07/16/1991 (2) ~"", ,"'\ ....hu. ACTION AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1991 . 1:30 PM /~:,} :.r . ~,' J t l%1-~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCA nON ITEM A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. July2,1991 RECEIVED .I U l 1 9 1991 CiTY CLERK ACTION APPROVED CONDITIONAL USES. ANNEXATION. ZONING. LAND USE PlAN AMENDMENTS. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS. AND LOCAL PlANNING AGENCY REVIEW: THE BOARD FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW. ALL TESTIMONY FOR CONDITIONAL USE REQUESTS IS GIVEN UNDER OATH. 1. The Chairperson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each item as It is presented. 2. The staff report and pertinent background Information are presented. . 5 minutes maximum. 3. Staff presents any supporting written documents. 4. Staff presents any opposing written documents. 5. The applicant or his representative presents his case. - 5 mil\utes maximum. 6. Persons who support the application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokesperson for group - 10 minutes maximum. 7. Persons who oppose the application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or spokesperson for group - 10 minutes maximum, 8. Persons supporting the application lather than applicant) may speak In rebuttal - 3 minutes maximum. 9. Persons opposing may speak in rebuttal. 3 minutes maximum. 10. The applicant has an opportunity for final rebuttal - 5 minutes maximum. 11. Public Hearings are closed. 12. Discussion by the Board. 13. The Board makes a decision. FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105 STATES: ANY PERSON APPEALING A DECISION OF THIS BOARD MUST HAVE A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO SUPPORT SUCH APPEAL. B. REQUJ::STS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: (Continued from 6/1 8/91) M&B 1 1.05. 1 1.06 and 11.061, Sec. 19-29-16 (19666 US 19 Nf Veta Louise Gfllenwaters, Pamela Lee Colvin, Pauletta Lucille Rogers, Terri Lynn Presnell, Trustees, (Kenyon Power Boatsl, CU 91-48 Continued to 8/13/91 ....'~ ' 1. 2. Request - To permit outdoor retail sales, displays and lor storage Zoned - CH (HighwaV Commercial I (Continued from 7/2/9 ~~d part of Lots 8 and 9, Blackburn's Sub. 12 0 U.S. 19 N.I, George D. and Denise l.Baker, Rally Stores, Inc. f/k/a Pace Petroleum Corporation, Daniel and Barbara M. Palomino, Ferrellgas. lnc, f/k/a The Buckeye Gas Product Co., L.P. and Whiteco Industries, Inc" IMountasia Familv GallI CU 91-52 Approved subject to the following conditions: 1) 1) A buffer shaH be installed according to sito plan submitted to the Planning and Board on July 16, 1991; and landscaping in accordance with City code and approved by the Environmental Management group shall be installed on the north side of the wall and in the area in which no wall is provided; 21 All lighting sources shall be located no closer than 50 feet from all adjacent residential properties, shall have fess than 90 degree cutoH light source, shall be directed away from the residential areas, and sh.."lll have a height no greater than 25 feet; 3) The hours of operation for the kiddie cars and go carts shall be from 9:00 am. to 10:00 pm., however, if the applicant can demonstrate to the City Planning Request. To permit outdoor commercial rccrcatlon/entertainrnent by expansion of existing facilitY to include bumper boats, kiddie cars and a baiting cage. ZOlled - CH (Highway Commercial) P & Z ACTION AGENDA 07/16/91 ,,..-',, , ( .......-' 3. Continued from 7/2/911 Part of Lois 7, a, and 9, City Park Sub., 156 Causeway Boulevard), City oJ Clearwater (Keramlsta, lnc./Beach Diner} CU 91-53 Request - To permit on-premise consumption of beer and wine. Zoned - CB IBeach Commercial) C. CONDITIONAL USES: 1. Lots 2-4, 24, 25, and part of Lot 1, Blk. B, Bayside Sub 115 1630 GuUview Blvd. 5) Elias & Helen Anastasopoulos (Jo-Go Amusement Center), CU 91-54 Request - To permit change of condition of previous approval for outdoor commercial recreation/entertainment to extend lights off to 1 :00 a.m. rather than 11 :30 p,m. Zoned - CB (Beach Commercfal' Lots 14-17 and that part of Lots 12 & 13 lying southeast of Railroad right-of.way (520 0 Street, BeUea[fl Geofge L. Mallory, CU 91.55 2. Request - To permit noncommercial parking Zoned. IL lLimited Industrial) P & Z ACTION AGENDA Department that tho sound level generated by normal operation of the go cart track docs not exceed 55 DBA, as measured at tho nearest point on the west side of Lawson Avenuc, then the applicant may operate the kiddie cars and go carts until 12:00 midnight; 4) MuUlers shall be installed and maintained on thC go carts to reduce the noise emanating from this source and in no case shall the overall noise violate Chapter 96, Noise, Code of Ordinances for the City of Clearwater; 51 Tho applicant shall obtain City Commission approval for the associated annexation, rezoning and land use plan amendment for the subject property; and 61 Permitth.:J schedules for the project shall be governed by the schedule established ror the associated site plan; thIs site plan shall be certified within six (61 months from the date of this public hearing. Approved subject to the following condillons: 1) Tho applicant shall obtain tho requisIte occupational license within she (5) months horn the date of this public he~rinlJ; 21 Alcoholic beverage sales shall be limited to consumption on premises only, with no package sales; 31 TIIO applicant shall obtain a variance for eight rBI parking spaces from the Development Code Adjustment Board; 41 The applicant shall obtain the requisite alcoholic beverage separation distance variance from the City Commission; and 51 The applicant shall continue to observe the City or Clearwater sign regulations. Approved subject to the following condition: 1) That the major golf course lights be turned off at 1 :00 a.m. Approved subject to the fOllowing conditions: 1) The plan shall be modified to show handicapped parking spaces if deemed necessary by the Traffic Engineer; 21 The parking lot must be landscaped to meet the current landscape code and approved by Pllbllc WorkslEnvironmcntal Management; 3) The stormwater retention basin shall be approved by the City Engineer; 4) A Unity of Title shall be recorded unifying tho subject property to Parallex Inc. site and the Coburn Optical Industries Inc. site; 51 The oflice VS. warehouse ratios ror the sites to be served by the noncommercial parking shall be listed and shown on the plan. If any conversion or warehouse to office space takes place, an amendment to the Certiricd Site Plan shall be made; and 6) The parking facility shall be used ror pefsonal vehicles only. 2 07/16/91 /"'_." "-; ',,--,. 3. M&B 13.02, Sec. 1-29-15 (1915 N Hercules Ave) Markos & Marla Poniros (Robert Pallal Boomerang's Cafe), CU 91-56 Request. To permit on-premise consumption of beer, wine and liquor Zoned - eN (Neighborhood Commercf311 4. lots 1 and 2, Clwr. Tower 133 N Garden Ave, # 140) MAS ONE LTD. Partnership 1500 Club Corp/Dert on the Parkl, CU 91-57 Request. To permit on'premiso consumpllon of beer and wine Zoned - UC/C (Urban Center Core) D. ANNEXATION, ZONING, LAND USE PlAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVElOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT, AND LOCAL PlANNING AGENCY REVIEW: 1. Part of Lots a & El, Blackburn Sub, located on the west side of US 19 N, about 1,500 ft. north of Sunset Point Rd. (George O. and Denise L Baker, Rallv Stores, Inc., flk/a Pace Petroleum Corp., Daniel and Barbara M. Palomino, and Ferrellgas, Inc. flk/a The Buckeye Gas Product Co., L.P.) A 9H)2, LUP 91-02 Request. Annexation, Land Use Plan and Zoning designations LAND USE PLAN: From: Unclassified To: Commerclal!Tourist Facilities 2. ZONING: CH (Highway Commerclall An ordinance relating to the Land Development Code; creating a new division 23A within Chapter 135, Code of Ordinances, to establish a new Research, Development and Office Park Distdct; establishing district size requirements, permitted and conditional uses, use llmitations, and dimensional and numerical development requirements: amending Section 136.025, Code of Ordinances, to establish supplementarv standards for the approval of business servIces, hotels/motels, manufacturing uses, marina facilities, personal services. resideutial shellers, and restaurants as conditional uses in the Rosearch, Development and Olliee Park District, P & Z ACTION AGENDA Approved subject to tho following condillons: 1 J The applicant shall be restricted to an-premlsc salc of alcoholic beverages, wilh no packago sales; 2) The applicant shall maintain tho existing kitchen facl1\t\C5 and providc food service to within onc (1) hour of closing; and 3) Tho requisite occupational license must be obtained within six (61 months of this public hearing. Approved subject to the following conditions: 11 The safes of alcoholic beverages shall be restricted to consumption on premises with no package salcs; 2) The requisite occupational license shall be obtained wiLhin six 161 months from tho date of this public hearing; 31 Tho applicant shall obtain approval from tho City Commission for a %oro ft. variance to the 200 ft. soparation distance from others 2oCOP (Cleveland St.Cafe, Manos P\acc, and Flrenze nlstorante) premises consumption sales establishments if deemed necessary by the Planning & Development staff; 4) The sale of beer and wine for on premises consumption shall be allowed untn 11:00 p.m. seven nights a week; 5) If deemed necessary bV the Director of Parks and Recreation, the applicant shall provide a fencelgate andlor signage on the property contiguous to the City property to prevent alcoholic beverages being taken outside to tho City property; and 61 Tho site plan shall be amended to show the location of the fence should this fence be deemed necessary. Approved Continued to 7/30/91 3 07/16/91 ~' ., o (h . .~\ '-.....' \....- . ~ >, E. ' F. G. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS DIRECTOR'S ITEMS BOARD AND STAFF COMMENTS t , , , , , P & Z ACTION AGENDA Q7{16{91 4 (r~ I ( '.~, MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD TUESDAY, JULY 16,1991 Members Present: Chnirmllll Schwob, Mc!>srs. Merriam, I3ickcrstaffc, Cllrnssns, ) lamilton, and Savage (Mr. Savage arrived ntl:45p.m.). Members Ex.cused: Mr. MlIzur Also Present: Scott Shuford, Planning Mannger Put Fernandez, Recording Secretnry ClllIirper!>on Schwoh outlined the procedures for conditiona] uses and advised that anyone adversely affecled by II decision of the Plnnning IInd Zoning Board, with regard to comlilionlll uses, has Iwo weeks from this dute in which to file an nppenl through the City Clerk's Orrice. Florida Law requires any parly appealing a decision of Ihis Roard to have a record of the proceedings 10 support Ihe appen!. ITEMS ARE LISTED IN AGENDA ORDER THOUGII NOT NECESSARIL YDlSCUSSED IN TIIA T ORDER. A. APPROV ALOF MINUTES MOlion wns made hy Mr. Hamilton and seconded hy Mr. Carossas, to approve the minutes of July 2,1991 with two corrections. Motion cnrried unanimously (5 10 0). n. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. (Continued from 6/18/91) M&B 11.05,11.06 and 11.06I,Scc. 19-29-16 (19666 US 19 N) Vetn Louise Gillenwnters, Pnme]n Lee Colvin, Paulettn Lucillc Rogers, Terri Lynn Prcsnell, Trustees, (Kenyon Power Bonts), CU 91-48 Request . To permit ouldoor relail salc!> , di!>plnys and/or slorage Zoned w cn (lIighwny Commercial) Mr. Shuford rend a lettcr from Ihc npplicant rcque!>ling n continuance until 8-13.91. Motion wns made by Mr. Hamillon, and seconded by Mr. Bickerslaffc, to continue Ihc nbove rc{!uc...,t to August 13, 1991. Motion carricd unanimously (5100). 2. (Continued frum 7/2/91) Lot 7 nnd part of Lol!> 8 and 9, Blackburn's Sub. (24530 U.S. 19 N.), Gcorge D. and Deni!>e L.Daker, REilly Stores, Inc. Uk/a Pllce Pelroleum Corporalion, Dnniel and Dartmra M. Palomino, Fcrrellga!>, Inc. f/k/n The Buckeye Gas Product Co., L.P. nnd Whiteco Industries, Inc., (Mountnsin FlIlllily Gol f) CU 91-52 Requesl - To permit outdoor cOlllmercial recreation/entertainment hy, expansion of existing fncility to include bumper boats, kiddie cnrs and n batting cnge. Zoned - CH (Highway Conullercial) Mr. Shuford gave the hllckgrnund of Ihe cllse and suhmilled, in writing, the !>laff rec<llnmendation. A wall hns heen suggested rather thnn II Inndscnping huffer 10 provide adc(llllIle prolection from nuise. Two lellers of ohjeclion were received. One is from MlIynard lInd NeVil Olson whn ohjccts 10 Ihe noise nnd the other from ThehlUl lInd Winifred Sle\'cns who ohjects 10 Ihe noisc aud lights. Timllthy A. Johnsnn, Ilpplicllnt's rcpre<;cntllti\'(~, 911 Chl....tnu( Stn'Ct, provided II silc plan which shows the 11 rinci Jlll I change wilh n wall rall\t;'r the II landscape hCfln. lie reqllesled Mr. All answer queslions rcgnrding the 111111lhers of hoals, go cnrts, ele, Lllrr.l' All, Whill'Cn cllIplnYl'C, 1000 E. 80th Pluel', J\lcrrilh'iIlc, Indiunll, stilled there would be 6 balling cnges, 16 hUlI1pcr boals, 16 go carts (for the larger tfllck) ami 8 kiddie go carls (for the !>ll1l1l1er track). P & Z MINUTES ( '-.. t T ~_.." In rcsrnn~e 10 lJlIe~linns hy the J]onnl, Mr. Johnson SU!!gc~tcd Ihal nn nddilionnl condition he added Ihat Ihe npplicllnt nhide hy Ihe snunu level rcquirtll11Cnls ill the Pinclllls County Code to Ihe elttcnl Ilmt noise from the dcwloPllItlnt nffects resitlcnlinl property west of LlIwson Drive. They nre more stringent Ihan Ihe Cleanvnter cod e. No persons nppenred in I'upporl of or in opposilion to the above re'lutlst. Molion wa~ made hy Mr. Hamilton, Rnd seconded by Mr. Bickerstnffe, 10 approve Ihe above request suhject to Ihe following conditions: 1) A huffer shnll he inslnllctlnccortling 10 site plnn submilled 10 the Plnnning and Board on July 16, 199 t; and Inndscnping in nccurdancc with Cily code and approved by Ihe Environmenlnl Management group shall be inslnlled on the north side of the wnllllnd in lhe Rrea in which no wull is provided; 2) All lighting sources shllll be localed no closer Ihlm 50 feel from allnujllccnl residential properties, slmll hllve less Ihan 90 degree cutoff light source, shall he directed lIway from the residential areas, nnd shall have a heighl no grealer Ihnn 25 feet: 3) The hours of operation for the kiddie cars nnd go carts shall be from 9:00 am. 10 10:00 pm., however, if the applicant cnn demonslrate 10 the City Planning Departmenl that the sou lid level genemtctJ by normul opernlion of the go carl tmck does not exceed 55 DBA, liS measured at the nenrest point on the west side of Lnwson Avenue, then the npplicant may operate the kiddie cars and go carts until 12:00 midnight; 4) Mufflers shnll be instnlled and maintllined on the go carls to reduce the noise emanating from this source and in no case shnllthe overall noise violnte Chapler 96, Noise, Code of Ordinances for the City of Clearwnter; 5) The applicant shall oblnin City Commission approval for the assochlted annexation, rezoning and land use plnn amendment for the suhjecl property: nnd 6) Permilling schedules for the project shaH be governed by the schedule eSlllblishcd for the associllted site plan; lhis site phm shall be cerli lied within six (6) monlhs for the date of this public hearing. Motion carried ummimously (6 to 0). 3. Continued front 7/2191) PurL of Lots 7,8. llnd 9, City Pllrk Sub., (56 Cau!'.cwl\)' Boulevard), City of Clenrwnter (Keramistn, Inc./Bcnch Diner) CU 91-53 Request - To permit on-premise consumption of be~r and wine. Zoneu - CB (Bench Commercinl) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case and suhmilled, in writing, the slnff recol1ullendntion. SIl!VC Chnndler, nppIicnnt, 1441 Juel Lillie, stuled he had beller drawings and pictures 10 show the Donrd and explain his requesl for an outdoor putio. No persons nppenred in support of or in opposition to the ahove re(luest. Motion Wus made by Mr. Bickerstnffe, lInd stlcondcd by Mr. Cnrll!;sas, to npprove the nhove request subject to the following conditions: 1) The npplicnnt shnll obtain the requisite occupational license wilhin six (6) months from the date of this public hearing; 2) Alcoholic hevernge sales shnl! he limited to consumption on premises only, with no packnge sules; 3) The npplicant shull ohlain a vnriunce for eight (8) pnrking spaces from the Development Code Adjustment Dllnrd; 4) The npplicnnt shall ohtain Ihe requisile alcoholic beverage sepnration distance variance from the City Commission; and 5) The applicant shall continue 10 observe the City of ClealWlIter sign regulalions. MOlion cnrried unanimously (6 to 0). C. CONDITIONAL USES: l. Lots 2-4.24,25, Rnd part of Lot I, Blk. B. Blly!>ide Suh liS (630 Gulfview Blvd. S) Eliu!'. & Helen Antl~lllsoroulos (Jo-Go Amusement CenWr), CU 91.54 Request - To permit change of condition of previolls npprovnl fur ouldoor commercial recreatiun/entertainment to extcnd li!;hls off to 1 :00 n.m. rather tlmn 12:00 midnight Zoned - en (Bcllch COll1ll1ercinl) ~lr. Shuford gavtl the hnckgrt.Hllld of the cllse nlld suhmillcd, in writing. the staff n:collllllendation. lIarr)' Clinc, l"l'pl"cs('ntuth'c, 400 Clc\'dnnd Street, slaled lhe upplicnnl opcrntes a fumily-oriented fucilityand has me! nlllhc ClllHlitilllls previollsl)' stll forth. lie IlOW wishcs to cltlcml his closing hours Olle hour as patrons P & Z MINUTnS 2 ?", f huve to he turned nwny due tn insufficient timll to cmllplctu Iheir minialurc golf gamc. In other instances pntrons lire given II rain check ns the lights have to be turned off. Elias Al1aslnsnpnulos, npplicnnl, 1600 Gulf Doule\'nrd, stated they have n security guurd there every evening to mnke sure noise is kept under control and there \s no alcohol a\towcd. His son is the manager and 11 family memher is present nt all times. In sUPIJOrl, Kelley Graul. 2773 JcffreyDrh'c. I'nlmllnrhor, stlltes she has heen employed Ihere for nine months and stated their trllde \s predominAtely tnurisls who go the hench during the d:\)' and pIa)' minilltmc golf in the evening. Some lire irnle when told they hllve 10 close, Tnsll Annstnsllpllulos, 1600 Gulf Dllulcvnrd. slntcd he is the manager. SUlllmer is their busy time Bnd tourists usually keel' late hours, preferring to ptny gotf nfler dinner. In npposilioll, Rohert I hmtz, 640 Bnyway Doulevnrd, slalcd he lives dircctly opposite the golf course amI is agninst the eltlension request as the operation now eltcccds the time limit for lights out. lIe feels that wilh an c1.1cnsion of tights out, the applicant wilt exceed t\mt as welt The noise when someone m:hievcs a hole-in-one is intense. Also in opposition, Lcs NovlIk,620 Dnywny,slated he owns 1I motel directly across the street and hAS probllllll5 sleeping due to the noise cTcn1ed nt lhe golf cOUrse. He nns lost clients clue to this prohlem. Mr. Shuford lIdvised 21euers ofoppnsition wcre rcceived. Mr. Ross, represenling the Continenlnl Towers Board of Directors, suggested some lighting changes IInd Jellnnine Wiebcr feels it is unnecessary 10 cxlend the hours. In rehuttal, Mr. Anaslnsnpoullls, slnted il tnkes 10-15 minutes to tum off the lights nnd empty the parking lot. In rchuUnl,Mr. Clinc staled Ihe zoning is conunerciul and he believes they cnn coexist with the residential nrea. Molinn wns made hy Mr. Hnmilton, nnd seconded by Mr. Carussns, to approve the nbove request subjecl to the following condition: I) Thill Ihe mlljor golf course lights be lumcd off at I :00 a.m. Motion cnrried unanimously (6 to 0). 2. Lots 14-J7nnd that pnrt of Lois 12& 131yingsoulhcast ofRnilroad right-of-wny(520D Street, Bellenir) George L. MAllory, CU 91-55 . ". Request - To permit noncommerciul parking Zoned - IL (Limiled Industrial) Mr. Shuford gave the huckgrmmd of the casc lUlU suhmilleu, ill writing, the staff recommendntion. Genrge lHullllrYt nppJicul1t, 1375 S. ft. lIurrisnn, stat cd lhcre were parking shortages in the area nnd lhis use would correct thAt. lie does not fecltherc is n nced for the hnndicllppcd pnrking spaces us this lot is one-hnlf to one btock away from the huildings it provides parking for. In suppurt, Luis Conllicr, 625 J\lcLl'llnllll Street, is happy to see Ihere will be sidewnlks and bcautiful IUlldscnping. No one nppenred in opposition 10 the above request. The BoanI ngrccd wilh Mr. Mnllory's COI1lI111~l1ts rclalive 10 lhc handicappcd parking IInd lhe applicnnl stnled he would conlact the Traffic Enginccr tn disclIss this. As II tradcnff, he wnuld he willing 10 pul mom spaces at the huilding siles. t\101illn was Illade hy Mr. 1I11lllilloll, ;lml sc(:ondt:d hy I\Ir. CarAssas, 10 nppro\'c the IIbove rcquesl subject 10 the following conditions: I) Thc plan shall hc Illodified to show handicapped parking spaces if deemed nccessary hy Ihc Trllfnc Engincer; 2) The parking 101 mllSt hI.! 11Indscllped 10 mcet Ihe currcnt landscllpe code and npproved hy Public Works/Envirnnmcnlal M anagclllcnt; 3) The stllrlllwatcr relent ion basin shall he npproveu hy Ihe Cily Engineer: 4) A Unity nfTille shull hc recorded unifying Ihl.: suhjccl propcrl)' to Parallel!. Inc. sill.' llnulhe Coburn 11 & Z MINUTES 3 r:. ( I "- . " Optlcul Imluslries Inc. ~ile; 5) The office \'s. warehouse I'lIlio~ for thc sitc~ to he scrvcll hy the nUl1cCHllll1ercial parking shull he lislell nnd shuwn on Ihe plun. If any conversion of wnrehouse to oflice space takes pluee, nn nmcmll1lcnl to the Certified Site Pllln shall hc madc; ulld 6) The purking rncilily Shlltl he used for pcrsol\nl vehicle!! ollly. Mnlion curried unanimously (6 to 0). 3. M&B J3.02,Sec. 1-29-15 (1915 N Hercules Ave) Mllrkos & Mnrin Puniros (Rohert Pllllal Doomerllng's Cure), CU 91-56 Rcquesl - To permit on-prcmise consumption of becr, wine nnd HilUM Zoued - CN (Nei~hhorhood COl1llllerciul) Mr. Shuford gave the hnckground of the cuse IInd suhmilled, in wriling, the staff r&olllnlcndation. Roh Palin, npplicunt, 1008 Ollk\'iew A\'ellue, slated they have purchased Ihis business nnd have bought a residence here. He has restaurant experience from Canada. The previolls owner will help as a consultant 10 Rid in the transilion. Michnel Zuccnliolll), runncr owner, 1652 Dcudm'lI,}' Lnnc, Odessn, stated his contrnct provide!! for the continued use of certified vendors imving completed a slate progrnm to recognize inlolticated individuals, drug use, drug sales nnd service of alcohol 10 minors. No persons appeared in support of or in opposiliol1 to the lIhove request. Motion was made by Mr. Merriam, nnd scconded by Mr. nicktlrstllffe, to approve the above reque!ll suhject to the following condilions: I) TIle applicant shall be reslricled to on-premise sale of alcoholic beverages, with no packuge sales: 2) The npplicanl shall mllinlain lhe existing kitchen fllcililies and provide food service to wilhin one (I) hour of closing; and 3) The rcquisite Occuplltionlll license mllsl he oblnincd within six (6) months of this public hearing. Motion curried unanimously (6 to 0). Mr. Dickerstaffe was excused at 3:30 p.m. 4. Lots Innd 2, Clwr. Tower (33 N Garden Avc,1I140) MAS ONE LTD. Pllrtnership (GOO Cluh CorplDeli on lhe Park), CU 91-57 Request - To permit on-premise consUJllplinn of heer nnd wine Zoned ~ UC/C (Urban Center Core) Mr. Shuford gave the bllckground of Ihe case IImJ ~\\Ihmilled, in writing, the stuff recommemlntion. Elise Winters, rcprescnlntivc, 600 Clc\'cluud Slrcet, Suitc 620, slnlcd Ihey lire very inlcrcsted in the duwntown redevelopment. The main hours will he hrcakfast and lunch hut llsked for the elttra hours could he utilized fur spechl\ occnsions. They arc in agreement wilh instulling Iha fence Ilntl the accompanying sign. Knlhy Wuud, architect, 600 Clc\'c1nnd Street, Suite 920, slated the lundscape inlent WIIS to creale II barrier to separate the sealing arcn from lhe pnrk. There is a knee wall which has plantings which will not screen the outdoor seuling area. No persons appeared in support of the ahove rCllllesl. In opplIsitilln, Lois Cnnnicr, 625 J\lcLcnnnn Slrcc(, stuled she is in oppositioll to nny ouldoor consumption of alcoholic heverages in this applicntion hecuuse of its close proltimily to a City park. Moliol1 wus Illade hy Mr. Hnrnilton, nnd scconded hy Mr. Cllrnssn~, 101lppruve lhc ahove rcquest su1ucct to the following conditions: I) TIlt! sllles of ulcoholic bc\'crllgcs shull he rcstricttld to conslIltlpliull on premises with no packnge sales; 2) The requisitc occuputionnl license shnll htl ohluincd wilhin six (6) mnnlhs frnm the date of this puhlic hCllring; 3) The npplicnnt shull ohlnin uppro\'nl from the City Commission for n ...ern fl, vnrinnce to the 200 n. scpllrntion distlll1C~ from others 2-COP (CI~\'clllnd Sl. Cllfe, MIIIlUS Plnce, l\l\ll fircl\7,e Ristonmtc) prcmiscs consllmption salcs cSlahlishmcnts if dcelllcd necessary hy the Planning & Devtllopmcnt slaff; 4) The sal~ of hecr' IInd wine for on rr~'ll1iscs l'OnSlllllplion shall he nllowcd ul1til II :OOp.m. SCVtll1 nights a wcck; 5) If P & Z MINUTES ., , , ~, . . . .. .' , ... ., . . " '. . . . . , . deemed ncces~nry hy the Director of PArks And Recrclltion. the npplicnnt shnll provide a fence/gAte and/or signllge on the propcrly contiguolls to the City property to prevtlnt nlcohnlic bevernges heing tnken outside to the City property; l\nd 6) The sile piAn shnlJ be amended 10 show lhe localion of the fence should this fence he deemed neccsliary. Motion cnrried unanimously (5 to O). ~~ D. ANNEXA TION,ZONING, LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVELOPl\IENTCODE TE"-" Al\1ENDI\IENT, AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCYREVlEW: I. Pnrt of Lots 8 & 9, Blackburn Sub, localed nn the west side of US 19 N. nbout 1,500n. north of Sunset Point Rd. (George D. and Denise L. Baker, Rnlly Slores, Inc., flk/a Pace Petroleum Corp" Daniel nnd Barhnrn M. Pnlomino, and ferrellgM.lnc. f/k/n The Buckeye Gl\!; Product Co.,L.P.) A 91-02,LUIJ9t.{l2 Request - AnnexRtion, Lnnd Use Plan Rnd Zoning designations ~AND USE PLAN: From: UnclRs~ifjcd To: Commercilllrrourisl FAcilities ZONING: CH (Highway COffimercinl) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case nnd submilled, in writing, lhe staff recommendation. A h~lIcr of opposllion wns received from MaynAnl IInd Nevn Olson who object to lhis rezoning in a highly residential area. Tirn JuhllliOn, Jr. ,representulh'c, 911 Chestnut Slrccl, slated they were requesting the approprinte land use and zoning. No persons nppeared in slIpport of or in opposition to lhc above requelil. Motion was mnde by Mr. Hamilton, and seconded by Mr. Carns~as, to Approve the above request. Motion cnrtied unllnimously (5 to 0). 2. An ordinance relating to the Land Developmcnt Code: creating a new division 23A within Chnpter 135. Code of Ordinances, to eslAhlish a neW Research, Development amI Office Purk District; c.c;tablishing dislricl size requirements, pcrmilled amI condilionaI uses, use limilalions, and dimensional and numerical development requirements; amending Section 136.025,Code of Ordinances, to establish supplemcntary stnndnrds for the approvnl of business services, hotels/motels, manufacturing uses, marina facilitie..c;, personal services, residential shelters, and restauranls os condilional uses in the Research, Developmenl and Office Park District. Mr. Shuford reviewed the proposed Amcndmcnt nmJ some possible changes to nccommodulc severn' light manufacturing \IC;cs. This ordinance wns discussed with Mr. Rehm IInu he suggeslcd a commercial trAde school n~ an approprinte use. Gernld Rchm was present and briefly gave his comments on property which could hecome industrinl income- proJucing property. Tlw tcrm ranel Intck is nrehaic. On outdoor stornge, il is his view that every business is alone time or anolher forced tn store olltdoors and such lemporary uses should he addressed in the ordinance. A practical applicalion he mcntioned would he for applicants to apply for a conditional use permit, wilh lhe stornge of goolls being screcned and whnt is slorcd being specified. Motinn was madc by Mr. Hamilton, llnd seconded by Mr. Sa\'lIge, 10 continue the above ordinance to July 30, 1991 meeling. Motion cllfricd 11lllll1imollsly (5 to 0). G. BOARD AND STAFF COMMENTS Mr. JllIlIliltnn took n copy of the letter wrillcn 10 Mr. Millo lllld the rcsponse Alld fnxeu it to Representative . ,." Suney advising thlll alcoholic heverage cslllhlishl11cnls nvoiding Cily condilionlll \I~e requirements wns a prohlem lUIIJ asked if hcller coonlillnlioll of loca] rcgulatory rC1luircI11cnls IhlOugh State ngencies Cllll he accomplished. P & Z MINUTES 5 . . ?~ ~ ( '. t) 'y- VAcnlilJl1!; betwccn now /lnd including Ihe Seplcmhcr 3, 1991mcclins Wcrt.! discussed And il is believcd R quorum will be possible al all mcelings. Mr. CnrM~I\!Y witl he. nhscnl for the September meeting. The meeting WAS Adjourned AI 4: IS p.m. , , I.. . ~ i P & Z MINUTES 6