03/19/1991 (2) , '. ,I, \ i ,~; ..' ' 't _,' , , ,.', '. I . ~', '.". ., " ~ . / " ,.+, ' : ' . I I:: " .' ~, " . ~ '.' '..:" I .', " . " ' ;' ACTION AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 19,1991 .1:30 PM ,....'.... r PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION ITEM A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. February 5, 1991 ACTION RECEIVED MAR 2 0 1991 CITY CLERK CONTINUED CONDlTIONAL USES, ^NNEXATlON, ZONING, LAN!.) USE PLAN AMENDMENTS, LAI-lD DEVELOPMENT CODE TeXT AMENDMENTS, AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVIEW: THE BOARD FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW, ALL TESTIMONY FOR CONDITIONAl. USE REQUESTS IS GIVEN UNDER OATH, 1. The Chairperson reads from the Public Headng Notice each item as it is presented. 2. The staff report and pertinent background information are presented.. 5 mlnutos maximum. 3. Staff presents any supporting written documents. 4. Staff presents any opposing written documents. 5. The applicant or his representative presents his case, - 5 minutos maximum. 6. Persons who support the application speak - 3 mlnutos mnxlmum 10r each IndIvidual; or spokesperson for group. , 0 mInutes maximum. 7. Persons who oppose the application speak. 3 minutes maximum for each indIvidual; or spokesperson for group - '0 minutes maximum. 8. Persons supporting the application lather than applicant! may speak in rebuttal - 3 minutes maximum. 9. Persons OPPOSing may speak in rebuttal. 3 minutes maximum. 10. The applicant has an opportunity for final rebuttal. 5 minutes maximum. l' . pubric Hearings are closed. 12. Discussion by the Board. , 3. The Board .makes a decision. FLORIDA STATUTE 286.01 05 STATES: ANY PERSON APPEAliNG A DECISION OF THIS BOARD MUST HAVE A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO SUPPORT SUCH APPEAL. >_. B. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION. DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: NONE ~~ C, CONDITIONAL USES: 1. Lots 2 and 3, Clearwater Collection First Replat, (21820 U.S. 19 N) Clearwater Collection Association IHomestylo Family Bullet) CU 91.21 Approved subject to tho following conditions: 1) Tho saro of alcoholic beverages shaU be restricted to consumption on premIses with no package sales; 21 Tho epplicant sholl obtein tho requisite occupatfonal Iicenso wIthin six 161 months of the data of this public hoarlng. Rcquest - To permit on premise consumption 01 beer and wine 2. Zoned - CPO (Commercial Planned Developmentl and ALlC IAquatic Lands/Coastal} Unit 1, Island Moorings Condo (234 Dolphin Pt.l Richard & Diane McKibben CU 91.22 Approved subjoct to the following condltlons: 11 The applicant shall obtain requisite building pormlt within six months of this public hearing; 21 Tho subject boat 11ft/sUp shall be used exclusively by tho slip owner nnd shall not be ren\ed, Icased or used by others. RCQuest - To permit marina boat lilt Zoned, RM.20 (Multi-Family Residential) and Al/C {Aquatic Lands/Coastall .~ -~, P & Z ACTION AGENDA : ' L'. "', . ~ f .... ,"", . ' , . ' : I', . '" ' ,.,,'. . I ' . .'. 'I. . ". _ ,.' . , D. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS: ,. Ordinance No. 5090-91, amending Section 136.006, Code o~ Ordinances, relating \0 setbacks, to establish standards for free standing . canopies projecting into certain required setbacks, and prohibiting the projection 01 free standing canopies over street rights 01 way; requiring a minimum clearance over grade at at least nine feet, rather than eight feet. lor certain building projections aver street rights of way; defining "free standing canopy.; providing an effective date. 2. Ordinance No. 5091-91, amending Section 135.187, Code of Ordinances to provide tor two additional methods for determining lot development of mixed uses involving residential and other permitted uses; providing an effective date. 3. Ordinance No. 5092.91, amending Sections 137.019 and 137.020, Code of Ordinances. to reduce the quorum of the Planning and Zoning Board from five to four members, to reduce the quorum of the Development Code Adjustment Board from four.to three members, and to provide for continuances when less than a quorum Is present at a meeting of either board; providing for two alternate members of the Development Code Adjustment Board; providing an effective date. 4. Ordinance No. 5093-91, amending Section 137,016, Code of Ordinances relating to land Use Plan amendments, to exclude from the impact assessment requirement any land Use Plan amendment for which a certificate of capacity has been applied for; providing an effective date. 5. Ordinance No. 5094.91, amending Section 136.023, Code of Ordinances, to revise the interior landscape standards for parking lots and vehicular use areas containing between 4,000 and 8,000 square feet, and for parking lots and vehicular use areas containing more than B,OOO square feet; establishing soil treatment requirements for all required pDrking lot landscaping; providing an effective date. E. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS F, DIRECTOR'S ITEMS G. BOARD AND 5T AFF COMMENTS P & Z ACTION AGENDA Approved Approved Approvod'Sectlon 137.019.; Approved Section 137.020 with suggostlon that the D.C.A.B. Increase memborshlp to seven (71 members. Approved ., Approved 2' ('~ c '...............t MINUTES ' PLANNING & ZONING BOARD TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1991 (.'..... Memhers Present: Chairperson Schwab, Ms. Nixon, Messrs. FerreH, Johnson and Hamilton Members ElIcused: Mr. Mazur Also Present: James M. Poluuy, Director of Plnnning and Development ScoU Shuford, Planning Manager Doreen Feldhllus, Recording Secretllry Pat Fernandez, Slaff Assistant II Chairperson Schwab outlined the rr<lcedures for conditionnl uses and ndvised that anyone adversely affeded by a decision of the Planning Rnd Zoning Board, with regllnJ to conditionlll uses, has two weeks from this date in which to file an arpeal through the City Clerk's Office. Florida Law requires uny party appealing a decision of this Board to hllve a record of the proceedings to support lhe lIppelll. ITEMS ARE LISTED IN AGENDA ORDER THOUGH NOT NECESSARILY DISCUSSED IN THAT ORDER. B. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: NONE c. CONDITIONAL USES: 1. Lots 2 and 3, CleaT\vnler Collection First Replllt, (21820 U.S. 19 N) ClenTWnler Collection Associlltion (I1omestyle Family Buffet), CU 91-21 j "r..........-. Requesl - To permit an premise conslImption of h~cr Ill\U wine Zoned. CPO (Commercinl Plnnned Development) nnd ALlC (Aquatic Lnnds/Constal) Mr. Shuford gnve the bllckgroum.l of the cnse nnd submitteu, in writing, the stuff recommendnlion. Mr. William Fox, 2955 Lnmlm.'lrk Way, Palm IInrlxlr, slHlke ahout their desire to serve beer nnd wine in this restaurant. Alcoholic bevernges will hllw to he ohtaincd from II separntc area manned by personnel. A meal hilS to be purchased before a patron Clln purchase lheir hevernge. No persons nppcnrcd in support of or in opposition to Ihe nhove request. Motion was Illude by Mr. Hamilton, and seconded by Mr. Perrell, to approve the nbove request Iluhject 10 the following conditions: I) The sale of nlcoholic hc\'crngcs shall be restricted to consumption on premises with no package sulcs; nnd 2) The IIpplit'ant shull ubtnin the relJuisite ucclJpalionllllicensc within sil> (6) months of the date of this public hearing. Motion cnrried ununimously (5 tn 0). 2. Unit 1, Island Moorings Condo (23" Dolphin Pt.), Richard &. Diane McKibhen, CU 91-22 Requesl - To permit nlllril1U bout lift Zoned - RM.20 (Multi-ramily Residenlial) nnd ALlC (AlIunlic Lnnus/ClIlIsln)) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the em;ll and sllhmillcd. in writing, the Slllrr recommendlltlun. Mr. Larry Fisk, Dolphin Mnrine, 13056 Fnxton Street, applicant's rcprcscnt:llive - Mr. fisk stilled the ffarhormllstcr und the condominium llssocilltio" hllve nppro\'cu the rcqlle~;t. 1 Ie llisc\lsscJ other companies pulling in honllifls without permits nnd how it lIffl.'cts his business. P & Z MINUTES 03.19-91 3. Amending Seclions 137.019 and 137.020, Codl: of Ordinances, 10 reduce Ihe 'Iuorum of the Planning and Zoning Bonrd fTOm five to four mcmbers, to reduce the quorum of the Devclopment Code Adjustmcnt Board from four 10 three members, nnd 10 provide for continuances when le:>s Ihan a quorum is present at n meeting of eilher board; providing for Iwo nllcrrtllle members of the Developmenl Code Adjuslment Board; providing nn effective dale. Molion WIIS IIlnde by Mr. IInmillun, ami seconded b)' Mr. Johnson, 10 npprove the nbove requesl subject to lhe following condilions: I) The npplicanl shull ohluin reljuisile huUlling permil within !lilt monlhs of this public hearing; nnu 2) Tlle suhject boalli fIIsllp shnll he used e."(c1usivcly hy Ihe slip owner and 5hllll not be rented, lensed or used by others. Motion cllrried unanimously (S to 0), r'" Discussion lhen ensued, involving Mr. Fisk, concerning how Cily codes could be modified to reduce Ihe number of conditional use pcrmils required for this type of use. D. LAND DEVELOPMENT COD I! TEXT AMENDMfiNTS: Mr. Shuford reviewed each proposed amendmcnl. 1. Amending Section 136,006. Code of Ordinances, rdating 10 sethacks. 10 eslnhlish standards for free standing canopies projccting inlo certRin rcquired SClhllCks, Rlld prohihiting the projcction of free slanding canopies over slreet rights of WilY: requiring II minimum c1ellrance over grade of at least nine feet, rather than eight feet, for certain building projections over slreel rights of wny; defining "free slamling cnnopyR; providing nn effective dale. Molion wns mnde by Mr. Johnson, ond seconded by Mr. Hnmilton, to approve the nbove request. Molion carried unanimously (5 to 0). 2. Amending Seclion 135.187. Code of On.linllnccs 10 provide for lwo addilional methods for determining lot development of mb;ed uses involving resiJcnlinl anJ other permiueJ uses; providing on effective dote. MOlion was made by Mr. !'Inmihon, nnd !\ccomlcd hy Mr. ferrell, to nppro\'c the nbove request. Motion corned unanimously (5 10 0). ""-,, Discussion ensued wilh Ihe Bonnl members cltpressing C(lncems including lhe following~ A problem occurs only when lhe Board is shorl one member or II memhcr declllrt:s II eonnicl under. Under Ihe proposal, four voles are requircd for a quorum as well as for II condition:!1 Ilse to pass. An llppliclInl appearing before the Board in Ihol inJi\lIncc could request a cOlltinuance or procccd, MOlion was made by Ms. Nilton, IInd seconded by Mr. Ferrell, 10 appr~\'e the proposed amendments 10 Section 137.019. Motion carried unanimously (5100). Molion was made by Ms. Ni~on, anti Jieconded by Mr. Jolll'lJion, to approve Section 137.020 with t~e suggestion thulthc D.C.A.B. increase its membership to seven (7) mcmhers. Molion curried (4 to 1). 4. Amending Section 137,016, Code of Ordinlll1CeS rclaling 10 Lund Use Plan llmendments, 10 exclude from Ihe hnpnct nssessment rcq\linnncnt nny Lnnu Use Plnn I1ll1endmcnt for which a certificate of capacity has been npplied fori providing un effective dUle. Motion WllS mude by 1\'lr. I1luuiltun, nnd sccomh:d hy (\Ir. Johnson, 10 npprove the obove requcsl with Ihe agenda item corrected to rcnd certificute of cllpacity nne.! not ccrti f1cllle of occupancy, Molion carried unanimously (5 to 0), 5. Amcnuing Scction 136.023, eude or Ordinunces, 10 r~vjsc the inlerior I:lI1dscape slundllrds for parking lols ami vchicuhlr Use IlrCllS containing between 4,000 IIml 8,000 squllre feet, and for parking lots and vehicular us~ Ilrcas conlllining Illore Ihnn 8,000 Sltuare feet; cSlllhlishing slliltrelllmcnl requirements for nIl required parking Inl landscaping; providing un cffective dule. P & Z MINUTES 2 03-19-91 . ~ ., ~ " ., , . . I , I I " . : ~' .: ,. . : . "', . . it" .'. . ..',' ....'. . ' : I I, .." . I _ . , I . . J' . ' ' . . , Discus!'ilon ensued wilh the BOllnlmcmhers exprcs!'iing concerns nhout the percentnge of pnlm.q a shopping center mllY include in their lAndscAping plan. . r~ The Board Asked Mr. John!'ion to make his Iinnl motion us a (]ollrd member. Motion wn~ mnde by Mr. Johnson, And seconded by Ms. Nixon, to npprove the above request. Motion cnrried unnnimously (S to 0), Mr. John50n thcn rcquc!'ited permi!'ision to lellve the meeting now thnt IIl1agcndn items requiring Action hns been dispensed with. Permission WIlS grnnted by the Chairnum, with nil members wishing Mr. Johnson well. E. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS: Next meeting will be April 2, J991. Mr. Ferrell will be on vAcation. G. BOARD AND STAFF COMMENTS; Ms. Nixon provided newspaper clippings and IIsked IIbout the following: The gift of 2S live onk trees to Crest Lake park from the Post Court Apartments. Her concern WIIS the rellson the trees were donated liS they received publicity for the gift. An nd for Buzz..'uds Buy Cafe, in Island ESllltes, prompted her to nsk if the restaurAnt was in Clearwater and if the Bonrd had considered the use of nlcoholic bevernge5 lit their estuhlishment. Some members recalled it being permitted. ' Her final item was Benchnuts Cafe, on U,S. 19 nextta Ken Marks Ford, and do they serve alcoholic bevernges~ She questioned if it WAS localed in Clcnrwnler. The meeling adjourned At 3:00 p.m. ? c tlllly, Jr., Director of P I tning nnd Development ....... , '-' P & Z MINu'rES 3 03-19-91