applicant shall obtain the rcquisite alcoholic separation varianccs from the City Commission; 3J Approval shall be for consumption on premises only with no package sales; 4) There shall be no entertainment. outdoor seating. or outdoor speake~; and 5) Seating shall be limited to table seating only. with no bar seating. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. B. Lot 1, Radisson Bayside Hotel, 11261 Gulf Blvd, Suite 110 I The Shoppes Assoc Ltd Partnership (Paloscio's Pizza and Pasta Incl, CU 92-48 Request. To permit on-premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned. B (Businessl Approved (motion by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. BickerstaffeJ subject to the following conditions: 11 T/le requisite occupational license shall be obtained within 6 months from the date of this public hearing; 2) Tbere sh.111 be no outdoor seating; 3J The sale of beer and wine shall be limited to consumption on premises with no package salas; 4} The applicant sllall obtain approval from the City Commission for any requisite separation distance variances; and 51 Closing time shall be no later than 10:00 p.m. during t/le week, and , 1:00 p.m. Friday. Saturday. and Sunday. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. P & Z ACTION AGENDA 3 07/14/92 9, Lots 43 through 49, part of Lot 64, and Lots 65 through 71, Clwr Beach Park, (470 Mandalay Ave) Pellcan Two, Inc IpSA InclOcean Garden), CO 92....9 Request - To permit on.premise consumption and package sales of beer, wine, and liquor Zoned. CB (Beach Commerciall and CR 28 IRcsort Commercia" Approved (motion by Mr. 8Jckentsffe. seconded by Ms. MartinJ subject to the following conditions: 1 J The proposed outdoor use arelI shall not exceed 800 sq. ft. and the interior use aroa shall not exceed 9.100 sq. ft.; 2) Outside seating shall be limited to 53 people; 3J The 3' ~site palking spaces shall be in tK:COrdance with the requirements of the Approved Site Plan; 4J Within 60 days of this public hearing, the dumpster shall be relocated to B site approved by the City's Solid Waste Division. and scroened.' and 5J The appI"lCant shall obtain the requisite alcoholic bevera/1f1 separation dstance variance from the City Commission; 6J There shall be no outdoor speakers or entertainment; 7J Off-site patting for this use shall continue to be provided as in the past. The Board agrees that this approval is an instrument that will assist in the development of Clearwater Beach and not an escape to the existing parking problem. Motion carried unanimously (5 to OJ. (There was one abstention by Mr. Carassas.J 10. Lot 4 and part of Lot 5, Blk 2, Wallace's Add, 1519 S Ft Harrison Ave) Trivest Investments, Inc IGulf Coast Auto Sales). CU 92..!j0 ReQuest - To permit outdoor retail sales, displays, andlor storage Zoned - CG (General Commercial) Cmltinued to August 4. '992 to allow applicant to provIde a more dctaikJd site plan. (motion made by Mr. Merriam. seconded by Mr. CarassasJ. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ, D. ANNEXATlON, ZONING, LAND USE PlAN AMENDMENT. LAND OEVROPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT, AND LOCAl PlANNING AGENCY REVIEW: 1. Lot 61, Clwr Manor, (1716 Ragland Ave) Esther A. Wrobel, A 91-03, LUP 91-03 Request. Annexation, Land Use Plan and Zoning Atlas Amendments LAND USE PLAN: FROM: Unclassified TO: low Density Residential ZONED: RS 8 (Single Family Residentiall Recommended that the City Commission approve (motion made by Mr. Bickerstaffe, and seconded by Mr. CarassasJ the Annexation. Land Use Plan Amendment to Low Density Residential, and Zoning Atlas Amendment to RS-B, Motion cam'ed unanimously (6 to OJ. 2. Ordinance No. 5254-92' of the City of Clearwater, Florida, relating to the Land Development Code; amending Section 135.150, 135.1524, and 136.025, Code of Ordinances, to allow child day care as a conditional use in the Umited Industrial zoning district and the Research, Development and Office Park zoning district, and to establish supplementary standards for such conditional uses, providing an effective date. LDCA 92-10 P & Z ACTION AGENDA 4 07 '1 4/92 Recommended that the City Commission approve this amendment to the Land Development Code (motion by Mr. Carassas, seconded by Mr. BickerstaffeJ. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. 3. Ordinance No. 5236-92 of the City of Clearwater. Florida, relating to the Land Development Code; amending Section 134.015, Code of Ordinances, to delete the sign variance application deadline; providing an effective date. LDCA 92-oa Continued to August 4, 1992 to enable staff to clarify the language (motion made by Mr. Merriam, seconded by Mr. CarassasJ. Morion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. E. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS F. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS G. BOARD AND STAFF COMMENTS I.. .... ,~.,' ',," 'T, '-I' ," '.~, '. ,,/ . ' ,.': ,_I~, .' I ",'~., " '. " , ~ , ":" .',. '.' -, ..~'., .. " ' "'.", MINUTES PlANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 14,1992 - 1:30 PM t'~'~ PlEDGE OF AllEGIANCE INVOCATION Members Present: Chairman Mazur, Messrs. Bickerstaffe (arrived 1 :47 p.m.), Carassas, Merriam, Savage, Ms. Man!n Members Excused: Mr. Hamilton Also present: Scott Shuford, Planning Manager James M. Polatty, Jr., Director of Planning & Development Doreen Feldhaus, Recording Secretary Dolores Schopper, Staff Assistant II Chairperson Mazur outlined the procedures for conditional uses and advised that anyone adversely affected by a decision of the Planning and Zoning Board, with regard to conditional uses, h<1s two weeks from this date in which to file an appeal through the City Clerk's Office. Florida Law requires any party appealing a decision of this Board to have a record of the proceedings to support the appeal. ITEM A. APPROVAL OF MINlITES Approved as amended (motion made by Ms, Martin and seconded by Mr. MerriamJ. Motion carried unanimously (5 to OJ. B. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION. DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. (Continued from 6/30/92) Reouest for extension (third extension request, second extension request was for building permit in 60 days and Certificate of Occupancy within eight months granted 4/14/92, first extension request was for six months granted 9117191, original request was for six months granted 2/19/91) Lots 118 and 119, Lloyd-White-Skinner Sub, [348 Coronado Or.1 Robert E. Malke (Rose Garden Restaurant), CU 91-18 Request. To permit on premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned - CR 28 (Resort Commercial) Mr. Shuford gave the background 01 the case and stated that the applicant has submitted the required plans and has received approval for the associated variance extension to August 24th and recommended that this Board gl\len an extension to that date also. Robert Matke, 6820 66th St. No., stated he is the propeny owner and that plans have been submitted and approved with minor adjustments, most of which have been completed. He stated it is anticipated that the permit can be procured within the next 2 weeks, and that 30 days would ensure ample time. fm.: None Qm: None Mr. Savage questioned that the plans were submitted and approved. Mr. Shuford stated that the plans have been approved bV Zoning, but that there are mechanical problems associated with the plans and morc time is required to work them out. Approved (motion by Mr. SaviJge, seconded by Mr_ CarassiJsJ request fOl' 30 day exrension. Motion carried unanimously (5 to OJ. P & Z MINUTES ij~(g[f1aw~~ ~ AUG 1 3 1992 & 07/14/92 ---., CITY CLERK OEPT. 2. {Continued from 6/2192 & 6/161921 lots 7 & 8, Blk 1 S. Map of Belleair, {1 345 S Ft Harrison Ave' OMR Corp dlb/a Fuel Mart, Inc., CU 92.30 Request - To permit outdoor retail sales, displays, and/or storage Zoned. IL (Limited Industrial) Mr, Shuford gave the background of the case and submhted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Mr. Shuford noted that this request was contInued twice to allow applicant time to submIt a detailed site plan, and has done so. Staff feels the plan is acceptable. Applicant's representative, Ead Radliff. 6424 Wooden Street. New Purt Richey, stated he felt that application is in compliance. and the landscaping has been improved. Mr. Radliff felt that the permit should be approved. He added that the only other alternative for this location would be to abandon the bullding and leave it vacant, which would not be desirable for the City. In responsa to questions by the Board, Mr. Aadliff stated there are presently ten cars on the site and would Uke to be able to keep seven cars, all of which will be luxury cars. Mr. Shuford noted that the Board courd limit the number of cars to be displayed as a condition of approval. fr2: None t2n: None Approved (motion by Mr. Savage, and seconded by Mr. CaIilssasl subject to the foJlowing conditions: t J There shall be no repair operations permitted on site; 2J The final parkinglDt layout and access drives shall be in conformance with the Land Development Code and subject to final approval by the City TraffIC Engrneer; 31 Prior to the issuance of a building penn/to the appl'lCant shall submit a landscape plan to the Environmental Management Group for approval,' all required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of 11 certffJCate of occupancy; 4J If the underground tanks are removed, the site must be redesigned and reconstructed in accordance with the approved plan,' and 5J All signs shall be bIought into conformance with the sign regulations on ()(' before October f 3. f 992. Motion carried unanimously (5 to OJ. 3. (Continued from 6/16/92 & 6/30/92) M&B 14.05, Sec 12-29- 15 {213 1 Range Road' John E, and PatricIa A. Sadtler (Shazam Boat Works), CU 92-35 P & Z MINUTES , I I' 'I I : _/ 2 07/l4/92 Request. To permit (1' vehicle servIce; and (21 outdoor retail sales, displays, and storage Zoned - IL {limited Industriall Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted. in writing, the staff recommendation. Mr. Shuford stated that this request has been continued twice to allow the applicant to submit a detailed site plan, and that this plan has not yet been received by staff. He noted that the use requested is suitable but problems exist with the site and that staff feels there Is no choice but to recommend denial absent the required site plan. Applicant's representative, Robin Eubanks, 29734 66th Way N., stated that he brought with him to this hearing the required site plan that was just completed and that it includes all details requested by staff. Mr. Eubanks offered to distribute the plans to the Board for their review. ChaIrman Mazur explained that staff will need to review the plans prior to the Board considering this request. Mr. Eubanks then requested a continuance to the next mecting to allow staff time to rcvicw the plans. fL2: None Con: None Approved request to continue this application to the August 4, T 992 meeting (motion made by Mr, Carassas. and seconded by Mr. SavageJ. Motion carried unanimously (5 to 01. . ..', I. l I : ' '. " . . " ;, I' " . , I ' ~'. .', " . '. ' . ,,' i'." I 'I; :. i" i ' " " . ,:' j . .:' ,: . . .,' r ,~. t ." ( . " . ' 4. (Continued from 6/16/92 & 6/30/92) Lots 3, 4, and 112 vacated alley on east, J B Roberts Sub (1253 S Ft Harrison Avel Morrltt Homes, Inc. (City Pawn & Jewelryl, CU 92-39 Request - To permit outdoor retail sales, displays, and/or storage Zoned. IL (Limited Industrial) r~ Mr, Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. The applicant was not present at this hearing. A motion was made by Mr. Carassas, and seconded by Mr, Merriam to postpone this request to the end of this meeting. Motion carried unanimously {5 to OJ. After all other agenda items were completed, the applicant had still not appeared. Request denied (motion made by Mr. Carassas and s.econded by Mr. Bk:1cfntaffeJ. Motion carried umnImousJy (6 to OJ. C. - CONOmONAL USES: 1. M&B 33.01, See 17.29-15, {1 160 Gulf Blvdl Sand Key Assoc Ltd Partnership d/b/a Sheraton Sand Key Resort (Resort Recreation Incl, CU 92-41 Request. To permit rental of motorized personal watercraft luse not specified in codel Zoned - CR-28 (Resort Commercial) and ALlC (Aquatic lands/Coastal) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. In response to questions by the Board, Mr, Shuford stated that the Board may consider the fallowing as additional conditions of approval: the rental vehicles be clearly Identi1ied as rentals; and that rental of the watercraft vehicles be limited to the exclusive use of the hotel guests. Representing the Sheraton Sand Key, Dennis Doucctte. 1480 Gulf Blvd., stated they have no problems with the conditions recommended bV staff, and added that the rentals will be for their guests only. Mr. Doucette stated that Mr. Jim Dauhefty will operate the business. Jim Dauherty, 1021 Brookside Drive, stated the vehicles will be operated within the required boundaries as identified in the drawing submitted as part of the application. Mr. Dauhertv stated that identifying the vehicles as rentals would not be a problem. In response to questions by the Board, Mr. Dauherty stated that he has previous experience operating a business of this type, and that they will have three vehicles for rent and one emergency vehicle. At the Board's request Mr. Dauherty explained the details of the drawing of the designated operating area. fr2: None CQn: Mr. Fred Bruder, Supervisor of Sand Key Park, stated they arc concerned that the renters of these vehicles will enter swimming areas and would desire a 200 ft. buffer outside swim buoys and the Jetty area to ensure adequate safety for swimmers. Mr. Bruder stated that if the boundaries cannot be observed, the application should be denied. Mr. Bruder noted that the Clearwater lifeguard radio frequency is monitored, and they are well aware of the problems with these vehicles on Clearwater Beach. Mr. Bruder stated that color COding of the rental vehicles to identify them as rcntals would be helpful. Mr. Shuford elCplained the proposed vehicle operation area to Mr. Bruder. Mr. Brudcr stated this would be acceptable. Mr. Carassas elCpressed concern with regard to adding a hazard in close proximity to a public park. Ms. Martin asked about where privately owned watercraft vehicles are permitted to opcrate. Mr. Shuford responded that private vehicles can basically operate wherever they wish. Mr. Bickerstaffe felt that recreation equipment is important for a beach community and should be allowed. In response to questions by the Board, Mr. Shulord elCplained that the Waiver Agrcement currently in existence does not include Sand Key. and that if a trial periOd was considercd as a condition of approval that it should be for one year. P & Z MINUTES 3 07/14/92 Mr. Bickerstaffe felt that with the Park Personnel monitoring the operation. coupled with Mr. Held monitoring the operation, that if there are enough violations the permit would be revoked. Mr. Shuford responded that Mr. Held could only do that if it was included as a condition of approval. Approved (motion by Mr. Savage, and seconded by Mr. BickentaffeJ subJect to the foIIowjng condtJons: 'I Tha pt'O(XJSe(/ emerrJlN1CY rescue veuel shall be liIVailable during aM hours of opet3tion for ~fety ptXpO$BS and not lor rent; 2) The proposed hours of operation shill be 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on any given d6y; 3J The proposed Waveronnot'S shall remain out of the CIearwtIter Pass navigation channel; 4J The proposed rental opention $hall be 6mited to three Wav~ and any addtional requests for Wavt!lf'lA')OOt'$ shall be subject to the approv11l of the Planning and Zoning Board; 5} The applicant shall maintain one mil/ion dollar liability insur.Jnce coverage to be carried at all times and all co-insured shall have tho same coverage; 6J The rental business retoln two OfJ-$/te competent attendants at all hou~ of operation to enfrxce safety rules to prospective operators and provide total business monitoring; 7J The applicant shall be advised by the CJealWater Environmental Management Division in cooperation with the Clearwater Marine Science Center of sea turtle nesting activities and shall conduct business opet3tions acc:ort6ngly to eliminate tho destruction of any nesting areas and shall cooperate fully In turtle -nest relocation efforts by the Clearwater Marine Science Center; 8J The appI"lCBIJt shall obtain the requisite occupational1h.-ense within six months of this pubrlC hearing; 9J All rental vehicJes shaJI be clearly matted to identify them from piWare vchJcJes in accordance with CJty poTq; TO} Rental of lhese watercraft vehJcJes shall be Pmited to the exclusive use of the hotel (lUC$ts; , T J The are of operation of the watercraft vehicles shall be PmUed to the specific limits as submitted with the application; and '2J The operations shall be subject to the violations provisions of the Waiver Agreement in effect for Cle3lWater Beach. Motion carried unanimously (6 10 OJ, 2. Lot 1, Radisson Bavside Hotel, (1261 Gulf Blvd, Suite 1041 The Shoppes Assoc Ltd Partnership ITran Thang dlb/a Macau Chinese Restl, CU 92-42 Request - To permit on.premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned - B IBusiness) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Applicant's representative, Tran lhang, 401 Rosary Rd. NE 1405, stated he will be operating the business along with his mother. In response the questions by the Board, Mr. Thang stated that he has had experience working in a restaurant, but not operating one. He added that his mother has owned and operated a restaurant in the past. Mr James Thibodeau, 2736 Dryer Ave. Largo, {a friend of Mr. Thang'sl stated that this area, The Shoppes at Sand Kev, could easilv support another restaurant. " In response to questions by the Board, Mr. Thang stated he has not had any formal training dealing with determining whether customers have had too much to drink, other than his experience being a waiter. He added that there will be no bar and that beer and wine will only be served that the tables with meals. f!.2: None Con: None Discussion bV the Board included experience in dealing with serving customers alcoholic beverages and determining whether patrons are drinking in excess, and possibly imposing a trial period as a condition. Mr. Carassas asked why Cha ell;;! !.:oconuts was not listed as a alcoholic beverage facility within 300 feet. Mr. Shuford stated he will find l,Jut this information. Approved (motion maoo by Mr. Merriam, and seconded by Mr. BickerstaffeJ subject to the following conditions: 1 J The sale of beer and wine sl1all JJ.a restricted to consumption on premises with no package sales; 2J The roquisite occupational license sl1all be obtained within 6 months (rom the date of this public hearing; 3) There shall be no ourdoor seating or other expansion of the floor area devoted to the proposed use; 4J The applicant shall obtain approval (rom the City Commission for the requisite separation distance variance,' and 51 Closing time shall be no later than '0:30 p.m. on weekdays, and 1 ':00 p.m. on weekends. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. P & Z MINUTES 4 07/14/92 " I' , 4 I"" . . .;' .. :' .'. I.' , " .'.. I ..', . I . " . ", . ~ '. ~.:." / ." ' " I: . .'. "1 . ' ;' . , " i', .,,' I' ':~ 3. Lots 8 through 10, Enghurst Add to Clwr, (1209 N Ft Harrison Ave) Wieland Ide (A. N.Y., Inc/Ouick Stop Food MartI, CU 92-43 Request. To permit packaae sales of beer and wine Zoned - eN (Neighborhood Commerciall ,~ '.~ Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Mr. Shuford stated that staff recommends amending condition " to include obtaining a City occupational license within 6 months. The Board discussed the lighting on the site and it was the consensus of the Board that the condition should include directing the lighting away from the surrounding residential area and street rights-of-way. The applfcant was not present and a motion was made by Mr. Carassas, and seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe, to postpone this request to the end of the meeting, Motion carried unanimously (6 to 01. After other agenda items were completed, Mr. Ylldirim had arrived. Mr, Shuford explaIned the changes to the conditions recommended by staff In the discussion that took place before his arrival. Applicant's representative, Neil Yildirim. 1209 No. Fort Harrison Ave., stated he does not have a problem with any of the conditions. In response to Questions by the Board Mr. Yildirim stated he has previous experience operating a business, and that his sales will incrude cold beer. Mr. Yildirim responded that he is currently open but not selling beer. Ms. Martin expressed concern with the hours of operation of this business due to it being so close to a residential area. Board discussion ensued regarding the hours of operation. It was the consensus of the Board that the hours of operation be limited to the times stated on the .opplication, Mr. Vildirim stated he would prefer being allowed to remain open untl1 " :00 p.m. f!.Q~ NOlle ~: None Approved (motion made. by Mr. Carnssas. and seconded by Mr. MerriamJ subject to ate following conrPtions: 1 J Applicant shall obtain State alcoholic beverage license and City occupational license within six months; 2J All sionage shall be brought into confOlmance with all Code requirements CKI or before October , 3, , 992; 31 Additional lighting shall be provided behind the building for the purpose of crime prevention and this lighting shall be directed away from surrounding residential areas and street rights of way; and 4J Hours of operation shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 7:00 a.m. to 10:(}() p.m. on weclcends. Motion cam"ell unanimously (6 to OJ. 4. Lots 57 through 63 and part of Lot 64, Clwr Beach Park, (490 Mandalay Ave) Mary G. Realty, Inc. (NTA Food Center, Inc. d/b/a Waterfront Pizza Restl, CU 92-44 Request - To permit on'premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned " CB (Beach Commercial) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the r.ase and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Appticunt's representative, Nick Gionis, 130 Windward Island, stated he owns the restaurant with his brother, and has been operating for four months. Mr. Gionis stated that he has no problem with the conditions recommended by staff. In response to questions by the Board, Mr. Gionis stated that limiting outdoor seating to 11 :00 p.m. would be agreeable. He added that this is a clean family restaurant and that he has operated a restaurant on Clearwater Beach for 17 years. ''-0 Mr. Shuford thanked Mr. Gionis for improvement that has been done to the facade of the restaurant. P & Z MINUTES 5 07/14/92 " . . ".. t .', " .' .", ~ ~ '.' ~ ~ .,.":~' t':.: L' .' ' ",' >~:,. " ': . ~ '," '. ',' - ...;... :": ''':'1''.' ,'/,'..:F" . .... . ' ~ 'I . _ ftQ: None t.2n~ None Approved lmotion made by Mr. Savage. /Ind ~ by Mr. Merriam} subiect to the following condtJons: , J There sha/I be no other alc0hoiic beviNiI/18 $BIes uses (11!l1lJ. {JaCkBl/l! lInd on premise consumption} within the shopping center; 2J Approval shall be for on.prcmlses consumption af ak:oho1ic beverages only with no packa/18 sales: 3J The requl$lte occup;Ition;J/ IiccMe shall be abtained within $/I (61 months from the date of this pubrlC heating; AI The building shalt be used in such II manner as to retain Its status B$ II retail center (not mote than 4()(J sq. ft. of outdoor :seating Broil shall be providedl: 51 The sppTteant :shall obtain the requi$lte aJcoho/ic beverage fKstance separation variances from the City Commission; 6J The applicant shall meet the perimeter Iandsc8pinl/ material teqUirements af Sec. , 36.023 along the nonh side of the property and shalI1ncorporate a low (30" tilllJ wall or fence Into the site dosIl/n to phy$lca/Jy separate the restaurant patrons from the street right-of-way and the nonh side driveway; 7J All signage on the property shall be brought into compliance with the City sign regulations on or before October , 3, 1992.; OJ The cJosing time for the use shall be no later than t,:oo p.m. (or . exterior seating and t 2:00 midnight for Interior seating: and 9J There shall be no entertainment or outdoor speakers assocJated with the u:se. Motion canied unanimously (6 to OJ. 5. Part of Blk 2, Baskin's Aeplat Resub, (2779 Gulf to Bay Blvd) Herbert E. and Jane B. Wollowick (KCMT Entertainment, Inc./Sweaty Eddy'sl, CU 92-45 Request - To permit on'premise consumption and package sales of beer, wine, and liquor Zoned . CG (General Commerciall Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staft recommendation. The applicant was not present and a motion was made bV Mr, Carassas, and seconded by Mr. Savage, to postpone this request to the end of the meeting. Motion carried unanimously '6 to 0). At the conclusion of all other agenda items, the applicant had not arrived. Mr. Shuford stated that it was his understand this applicant had intended to make a verbal or written request to continue this request due to health problems and recommended the Board continue this item to August 4, 1992. Motion was made by MI. Carassas. and seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe. to continue this request to the August A. t 992 meeting. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. 6. M&B 33.02, Sec 4-29-16, {3040 S.R. 5901 Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Clwr, Inc. 'Humane Society of North Pinel1as, InCl, CU 92-46 Request - To permit temporary building for wiidlife rehabilitation (use I10t specified In code) Zoned - PISP (Public/Semi-Public) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Applicant, Toni Howard, 20 Pombroke Circle, Palm Harbor, stated they take care of orphaned and injured wildlife, rehabilitating them with the purpose of releasing them back into the wild. In response to a question by the Board, Ms. Howard stated that any animals kept will be quiet, such as birds, possums, and raccoons and there should not be a problem with noise. f!2.: None Con: None Approved (motion made by Mr. CiJrassas, and seconded by Mr. Savage) subject to tile following conditions: 1 J Any proposed outdoor areas associated with the use shall be clearly indicated on t/~ site plan prior to the issuance of t/~ lequlsite building permits; 21 The perimeter landscaping standards of Section 136.023 shall be provided: and 3J The requisite permits and any necessary occupational license approvals shaff be obtained wit/sin 6 months. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. P & Z MINUTES 6 07/14/92 '," r':1 ": /:.... '.~.4:~ .t".~ '::" ~'. ,.' ','~,,'.',.I .,. ..... ,'; ,-":'4 ''. "/',: I,"", < .~., :,':.:,. ';":' ':.' "'~~":_("'11, ., . 7. Lots 1 through 1 0, ell<. C, Bayside Shores, 1731 Bayway Blvd} William Kebort lEI MelCicano of C1wr 1ne), CU 92-47 Aequest - To permit on.premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned - CB (Beach CommerciaU f';,.., Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Applicant, Francisco Ruiz, 1830 Druid Rd., stated he owns a MelCican Restaurant located in Sunshine Mall which serves alcoholic beverages and has been operating it for the last efght and one-hall years. He stated that he will eventually close that restaurant. In response to questions by the Board Mr. Auiz stated he has no problem with the conditfons recommended by staff. He added that this will be a family restaurant with no bar area, and that beer and wine will be served at the tables only with meals. f!Q: . . Herb L.eonhaldt, 706 Bayway, stated that he lives across the street from this location. He felt that this is one of the best proposals for this location as do several neighbors he had contacted. He stated he would like the closing times should be limited to the times stated on the application. He felt this request is a good one and should be approved. Mr. Shuford suggested the Board may want to add a condition stating that seating shaU be limited to table seating only with no bar seating, He added that this would make enforcement easier and eliminate any confusion as to what constitutes a -family restaurant-. He also suggested possibly limiting the hours as requested by Mr. Leonhardt. ,CQa: None Approved (motion by Mr. Carassas, Sf!COOded by Mr. Bicker.;taffeJ subject to the following conditlons: 1 J CJos/ng time shall be no later than 10:00 p.m. Monday through nwrsday, and ,,:00 p.m. on Fridays and weekends; 21 The applicant shall obtain the roquisite atcoholic separation variances from the City Commission; 3J Approval shall be for consumption on premises only with no package sales; 4J There shall be no entertainment, outdoor seating, or outdoor speaker.;; and 5J Scating shall be limited to table seating only, with no bar seating. Motion carried unanimously (6 to 01. 8. Lot 1, Radisson Bayside Hotel, 11261 Gull Blvd., Suite 110J The Shoppes Assoc Ltd Partnership (Paloscio's Pizza and Pasta lncl, CU 92-48 Request - To permit on'premise consumption of beer and wine Zoned - 8 (Business) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Applicant, Michael Pilloscio, 831 Tallowood Dr., Largo, stated he wants to scrve onlv beer and wine to compliment the dinners. Mr. Paloscio stated that in the past he was involved with his mother's restaurant in New York and that he is familiar with dcaling with persons who have had too much to drink. He noted that he has worked in commercial fishing for the past '7 years and now wants to get back into the restaurant business. In response to questions by the Board Mr. Paloscio stated he will be the owner and the gentleman that will be the cook has been working in the restaurant business for the past 20 years. Mr. Palosclo also stated that he has a lease that is contingent on oetting approval for this license. frQ: None ~: None --.. Approved (motion by Mr. Savage. seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffel subject to the following conditions: 11 The requisite occupational license shall be obtained within 6 months ftom the date of tlUs public hearing; 2J Tbere shall be no outdoor seating; 31 The saIl! of beer and wine shall be limited to consumption on premises with no package sales; 41 The applicant shall obtain approval ffOm the City Commission lor any requisite separation distance variances,' and 5) Closing lime shall be no latel than 10:00 p.m. during the week, and 11:00 p,m. Friday, Satutday. and Sunday. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. P & Z MINUTES 7 07/14/92 ,:" , I I,. = I I I '-'t;' .' .. . :,. '. '~. '. I I, ~ ." " ,'. ' " " '. ,;. .... - ~ . . ~, ", . I ,.' : 9. Lots 43 through 48, part 01 lot 64, and lots 65 through 71, Clwr Bcach Park, (470 Mandalay Avel Pelican Two, Inc IPSA lnc/Ocean Gardenl, CU 92-49 Request - To pcrmit on-premise consumption and package sales of beer, wine, and liquor Zoned, CB (Beach Commerciall and CR 28 tResort Commercial) Mr. Carassas declared a conflict of Interest with this application and will not participate in the discussion or vote. (~t'."'\ " ' Mr. Shuford gave the background of thc case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Mr. Shuford recommended a detailed modification of the condition regarding Improving the parking area. Applicant's representative, Trish Muscarella, 1550 South Highland, Suite B, stated she is representing the owners of the Ocean Garden Restaurant. She stated that another corporation bought the property across the strcet which staff is referring to as off-site parking which they are trying to tie in with this restaurant. The real Issue is that there is an option to buy the restaurant in the future, but currently they are just tenants in the building. Ms. Muscarella stated that the applicant is requesting an 800 sq. ft. addition with veranda type doorways opening out on a patio in front of the restaurant which will be in keeping with the tropfcal seascape theme as recommendod by the Clearwater Beach Task Force. Ms. Muscarella felt this will be an asset to the beach and improve the aesthetic qualities of the area. Ms. Muscarella discussed in grcat detail with the Board and staff the parking issue and other conditions as recommended by staff. Applicant. Elias Anastasopoulas. 1600 Gulf Blvd.. Penthouse One, stated Ms. Muscarella is his representative. Mr. Anastasopoulos stated that when purChasing this property, he and his attorney went 10 the City to discuss the parking easement and at that time the City did not have any information. He added that the request today is only for the patio, that they do have a permit, and ir we are required to have ten more parking spaces they will be provided. Pro: Jim Staack. 600 Cleveland Street, stated that he is an attorney and did go with Mr. Anastasopoulos to the City at the timB the corporation was formed to acquire the two properties, specifically to find out if any agreements existed relating to parking or inter-parking relationships. He stated that the City was unable to find any formal agreements between any entities. Gordon McDougall, 815 Bruce Avenue, stated that he was involved with the Clearwater Beach Blue Ribbon Task Force and one of the major concerns on the beach was that it was not publicly oriented; it did not make a statement that we want the public/tourists to stay around, sit around, visit our shops and spend some time on the beach. Mr. McDougall noted that from Baymont to Route 60 there are approximately only four benches {submitted photographsl. and noted that they are in poor condition. k2.0.: None After a lengthy discussion, the applicant's representative conceded that they will have to meet the parking requirements, but did not wish to formally tie the properties together with a long term parking agreement or unity of title. Discussion ensued by the Board regarding the conditions to be imposed for approval of this request. Approved (motion by Mr. Bickerstaffe. seconded by Ms. MartinJ subject to (be following conditions: 7 J The proposed outdoor use area shall not exceed 800 sq. ft. and the interior use area shall not exceed 9,'00 sq. ft.; 2J Outside scating shall be limited to 53 people; 3J The 37 on-site parking spaces shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Approved Site Pian; 4J Within 60 days of this publiC hearing, the dumpster shall be relocated to a site approved by the City's Solid Waste Division. and screened; and 51 The applicant shall obtain the requisite alcoholic beverage separation distance variance from the City Commi~; 5J There shall be no outdoor speakers or enlertiJ'-nment; 7 J Off-sile pa,*ing for this use shall continue to be provided as in tlHJ past. In addition. the Board agrees that this approval is an instrument that will assist in the development of Clearwater Beach and not an escape to tile existing parking problem. Motion carn'ed unanimously 15 to OJ. (Thcre was one abstention by Mr. Car.Jssas.J 10. lot 4 and part of lot 5, Blk 2, Wallace's Add, (519 S Ft Harrison Avel Trivcst Investments, Inc (Gulf Coast Auto Salesl. CU 92-50 P & Z MINUTES 8 07/14/92 , .~J'.. ,: I' . ~",~. r ..,.". "': .', ,.'. '~'. ,... ~: ,~~ ~. I.". . r ,'. :..... '. " .' ..;.... . ,', " . ,'.' , , . ReQuest - To pcrmit outdoor rctail sales, displays, and/or storage Zoned - CG (General Commercfal) r-:', Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. Mr. Shuford stated that the applicant indicated to staff that improvements will be made to the site, but these are not thoroughly shown on the site plan. Mr. Shuford advised that in the past the Board has granted applicants continuance in order to provide this Information on the site plan; howevcr, given the information that we have staff would recommend denial of the request, Kevin Becker, 309 North Belcher Road, applicant'S fepresentative, stated that the property owner forwarded to him a letter after the application was submitted which stated that Mr. Shuford had advised that if the Proposed rezoning at this property to UC Is approved, that this use would not require a conditional use permit. Mr. Shuford explained that the proposal to extend the UC zoning district includes changes to that zoning district which would make this partiCUlar use unavailable in this area either as a permitted nor a conditional use. Mr. Shuford discussed with Mr. Becker the site plan detaUs. Mr. Shuford suggested Mr. Becker request a continullnce to meet with staff and work out the details required on the site plan. Mr. Becker then requested that the Board grant continuance to allow time to contact staff and work out detaifs required on the site plan and provide same. em: None C,Qn: None Continued 10 August 4, 1992'0 allow applicant to provide a more detailed site plan, (motion made by Mr. Meniam, seconded by Mr. CafilssaSJ, Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. D. ANNEXATION, ZONING, LAND USE PlAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVaOPMENT CODE TEXT AM8\/DMENT, AND lOCAl PlANNING AGENCY REVIEW: 1, Lot 61, Clwr Manor, 11716 Ragland Avel Esther A. Wrobel, A 91-03, LUP 91-03 LAND USE PLAN: FROM: Unclassified TO: Low Density Residential ZONED: RS 8 ISingle Family Residential) Mr. Mazur noted that the applicant was not present and that no persons appeared in favor or opposition to the request. Recommended that the City Commis$ion approve (motion made by Mr. Bickcrstaffc, and seconded by Mr. CanJssasJ the Annexation, Land Use Pian Amendment to Low Density Residential, and Zoning Atlas Amendment to RS-8. Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. 2. Ordinance No. 5254-92 of the City of Clearwater, Florida. relating to the Land Development Code; amending Section 135.150, 135.1524, and 136.025, Code of Ordinances, to allow child day care as a conditional use in the Limited Industrial zoning district and the Research, Development and Office Park zoning district, and to establish supplementary standards for such conditional uses. providing an effective date. lDCA 92-10 Mr. Shuford explained the purpose and intent of this proposed amendment to the Land Development C~de. Mr. Mazur noted that no persons appeared in favor or opposition to this amendment. Recommended that the City Commission approve this amendment to the Land Development Code (motion by Mr. Carassas, seconded by Mr. BickcrstaffeJ. Molian ca"ied unanimously (6 to 0). 3. Ordinance No. 5236.92 of the City of Clearwater, Florida, relating to the Land Development Code; amending Section 134.015, Code of Ordinances, to delete the sign variance application deadline; P & Z MINUTES 9 07/14/92 : . ..' I';" I, ..' " ~ I . I :' .', I ': .' ':. ',' : .' . 4 I '.~ ",,~', " '.' ".' . " ( . " , . :' ',: -, . ' ' ':. . f I providing an effective date. lDCA 92.08 Mr. Shuford explained this proposed amendment was included within the Sian Code revisions reviewed by this Board at the last meeting. He stated the Intent is to separate this from the Sign Code so that requests for sign variances would not be delayed. . Discussion on the details of this amendment ensued, fncluding whether a variance requcst would be possible after the October 13, 1992 amortization deadlines. (...~.... t Mr. Mazur noted that no persons appeared in favor or opposition to this amendment. Continued to AU/lfJst 4, '992 10 enable staff to clarify the langual/f! (motion made by Mr, Mcmam, seconded by Mr. Carassas). Motion carried unanimously (6 to OJ. E. CHAlRMAN'S ITEMS Mr. Mazur felt the timing Is appropriate to adopt rules for waverunncrs, such as a means for identification of rental waverunners. Secondly, Mr. Mazur felt that with requests for new alcoholic be....erage licenses for restaurants, that closing times for surrounding sfmllar establishments should be provided so that the Board would be consistent. Mr. Mazur also discussed the issue of experience or training for owners/operators of such establishments \n handling patrons in regard to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and whether any such training is required or available. F. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS Mr. Shuford stated that the Tampa Tribune ran an article in which his comments on the flood zone ordinance were taken out of context. G. BOARD AND STAFF COMMENTS Mr. Bickerstafie suggested that staff could include the closIng times 01 surrounding restaurants in the staff reports and recommend the same closing times for similar requests. He also inquired about the results of the City Commission's denial of the request from the True School. Mr. Shuford stated that he understood it was denled due to incompatible zoning. Mr. Merriam questioned the Planning & Development Department's perception of this Board - such as In the True Value request in which the Board went against the staff's recommendation. Mr. Shuford stressed the importance of the functions of the Planning and Zoning Board and the service they provide. Mr. Merriam also felt that when the staff recommends denial and the applicants receive a copy of the staff report, that some applicants may feel it is not worth proceeding in that they have no chance to have their request approved. He also felt that It could adversely affect theIr presentation. He added that if the staff recommends approval, the applicants may not do an adequate presentation as they feel it will be approved. Mr. Shuford explained that he felt the written reports are helpful to the Board members in that they provide professional guidance and that staff recommendations do not .tie the hands. of the Board. He noted that the appHcants are provided a copy of the staff report to allow them to address issues raised in the report. Meeting adjourned at 6: 10 p.m. Jr., Director of Planning and Development P & Z MINUTES 10 07/14/92 FqRM 88. MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COU,NTY ..MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFI9ERS lM,r N^".tr.~f, r A II! '~J\l1I: NAMIl tl^~1U 01' nllMW, t:OU~JCIl., (OMMrSSION, AU fllOR If'", OR COMM11 fH _.~A'RA5SA:,$.~' .3"0 {-fAJ - c_" f(cVT1(/~n0 ..( ZOYI;n Q It" ":'""l N(l AUUlU,SS f)/ 0 t L' 11ll;1l0^rW,lOUtJCIl.UI~IMISSION,^U'~lf".URCUM~1I11U;Oll ... 1:0 /"'. J.fl~ () V {A. A ~ ({JO -; :~I S!:IlVE IS II tlNII or: , to lYVt\ ,:/ , . ( -,,~) "(IIUN!" 'IOllltIlIOt'1\l ^IlENl'Y nnCf (1ILJIH\' . ~ /l (w hi {-r=- r P , r I N^~~E UI l'UI.11K^!. SUnI!IVISIllN: LVl v\.. '-"t ~ I t'78 C{ c' I r? '( vJ 0....-(- f? r M \' I'OS' r It m IS: 1 I t:I.EC fl VI: ~-"^I'I'OIN liVE WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B c. t( - 9:)- 'Ie; 'l:Jlis form is fot IIse h)' allY pcrson sClvinr, allhc WIII1I)', cily. or olher locnl1c\l:1 of govctnlllenl 011 nllllJlpolntcd or cleclcd boald, cOllllcil. COlllrllissiotl, alllhOlily, or cnnllllittec, II applics clJllnll)' 10 lIIelllhers or nth'i~OlY alld norHldvism)' bodies who ate I1lcscnlcd wilh 11 \'olillg cOllrlicl or illlcreslulldcl Scrlhlll 112.31<1.1, J=lorldn Slntu.cs. Thc !equi":l11cnls of Ihi!; law :He lJlalldalory; allholl~h thc U!;e of lhis Pllllic\llnr forlll i!; IInl lequited Ill' law. )'011 :tiC clIl:olllnged 10 ,,~~ il ill making Ihe disclosure ,e(juhed hy lo\\', Your Icsl'ollsihilhies ullder Ihe Inw whell faccd wilh 1I1llc:mlle ill \\hich you hll\,(~ n ClI11flicl or illlclesl wilt wily /1,lc:uly depelldinr. 011 whethcr )'Oll hold un eleclivc m ollPoinli\'c posilirJl1. For this IcaSOll, plco~e pay close nllcnlion 10 Ihe InslluctiollS olllhis form bdOle cOll1plelillg Ihe IC\'CI!'e side alld Jilinl.\ Ihe forlll. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE Wlnt SECTlOU 112.31"'3, FLORIDA STATUTES ., ...Eel E1J OFFlCEHS: A pet ~on holding rice I i\'c COlli" Y. lllllllidl1n I, 01 01 hel IOl'al puhlit' !lllin: r...1 U~ r A US I'A I N rr 011I \'tll iug Oil 11 menSlI1 r \\ hich illlll C~ 10 his spccial prh-IlIC gnin. Ench Im:nl olliccr Ilho is prohihiled IWIII kuowillldy \tllillg 011 II menSUle which inures \0 the special gnill or a prilldPll1 {other Ihall n gmellllllcII1 oBcllc)'1 by \\ hOlll he is lClaillC(1. III chhef ('IISC, )'011 should disclose Ihe cOllrlicl: P It lOR H) n lEVU n: UE I NG TA J{ EN hl' pllbJidy ~t;lI ill'! III the lIs~elllhl)' I he n:llUle 01 r01l1 intclesl ill I he lIl1:nSIlIC on which you nrc nltstnillillg froll1 \'olinr,: al/d WITIIIN 15 DArS AFTER "I liE von: OCCUltS by WllIl'klilll) nlttllilillg Ihis 101111 wilb Ihe persall responsible for ICC(lldillg Ihc Illillllles of the meeting, whu shollhJ illCOl por<1le Ihe hlf III ill lhe IlIillllles. API'OINTED UlTICEItS: A pcrsall holding nl1pnillti\'c COUIII)', 1lHlllicip:ll. or lllher local puhlic ollkc f\lUST ABSIAIN frOlll volillg 011 n mcnsllle which inllrcs 10 his spednl priV<1lc gnin. Each 10c:\I nUkel nlst! is plohihilCd 11011I kn{lwiIlAI~' volillll 011 n lIlenSllle which illlllC5 \0 Ihe sncd..1 gain or a lirillcipnl (olher Ihall n l.lO\'e 1111 II CII I ngency) hy wholll he is relnillcd. A pcrsoll holdilll.! all nppoilllivc locnl orlice olhcl\\'i~e lIIar pallidprtlC ill n malleI ill which he has II coulJkl 01 illleres1, hili IIIml d isclll~e I he' 11:1111I e or I hc COli lliel bdol e lIlOl J.;i IIg allY nl I empl 10 ill Ihll:llce I he deci~ioll by or n I or WI illell COIlllllllllicnl iOll, \\ hel her made by I hl' olrieer or n I his "dir eel ion, " IF YOU INTEND .10 l\IA~:E ANY An HIPI' 'f(> INFLUENCE I liE DECISIUN PRIOR .'01111: f\lEEI INCi A" WIIICII THE VOl E \\'ILI. BE TAI(EN: . You should complete nlld tile Ihis hum lhclorc IIWUlllt nl1~' aHem!,1 10 illllllellcr Ihe (lccisiuu) wilh Ihe' pelSOll lespollsible for I eCOluillg Ihe millules or Ihe lllrclillg. \\'110 \\ ill illCtll pontic I he 101m in lite minules. '-. · ^ COP)' or I he (or III shollld be pr m ided Irlllllcdinlrly 10 I he 01 hel Illrll1hcr', u r I he ngellc)', · I he 101m should be rend puhlicl)' nl lhe lIH:cling priol 10 coII,idernlilln 01 Ihe IIInr1cI ill which YOIl h:wc n conllicl 01 il1lcl(~sl. 1 IIIII\I"U tfI ~~ , 4 . ", . . r, '. -",'. J ,e.' "r, . <I . . rAGr I m ~ (g: WH, W ~- "\ IF YOU ~l^kli NO..f\'TTEf1.-tI'T '10 INFLUENCE TilE DECISION I:XCEI' r BY DISCUSSION A'CfliCdCEAk'~. · \'0\1 s"ulIl~1 dlsrlose tunll)' the 1l1l1\1le ur yom touflicl hI Ihc II1C:1l'lIrC helo,e 1'0001;~lpulin.:. · \'OllShlll;ld cumplel!: Ihc lonu nlld file il wlfhill 15 dl1Y~ "'let Ihc \'ole OcCIlI~ wllh Ihe PCI501llCSpotlslble (ot Iccording Ihe minutcs or Ihe meclill~, whu shuuld \1\\:OlPUl~I.C tIll: Cotm In ,he minutes. ..,~ . :.' '.. . 4 :''.':',' 'II... . .... ... ~' .' . ,.~ '. , . ",''',.. ' . 10.,' ., . '.. , ,., '. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S nHEREST' . " nA1 / ~., : .' ,: ~. C\ e,' /;! ." , I, -y=J:'.tM.~ l. tVt..&.-l:Jt:~~_, hClchy disclose Ihnl 011 7"''- I/o. / :7 '. (n) ^ IIlensure cn~nc or will cOlm: helmc my ngellc~' which {check one) .:' fl. . . ~ . .' . ;. t . .. ", , ;'. :" ... or,' "..' .: , , , " ,. 'CJ '"7 "i~~: __ IlItllcd 10 lilY spcdnllul\'illl' enin; or .-' I? /" ~lIcclllllhc spednl gn\n or _~:....:...........__~(&.~~",- (I " , b)' wholll 1 nlll r clnillcd. tb) 1 hc IIIC.1SIlIC belute illY lIgCllt:}' 1I11l1Ihc~I?IIllC or Ill}' Inlclc51 in Ih: I\lCn~UlC is liS h~.U"W5: .G^i{f!~+ (~1 /l-;i;;r~~~L/'-;-&- t,~-t:~. c-f~".;;f' /?f-~ Io~, ,. \ .' '01 / /t/;192- . ._~.-Z.. - .-------....---..- --.--.----- (Jar C Filed I /"---. /~) /) f__,'~ '. .:.;../d::.:6-.~_C-=~---l::. c-~(../.) -;JcX...-/) _ /'s' .- . ". Igl"'IUIC ',---, ' NOIICE: UNlJEIt "IWVISIONS or FUHUlM srM'UI ES ~1I2,317 (tlJR5l. ^ FAILURE '10 r-.tAf..:1:. ANY REQUIRED JISCLOSURE CUNS 111 LJ'I E5 OItOUNOS FOil AND l\IA \' BE I'UNrSllEIJ IIY ONE on ~10'U; OF 'II IE FOI.LO\\'IN(j: "IPEAClll\IENT. HEI\IOVAL OR SUSPENSION FltOl\1 OITICE on EI\II'LOYMENT. UEI\I(n ION. REDUC'I ION IN ," \ltY. REPHIt--t/\NIJ, Oil ^ CIVIL I'ENAUY Nor '10 EXCH:l) J5,onO, ", .. '".. .,...,