03/17/1992 (2) , ' .'r ',. t.. ..j. '.. { ,. ..i-.'. I., f ' .' I' ',' ," '. '. I . ." " ~ .,' . .,: .,' I . '".': 't.... . . . . ~ ., '. ~ i. ' ,... " I' ...~...\ ACTION AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1992.1:30 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION ITEM A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approved (motion Mr. Schwab, second Mr. Carassasl minutes of March 3, 1992. Motion carried unanimously (7 to 0). CONDmONAL USES. ANNEXATION. ZONING, LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS. LAND DEVelOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS. AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVIEW: THE BOARD FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW. ALL TESTIMONY FOR CONDmONAL USE REQUESTS IS GIVEN UNDER OATH. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. >~ .".~, ....--- 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The Chairperson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each item as it is presented. The staff report and pertinent background information arc presented.. 5 minutes maximum. Staff presents any supporting written documents. Staff presents any opposing written documents. The applicant or his representative presents his case. . 5 minutes maximum. Persons who support the application speak. 3 minutes milximum for each individual; or spokesperson for group. 10 minutes maximum. Persons who oppose the application speak. 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokesperson for group - 10 minutes maximum. Persons supporting the application (other than applicant! may speak in rebuttal. 3 minutes maximum. Persons opposing may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes maximum. The applicant has an opportunity for final rebuttal - 5 minutes maximum. Public Hearings are closed. Discussion by the Board. The Board makes a decision. FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105 STATES: ANY PERSON APPEALING A DECISION OF THIS BOARD MUST HAVE A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO SUPPORT SUCH APPEAL B. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. M&B 32.02, See 20-29-16(18911 U.S. Hwy 19 NI Robert G, and Hazel V. Daniel (Shor-Bo InclShore Lanes Bowling AlleylSlick Willie'sl. CU 92-16 ''''''--r'''' Request - To permit on-premise consumption at beer. Wine, and liquor Zoned - CH (Highway Commercia II Approved (motion Mr.Scllwob, second Mr. Hamiltonl subject (0 till! following conditions: 11 Tllis conditional use permit shall bo for a six (61 month Mtri,71 neriod~ in order for the applicant's compfiance with tile City's liJW anforconlf.N1t coUes during this periOd to bo observed ilod evaluated subject to Section 72.19 (eU I-51,' 21 The sales of alcohollc beverages shall be limited to on premises consumption with no p,7ckage s,7les: 31 The requisite occupational license shall be obtained within six (6) months from tho oxpimtion d.Jte of its current occupational license,' 41 There shall be no outdoor seating or other expansion of tha floor area devoted to the proposed use; 5) Tllo requirements of the 4-COP.SBX license 51/,11/ be adhered to at aI/times by tile management of the proposed Shore L,7nes Bowling Alley, Slick Willie's, and the license shall be conspicuously displayed at all times for inspection purposes,' 61 All permits and licenses issued by tile City and oOwr agMcios shall be subject to initial ,md continuing compliance with all applicable requirements,' 71 No outdoor spaakers sllall be allowed,' and 8) There slmll be a security P & Z ACTION AG ENDA 03-17.92 ,. . ..-... ,. \ -...-...-- "-'" ' guard provided from 8:00 pm to closing. seven days a week, to parrol the exterior of the premises to watch for violations of alcoholic beverage consumption and noise. Motion c;urled (6 to t J with Mr. Merriam dissenting. 2. lots 34 and 35, Blk E. Greenwood Park No 2 11205 N Greenwood Ave! Tarek and M,3nal Said [Wael SalhabfTrue Value Supermarketl, CU 92-19 Request - To permit package sales of beer and wine Zoned . CNG (North Greenwood Commerciall Approved (motion Mr. Schwab. second Mr. Merriam) subject to the follOWing conditions: (1) Approval shall be for a twelve (12) month trial period; 2) Tile applicant sllall erect a Wo Trespassing" sign in a conspicuous focatlon on the properly as requested by potiee; 3} A 9:00 p.m. closing time shall be observed; 4) The applicant slwll cooperate with police In redUCing loitering; and 5) Tile applicant shall obtain tile requisite occupational license wit/lin one week of this public hearing. Upon roll call requested by Mr. Schwab. tile vote was: "Ayes "; Schwab, Carrasas. Savage. Merriam "Nays ": Bickerstaffe, Hamilton, Mazur Motion to approve carried (4 to 3). 3. (Third request, second request was for 9 months granted 6/18/91, first request was for 6 months granted 12/11/901. Request for Extension - Part of Blk. 6, Wallace's Addn. to Clearwater, (606 Turner Street}, Harold S. & Hazel M. Wallace, CU 90-BO Request - To permit outdoor retail sales display and/or storage of plants Zoned - CG (General Commerciall Approved (motion Mr. Hamilton. second Mr, Bickerstalfe) to grant an extension of six (6) montlls from the date of this public hearing. Motion carried (6 to 1) with Mr. Merriam abstaining because he was not on the Board tile first time tllis case was fleard and was unfamiliar witll tfle application, 4. (Third request. second request was for 6 months granted 9/17/91, first request was for 2 years granied 9/05/891. Request for Extension - M&B 32.05. Sec. 2-029-15 [1453 Sunset Point Roadl Anne M. Caballero. CU 89.66 Request - Veterinary Office with Inside Boarding Zoned - Ol (limited Office) Approved (motion Mr. Schwab. second Mr. Bickerstatfe) subject to Ifle following conditions: 1) The buIlding permit be obtained within two mOllllls of the dare of this publiC hearing; and 2} Tile required occupational Jicense be obtained witll nine (9) months of the date of this public flearing, Motion carried unanimously (7 to 0). C. CONDITIONAL USES: 1. lots 8 thru 12. Blk A, Harvey Park (1495 S Greenwood Avel William H and Irene Saunders (Jamil Salhab/Wanna Save Food Storel. CU 92-20 Request - To permit package sales of beer and wine Zoned - CG (General Commercial) Approved (motion Mr. Scllwob. second Mr. Savage) subject to tile following conditions: 1) Tile salos of beer and wine sllall be prohibited c"Jfier 12:00 midnigf1t; and 2) The fClQuisite occupational license shall be obtained witllin six. (6) mont/Is Irom tile date of tllis public hearing, Motioll carried unanimously (7 to 0). 2. lots 1 thru 8 and part of lot 9, Court Sq Sub (531 Franklin St) Elizabeth H. McGmw iPeter Drakakis/Sophia's Acstl. CU 92-21 Request - To permit on'premise consumption 01 beer, wine, and hquor Zoned - UC(CI (Urban Center Corel P & Z ACTION AGENDA 2 03.17.92 '. .... . I' . .. . . I.. .' r:,' ~ ': . , ' ' .. ~ I . . . -: .. ' I ..,. t. , "'-', ;..,,",~. \ ; '-......./ v . , Approved (motion Mr. Ham((ton, second Mr. BickerslaffoJ subJoct to rile following conditions: 1 J The requIsite occupatIonal license sllall be obtalnod wltllln one (1 J year from the date of tills public hearing: 2J The sale of alcoholic beverages slla/l be limited to consumption on premises wIth no package sales: 3) Tile parking lot sllal/ be landscaped to meet the perimeter landscaping requIrements of SectIon 136.023 of tile Land Development Code: and 41 There shatl be no outdoor speakers. Motion carried unanimously (7 to 0). D. ANNEXATION, lONING, LAND USE PlAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODe TEXT AMENDMENT, AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVIEW: CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS E. Approved policy change (motion Mr. Hamilton. second Mr. Bickerstaffe) that the first granting of 8 six f6J months extension of a conditional use would not require the physical appearance of the applicant before the Plannfng & ZonIng Board. On subsequent extonsions, tile applicant would have to appear. MotIon carried unanimously (7 to 0). F. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS G. BOARD AND STAFF COMMENTS .1 P & Z ACTION AGENDA, 3 03.17.92 R I ,J'., '" I '-.-' \....../ MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOAnD MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1992.1:30 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION Members Present: Chairman Mazur, Bickerstalfc, Carassas, Hamilton, Merriam, Savage and Schwob. Also present: J....mes M. Polatty, Jr., Director Planning & Devclopment Scott Shuford, Planning Manager Pat Fernandez, Recording SecrctilrY Chairperson Mazur outlined the procedures for conditional uses and advised that anyone adversely alfected by a decision of the Planning and Zoning Board, wlth regard to condilional uses, has two weeks horn this date In which to tile an appeal through the City Clerk's Office. Florida Law requires any party appealing a decision of this Board to have a record of the proceedings to support the appeal. ITEM A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approved {motion Mr. Schwab, second Mr. C;JfiJssasl minutos of March 3, 1992. Motion carried unanimouslV (7 to OJ. B. REOUESTS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERnED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: 1.' M&B 32.02, See 20-29-16 118911 U.S. Hwy 19 NI nobert G. and Hazel V. DaniellShor-Bo lnc/Shore Lanes Bowling Alley/Slick Willic'sl. CU 92-16 Request. To permit on-premise consumption of beer, wine, and liquor Zoned - CH (Highway Commercial) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, the staff recommendation. A letter of objection was received from Mrs. Eleanor Key who Slated she objected to the rowdy behavior late at night. Applicant's representative, Anthonv Ferro, 31640 US Hwy 19 North, Palm Harbor, 34684, slaled the Code will be followed on alcoholic consumption. Bowling tournaments continue alter hours. With reference to pollee calls, some came from the applicant. The Board asked il they agreed to all Ihe conditions. They would prefer no trial period. The Genmal Managers are Scott Petl and Joe Lavoy while Mr. Garrison is a bar manager. This is not a transfer of business ownership but merely Ms, Casey, the leaseholder, changing the name of her establishment. The business operates under two fictitious names and one license. Prior problems wern a malter of interpreting the new ordinance. Scaling capacity referred to in the slaff report includes sealing in the bowling area. General Manager, Scott Michael Petl, 1740 Lucas Drive, stated they do not plan to have live entertainment. Pro: None !&tl: John Callanhan, Imperial Cove, 19029 US Hwy 19 North, Building 4, Apt. 3, staled he was including the wishes of the 14 condo members who signed a lelter he gave to the Board. TIley were protesting the noise horn the parking lot between 1 :30 and 3:00 am. Mrs. PQJlQV Kochlell, 19028 US Hwy 1 9 North, Building 4, Unit a, concurred about the noise and said beer bottles were thrown over the Will! and believes this would not happen if there were no liquor sales. She suggested a security guard as a possible solution. P & Z MINUTES 03-17-92 A .' t; 1...--- I \._/ Rebullal - Mr. Ferro advised the City .wise level orduliInc(! should take care 01 those violntions. In ihe parking lot a security guard rides a golf cart Irorn 8:00 prn to 2:30 am every mo.ning. PenaltiEls can be Imposed on the applicant il alcohol is taken fralll the IlreITllscs. Board discussion ensued relative to a Hial pElriod 1ltHl how the applicant would be notified to reappear. Mr. Ferro In answer to a Question added tllat 110 burdun would Oe placed on the applicnnt by rellulring the presence 01 a security guard. Approved (motion Mr.Scllwob. second M/, IfmlliltonJ subjuct to tile 10110 wing conditiolls: 1J T/lis conditional use permil Sllall be for .1 six (aJ momll "lllPI /Jcrivcr in ardor lor tile <,pplicafll's compliance willi We City's law C'llforc(!r/I(!I1( (;(HIt'S during lhis period 10 bo {lbsorvcrJ and oVClflUlIed subject 10 Soction 72.19 (CJ( 1.5J: 2J Tlw .'wk's 01 alcoholic u!.WCr.1g0$ slwll be limiled to on premises consumption with no pilckayc suit'S: 31 Th!.! Wlluisiw occlIpationtlllic(]I1SC slwll bl.Y obt.1itwd within six (6J montlls Irom t/w expitMion di1lV 01 its C/lflCmt or:CllpMiOllc11 licm/so,' 4J T/ww sh..,lIbe no outdoor seating or otll(}r mqwnsiol/ 01 IIw lIoor .1((],1 devoted to flU! proposed use: 51 The requirements of 1110 4.COp.Sex ficel/so sha/l bo .,dhOt(!d to M .111 timas by tile lII",mym/l(mt 01 tile proposcd Slloro Lnrws Bowling Alley, Slick Wi/lio's, alld III(} licellse slwll be conspiCUO/lsly dispkJyvd at all times lor Inspectirm PI"pOSlJS: aJ All pl!fmit S ;Jlld liC(]lIses IssuCJd by the City and at/lOr ;Igcl/cios slwllba Sltbjoct to initial mid continuing cUl/lplimlcl.Y Wit/I .,11 applic;JlJle requirall/allt:;; 7 J No outdoor spcmkcus sllall be allowed: and 81 Tl/(]re ,<;lIaUlw " secl/rity gUlJrd provldl.Yd trom 8:00 pm to closing, savan days a WI.Y(]k, to pM/ol Ih(1 I.Yxtorior 01 tllo premises to watch lor violations of alcoholic bcvemge COflslfmprion mId lIoisl.Y. Motion cilff/ed (6 to 11 witt/ Mr. Mvrriml1 disscllring. 2. lots 34 and 35, Blk E, Greenwood P:llk No 2 11205 N Greenwoot! Ave} Turek and Manal Sait! \Wael SnlhabrTruu Value Supermarket). CU 92 -19 Request. To permit pnckage sales of becr Clml Wille Zoned. CNG [North Greenwood Commcrcinll Mr. Shulord gave Ill!.! background 01 the casc and suOlllitted. ill writing. the stall recommendation. Applicanl's representative, Carlton Ward, 1253 PilIk Struet, staled: 11 Tile applicant has joined the North Greenwood Merchants Association and attemlE?u two regular meetings; 21 The appliCallt yusterday met with members 01 the Association to ascertain their [leolls as to how he can be a more responsible citizen in the business community; 31 The applicant pledged to ;)ccepl ;) probnliollary period or up to 18 months; 41 The applicant agreed to keep the ex lerior hee 01 all httur anll debris; 51 The applicant will continue practice 01 requiring age identilication prior to soiling nlcollUlic lIcveraues; 6) The applicant will sell such beverages during City of Clearwater Code perrnilled lillles; 71 TIm ;]pplicnnt adVised that tho store will be closed al 9:00 pm.; and 8) The applicant will cndt!i1vor to h;]ve tl1(J landlOld/building owner replace the windows on the lront 01 the building. Mr. Ward does nol fEw I that prohibitino till.! sale 01 lefrlgerated alcollolic bevclilges is lair ns their competitIon is allowed to sell these items. lie believes this might encourage sales of ice. Allplicnnt, MllIlloun Salhab, 2401 BliuadolJll Olive, CII.!.11Winl!r 3<1619, ildvisctl Mr, Wilrd WilS au\horizeo to represent him. In response 10 a questioll hUIII Mr. Shuford, he stnlcd Iw was ncver involved in the opcration of the A&H Food Store and has not dune bUSllwss as Ali Abu Hamid. Pro: Gwendolyn Williams, 771 22nd AvellulJ SlJUlll, St. P(!lmsburg. is a member al the North Greenwood Mcrchal1l's A:;socintioll, She Slated till! Il!llur rulating 10 the expectations of the applicant is being retYped. The correctiolls illvolvH tlw UPI.!f1IIl\1 III Ill!, She stated Ihat anyone can bree1e through six months but that nil 1 a.month plOlliltlOllarv JwrlOd would be JIlOlt! dillicult. Muny 01 tlleir members arc also members ot tho North Greenwood ASSI)I:iatiun illld Ihat Ulyilniz1Jlion did not come lorth with any additional input. 111 allswt!r to a (3u,1I d qlwstlOll, she is il stylist and llilS a saloll in the same building as tho applicilnt. Con: John W, Jenkins, 1146 Ahna, Clearwaler. slilWLJ liquor C,1Il do dnmayc to one's life and family. There arc too many estalllishI1lunts wllure al[;lll1ohc bevurilgus call ue pUlchased. Lt. Dowf!v Williilll1S, West District COllllll,1I1del, Cll,;rlwilwr Police DupartlllClll, was present to answcr questions. He agreeu that an unOCGupl!Jd bUlhlinu wuuld Ul! all l!VC!SOIC. The police Iccl businesses should WOIk with the cOll\lHunity ami thm lht) Inclchlllll'S aSSllCI<l\lUll IS un tile nyll\ track, Thev ale COllct.!lned P & Z t\lINUTES 03.17-92 2 ~- [ ,,:..,. \r , (~. - \.' \ ! . L~JII."-' because the corner of LaSalle and Greenwood Is where the largest number of crack cocaine busts occur. The merchant's association is encouraging the police to enlorce the open alcohol laws. In rebuttal, Gwendolvn Williams, estimated, of the alcoholic beverages sales, that 60% are cold or refrigerated. She feels persons stand on the streot corner because It has been tolerated. Whon people realize this will no longer be tolerated, the problem at this location will cease. She f'tated the property owner, If the application is denied. will take the store back. She believes he will then seU alcoholic beverages because hI! has that right. People corne to this store because the hours are different than those of the surrounding clubs. Her major concern however, is drinking on the street. She does not wish to affect the applicant's livelihood but wants to place restrictions. In rebuttal. Carlton W~ stated the Board has the opportunity to place conditions on the applicant whereby they did not have the chance with the former occupant. The opportunity is there to improve the situation. In response to a quesllon from the Board to Mamo\.ln Salhab. the owner of the business Is his brother. Wael Salhab, who purchased the business about four months ago. Mr. Mazur asked for clarification on the follOWing. If this applicatron is denied nnd the current owner turns or sells the business back to the former owner, would that be considered a change of ownership which would have to come before the Board again. Mr. Shulord stated that assessment was correct. The second questron was would would a change due to default be considered a new owner. This Is not a new license location and alcoholic consumption would not increase. Approved (motion by Mr. Schwab, second by Mr. Merriaml subject to the following conditions: (1/ Appro vel shall be for a (welve (12) monlh trilll period: 2) Tho applicant sholl erec( 8 -No Tresposslng- sign in a conspicuous location on (he property as requested by police; 31 A 9:00 p.m. Closing time shall be observed; 4/ Tile applicant shall cooperate with po/ice in roducing loitering; and 5/ Tho applicant shall obtain the requisite occuparional/icense within one week 01 (his public headng. Upon roll call requested by Mr. Schwob. the vote was: -Ayes-: Schwob, Carrasas, Savage, Merriam -Nays _: BicKerslaffe, Hamilton. Mazur Mot/on to approve carried [4 to 3J. 3. (Third request, second request was lor 9 months granted 6/18/91, first request was (or 6 months granted 12/11/901. Request lor Extension. Part 01 alk. 6. Wallace's Addn. to Clearwater, 1606 Turner Streetl, Harold S. & Hazel M. Wallace, CU 90-80 Request - To permit outdoor retail sales display and/or storage of plants Zoned . CG (General Commercial) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, In writing, the stalf recommendation. It was noted thls was wilhin the area of the proposed downtown. Applicant, William Wnrr~ 606 Turner Street, stated he had not decided on whether to pave the two required parking spaces or to ask ror a variance. Costs, and the probability ola variance being granted, are lactors to consider. He needs additional time to thoroughly explore his options. Pro or Con: None Approved [motion Mr. IImnillon. sacoml Mr, Bickarst.1ffe} to gmnt an extellsion of six (61 mot/t/ls from tile date of tlu's public /learing. Motion carried {6 to 1} with Mr. Mcmimn abstaining because 110 was not on tile BOllfd rile first time tllis c.1sa W.1S heard and W.1S unfamiliar witll tile application. 4. (Third request. second request was (or 6 months gfllnled 9/17/91, lirst request was lor 2 years granted 9/05/891, ReQuesllor Extension - M&B 32.05. Sec. 2.029- 15 (1453 Sunset Point Roadl Anne M. Caballero, CU 89-66 Request - Veterinary Office with Inside Boarding Zoned. OL (Limited Ollice) P & Z MINUTES 3 03-17-92 V:, I "' '. '(~> '"-,, Mr. Shuford gave the backgrounu or the cast! and submitted, ill writing, the stall recommendation. Applicant, Gursarmr _Slnnh, 1463 Sunsut Point Ronu, stDted he had Dpplied ror a building permit Dnd WilS waiting for It to be issued. He requested additiolml time to obHlin the occupDtiollal license. Pro or Con: None Approved (motion Mr. Scllwob, svcolld Mr. Bickorstafle) subject to tlw following conditiolls: 1) Tile building permit be obtained witllin two 11I0ntlls of the dMO of this public Iw,7,;ng,' lmd 2) Tlla fQQuired occupational license be obt.7inC!d witll ninll (91 montlls of tile date of tflis public Ilearing. Motion carr/ad unanimously (7 to OJ. C. CONDITIONAL USES: 1. Lots B thru 12, Blk A, Harvey Park 11495 S Greenwood Ave) Williorn H and Irene Saunders IJDnlil SolhablWanna Savc Food Storel, CU 92-20 Request. To permit package sales of beer and wine Zoned . CG (Gcncml Commcrciall Mr. Shuford gave thn background of the casu and submitted, in writing, the Sl<J1l recornmnndation. Applicant's representative, Carlton Wnrd. 1253 Park Street, stated the applicant accepts the stall recommendation and will comply with the ordimmce. He believes the occupational license is ill place. , . fL2: Quke TicH1tlO, 802 Woodlawn, livus apl1roxIlIl<Jwly three blocks from the location in question. He spoke as an imlividual but added thaI he is President of the SOUlh Clearwaler Citizens lor Progressive Action. The major problem in the area IS kecPlllg drug dealers out. The applicant originally elected not take sides but is gradually realizing he Inust palticipatc. The surrounding nrea is now much cleaner thnn it wns when occupied by Pick I<wik, He has coopefLIted with tile police and tlm corner has improved considerably. Con: Mrs. Lois Corrninr, 626 McLennan Streel. slated as a SOUlh Clearwater resident for 34 years, she does not bcJi(!vc that continuing the snle 01 alcohol at this location has shown tht! use to be compatible with the surrounding area. Parks are tll.wrby. She nOled the business tmnslcrred in July and they arc nuw coming lorward lor il conditio/wi use. They obtained the occupational license aller the due data and were not ChillglHi an mh.hliunnl <Hnoum. She reau ham the police report which showed activity with calls for trespass. assault, drunk driver, juvenile and other problems. The applicant was invited to join but is nol a member 01 the South ClearwaWr Citizens for Progressive Action. Rebuttals. . Duke Tieman stated the opplicanl has expressed an interest in the neighlJorhoud organization. The store has been cleo ned, the parking is clenn and il i1ppeilf s the npplical1l hns done a turnaround and is now community minded. People gilther where there is j) public telephone. Hu advised the applfcant will try to brook the lense on his public telephone and have it removed. . Carlton Ward, in final rebullnl stilted tile nppllcnliunlllCCls tho crilerin required and his use docs no\ detract from the aren. He pllinted out Mr, Tieman W;JS n close neighbur. while the opponent lives npproximatcly 1/4 f!1ilc away. LI. Dewev Willinrns wns lIwre to claril y ilny pan s of Ill(.! polica issue. There is iI light concontralion of alcoholic bevcrilge operations in the subject lHl!a, ApproVt'd (lIIotiOIl Mr. St:hwo/), MJCOlld MI, SilViJgl!) sf/bivetto Ow lollowing conditions: T 1 Tlw Stlros of boor .7nd wino sllillllJL' plo'libiwll tllll'l 12:00 micJlliy/l/; .7mI2) TIll.' loquisito OCCIIP,1tiOlWllico"so 5/1.111 bo obt.1itwd witllin six (61 1I10ntll.~ 11011I (/w d,1/rJ of this public IU!<1rillg, Malion ctJ((iC!d IJmmimulIsty 17 to 0). 2. Lots 1 Ihru 8 and pMl of Lot 9. Court Sq Sub 1531 Franklin SII Eli7alJelh H. McGraw (peter Drakakis/Sophiil's RllStl. CU 92.21 Rcquest . To permit oll.prcnllse consumPtlO1I 01 beer. winl:. alltl liquor P & Z f\lINUTES 03-17-92 " A l'("' , I.....,) "'-"" Zoned, UCICI tUrbon Center Core} Mr. Shuford gave tho boc.koround of the case and subrnilled. in writing. the stoff recornmendotion. Applicant's representative. Lorn Duncall, 2040 NE Coachman Road. 34625. stated the applicant intends to convert the former Merrill Lynch offices into a romily restaurnnt. Their location on Hercules is for stile. Pro Of Con: None Approved (motlon Mr. Hamilton, second Mr. 8ick.erstafleJ subject to the following conditions: 1 J Tile requisite occupational license slmll be obWined within 0110 (1 J ye.1r from tile d.1le of t!lis publiC /loaring,' 2J Tllo sa'lo of alcoholic beveray(!s sl1all be /imi(eu to consumption on premises WWI rlO package sales,' 3J TIle purklng lot shall be landsr;;lpt'd to meet /l1e perimeter landscaping requirements of Section 736.023 of tile Land Development Code; and 4J T/lere shall bc no ol/tdoor speakers. Motion carried unanimol/sly (7 to OJ. D. ANNEXATION, ZONING, LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TeXT AMENDMENT, AND LOCAL PlANNING AGENCY REVIEW: E. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS Mr, Mazur staled he would like to see a more t orlllal recummendation horn stall when extensions are presented to the Board. Questions Cilme up reliltive to the lirst extension request lor six 161 months corning before the Board. Such a reQuest has never been tUrlled down and staff should be able to determine if the tll<tenslon was warranted. A lot 01 the ilpplicant's time Is expended wailing lor their case to be heard. 11 a denial is being considered, the case would be delayed ulltil the applicant could appear before the Planning & Zoning Board. It was suggested this could I.w accomplished by either a policy Change or 0 code amendment. Approved policy clwl1ge (motlOI1 Mr, H.1mil/0Il, second Mr. 8iclwrsU1f1eJ fllat tho first granting 01 a six (6J months extension of a conditioll,,1 mw would flat reQuifl! tile physical app(ulNmce of the applicant before tho PIIJ/lniog & Zoning 80,11d. Do slfbsaquont extensiol1s. tile applicant would Iwve to <1ppear. Motion carried llflanimolfsly (7 10 OJ. Mr. Mazur asked iI his interpretiltion 01 rebuttoJs WllS correct iJnd members concurred. F. . '. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS Mr. Schwob wjll be missed and oil fllellllllHS wished hun woll. Aller the new Bomd member is named, Mr. Shuford will ask Mr. Galbraith to moke a proscnlatioll un Icunl issues at sorno mcutino. The Vcrom.ln Restaurant is a chan\lc 01 nanm ilntl not onE! 01 uWf)u,ship, Mr. Polally ot/vised the BOilld coulll lobby ClJlIlIlllssioners with their concerns ns some mailers are not governod by the SUll!ihine lilWS. It is when they <If(J ill.:tino in .J qUilsHudiciallllwUlOf that they must retrain !rom any such conlact. G. DOAnD AND STArr- COMMENTS: Botlrd members nowd that Carlton WUIlJ callt~d sume mUIl11.1Ul S 01 tile Goard nsldo9 il tllme wmc (my problems with thosa cases he was repr(!scntillu, Mr. Gnlhrllllll I,as selllplClllOS 011 cxpnrta cOllullunicatfolls which deol primarily with conditiollnl uses. Nu ullorllHlllUll was presented uy Mr. Ward, so the Bonrd lelt the comlf1unications wele proper. A question was Dskcd ilthere would he n CllillUl! 10' ptHlllllS 1m siOl1s ul!uwctl during construction, There will be sume lee, Tho meetil1U was ntljoUl'led at 5; 10 pill, ~- \2~- . Pollltty, Jr.. Director. j 1J1lI1i11U & Dovelopment P & Z r..t1NUTES 03-17-92 5