05/14/1991 (2)
. ,
TUESDA V, MAY 14, 1991 - 1 :30 PM
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~~A'i 2 () '99\
crt')' CLE?..K
1. April 30, 1991
1. The Chairperson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each item as it Is presented.
2. The staff report and pertinent background information arc presenled. . 5 minutes maximum.
3. Staff presents any supporting written documents.
4. Staff presents any opposing written documents.
5. The applicant or his representative presents his case. - 5 minutes maximum.
6. Persons who support the application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each individllal;
or spokesperson for group. 10 minutes maximum.
7. Persons who oppose the application speak. 3 minutes maximum for each individual; or
spokesperson for group ~ 10 minutes maximum.
8. Persons supporting the application lather than applicant! may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes
9, Persons OPpOSing may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes maximum.
, O. The applicant has an opportunity 10r linal rebuttal. 5 minutes maximum.
11. Public Hearings are closed.
, 2. Discussion by the Board.
13. The Board makes a decision,
Request for Extension 16 monthsl
M&B 23.04, Sec. 18.29.16
1126 S. Belcher Rd.}
Gulf Bav Animal Hospital/Scot M, Trelz
CU 90-70
Approved 12 months extension.
Request. Expansion of existing boarding
facility (for pets}
Zoned. CG [General Commercial)
APRIL 30,1991
Lot 24 and east 1/2 of vacated SHeet on
west. Blk. 24, Marymont Sub. 11902 Drew
Street) Alternative Auto/Mark A. Arner
CU 91-29
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1} The requisite building permits shall procured
within six. 161 months from the date of this
21 A Cc:rtificate of Occupancy shall be obtained
within twelve (121 months from the date of this
public hearing;
3) A landsC<lpe pli1n shall be submitted to the
Department of Public WorkslEnvironrnental
Management for review and approval prior to the
issuance of any building permits to include
protection of the large deciduous tree.
Therefore. the angled parking in the lront may
have to be relocated;
Request. To permit 'I outdoor rct~jl sales,
displays andlor storage (automobile sales)
and 2) vehicle service
Zoned - CG (General Commercial)
Lots A and B, Bergens Replat, together
with the E 1/3 of Lot 2 and the W 1/3 of
Lot 3, Jones Sub of Nicholsons Addn to
Clearwater, including vacated alley running
north-south between W 1/3 of Lots 3 and
Lots A and B together with the E 161.65
ft. oi vacated east-west alley N 01 Lot B
and W 1/3 of Lot 3 and E 1/3 of Lot 2.
/300 N. Ft. Harrison Avenuel
Salvation Army CU 91-34
Request - To permit non-commercial
Zoned CG (General Commercial I and RM-
28 IMult).Family Residential)
lots 5, 7 and 8, Countryside Village
12541 Countryside Boulevard, Suite 1)
Countryside Cuisine/Countryside Village
ltd. CU 91-35
Acquest. To permit package sales 01 beer
and wine
Zoned - CC ICommercial Center)
41 The outdoor display, sales and/or storage
areas shall be clcarly delineated and dimensioned
on the site plan, and clearly delineated on the
site to assist in code enlorcemcnt. Parking or
display of vehicles shall be prohibited within any
required open space/yard areas or street rights-
51 No repairs or detailing shall occur betwecn the
hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Monday
through Saturday and all day on Sunday;
61 There sh.1rl be no outdoor speakers;
71 All permitted vehicle service shall be indoors;
8) All parts sh.111 be stored indoors;
9) All lighting shall be oriented away from the
residential areas and street rights-(lf-way:
10) All signagc sh.111 conform to City code;
11) All vehicular display and access areas shall
be paved according to City code;
121 Only one garage unit shall be used for
vehicular service;
13) Repairs shall be Iimitcd to minor repairs not
requiring removal of engines or transmissions;
only cars to be sold shall be permitted to be
141 Customer parking for vehicular sales and
service operations shall be clearly marked: and
151 The legal requirements pertaining to the
public casement to the west of the property shall
not be violated.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
1 ~ A Unity of Title inCluding alllals which arc a
part of this application and plan shall be recorded
prior to the issuance of a building permit;
2) The applicant shall record the requisite shared
parking agreement prior to the issuance or a
building permit. The agreement shall clearly
state the number of required parking spaces for
the exclusive use of the intended user and that
parlcing will be acquired by the owner of the
intended user on other property in the near
vicinity if the owncr of the off-site parking should
decide to sever the agreement;
31 The requisite building permit shall be obtained
within six 161 months from date of this public
hearing; and
41 The requisite landscaping and fencing as per
Section 136.023 of the Land Development Code
shall be installed prior to the issuance of a
ccrtificate of occupancy for the proposed
redevelopment 01 the site.
Approved subject to the following conditions:
11 The requisite occupational license shall be
obtained within six (61 months of the date of this
public hearing:
21The sale or alcoholic beverages shall be
restricted to pack;)ge sales only; and
31 The applicant shall obtain approval Irom the
City Commission for a zero ft. variance to thc
200 ft. scparalion distance from another 2-APS
package sales establishment similarly located in
the vicinity.
M&Bs 32.01 and 31.02, Section 17-29-
16, Clearwater Mall
(20505 US 19 North, Suite '501
Big Easy Cajun At Clearwater, Inc.fTrizec
Properties. Inc.
CU 91.36
Request . To permit on-premise
consumption of beer and wine
Zoned . CC (Commercial Center} and OL
(Limited Office)
Lots' through la, 81k. C, Bavsidc Shore
Sub. [761 BaVway Boulevard}
Cafe Casino/Willlam Kebort
CU 91.37
Request. To permit on-premise
consumption of beer and wim:
Zoned. CB (Beach Commercial)
Part of Lot 1, Blk. B. Columbia Sub,
(207 Coronado Drive}
Anchor Mini Mart/James Tracey
CU 9'-38
Request. To permit package sales of beer
and wine
Zoned. CR.28 (Resort Commercial]
M&B 32.08, Sec. 22-29-15, together with
Lots 1.' 0 and Lots 45-52, Blk. C, Belmont
Sub 2nd Addn. (832 Woodlawn Street]
Woodlawn Church or God, CU 91-39
Request. To permit noncommercial
Zoned - P/SP (Public/Semi-PublicI and
RM-8 (Multi-Family Residential]
Approved subiect \0 the 'allowing conditians:
') The sale af alcoholic beverages shall be
restricted to cansumptian on premises with no
pack;]ge sales;
21 The requisite occupation.al license shall be
abtained within six (6) months from the datn of
this public hearing; and
31 The appliC<Jnt shall obtain approval trom the
City Commission for a zero ft. variance to the
200 ft. separation distance from another 2-COP
ISchnickel Frit7) on-premise consumption sales
Approvcd subjcct to the following conditions:
, 1 Closing time shall be on or before 12:00
21 Alcoholic beverage sales shall be limited to on
premise consumption only. with no pack;]ge
sales; and
31 The requisite occupational license showing
current ownership (if neededl shall be obtained
within one 111 month from the date of this public
Approved subject to the following conditions:
11 The applicant shall obtain the 2-APS alcoholic
beverage license designation from the State and
requisite city occupational license within six (61
2) The applicant shall enclose and landscape the
perimeter of the existing dumpster serving the
property in coordination with the City Sanitation
Division and the Environmental Management
Division prior to obtaining the requisite city
occupational license;
31 The applicant shall provide one handicapped
parking space;
4) The applicant shall remove all non-complying
temporary signage on the property before an
occupational license is issued;
5} The hours of operation shall remain 7;30 a.m.
to 9:00 p.m. daily:
6} The applicant shall obtain requisite building
permits within six 161 months of this public
hearing; and
7) Parking stops will be provided at those spaces
not currently having them.
Approved subiect to the following conditions:
') A parking variance of 28 ~paces shall be
procured within six (6) months from the date of
receiving a Condition.11 Use Permit;
21 A complete tree survey of the site shall be
provided to the Environmental Management
Division prior to review of the final site plan;
31 A driveway apron providing access from the
edge of pavement of Woodlawn Street to the
property line shall be installed to specifications of
Public Works/City Engineer;
41 Perimeter landscaping of the parking lot shall
be provided in compliance with the current
landscape ordinance prior to a certifiC<Jte of
occupancy/finat inspection of the parking lot;
51 A Unity of Title shall be recorded for the
parking lot and the primary church property prior
to certilication at the site plan; and
61 The requisite site plan shall be certified within
six (61 months.
. " -:. . j ~. ~. .'" I, r I, ' ~ '., " .'. I: ., . J. , ~.,. . ~ j " J .", " . . " . , " .
lots B.". Blk. B, Clearwater Beach Sub.
Rev. Plan 132 Bay Esplanade), PIck Kwik
Food Stores. Inc.INostimo, Inc., CU. 91.40
Rcquest . To permit package sales 01 beer
and wine
Zoned, CB (Beach Commercial!
M&B 14.06, part 01 M&B 1>\ .08, S~c. 21-
29.15. & part of vacated 1 st Avc.
adjaccnt to Map of Belleair, Blk. 10, Lot 1
and 11 and Blk. 9. Lots 1 and 13, together
wlvacated 1 st Ave adjacenl to Bcllcvicw
Court Sub, Blk. S, Lot 6 1621 Lakcvicw
Ad. adjacent to S.C.L.A.R.I George L.
Mallory General Inter Vivos TrustfAobef\ A.
and Patricia A. Luke/and Seaboard Coastal
Railroad Co., CU 91 -4 1
Requcst . To permit noncommercial
Zoned, Il (Limited Industrial) and AM.S
(Multi-Family Residentiall
Lots 21 and 33. Blk. E, Greenwood Park
No.2 (1215 N. Greenwood Avenue}
Jon's Place/Frank and Alice Smith
CU-S 1 -42
Request - To permit on-premise
consumption of beer and wine
Zoned. CNG [North Greenwood
1 . Code of Ordinances Text Amendment:
An ordinance of the City 01 Clearwater,
relating to the land Development Code;
amending Section 136.006, Code of
Ordinances, relating to setbacks. to
establish standards for free standing
canopies projecting into certain required
setbacks, and prohibiting the projection of
free standing canopies over street rights-
of-way in all zoning districts; permitting
building fascias, awnIngs, and certain
other building projections in street right-al-
way'setbacks and over street rights-of-
way in the Beach Commercial, North
Greenwood Commercial, and Urban Center
District, subject to certain limitations;
requiring a minimum clearance over grade
01 at least nine feet. rather than eight teet.
10r certain building projections over street
rights-at-way: defining . free standing
canopy;- providing an ellective'date.
of.. ~
1 .
\ '-':"
. "
2. Code of Ordinances Text Amendment:
'An ordinance of the City of Clearwater
relating to the land Development Code;
amending Sections 135.092. 135.098.
135.1004, 135.123. 135.129, 135.150,
136.022 and 136.025, Code 01
Ordinances. to provide for noncommercial
Office. Neighborhood Commercial, North
Greenwood Commercial. General
Commercial, Highway Commercial. and
Limited Industrial districts; providing an
effective dale.
TUESDAY, MAY 14,1991
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Members Present:
~... . . r
Chaim1.lln Schwob, Ms. Nixon (arrived III I :38 p.m.), Messrs. Carassas, Ferrell,
Hamilton, Mazur and Savage
Also Present:
James M. Polau)', Director of Planning and Development
Scott Shuford, Planning Manll!1er
Pal Femandez.. Recording S~retary
Chairperson Schwab outlined the procedures for conditional Uses and ad\'iscd that anyone adversel)' affected by
a decision of the Planning and Zoning Boa n.! , with rt:gllrd to conditional uses, hus two weeks from this date in
which to file an appea' through lhe Cil)' Clerk's Oflice. Florida Law requires any pari)' appealing II decision of
this Board to have II record of lhe proceedings to support the appeu!.
Motion was made by Mr. Hamilton .nnel seconded oy Mr. Ferrell, to approve the minules of April 16, 1991.
Motion carried unanimously (6 to 0).
R~quest for Extension (6 months)
M&B 23.04,Sec. 18-29-16,(126 S. Belcher Rd.), Gulf Bny Animnl Hospitnl/Scot M. Trefz
CU 90-70
Request - Expansion of existing boarding facility (for pets)
Zoned - CO (General Commercint)
Mr. Shuford gaw the bnckground of the caSt) and submilled, in writing, the staff recommendation.
Mr. Ferrell announced he had II conflict of int~rest and would not participate in the discussion or vole on this
Ann Trcrz, 125 S.BclchcrRoud. applicunt. stnled they have changed architects and this additional time is needed.
No persons appenroo in support of or in opposition to lh~ above rCllucst.
Motion was made by 1\1 r. Hamilton, and seconded h)' Ms. Nixon, to lIpprove a twelve (12) months eXlImsion from
the date of this hearing to ohtnin :l huilding permit. 1\lotion carried (6 to 0).
2. Continued from April 16,1991 and April 30.1991
Lot 24 nnd ellst 1/2 of vacated street on west. Blk. 2.1, Marymont Sub. (1902 Drew Street) Altl!mative
Auto/Murk A. Amer, CU 91-29
R~uesl - To permit I) outdoor retail s:lles. displays and/or storage (automobile sales) and 2) vehicle
Zoned - CO (General Commt:rcilll)
Mr. Shuford gave the oackground "ftlle case and suhmilled. in writing. the staff recommendation.
Stc\'t~ Eiseman, 834 Lant:um A \'eIlUC. uWller's rcprl';'iclltali\'c. st:llcd his plans wert: not to do h~lv)' servicing hut
would d~llIil cllrs to sdl on th~ lot. HI: intl.'nu!< 10 TIm a dl.':In operal ion IInd willupgTlld~ the huilding nnd
lundscup~ the sit~, H~ will do Whl1leWr is a~kt'd of him if \\'t' grant his request.
Of lhe five gllTllges on the sik. Ollt' will h... a sl.'T\'i,'~' hay tlml four will hI.' for employee parking.
In opposilion, Runuld ~1iIl(!r, 1908 Un'\\' Sln~l'l. ~t:lkd hI.' own~ hi~ building lInd has llad an insurance agenc)'
next door for :;ixteen )'~l\rs. II~ foresl.'l.'s prohlems wilh the applicanl's cllslom~rs parking on his property Iind
feds u used cnr lot d()~s llot helnng th!.'rc. lie ulso kd~ lIlt' arl:'.1 insidl.' a gllrage is insuflicil.'nl to perform nny
services. A gllmge IICCI.'SS IIgrcl.'ml.'nl (10 thl' nnnh on Ihe properly) h.." I>l.'l.'n in I.'ITecl for )'I.'ars us fifteen !!nrnges
wcre huilt and tlllm thl.' properly was suhdi\'iul.'d. The O\\'nl.'rs or rl.'nll.'rs of Ih~ other It'n garugcs huve Ilccess
llcross the suhject properl)' to lhei r garagt'~. lit' r~'l.'ls wilh spat'l.' l'llnstraints thltt work would hI.' done outside
the garlllle which would block lhdr m.'ccss.
Also ill opposition, Slt:\'t!n Denl'l,!!, 190-1 Drcw SI n'ct, stakd hl' 1~1t lIppl icant would violut!.' the cross-parking
c:lsement agreement (to the west 011 Ih~ prop~rl)') a~ il is rm publ ic pllrrOS~S IInd parking cllrs 011 it would
violllte its intent. He stated Ihllt he drnlh:d tl11.' ngn:cllwnl hut docs nol rl.'cal1 ils content, He lidded thut the
Cil)' uSt's the cllsement tu empt)' dUmpl'lers on his property.
Motion Was made b)' Mr. Hamilton, and sl.'nllllbl by t\l:;. Nixon, to apprCIve Ihe llhove rcqutlst subject to the
folJowing conditions: I) The rl.'quisilc building pl'nni ts shal I prfH:ur~d wilhin six (6) months from the unle of this
mellting; 2) A Cerlilicule;: or Occupancy shall be ohlllil1~d willlllllwd\'t: (12) months lrom the dale of Ihis public
henring; 3) A landscape plan shall he suhmillt'd III Ihe Departl11l'nl of Puhl ic Work!-i/El1\'ironmenllll Manugeml.'nl
for review tlnd lIpprovlll prior to Iht" iSSUlIlll'C or :lny blli Iding permils 10 indmJe protection uf the Inrllt: deciduous
trel.'. Th ercfo 1'1.', the lIngled parking in Ill\;' fronl may hll\'1:' to hc relnclllt.:d: 4) The (lUtdoor display, salcs lIndlor
storllgc urclIs shull he clearl)' ddinl.'ah::d lm the sill:' 10 assist ill ('od... l'n lim:emenl, Parkinll or display of vchicles
shall be prohibileu within nil)' rcqui rl.'J Opl.'l1 spal'e/>'lIn.l areas [If stlwt righls-uf-wlI)'; 5) No repllirs or detailing
shull occur between the hours of 6:00 p,m. amI 9:00 ...Ill. Mundn)' through Saturda)' and all day on Sundu)'; 6)
There shall be no outJoor speakers: 7) A 11 po:rllllllcd "dude sl.'f\'lce shall he indoors; 8) A II parts shall be stored
indoors; 9) AlIlighling ~hall hl:' orienled away from the residcntial urea!: and street rights-of-way; 10) All signllge
shall conform to City code; I I) All vehicular displa;' :IIlU aL:ces~ :lreas shall he paved according to City code; 12)
Only one ganlge unit shall he used for vehiculllr service: 13) Rl.'pai rs shall be Ii mited to minor repairs not
requiring removal of engines or transmissions: only cars to he sold shall hI.' permitted to be repaired; 14)
Customer parking for vehicular sales and scr'o'lce opcr:ltions shall he clcarly Illilrked; ami 15) The legal
requirements pertaining to thc puhlit- cast'lllenl 10 the \W~t of Ih.:: propr.:rly shall not he violated, Motion cllrrkd
unanimou~ly (7 to 0). .
~~.~ '
Mr, Shuford stated Mr. Eiseman WIIS aware if thl." cily nn'ded to USl." Ihat e:lsement he would lost'; four parking
spaces fur vehicle displa)'.
In rdlllltal. ~lr. Ei!-iclllan, slaled tht' agrl.'emenl did nol allow r~.ltllirt'd parking. He is lIsinJ; the parking for
displu)' purposes ani)'. His sile plan prows on paper Ihat his setup is feasihll.'.
1. Lois A IInd D. l3r.:rgens Rcplal. tngl.'lhcr with the E 113 of Lot :! and Ihe \\' 1/3 or Lot 3. Jones Sub of
N icholsons AdJn to Ck.lr\Vllh:r. indlllling vacatt.J ;!lley 1111lning norlh-solllh helweCtl \V 1/3 of Lots 3 and
Lots A lItld B logether with thl" E 161.6:HI. of \';!caII.'U t:lIS1-Wl.'st :dh:y t\ of Lot Band \\' 113 of Lot 311nd
E 113 of Lot ~. (300 N. Fl. H:lrrison ..\vellUC). Salvation Army CU 91-34
Rel\ut:st - To permit non-collllllcn:ial parl,in!;
Zoned CG (Gener;!' ClllnmCrl"ial) lInd R :-'1.~8 (:-., ulli-Fami h' I~esidential)
'. ,
}'lr. Shuford f'a\'e thl' background of the ~'a~t: :lnd submItted, in wnllllg, thl' slaff rc.:omlllcnJaliun,
1\11'. Savagc anu ~lr. :-'1azur anrHlllllCl.'d a ,'t1nllid o! inlt,'rc~1 and would nlll panicipatc ill tht: discussion or vote
un this ill.'m.
P..'.: Z 1\lINL'TES
0511 4/9\
Cllpl. Tom Overtont 1625 Belcher Road, Ilpplicnnt's represcntatin, f;tnted they will be assisting the courts by
having a house where firsl-lime offenders can come on It monthl)' hll1>is to pU)' r~stituti(ln. The parking is needed
for the planned facilil)'.
In support JU)' T\l,ycrs, 800 Drew Stl"l'Ct, UppliOlOl's urchill'Ct, in th~ ahs~nce of II site plan, provided the details
of the plan,
No persons appeared in opposition to the ahove request.
Motion WItS made by Ms. Nixon, nnd seconded h)' Mr. Hamilton, to approve the IIbov~ request subject 10 the
following conditions: I) A Unit)' of Tille including all lots which are a part of this application and plan shall be
recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit: 2) The npplicnnt shall record the requisite shared parking
agreement prior to the issuance of a building permit. The agreement shall clearl)' stnte the number of required
parking spaces for the exclusive use of the intended user and that parking will be acquired b)' the owner of the
intended user 011 other property in the near vicinit)' if the owner of the off-site parking should decide to sever
the agreement; 3) The requisite building permit shall be obtnined within six (6) months from date of this public
hearing; and 4) The requisite lundscllping and fencing ns pllr Section 136.023 of the Land Development Code
shall be insllllled prior to the issuance of II certificate of occupancy for th~ proposed redevelopment of the site.
Motion curried (5 to 0). .
2. Lots 5, 7 and 8, Countryside Villuge Squure, (2541 Countrysidll Boulevurd, Suite I)
Countryside Cuisine/Countryside Village Ltd. CU 91-35
Request . To permit package sales of 'beer and wine
Zoned - CC (Commercial Center)
Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case und submilled, in writing, the staff recommendation.
NupolL'on Mullllt 3018 Geiger Court, llpp1ic~mt, Slated he wants to open a retail store that will sell mellts, bread,
and gourmet frown food as well as wine,
~ .'
Mr. Polatly advised the Board n\l~mbers ofn City Commission discussion relative to closing times IlSsocillted with
alcoholic beverl1!1e requests, noting thllt hours of operation should not be establish~ unless ther~ is so mil c1llUr
public interest.
No persons appt:ar~ in support of or in opposition to the above request.
Motion WIIS made by Mr. Hamilton, Ilnd sllcomJeJ by Mr. Savllge, to approve the above request subjt;et to the
following conditions: I) 'nH~ requisite occupational license shall be obtained within six (6) months of the datt
or this public ht:aring; 2) The sale of alcoholic beverages shall be n:strictcd to package sales ani)'; and 3) The
applicant shall obtuin approval rrom the Cit)' Commission for a zero ft. variance to the 200 ft. separation distunce
from another 2.APS package sales estnblishment similarly located in the vicinity. Motion carried unanimousl)'
(7 to 0).
3, M&Bs 32,01 11m] 3J.02.Scction 17-29-16.Clenrwaler Mall, (20505 US 19 North, Suite 150), Big Easy
Cajun At Clearwater, Inc./Trizec Properties, Inc.. CU 91-36
Rllquest - To pemlit on-premise consumption or beer and wine
Zoned - CC (Commercial Centt!r) nnd OL (Limiled Office)
Mr. Shuford gave the background of the cast: lInd sllhmill~d. in writing, the staff rllcommendlllion.
TirnuthJ Kung.Ti Ycn, 101 S. Old Cuachl1lan Road. applicant's reprc.sentuli\'e, Sl:1ted h~ has opened II cajun
restaurant in tht: food court of Cle:uwaler Mall and would lib: to sell :Ilcoholic hevcrages.
In opposition, Rohert Shear. 2605 Enterprise Road. un allomey representing Frank-N-Stcin. ~xprt:ssed
opposition to 1Il1owinj; a h~I\'Y conccntration of ;Ikoho!ic hc\'t:ragL: Ikenses in clOSt: proximity liS in II food court.
. . I . . ~ ..,.. I I J ", . . . , . . " L . , .' .... . I r .
Also in opposition, Sully Miller, 19135 US 19 Nn. .th~ manuger of Frunk-N-Stcin, stated she is concerned about
The Board noled that Clearwater Mall hus addilional space 10 rent in the food court to businesses who might
also seek an alcoholic consumption licens!;. H was also notw thai no one else IIppt:aroo in opposition to this
In oppositiun rebuttul, Mr. Shellr, stated mall interests arc obviously to fill spaces.
In rebuttal, Mr. Ycn, staled it appeared Ihat Frank-N-Stdn wanted thl: e);,clusive righl to sell h~r in the food
court and that was not fuir. He noted ~er sull:s will he II ~mall percent of his sales.
Discussion ensuw with the Board members expressing concerns including the following: Cuslomers an: shoppers
who want 10 cat and something to drink. They could nol recall hllving henrd of u problem with alcoholic
beverages in II mati food court. Persons in opposition usually appear oefore the Board.
MOlion was made by Mr. Ferrell, and seconded by Ms. Nixon. tll approve the ahovc requcsI subjecI 10 the
following conditions: 1) The sale of alcoholic beverages shull be restricted to consumption on premises with no
packngt: sales; 2) The requisite occupational license shall be (Jbtllin~d within six (6) months from the date of this
public hearing: and 3) The applicunl shall obt.ain approval from the Cit). Commission for II zero ft. variance to
the 200 ft. separation distance from unother 2-COP (Schnickel Fritz) un-premise consumption sales
establishment. Motion curried unllnimousl)' (7 to 0).
4. Lots 1 through 10, Blk. C, Baysidc Shore Suh. (761 BlI)'Wll)' Boulevard), Cufe Casino/William Kebort
CU 91-37
Request - To permit on-prcmistl consumplion of beer and wine
Zoned - CB (Bl:lIch Commercial)
Mr. Shuford gave the background of the cIIse and submitted, in writing, the sluff recommendation.
Elise Winlers, 600 Cleveland Stn'Cl, Suite 620,applicunt's reprcsentath'c, stuloo the applicant's fllilure to change
ownership was an oversight.
....,~ '
Frances Robcrts, 761 BuywlIyBoulc\'urd, C1eurwutcr Beach, stnted the)' were ignorant of the need for change
in ownership and apologized.
No persons appeared in support of or in opposition to the ubov~ request.
Motion was made by Mr. Hamilton. and seconded by Mr. Savage, to approve the above request subj~t 10 the
following conditions: 1) Closing lime shall be on or before 12:00 midnight: 2) Alcoholic beverage sales shall be
limitl:d to on pr\:mise consumption only, with no puckuge sales; and 3) The requisite occupational license showing
current ownership (if needed) shall b~ obtained within one (I) month from the date of this public hearing.
Motion carried unanimously (7 10 0),
S. Part of Lot 1. Blk. B, Columbia Sub. (207 Coronado Drive), Anchor Mini IvlartlJames Tracey
CU 91~38
Request ~ To permit packng~ S:lles of beer and wine
Zonoo - CR-28 (Resort Commercial)
Mr. Shuford gave Ihe background of the cas~ and submitted. in writing. the staff recommendation.
Jllm~ Tnlc!!)', 207 Coronudu Dri\'c, Cll!l1n~'ulcr n~lch. applic:lIlt, staled th~)' arc a walk-in operation and hllve
no problem with nn)' of the conditions set forth.
No pcrsom lIpp~lrecl in supporl of or in opposition tn Ihe above rC4ucst,
Motion Was made by Mr. Hllmilton, and ,,~conded hy Mr. Ferrell, to approve the nhove reque..~t suhject to the
following conditions: I) The applicant shall obt!!in the 2-APS alcoholic bc\'era~e Iicensc designation from thc
Slate and requisite city occupational license within six (6) months: 2) The nppliclInt shllll enclose and landscape
. the perimeter of the existing dumpster serving the preipert)' in coordination with the City Sanilation Di"ision amI
the Environmental Management Di\'ision prior to obtuining the requisite city occuPlltionul license: 3) The
applicant shall provide one handicapped parking splice: 4) The applicanl shall remo\'e Illl nOll-compl)'ing
temporary signage on the property hefore an occupational license is issued; 5) The hourli of opcrntion shull
remain 7:30a.m. to 9;OOp.m. dail)'; 6) The applicant shall ohtain requisite huilding permits within six (6) months
of this public hearing; and 7) Parking stops will he provided lit thuse spaces not currently having them. Motion
carried unanimously (1 to 0),
6. M&B 32.08,Sec. 22-29~IS,together with Lots 1.I011nd Lots 45-52.B1k. C, Belmont Suh 2nd Addn. (832
Woodlllwn Str~t), Woodlllml Church of God, CU 91-39
Request - To permit noncommercilll parking
Zoned - P/SP (Public/Semi-Public) llnd
RM-8 (Muhi-Fumily Resiuentiul)
Mr. Shuford gave the background of the cuse IIOU submilled, in writing. the stuff recommendation.
Rand,)' Morris, Pa<;lnr, 84.5 W(Jodluwn Stred, discussed the church's plnns with the Board. He s\.l1led thc trl:eS
were laken into account in the site phm ilnd the)' will pre~erve as mlmy as possihle.
No persons appeared in support of or in opposition 10 the uhovc request.
Motion was made by Mr. Mazur, and seconded by Mr. Ferrell, to approve the ahove request subject to thc
following conditions: 1) A parking vnriance of 28 spaces shall be procured within six (6) months from the dale
of reeci\'inB n Condilionlll Use Permit; 2) A complde tree SUIVC)' of the site shull be provided to the
Environmcnllll Managcment Division prior 10 review of Ihe finul sile plan; 3) A drivewuy apron providing access
from the edBc of pavement of Woodlawn StrC-l:t 10 the propert)' line shall be ins\.l1l1ed to specifications of Public
Works/City Engineer; 4) Perimeter landscaping of the parking lot shall be provided in compliance with the
current landscape ordinance prior 10 a certificate of occupancylfinal inspection of the parking lot; 5) A Unit).
of Tille shall be recorded for the parking lot and lhe primary church property prior to certification of the site
plan; and 6) The requisite site plan shall be certified within six (6) months. Motion carried unanimously (7 to
7. lois 8~1l, B1k. 8;' Clearwater Beach Suh. Rl.lv. PllIn (32 Bll)' Esplanllde), Pick Kwik Food Stores,
Inc./Nostimo, Inc., CU~ 91-40
Request - To pennit package sales of heer ami wine
Zoned - eB (Beach Commercial)
Mr. Shuford ad\'ised he Iwd n:ceivcd a letter from Ihe lIpplj..:anl indicllting they would like Ihis item continued
to June 1 S, 199 J.
Mr. Hamilton announced he had Ii conniet orintere!'l llOd would nol participate in the discussion or vole on this
Motion was made hy Ms. Nixon. and s~omh:d hy Mr. S:l\'uge. \0 continue the above request to the June 18,1991
m~ting. Motion carried (6 to 0).
M&B 14.06, part of 1\1&B 1.1.08.Sec. 21-29-15, & part of \',IClltcd 1 st Ave. lldjuccnt to Map of Bellellir,
Elk. 10. Lot 1 uml 11 ami Elk. 9. Lots 1 and 13.lOgethcr w/vllcaleu 1st Ave lldjacenl to Belleview Court
Sub. Hlk. B. LOI 6 (621 Lakc\'icw Rd. :Hlj:lcenl 10 S.C.L.R.R.)George L. Mnllur)' General Inter Vivos
Trusl/Robert A. IInd Patridil A. Luke/und Seahourd Coust:ll Railroad Co.. CU 91-4 J
Request - To permit noncommercial parking
Zoned - IL (Limited Industn:dl Hud RM-H (Multi-Family Residenti:dl
P &.. Z ~f1NUTES
Mr. Sll\Ifurcll!lI\'e lht: hnckgnmmlllftlw ,':h': :1Il,' suhmitted. in wriling,lh~ ~lnff r~C(lIlln1~mhltion. Two letters,
one with I11ltltirl~ Sigl111turcs, \\en: ren~i\'ed ~'(llllplaininy ahuUl pllkrllial traffic prnhlcms.
JlJY !\I)'crs, 800 Drew SlrCl'I, applictI nl 's n'llI'l'wlllali"'e. ~\; plailwd lhe site ph," to I3mlrtl members. In r~sponse'
to questions on the Doanl, Mr. ~l)'l:r~ !llale.l llll'rt' arc no ll"t:t", hilt :-'1I1ll1:' hrazilial1 pt.'ppers nn Ihe 101; and Ihat
Ihe center is sllccessful ami tlH:)' lire n:qlle~tllll,' ;lddi liun:d !lpa"t:.' witllll1 a re!lidenlial zone. "'-'-.
In oppnsitioll, Luis Cunnier, 625 ~IcLl:lllI:l1I SII'l:l'l. slaktl shc is 11lanllcd as the propert)' owner explained to
her Ihlll he wants Ihe ubilil)' In chungc SOl1k [1 r Iht: wardl11Il,~C'" 10 of rl~'\.:' spacc am! wOllld like 10 be IIble 10 exit
on McLennan Streel. t\1 rs. Corll1kr slall'd intlu:-t I ial 7.nninl-' ahlll:- 1\1.'1' neighhorhood, hlll she I~l'is Ihey shuuld
nm ~o inlo u rcsiclential urea to gel gain addit ional parkillg. She mh'i:-,'d Mr. M a II 0 r)' lold her he would spentl
S 100.0000n this expansion.
]n t"chUlIlIl, !\(r. !\t~'crs slHt~u he wonld snpptlrl lllll ;1110'\ 111g Il'afli~' iJl~le~s/,'gr~s!l on E Slre~t IIml f~ds it shoultl
exit via the main TOad. Discussion cn~lI~'d wllh the Board 111~lI1h..r~ Jxpressing conc~ms incJudin~ Ih~ followint!:
What type of buffer Mr. t\lallory miglll h~' willing 10 pul it. Ihe n::ed fnr Ihese ~paces :md why this amount of
mlln~)' is to be exp~nc.l~d for Ihis pllrpnst:, Tilt'}' fllllht:r 1I,I;t:d if Iht' =lpplicllllt mit!hl he plunning to purk R V's.
They tlo not underslaml th~ nc~t.I Ii.,r 27 parking spat'~s fill' Ihe oflt'nttion (If a mini slorage center.
MOlion WtlS mnde by Mr. Hamilton, und s~conded hy !\\t". Curassa!'.. III 1:~H\tinm~ the t\lm\'c request to tho;: lul\e
4. 1991 Ille:eling. Motion curried unllni mously (7 10 0).
9. Lots 21 anti 33. BII:. E. Greenwood Pilrl: :\0, 2 (I ~ 15 1\, Gn:el1\\'ood t\\'~nlle), Jon's Plllce/fmnk anti
Alice Smilh, CU.91-42
Request - To permit on-premisl: con~Utl1pIIlHl of ht'cr and wint:
Zoned . CNG (North Gre~n\\'o()d COlmllCr~'lal J
Mr. Shuford gU\'e the hackgroul1ll of till' (:a:-.e alld suhmillt-d. in writing. the Slarr n:cOn1mendalion for tltmilll.
Jnn Fcu1.cll, p, O. Bnx 98S,lIpplil'lInt's I'l:prc.~l.ltlali\'c. sl:llcd lht' slaff r~porl WlIS erroneoUS in th~ number of
estubHshmenls, Ilnd lhal the stnH r~pnrl i~ nut ul,",o-dak. Ht' slaled ht' is an elll~rtnincr who Wllnls to open up c'e
u lounge where. he could pro\'ide a plat:t' III enlerl:lIl1 prnres..;ional pt'opk Mr. Feasell noted thaI the Blue
Fountllin !lntl La Coca art' Ilnw dCJs~d.
Mr. Shuford suggesl~d the llpplical11 S~Cllrl- :1 h:llt:r rcgunJing his ukohnlk hc\'cral,!e nppliclllion or e\'en beller
have a representnti\'t: from the North Greenwollll A~'o~jal ion :Ind lht: NdghhorhnmJ Housing Service Oulreach
appear 10 support his lIpplicluion. !)IS~'U~";IOIl ;:nslled with lhe Board memhers expressing concerns including
lht: folluwing: ",llIn)' husines~eS. from a hisllll"i~';d point. h;I\'e failed in Ihis urca due 10 an o\'erconcentration of
burs. Th~y fed u positive I.:Orllrllt'111 from;1 !1oll':L- Il;'pre:-etlt:lll\'1: \\'o\lltl fimher ~nh:lIlce his request.
No person appearecl in opposilion to Ihl;' ahoVi;' rt:l(ucsl.
MOlinn \\'as nUlde hy ~1r. Hamilton, and :-.,'.;ond,'d h: ~lr. Savage, ill ,'lllllinu~ Ih,' aho\'c retlLlest 10 the. meeting
of June 4. 1991. !\Iolinn carricd LltlanillHHl~J}" Ii 1(1 (II
0, ANNEXA TlOt'\.ZOt'\ING. L.\t'\D llSE Pl.'\~ ,\:\ I E:\tH t Ei'\T. LAt'\D DE \,ELOPi\ tENT CODE TEXT
A!\ (EI\'Dl\IEr\T, A [\'0 LOCA L PL:\:-\:\Ii\'G :\ G ENC \' RE \' 1 E\\':
All orclinant'c nf Ihe City or Ck.:tr\\,all'l'. n..J;1! Ill;,' hi lht.' Lalld D;:\'t:lojlIl1Cllt Code; am~ndjng Section
136.006. C(lLl~ of Ordinllllc'e!o, rdalllll-' f11 ~;;'[had;~, III t''':lahlt~h :-tandards fOt fr~t: standing c;mopirs
pr'1kCling inlo cerlllin requirt'u s,'lha;:I.~, :lnd prohihitin~ the pro,lt:t:lion of free standint! c:mopies over
stred rights-of-way in all Wiling ui~ln..(o;: Jkrml1lin:.' hudJing ra~t;las, awnings, :HH.l t;er!uin other huilding
prc~it:clions in stre~1 righi-of-way sl'lhad.~ alld ll\'l'r ..:In','t n~hl'.nr-\\'ay in the B~ach Comm~rcial. North
Grt:enwnou Clll11l1ll.'r~'ial. and L:rh:u. Cc'I~I,': Dl'ln;l. 'lIhl~,'1 I,' ,::1'1:1111 ltl11itation:;: rC~lulring ;1 minimum
Code of OrdillallCl:s T~~t Anwnunwnl:
P &: Z ~llSl'TES
05/1 4/91
..' , , ", .',"""; ., "f"~ ~. 11, ,,' ': . ...,.,. ",'.- ,F,',i;'" ..'. ,,: ,".' ',,;.:.., ~- I.~~ ~ ,', '.f ,t'
clearance over grade of at It:.ast nine' feet, rather thun eiJ,'hl fe!;:t, for certain building projection"
OVer street righl\-of-WBY: defining "free lituntlin~ can(lPY:~ providing an effective date.
MoHon Was made by Mr. Ferrell, and sccomh:d by'Mr. Hamilton, to approve che allO\'!! onlinance. Motion
earril:!d unanimously (7 10 0).
2. Code of Ordinances Teltl Am~ndm~nt:
An ordinance of the City of Clearwaler relaling 10 Ihe Land Dt:velopment Code; uml!nding Sections
135.092,135.098,135.1004,, 136.022und 136.025,Code of Ordinances, to
provide for noncommercial Office, Ndghhorhood Commercial, North GrL'enwoud Commercial,
General Commercial, HighwllY Commercial, nnd Limited Industriul districls; providing an effecliw
Motion was made hy Ms. Nilton, and seconde:d by Mr. Humilton, 10 upprove the above ordinance. Motion
carried unanimously (7 to 0).
The luncheon for Ms. Brendu Nixon ha" bllCn chnnged to June 4, 1991. It will be held at the Belleview Mido
Hotel at ] 1:30a.m. Slaff will notify the media and muke reservations. Mr. Schwob will call Mr. Johnson and
Mr. Hogan as wdl.
Mr. Shuford pro1i"ed M". Nixon for her contributions whill: a member of the Board.
All members concurred with Mr. Shuford's viewof Ms. Nixan'sservice on th~ Board. They r~mindc:d Ms. Nixon
she could return to the Board in one year.
Ms. Nixon pointed out that a quorum m3)' not ulwlI)'s b~ possible during the tnmsition period following one
member's departure and the appointment of his/her replaceml!nl. She suggested the Rourd may want to amend
tbe By-Laws tbereby aHowing the departing memher to remain for a meeting or two until a replacement has
been numed.
Mr. Mazur asked for clarification on the current opinion on closing times for conditional use applications. He
felt the discussion was inappropriate lIuring an item's presentation before the Board. His feeling is that, in the
future, it would be better discuss~d during the: Board comments phase of the meeting.
Mr. Mazur was confused during Mr. Eiseman's prl;':sentation reJati\'~ to four garages sho\lo11 for employee parking.
He further felt the Board nc:cded the cross-pllrking agre:cment to aid them in their dedsion.
Meeting adjourned ut 5:45 p.m.
. Planning & Development