10/15/1991 (2)
TUESDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1991 - 1:30 PM
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1. October " , 991
OCT 2 3 1991
crrv CLERK
1. The Chairperson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each Item as it Is presented.
2. The stafl report and pertinent background information are presented. - 6 minutes maximum.
3. Staff presents any supporting written documents.
4. Staff presents any opposing written documents.
5. The applicant or his representative presents his case. . 5 minutes maximum.
6. Persons who support the application speak. 3 minutes maximum for each individual;
or spokesperson for group - 10 minutes maximum.
7. Persons who oppose the application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each Individual; or
spokesperson for group - 10 minutes maximum.
8. Persons supporting the application (other than applicant! may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes
9. Persons opposing may speak in rebuttal. 3 minutes maximum.
10. The applicant has an opportunity for final rebuttal. 5 minutes maximum.
11. Public Hearings are closed.
12. Discussion by the Board.
, 3. The Board makes a decision.
(Continued (rom 9/17/91\ Lot 12, Blk D, Unit A
and Lots 13 thru 15, Blk D, Unit C, BaVsldc Sub
No 6, 1850 Bayway Boulevardl Resolution Trust
Corp. as Conservator for Hollywood Federal Bank
(Jerfrey Kelerleber/850 Baywayl. CU 91-71
Request. To permit on-premise consumption of
beer, wine and liquor
Zoned. CR 28 IResort Commerclall
Approved subject to the following conditions: 1)
The applicant shall obtain the required
occupational license within one (1) year of the
date of this public hearing; 2) 11le applicant shall
obtain the requisite building permit within six (61
months of Um date of this public hearing; 3) The
applicant sh.,ll obtain approval from the City
Commission for the required minimum distance
separation variance to permit the establishment
to operate zero ft. from a residential (CA.2SI
zoning district; 41 The applicant shall obtain
approval by tlm Development Code Adjustment
Board for a variance to the side setback. a
variance to the c1earspace requirement, any
necessary parking varianccsf and any other
required variances; 51 TIlC restaurant shall be
restricted to consumption on premises of
alcohaHc beverages with no pack.,go sales; 61
The applicant shall make available to the Citv of
Clearwater any audits requested by the Division
of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco; 71 TllC
applicant sl1.111 bring the existing parking lot into
compliance with all City codes Including
landscaping, striping and handicapped parking; 81
The appljci1nt st..,U meet the 51 % food and non-
alcoholic beverage sales requirement and shall
provide evidence of meeting this requirement
1 0/1 5/91
\ .,~ c
.. --
lots 1 and 2, Harrington's Sub, (500 N. Fort
Harrison Avenuel Adriano Battaglini, CU 90-69
Request - Review of conditional use after one.
year trial perIod to permit: 11 non.commercial
parking, and 2) vehicle services
Zoning' CG (General Commercial) and RM 28
(multiple family resldentlall
Boat Slip 8S, Island Yacht Club Condo, (200
Windward Passagel, James B. McCullough, CU
Request. To permit marln.a boat Iile
Zoning - CG IGeneral Commercial) and ALlC
(Aquatic Lands/Coastal)
lots 1 thru 7, part of Lot 8, Blk 6, Milton Park
Sub, and vacated alley lying south 01 Lots 1 thru
upon request from City staff; 9) The following
operational requirements shall be observed: a.
There shall be no outdoor speakers; b. 10:00 PM
shall be tho final time for scating with an 11:00
PM closing time; c. There shall be no outdoor
scaling; d. There shall be no live entertainment
other than accoustical guitar or piano; and 10)
Alcoholic beverage sales shall be restricted to the
first floor of the structure of approximately
4,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Approved subject to the following conditions: 1)
The direction of glare of lights from both motor
vehicles and illuminating fixtures on the site shall
be oriented away from surrounding properties; 2)
Perimeter and Interior landscaping for lot 2 shall
be provided in conformance with City Code
Sections 136.023(ct through IjI subject to
approval of the City's Environmental
Management Division within 1 month of this
pUblic hearing; 3) The applicant shall provide a
five foot wide perimeter planting strip on lot 1
along N. Ft. Harrison Avo. to include a hedge.
two shade trees and low volume irrigation; such
landscaping shall be Installed in accordance with
the National Nursery Standards (a shade tree
shall be a minimum of 8 feet overall in height
with 1.6 Inches caliper measured 6 Inches above
grade and the shrubs shall be a minimum 24
inches high, 1.5 feet apart (3 feet at center);
both standards to apply at timo of planting)
subject to the approval of the City's
Environmental Management Division within 1
month of this public hearing: 41 All used tires,
parts, and similar objects shall be stored In the
building or other enclosed structure; 51 All
service facilities shall be Indoors; major repairs.
including engine or transmission dismantling,
painting, body, fender, and muffler work shall
not be allowed; 61 Vehicle service work shall be
restricted to 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday
through Saturday, with no seNice work done cn
Sundays; 7) All parts shall be stored indoors; 8)
The street side of the fence shall be landscaped
In accordance with Section 136.016(h) subject
to the approval of the City's Environmental
Management Division within 3 months of this
pUblic hearing; 9) There shall be no outdoor ,
sales, display and/or storage of vehicles; For Sale
signs on vehicles parked on the property shall be
prohibited; lOt The site design shall be approved
by the Planning and Development Director within
2 months of the date of this public hearing shall
include the parking design meeting all City
requirements; and 11 J This approval shall be for
a three (3) months triat period at which time the
Board shall review to see if conditions are met.
Approved subject 10 the following conditions: 1 t
The applicant shall obtain the requisite building
permit within six months of this public hearing;
and 21 Llveaboards are prohibited from using the
subject slip.
4 ('219 S. Fort Harrison Avenuel O'Keefe's
Ine/G. Anthony DuOuesnav (O'Keefe's
l_, E.
Tavern & Restaurant) CU 91-75
Request - To permit on'premise consumption 01
beer, wine and liquor
Zoning - IL (limited Industrial)
Lot 6, Blk B, Bayside Sub No 5, 1645 Bayway
Boulevard}, James L. Doran, Trustee
(Transportation Stationl CU 91-76
Request - To permit outdoor commercial
recreation/entertainment of motor scooter and
bicycle rentals
Zoning - CB (Beach Commercial)
To consider an intertocal agreement between
Pinellas County and the City of Clearwater to
exercise comprehensive planning authority
pursuant to the Local Government
Comprehensive Planning and Land Development
Regulation Act, as set forth in Part II of Chapter
165, Florida Statutes, and enforce land
development regulations to regulate the
development of land within the respective areas
of Jurisdiction of each party to the agreement.
Update on Plnellas Planning Councl1 Local
Government Consistency Program.
Approved subject to tho following conditions: 11
The requisite occupational licenso $h,,1I be
obtained within she l6) months; and 2) Approval
is limited to alcoholic beverage sales for
consumption on premises onlv, with no package
Approved the above request subject to the
following conditions: 1) Requisite occupational
license shall be obtained within six (6) months
from the date of this publiC hearing; 2) The hours
of operation shall be llmlted to a 9:00 p.m.
closing time; 3) landscaping along Bayway
Boulevard shall be provided In accordance with
the plant material requirements of Sec. 136.023
for street yard perimeter landscaping; and 4)
There shall be no outdoor storage of bicyctes or
motor scooters within parking area or within the
street setback area.
Recommendation of approval of the above
request to the City Commission.
Members Present:
CIHlirmun Schwol1, Messrs, Dickerstaffe, Hamilton, Mazur, Merriam, Carassas
and Savage.
Alsu Present:
James Polnuy, J r., Director Planning & Development
SCOll Shuford, Planning Manager
Sandl'U Glallhorn. Senior Planner
Pat Fernandcz, Recording Secl'eHlry
r0,:l{ b -tTirwJL-lllij
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ell -( CU:nK DEPT.
Members Excused:
Chairpcrson Schwab outlined the proccdures for conditional uses and advised that anyone adversely
affected by a decision of the Plmming and Zoning Board, with regard to conditional uses, has two weeks
from this dale in which to liIe an appeal through the City Clerk's Office. Florida Law requires any party
appealing a decision of this Buard to have a record of the proceedings LO support the appeal.
Motion was made by Mr.BickerstaITe, ami secomled hy Mr. Carassas, to approve the minutes of October
1,1991 with one correction. Motion carried unanimously (7 to 0).
I. (Continued from 9/17/91) Lot 12. U1k D. Unit A and Lots 13thru 15, B1k D, Unit C, BaysideSub
No 6, (850 Bayway lloule'l:lnl) Resolution Trust Corp. as Conservatur for Hollywoud Federal Bank
(Jeffrey Keierleber/850 llayway), CU 91-71
Request - To permit on-premise consumption of beer, wine and I iqLlor
Zuned ~ CR 28 (Resort ComlHl.ll'cial) .
Mr. Shuford gave the hllckgl'llund of the case anti submitted. in writing, the stafr recommendation. He
further asketllhe representative to advise uf an)' specil1cs he has 011 a proposed restaurant.
Gary Welsh, llpplicilJlt's reprc.'icnt:ltive, 250 N. Patrick Boule....ard, Suite 140, Brookfield, WI. 53045,
stated they have been unsllccessful in Iheir scarch for a tcnant for the reslaurant operation. The economy
may be to blume. They have an accepted olTer to purchase the property which has to be exercised by
Novemher 23, t991. He slaled chances are slim they will operate a restaurant but envision a coffee
shop/deli operation, That operatilln. scaled down to 4,000 square feet. would he on the first floor along
with maintenance rooms and a motel oflic~. molel units 011 hoth the second and third floors and
apartment:> on the fourth nUllL Another use was utilizing the Iirst nUllr as a health club, however real
estate pcople indicaled thmlimlillg Stich iltCllilnt would he unrealistic, Their present gout is to retain the
I iqullr J icense that is in escrow. They lIeed to work olllthe dcnsity to arrive at the lIumber of mutel units
allowahl c,
The Board al'ked questions ahout the type or style of operation and commented on the lack of a definite
r. ,', ,
'....., ..
Mr. Shuford staled that the property has been vacant and the recommendations arc designed to aUract an
entity that is compatible with the neighbors and beach community. He advised we were in receipt of a
petition containing 143 signatures that were against a conditional use for a restaurant/lounge open until
2:00 A.M. seven days a week.
No one spoke in support of this request.
In oppositiun. Audrey 'l1lOma.<;. 830 S. Gulfvicw, stated her neighbors are children and working people
whose peace would be damaged if U1C Board allowed a restaurant to close later than 10:00 PM. She
foresees a problem with any traffic generating use as the noisc would be detrimental to their quiet, would
impact parking, and create even greater problems with finding parking than now exists.
In opposition, Marcntina DiNatale. 830 S. Gulfvicw Boulevard, stated the operational requirementli as
presented by staff should be considered. Among the conditions are no outdoor speakers, no outdoor
seating, and a 10:00 PM closing. She feels they reside there because it is a quiet. peaceful neighborhood
and they do not know the namc of or the type of restaurant the lessee will open.
In opposition. Stan Frederico, 86S S. Gulfview Boulevard, expressed his concerns regarding parking.
Recent construction and boat slips take up considerable parking. He does not feel the amount of money
which must be spent to refurbish and open a sandwich coffee shop would be recouped.
In oppusition. Mary Riedel, 851 Ilayway Boulevard South. Apt. 403, lives directly opposite the proposed
restaurant. Originally, Ulere was a bar as well as a restaurant. She questioned the meaning of 10:00 PM
closing; was it for both Ule restaurant and bar?
Mr. Schwob informed her there was a 10:00 PM closing recommended for the whole operation along
with a 51 % food sales requirement.
In opposition, John DiNatale, 830 S. Gulfview Boulevard, stated he was speaking as an individual but
was the Vice President of the Clemwater Point #8 Association. Both the Sail master and Shipmaster
buildings were built after the suhject building. Patrons used to park where these buildings are now
located. He presented an additional petition shcet with 18 more signatures. Parking is not available for
residents and Uleir guests eight or nine times a year during the off season. Walkers and bikers would be
impacted by additional cars in the mea. He feels barricades would become necessary but believes the
bar should close at 9:00 PM and the building at 10:00 PM. Parking is inadequate now without additional
In response to a question by the Board, he concurred that on-street parking is for anyone who gets there.
With the difficulties Uley now expericnce, what are the residents supposed to do. His contention is the
bar should be kept to reasonable hours.
In opposition, Marvin Rubin, 851 S. Bayway Boulevard, Apt. 60S, asked Mr. Welsh if Mr. Keierleber
was present so he could ask him questions and was advised Mr. Welsh was authorized to speak for the
applicant. Mr. Rubin's concern is that any restaurant allowed should close at 10:00 PM and be emptied
by II :00 PM. Parking is important for him; he counted 41 total spaces with 6 belong to the hoats (and
they need more), 8 for the motel units and believes any restaurant with only 27 spaces should be ruled
out. Gmhage and service trucks would need spaces to enter. He believes another use should be
In opposition, Warrell J. Dirkin, 830 S. Gulfvicw Boulevard, stated they would like to recommend that
the Board request the applicant meet with representatives of the condo associations to discuss in detail
their plans and who the operator is going to be so that hath call come together on a program that would
he acceptable for everyone. He feels a condition should contain that requirement.
In rebuttal, Mr. Welsh, stated he still had some confusion about densities and the change of one item and
Hs effect on another item. He does recognize parking is a problem and have scaled their original
(. recommendation down from 7,000 to 4,000 square feet. He reiterated that the license is for on-premise
(, consumption only and not for package sales.
Discussion ensued with Board members expressing concerns including the following: If the license were
denied, they asked when the applicant could reapply. It was noted the Code does not define a dell. The
petition was recognized, however, members felt people signing were frightened by the 2:00 AM closing.
They would like some flexibility as they recognize the building is in foreclosure. the license is in escrow,
and a denial would result in a nine month wait before the applicant could reapply. A different application
would allow them to reapply. The Doard would prefer a restaurant of Leverock's-type operation. With
motel patrons upstairs, it is felt the appl icaot would be jeopardizing his investment if he allowed an unruly
restaurant operation on the ground floor of his building. If the property were sold, it would again appear
before the Board. Some members feel the applicant will request, in six months. that he be allowed to
bolster his profits by allowing package sales. The limitations placed by the Board may have an effect
on the price paid for this property due to its limitations and are considering a trial period.
Mr. Shuford stated package sales would probably not be available due to the applicant not having the
required number of rooms.
Motion was made by Mr. Hamilton, am] seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe, to approve the above request
subject to the following conditions: I) The applicant shall obtain the required occupational license within
one (1) year of the date of this public hearing; 2) The applicant shall obtain the requisite building permit
within six (6) months of the date of this public hearing; 3) The appHcant shan obtain approval from the
City Commission for the required minimum distance separation variance to permit the establishment to
operate zero ft. from a residential (CR-28) zoning district; 4) The applicant shall obtain approval by the
Development Code Adjustment Board for a variance to the side setback, a variance to the c1earspace
requirement, any necessary parking variances, and any other required variances; 5) The restaurant shall
be restricted to consumption on premises of alcoholic beverages with no package sales; 6) The applicant
shall make available to the City of Clearwater any audits requested by the Division of Alcoholic
Beverages and Tobacco; 7) The applicant shall bring the existing parking lot into compliance with an City
codes including landscaping, striping and handicapped parking; 8) The applicant shall meet the 51% food
and non-alcoholic beverage sales requirement and shall provide evidence of meeting this requirement upon
request from City staff; 9) The following operational requirements shall be observed: a. There shall be
no outdoor speakers; b. 10:00 PM shall be the final time for seating with an 11:00 PM closing time; c.
There shall be no outdoor seating; d. There shall be no live entertainment other than acoustical guitar or
piano; and 10) Alcoholic beverage sales shall be restricted to the first floor of the structure of
approximately 4,000 square feet of gross floor area. Upon roll call, the vote was:
"Ayes": Bickerstaffe, Schwob,.Hamillon, Merriam
"Nays": Carassas, Mazur, Savage
Those dissenting all stated the llse is not reasonably compatible with the surrounding uses in the
surrounding area. Motion carried (4 to 3). .
2. Lots I and 2, Harrington's Sub, (500 N. Fort Harrison Avenue) Adriano Battaglini, CU 90-69
Request - Review of conditional use after one-year trial period to permit: 1) non~commercial
parking, and 2) vehicle services
Zoning - CO (General Commercial) anll RM 28 (multiple family residential)
Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in writing, ilie staff recommendation.
Members expressed concerns that the applicant has not complied with all the conditions previously set
I forth by the Board.
Adriano Battaglini, applicant, 406 Venetian Drive, Clearwater, stated he had planted shade trees on two
occasions and they were stolen within days. Cars are stored due to people not having the money, some
just leave their cars and do not pick them up promplly while otllers are waiting for parts to be received.
Vandalism has been a problem. He put up a six-foot fence which the City, because of the Code, had him
change to a four-foot fence.
On a query about selling cars, he slated customers bringing an auto in for repair sometimes have a sate
price on their own auto which the individual hopes to sell. The outdoor sales request was turned down
one year ago. The back lot contains hard shell, is not paved. and the striping was not approved.
Consensus is the Board wants the landscaping accomplished and "For Sale" signs eliminated on any cars
on the lot.
In support, Robert Casagrande, 31 Paradise Lane. Treasure Island, stated the applicant has started a fairly
good business but has problems with the restrictions and time frames being unrealistic. At this time the
money is not there. The applicant put up a four-foot fence and now the City wants a six-foot fence. As
a service customer Mr. Casagrande was outraged because his vehicle had to be put in front and his auto
was smashed in. He reported he had seen the trees when they were planted and subsequently were stolen.
Costs of the conditions set forth by the Board are difficult for,a business in its infancy to afford.
In opposition, Bruce Silton, 500 N. Osceola, Apt. 307, stated he represents the Harbor Bluffs
Condominium Association. He recognizes the applicant wants his business to survive, and he does as
well, but is concerned about the neighborhood. Photos were submitted showing a sales price in a car
window, an auto in the back of the lot heing taken apart, and a photo of a large pile of stone and concrete
slab. They do not want to put the applicant out of businessJ but want the conditions met. The 92
families living nearby believes tllat if the intention to enforce is there that the applicant will comply.
Mr. Schwab mentioned tllat the site is considerably better than it was a year ago when it was like a
In rebuttal, Mr. DattagliniJ stated the pile of rubble was put there when he was doing landscaping. It was
arranged that the rubble would be picked up but it was never removed. It is too heavy for him to move
so he will have to hire someone. Black topping the back lot is too costly and he would like to leave hard
gravel and shell. He still would like to sell cars outside. TIle applicant has two bays and usually works
by himself and needs spaces where he can park vehicles wailing for parts.
In response to questions by the Board he stated cars remain on the lot until a customer has paid for the
repairs, others are waiting for parts.
The Board nuted one year ago that a conditional use permit for outdoor sales and display was denied and
the RM-28 zoning does not allow cars to be parked overnight on the back part of the property. It is a
difficult location. The landscaping was to shield the site from the surrounding condominiums. lbe same
is true for the six foot fence which could create the putential for more vagrant activity. If it was secured
it would provide greater security. The front of the lot is zoned neighborhood commercial and the rear
is RM-28. The cumbination effectively ties the Board's hands.
It was noted the Public Works Director could waive aSphalt if he deemed it not necessary. 111is would
curtail costs. He has had one year to comply. Wrecks and junk have largely been removed. The Board
should he able to make the site more useahle with a zoning change alluwing parking at the rear, however
that appears slim. A Land Use Plan Change was also suggested. TIle downtown eRA area being
expanded may assist the applicant.
fn,\ Motion was made by Mr. Mazur, and seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe. to approve the above request subject
to the following conditions: I) The direction of glare of lights from both motor vehicles and illuminating
fixtures on the site shall be oriented away from surrounding properties; 2) Perimeter and interior
landscaping for Lot 2 shall be provided in conformance with City Code Sections 136.023(c) through 0>
subject to approval of the City's Environmental Management Division within 1 month of this public
hearing; 3) The applicant shall provide a five-foot wide perimeter planting strip on Lot 1 along N. Ft.
Harrison Ave. to include a hedge, two shade trees and low-volume irrigation; such landscaping shall be
installed in accordance with the National Nursery Standards (a shade tree shall be a minimum of 8 feet
overall in height with 1.5 inches caliper measured 6 inches above grade and the shrubs shall be a
minimum 24 inches high, 1.5 feet apart (3 feet at center); both standards to apply at time of planting)
subject to the approval of the Citis Environmental Management Division within 1 month of this public
hearing; 4) All used tires, parts, and similar objects shall be slored in the building or other enclosed
structure; 5) All service fllcilities shall be indoors; major repairs, including engine or transmission
dismantling, painting, body, fender, and muffler work shall not be allowed; 6) Vehicle service work shall
be restricted to 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, with no service work done on Sundays;
7) All parts shall be stored indoors; 8) The street side of tlle fence shall be landscaped in accordance with
Section 136.016(h) subject to the approval of the City's Environmental Management Division within 3
months of this public hearing; 9) There shall be no outdoor sales, display and/or storage of vehicles; For
Sale signs on. vehicles parked on the property shall be prohibited; 10) The site design shall be approved
by the Planning and Development Director within 2 months of the dale of this public hearing shall include
the parking design meeting all City requirements; and 11) This approval shall be for a three (3) months
trial period from the date of this hearing at which time the Board shall review to see if conditions are
met. Motion carried unanhnous\y (7 to 0).
1. Boat Slip 89, Island Yacht Club Condo, (200 Windward Passage), James B. McCullough, CU 91-
Request - To permit marina boat life
Zoning - CG (General Commercial) and AL/C (Aquatic Lands/Coastal)
Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, in wriling, the staff recommendation.
James B. McCullough, applicant; 3160 McMullen BooUl Road, Clearwater; stated he wanted a Iin
installed in the condominium slip he owns. He has it in writing that his neighbors do not object
No persons appeared in support of or in opposition to Ule above request.
Motion was made hy Mr. CHnlSSaS, and seconded hy Mr. Bickcrstaffe, to approve the above request
suhject to the following conditions: I) The applicant shall ohtaillthe requisite building permit within six
munths of this public hearing; and 2) Liveaboards are prohibited from using the subject slip. Motion
carried unanimously (6 to 0).
Lots 1 thru 7, part of Lot 8, B1k 6, Milton Park Sub, ami vacmed alley lying SOUUl of Lots 1 thru
4 (1219 S. Port Harrison Avenue) O'Keefe's Jnc/G. Anthony DuQuesnay (O'Keefe's Tavern &
Restauranl) CU 91-75
Request - To permit on-premise consumption of heer, wine and liquor
Zoning - IL (Limited Industrial)
Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted. in writing. the staff recommendation.
No persons appeared in support of or in opposition to the above request.
Bob Herbrich, applicant's representative. 216 Prescott Avt'nue, stated he is the architect and that the
kitchen and bathrooms are being expanded. The renovation gives them 30 additional seats and' the
operation will remain the same.
Motion was made by Mr. Carassas, ami seconded by Mr. Bickcrstaffe, to approve the above request
subject to the following conditions: 1) The requisite occupational1icense shan be obtained within six (6)
monlhs from the date of this hcnring; and 2) Approval is limited to alcoholic beverage sales for
consumption on premises only, with no package sales. Motion carried unanimously (6 to 0).
3. Lot 5, B1k D, Bayside Sub No 5, (645 Dayway Boulevard), James L. Doran. Trustee
(Transportation Station) CU 91-76
Request - To permit outdoor commercial recreation/entertainment of motor scooter and bicycle
Zoning - CD (Beach Commercial)
Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and submitted, In writing. the staff recommendation. He
distributed two copies of letters of support.
No persons appeared in support of Of in opposition to the above request.
Scott SUiLC\. applicant's representative. 8 Cambria. Apt. 301, Clearwater Beach, stated they found this new
site for their scooter/bike rental buslness. They generate little need for parking and the hours are such
parking does not constitute a problem. Users must be licensed, guardians are necessary for those between
the ages 16-18, and closing is usually at 6:00 PM; the customer rents the bikes for several days.
The applicant queried his, rather than the owner, having to bear the burden of landscaping. Mr. Shuford
advised a new application gives the City the chance to make some improvements to a barren site.
Motion was made by Mr. Hamilton, ami seconded by Mr. Savage, to approve the above request subject
to the following conditions: I) Requisite occupational I icense shall be obtained within six (6) months from
the date of this public hearing; 2) The hours of operation shall be limited to a 9:00 p.m. closing time;
3) Landscaping along Bayway Boulevard shall be provided in accordance with the plant material
requirements of Sec. 136.023 fur street yard perimeter landscaping; and 4) There shall be no outdoor
storage of bicycles or motor scooters within parking area or within the street setback area. Motion
carried unanimously (7 to 0).
1. To consider an interlocal agreement between Pinellas County and the City of Clearwater to exercise
comprehensive planning authority pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and
Land Developmenl Regulation Act, as sel forth in PartH of Chapler 165, Florida Statutes, and
ent()rce land development regulations to regulate the development of land within the respective
areas of jurisdiction of each party to the agreement.
, "
',--," ,
Ms. Glatthorn gave the background of the case.
Motion was made by Mr. Hamilton, and seconded by Mr. Bickerstaffe, for recommendation of approval
of the above request to the City Commission. Motion carried unanimously (7 to 0).
1. Update on Pinellas Planning Counell Local Government Consistency Program.
Mr. Shuford gave a brief summary of the program and its impact on Clearwater due to changes In Land
Use Plan classifications. He indicated that a more detailed presentation would be provided to the Board
at its next meeting. Ms. Glatthorn gave a handout for members to read and digest before the next
The meeting was adjourned at 5:33 PM.
, Planning & Development