11/19/1991 (2) '\ I If' I ACTION AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1991 . 1 :30 PM I ~ \ ., ~ \ ' ,\ ',. .:. \ ' I , , ,I! ;'>1-- "-'-'~'_.- ;i 111:.. NOV 27 1991 :,..,1' I L...;... .. ~- __._J I r '. \ f '.~. lt~ ; '_: \ -------....... ...~ <- - ... ...T...._..... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCA TION A. ITEM ACllON APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. November 5. 1991 Continued lHamiltonlBickcrstaffe) to meeting of 12-03-91 to verify closing time of restaurant for recommendation IS, Item B.3. CONDITIONAL USES. ANNEXATION. 20NING. lAND USE PlAN AMENDMENTS, LAND DEVROPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS. AND lOCAl.. PlANNING AGENCY REVIEW: THE BOARD 'FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW. ALL TESTIMONY FOR CONDmONAL USE REOUESTS IS GIVEN UNDER OATH. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. ..'......... , 10. '"'- . . 11. 12. 13, The Chairperson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each item as it is f)resented. The staff report and pertinent background information are presented.' 5 minutes maximum. Staff presents any supporting written documents. Staff presents any opposing written documents. The applicant or his representative presents his case. . 5 minutes maximum. Persons who support the application speak. 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokesperson for proup - 10 minutes maximum. Persons who oppose the application speak. 3 minutes maximum for each indi..,idual; or spokesperson for proup - 10 minutes maximum. Persons supporting the application lather than applicant} may speak in rebuttal. 3 minutes maximum. Persons opposing may speak in rebuttal 9 3 minutes maximum. The applicant has an opportunity for final rebuttal. 5 minutes maximum. Public Hearings are closed. Discussion by the Board. The Board makes a decision. FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105 STATES: ANY PERSON APPEALING A DECISION OF THIS BOARD MUST HAVE A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO SUPPORT SUCH APPEAL. B. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: Lots 1 and 2. located on ttle northwest corner of Northeast Coachman Rd. and U,S. Hwy 19 N. 119,89 acresJ. Sub, Plat for La ehmann's Plaza, (Principal Mutual Lire Insurance/Brandon Nu- West/Kinko's of GalZ. E. and Frances Taheri, Trustees) Z 91-02 ,. Continued (Savagc/Bickcrstaffe) to the meeting of December 3, 1991. Motion carried 5 to 0 with Mr. Ma'lur abstaining. Request - To consider request for amending the Zoning Atlns and review of Master Site Plan. Zonin~: From: CC (Commercial Center) To: CPO ICommercial Planned Developmentl P & Z ACTION AGENDA 11-' 5.91 , \..... . C. CONOmONAL USES: 1. lots' and 2, Harrington's Sub, 1500 N. Ft, Harrison Avenue}, Adriano BattagUnl (Andv's Auto Repair) CU 91 -82 Continued (Hamilton/Savagel to the meeting of December 3, 1991. Motion carried unanimously. (6 to 0). r- t. RCQuest . To permit outdoor retail sales, displavs, andlor storage of used cars Zoned - CG (General Commercial and RM 28 (Multiple famtlv residentlall D. ANNEXATION, ZONING. LAND USE PlAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVaOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT, AND LOCAL PlANNING AGENCY REVIEW: E. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS F. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS " 1. Bill Held, "Harbormaster, will discuss marina, dock and waverunner Issues. G. BOARD AND STAFF, COMMENTS . , f ' U P & Z ACTION AGENDA 2 11-15-91 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD TUESDAY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 ,.'1.\ Membcrs Prescnt: Chairman Schwob. Messrs. Bickerstaffe. Hamillon. Mazur, Merriam, and Savage. r;:;l - .--'.. IP .I-~:''''_____'J ii,-.:" LtJ E r.. o. ~.~~ W Chairperson Schwab outlined the procedures for conditional uses and advis 'j", 'IaOybiiltlld~ersr. affected by a decision of the Planning ami Zoning Board. with regard to conditional uses. has two weeks from this date In which to file an appeal through the City Clerk's Office. Florida Law requires any party appealing a decision of this Board to have a record of the proceedings to support the appeal. Members Excused: Mr. Carassas Also Present: Scoll Shufurd, Planning Manager Pat Fernandez, Recording Secretary ITEMS ARE LISTED IN AGENDA ORDER THOUGH NITf NECESSARILY DISCUSSED IN THAT ORDER. A. API)ROV AL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Bickerstaffe. to continue tllis item to the meeting of December 3, 1991. TIle closing time of the restaurant In item B.3. condition 5 was questioned. TIle motion carried unanimously (6 to 0). D. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERRElJ AND CONTINUED TfEMS: 1 ........, 1. Lots I and 2. located on the northwest corner of Northeast Coachman Rd. and U.S. Hwy 19 N. (19.89 acres), Sub. Plat for Loehmann's Plaza, (Principal Mutual Life Insurance/Brandon Nu- West/Klnko's of Ga/Z. E. and Frances Taheri, Trustees) Z 91-02 Request - To consider request for amending the Zoning Atlas and review of Master Site Plan. Zoning: From: CC (Commercial Center) To: CPO (Commercial Planned Development) Mr. Mazur reminded Board members he had a connict on this Item and would not participate in the discussion or vote on tilis item. Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and advised he had received a fax from the applicant rcquesting a continuance to the next meeting. ^ new site plan has been submitted showing the changes they had agreed to. Also Wal-Mart will contribute to Ule cost of changes on Stag Run Boulevard. 11 WilS acknowledgetlthat perwns were Ulere who wished to be heard; however it was felt they should appear at the next meeting when the completed trarne study will he available. Someone from the Traffic Engincering departmcnt will be available to answer any queslions. Phil Johnsun. 2400 Swg Run (JoulcvanJ. stated not all homeowners were represented by Mr. McBain and he inquired how they could he kepI ahreast of evcnts In a spcedier fashion. Be is retired and volunteered to pass on any information he receives. Mr, Shuford would contact him witil current information. P & Z MINUTES 11-19-91 , . '.: '.' .'...,.. ' . .. I.. ' ' ..', ' ,: .,'. " . . .' " :' ( r.o, ( lohn Mr:lJain, I'r~hlcltt of the Cuachman Rhlge lIome Owner's ^R.~ociation) 1651 Coaclunakm Lane, advl~etl hl~ a~soclatlun has heen sending Information a!l It becomes known by mall to ALL homeowners in Coachman Ridge. He expressed satisfaction wiLh the job the City staff was doing in keeping him properly informed. Motion WU!1 made hy Mr. Savage. and seconded hy Mr. Bickcrstaffc, to continue the above request to the meeting of December 3, 1991. Mution carried 5 to 0 with Mr. Mazur abstaining. C. CONDfl'lONAL USES: . 1. Lots 1 and 2, Harrington's Sub, (500 N. Ft. Harrison Avenue)~ Adriano Battaglini (Andy's Auto Repair) CU 91-82 Request - To permit outdoor retail sales, displays, and/or storage of used cars Zoned - CG (General Commercial and RM 28 (Multiple family residential) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, In writing, the staff recommendation. A continuance is being requested by staff for a drawing from the applicant dctailing where the outdoor display and non-commercial parking will be showing how the site will be used including landscaping. Some of the conditions U13t were noted during a mecting on a previous conditional use have been '.:urrectcd. Mr. Andy DattagHni, applicant, 406 Venetian Drive, stated he understood what staff was requesting and would bring a drawing to the next meeting. . No persons appeared in support of or in opposition to the above request. Motion was madc hy Mr. Hamillon, and secondcd hy Mr. Savage, to continue Ule above request to Ule meeting of Decembcr 3, 1991. Motion carried unanimously (6 to 0). D. ANNEXATION, ZONING~ LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT, AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVIEW: E. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS Mr. Hamilton will make the arrangements for the annual no-host luncheon. Staff is asked to notify whoever needs to be notified. Mr. Hamilton suggested the HoBday Inn Surfshle. This is a social event, wilh no husiness discussed, and Ule mayor, city commissioners, city staff and the press are invited to this dutch treat luncheon. F. DIRECrOR'S ITEMS Dill Held, Harhormaster, appeared at the Board's request to discuss marina. dock and waverunner issues. He previom;ly sent a Personal Watercraft report on went over some specifics not in the report. Ordinance 4960-9U was passed 5-17-90. The waiver agreements to operate for other than Ule Hilton were explained. In answer to a Board question, they are not against personal watercraft but want to see them operated safely. Beach towers have heen moved so guards are bettcr ahle to view any violations. It appears where the prohlcl11s c~ist, that employees are unaware of the restrictions and do not advise the renters of rules for the safe operation of their vehicles. Guards know the colors of crans of the various rental sources. Color coding such as repainting lhc craft in a hright il.lentiliahle color (each location with a different color) or that the personal Hoating device used hav'~ some means of easily seen identification on them. Year-to-date, there have heen 61 violations and they' anticipate 80 by year end. 111e Board feels they have a better grasp of the problems that can be caused by a new operation or an unaware employee. P & Z f\!INUTES 11-19-91 2 . . . I " I u. BOARD AND S'f AFI1 COMMENTS (' , F, 111e Board requested we try t'le new minute formal. 111ey like the Idea of being able to determine action taken more readily. Mr. Shuford wilt check with the City Clerk for their Input. The Board stated they wanted who made the motion and secondJ as well as include public comments to refresh their memory. , . I' I I It was mentioned the Pick Kwik appeal hearing would begin at 4:00 p.m. l11e Buard was given a copy of a recent newspaper article on the controversy of parking on Cleveland Street in the downtown area. One member took a picture of cars parked on the sidewalk outside the Ft.. Harrison Hotel. He inquired if Ulls was a code violation. P & Z ~IINUTES 3 IIN19.91 A photo was also taken to show how a dumpster can be camouOaged and made attractive. Trellis was used at Ule Salvation Army. 111is is a low cost solution to making a site more aesthetically pleasing. Progress was noted with the new contractor for Stephenson's Creek. They have been on the job for one month and more has been accomplished in Umt short time than in the preceding six months. For information purposes only, Mr. Bickerstaffe gave a handout from the Coalition of Clearwater Homeowner Associations that gives a new twist to the proposed concept of dealing with the replacement of Ule Clearwater Pass Bridge. It shows one.way hridg'es bearing tranie from Drew across the Causeway and return via the Causeway llnd Pierce/Chestnut Street and a second route from Drew on another anew way hrldge to Sand Key with a return bridge from Sand Key to Pierce Boulevard and then Chestnut Street. This would alleviate Ule current bottlenecks and eliminate a need for a bridge at Clearwater Pass. ( { ~....-... In an effort to assist Staff. Board members will retain their Wal-Mart packet and bring it to the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. , :,' ~,' ~ " . .', . I ., , . "1 I. ' > I, ~ '. .