03/05/1991 (2) . ,'~ ...I....J, .:.,. .', ~'.. ....L.' I. ., '.", . ,I,:': ,\i.".:' ,.' ,". "f~" ~(," .' . '-. ,:. ACTION AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 5, '99' - 1:30 PM ~ O&i ITEM A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. January a, 1991 ^CTlOfi RECEIVED MAR 0 6 1991 CIl'Y CLERK PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION r...... , . APPROVED CONDITIONAL USES. ANNEXATION. ZONING. LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS. AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVIEW: THE BOARD FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW. ALL TESTIMONY FOR CONDITIONAL USE REQUESTS IS GIVEN UNDER OATH. 1. The Chairperson reads from the Public Hearing Notice each item as it is presented. 2. The staff report and pertinent baCkground. information arc presented. - 5 mInutes maximum. 3. Staff presents any supporting written documents. 4. Staff presents any opposing written documents. 5. The applicant or his representative presents his case. - 5 mlnutos maximum. 6. Persons who support the application speak - J mInutes mBxlmum for 8Bclllndlvldu81; or spokesperson for group. , 0 minutes maximum. 7. Persons who oppose the application speak - 3 minutes maximum for each Individual; or spokesperson for group . 10 mInutes maximum, 8. Persons supporting the application lother than applicantl may speak in rebuttal. J minutes maximum. 9. Persons opposing may speak in rebuttal. J minutes mDldmum. , Q. The applicant has an opportunity for final rebuttal. 5 minutes maximum. 11. Public Hearings are closed. , 2. Discussion by the Board. 13. The Board makes a decision. FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105 STATES: ANY PERSON APPEALING A DECISION OF THIS BOARD MUST HAVE A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO SUPPORT SUCH APPEAL. B. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION. DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. Lot 12 less street, A.H. Duncan's Resub. (14488 S. Missouri Avenuel Cecelia S. Schwartz, D.S. Pallet Service CU 90-07 Approved extension to April 30. 1991 subjoct to conditions of approval grlmtod on February 13. 1990j ond the Conditional Use Permit sholl expire permanentlv on April 30, 199'. Request - Extension of 6 months 2. M&B's 22.03, 22.031 & 22.04, Sec. 15-29-15 (801 Drew St.l Southland Corporation CU 91-11 Approved subject to the following conditions: 11 The requisite site pIon or building permit, whichever Planning and Development dotermlnes to ba applicable, shall be obtained within 6 monthsj 21 The requislto approvals from Plnellas County's Juvenllll Welfore Board shall be obtalnod prior to the Issuance of a building permit for tha children's day care conterj 31 Landscaping sholl be provIded on the outsIde of the proposed wall adjacent to streot rights-of. way, The landscaping pion shull be subject to approval from Environmental Managoment and Planning and Development; Request. To permit child day care Zoned - UC/E (Eastern Corridor Subdistrict. Urban Center Districtl P & Z ACTION AG END A 03/05/91 :.:'. ',T. I .\'.' -. / t.~< .' ..... '. '.' .,~ . ',~'. .'. " ,'~ ~. ..J' " ; . ., " 3. Lots 18-23, Blk. 3, Bayview Terrace Sub.; Lot 1 Major's Manor Sub.; and M&B 23.02, Sec. 16.29-16 plus south 1/2 01. vacated alley (3070 GulHo-Bay Blvd.) Merle F. and Dolores Amic tKapok Travel Trailer Pnrk) CU 91.' 4 Request. To permit outdoor retail sales, displays andlor storage lrecrcationnl vehicle salesl Zoned - CG (General Commcrciall p 6. Z I,CT10N ^GWO/. 41 Tho requisite concurrnncy rO\lI{\w form and fee shall be submlttod at time of slto plan or constructIon plan application, whlchevor Planning and Developmont determines to be applicable; 5) Tho requisite Unity of Thlo shell bo recorded prlnr to the cortUic8tlon of tho roqulslto site plan ,r" ~.. or tho Issuanco of !I building permit. whl::hovor Plnnniflll 1I11~ l'bVelclllnonl dGf,HmlnLs ~o bo appllcablo; llnd 61 Tho roqulslto replacement, on a ono cellpor Inch por ana callper Inch basis (as m08sured 8\ broast holght!. of tho 53 native shade tro05 which wore provlously romoved from the slto shell bo offectod prior to tho Issuance of any Cortlflcato of Occupancy subjoct to flnol approvlII of sp'!clos Ilnd locotlon by tho Envlronmontlll Mllnagernont Group; this roplacomont may includo ths 011tlon of approprloto contributions to tho City's "TroD Bank". Approved subject to tho following conditions: 11 All requlrod pormits sholl bo obtained within twolvo (121 months from the doto of this public homing: 2) In tho ovent that tho front display Broo Is doveloped, the appllcnnt sholl submIt II slto Dllln showing: (n) Tho display moo ostabllshed for tho recroat[onnl vohlclo solos sholl bo c10arly dalineated and 011 roqulred purklng sholl be Indicated: this parking con be povod with turf.block: (b) Presorvatlon of tho largo oaks on Lot 202; (c) Tho relocation of tho accoss drlvo across Lots 105 Dnd 204; and (dl Provision of a 5 ft. wldo porlmator lands capo buffor along tho Gulf.to-Bay Blvd. frontago. with such landscapIng to contain anD (1) troe par ooch forty 140) linear faet of property frontngo plus 0"8 111 shrub por onch three (31 linear foet of proporty frontage, and alllnndscapa matarials to bo equivalent to tho materials roqulred for perlmoter landscaping In Soc. 136.023 of tho Land Dovelopmont Codo. ThIs slto plan sholl moot all requirements of tho Dfroctor of Planning Bnd Devolopment prior to any permit Issuonco. 3) No vehiclo servico Irecreatlonal or otherwlso) bo undortaken on tho subject property; 41 No mora thon four (41 recreational vahlclns sholl bo offered for solo ot anyone time. and In the avent thllt the front display area Is developed no mora thon two (2) of theso recrcalionnl vehicles sholl be offerod for sale from the front dlsploy aroa at any anD tlmo: 51 No more thon two (2) recreational vohlcles above the number of recreatIonal vehicle lots sholl bo locoted on the subjoct property at any one timo; nnd 61 No vchlcles olhor 1hnn rocroatlonal vohlcJos sholl ho sold from tho subjUl:\ property. r \.. ,....-J;..'<" 03/OEi/91 .' ~ )', I., ~. I" > ';', .".,." " . ~. ,," ", 'j . ',. ~ ',,' , ,...~.: ','.. 't j ...."', . . ..,'~, " . j ~. . " ". 'I. C. CONDITIONAL USES: 1. Lot 5, Countryside Village Square Sub. (2543 Countryside Blvd.' Countryside Village. Ltd. jKnickcrbockcr on the Water, Inc.) CU 91-20 r'''! RCLluest . To pf;!rmit un plemi!;e con......mptiol1 of beer, wine and li4uor Zoned - CC (Commercial Centerl Approved subject to the following condltl"ns: 11 Tho roqulslte occupotlonsl license shell be obtaIned wlthln sIx 161 months of tho dato of this public hoarlng; end 21 No outdoor spenkors shall bo used Bfter 11 :Oc. p.rT'. D. ANNEXAl'IOfJ. ZONlJ.JG. LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT. AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVIEW. 1. LOts 1'7-27. Blk 2, Lake BeUevlew A~dn. Locatl:d on the south side of Lakeview Road between the Seaboard Coastline Railroad and the S. Myrtle Ave. intersection (Gerald S. Rchm & Assoc., Inc.1 Z 90.09, LUP 90-21 Request - Amendment to the Land Use Plan and Zoning Atlas LAND USE PLAN: From: Commercial{Tour;st Facilities To: Industrial ZONING ATLAS: From: CN (Neighborhood Commerciall To: IL (Limited Industrial] LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS: 2. Amending Section 137.074, Code of Ordinances relating to the threshold guidelines for vested development rights determinations for cenain developments, providing an effective date. , '., 3. Amending Section 135.155, Code of Ordinances, relating to the Public/Semi-Public District, to establish public recreation grounds or parks as a permitted use, amending Section 135.156, Code of Ordinances, to establish commercial and office uses associated with marina facUities and alcoholic beverage sales !for consumption on the premises) in conjunction with marina facilities as conditional uses within tho Public/Semi. Public District, providing an effective date. 4. Amending Section 136.016, Code of Ordinances, relating to fences and walls. to add standards and regulations for hedges; providing standards for materials; providing lor casement and right.of-way restrictions, providing height and setback rcgula\~On5 for fences, walls and hedges, providing an effective date. .,- p & Z ACTION AGENDA APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED 3: 03/05/9 , 5. Amending Sections 135.085 and 135.091, Code of Ordinances, to establish accessory dwellings as a permitted use in the Limited Office and General Office districts; amending Sections 135.097, 135.104, 135.110, 135.116, 135..122, 135.141, and 135.149, Code of Ordinances to substitute "accp.ssor~' dwellings" fN .~ttached dwellings" ao; permitter! USGS in HIl: Ncl"hborhood Commercial, Beach Commerci31, Resort Commercial "Twenty-four" Resort Commercial "Twenty-eight", General Commercial and limited Industrial Districts, and the Bayfront, Core and Eastern Corridor Subdistricts, amending Section 137.005, Code of Ordinances to define. accessory dwelling", providing an effective date. 6. Amending Sections 135.161, Code of Ordinances to allow noncommercil1l Semi-Public and Private rccrcntion grounds or parks as a permItted use in the Open Space/Recreation IOS/RI.Zoning district, providing an effective date. E. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS F. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS G. BOARD AND STAFF COMMENTS ,. ,) p (, Z ACTION AGErW4 APPROVED Approved with the following recommended chenge: Ordlnanco NO. 'F, (11 Publlr., fH)fhlGmm9roia~Wt&t- or noncommercial... 03/05/91 c_ I \....,.. . .:' ," ~.', "".., ' ~~ ~, >',' . ~ I~:.. .' <.. ", '",J, ,',' '. '.... . ' . ", ..." ': " .', ,. \' MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD TUeSDAY, MARCH 5, 1991 Members Present: Chairman Schwab, Ms. Nixon, Messrs. Johnson, Ferrell, Hamilton and Mazur ,.... Also Present: James M. Polatty, Director of Planning and Development Scott Shuford, Planning Manllger Doreen Feldhaus, Recording Secretnry Pnl Fernandez, Sluff Assislanlll Chairperson Schwob outlined the procedures for comlilional uses amI advised thaI anyone adversdy affecled by a decision of the Planning and Zoning Board, with regard to condilional uses, has two weeks from this dale in which to lite an nppeal through the Cily Clerk's Office. Florida Lnw requires any party appealing a decision of this Board 10 have n record of the proceedings to supporl Ihe appeal. ITEMS ARE LISTED IN AGENDA ORDER THOUGH NOT NECESSARILY DISCUSSED IN THAT ORDER. A. APPROV AL OF MINUTES Molion was made by Mr. Johnson, and seconded by Mr. Hamilton, to approve the minutes of January 8, 1991. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). (Mr. Mazur arrived at 1:33 p.m.) B. REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION, DEFERRED AND CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. Lot 12 less street, A.It. Duncan's Resub. (\44BB S. Missouri Avenue), Cecetia S. Schwartz, D.S. Pallel Service, CU 90.07 Request ~ Exlension of 6 mOllths ( Mr. Shuford slaled slaff received R re(!uest for a six (6) month extension. lie noted there is a failure to observe some of the conditions of npprovnl, such as excessive pallet height and no 1t1Odscaping. Also any insect control measures taken are not known. The staff advised Ihal unless lhere is some compelling reason why he cannot move onto a new location, il is recommended approval not be gran led for the extension. --.- Mr. Dominick DeVivo, 1363 Palmello Ave. Ilpplicanl, presenled leller from renl eslnle agents looking for property for him. He stated he hnd contacted the renltors lute because he has been looking for another localion on his own unlil he was injured, and WIIS then oul of work for four months. Mr. DeVivo stales he has hod difficulty finding a new location due 10 the properties having large buildings with hig\l' rent. Discussion ensued concerning conditions of previolls c(llu\itiunlll Use permits nul being complied wilh: lhe res\ric\cll height of pallet slacks, [lnd landscaping. Discussion ensued wilh the 130nrd members expressing concerns inclUding the following: Ihe property is owned by Cecelia Schwarlz, the length of exlensioll if any to be grnnled, IInd approl'rillle Code Enforcement action to be taken if conditions ore not complied wilh. No person appcnred in support of the above requcst. Mr. John W. lenkinR, 1146 AlmuJ\l.1 81., slull.'c.I1halliincc 1978 he hilS received cOll1pluints regarding that propert)'. The owners who live there cUl1lplnincu nhoUI a harking dng on the properly near Iheir residences. Also lawn mowing is nol done regu\urly. In rehuttal, Mr. DeVivo stnteu he tried. hy moving the dog but ncells II Ill\\ce 10 put his pallels. Mr. DeVivo submitted II leller requesting this extension lherehy nllowing his permit 10 conlinue until the Board reached a decision. It is l"urlher suggeslcd thaI Ihe staff send a leller 10 1I111 properl}' uwner IIdvising she may he lined due to Ihe condilionaluse permil hcing issued lhrnllgh her. 1\lr. DeVivo is eXlll:'cleu 10 comply wilh all conditions of the permit. , .....-. Motion was made hy M r, Hamillon, IIml seconded hy tllr. Johnson. for nn exh.msion of the condilional Use 10 expire rcrmnnently on April 30, \99\ lit midnight wilh ul! original c(]lIllilions remaining in effecl. Motion carried ul1l1nimously (6 tn 0). P & Z MINUTES 03-05-91 3. Lot!l18~23, B1k. 3, Ba)'vicw Terrnce Sub.; LotI MItior's Manor Sub.; nnd M&B 23.02, Sec. 16~29-16 plus south 1/2 of vllcllteu nile)' (3070 Gulf.to.Bny Blvu.) Merle F. nnu Dolores Amic (Kapok Trnvel Trailer PllTk) CU 91-14 2. M&B'!l22.03, 22.031 & 22.0.~, Sec. 15-29.15(801 Drew Sl.) SlllJlhland Corporlllion CU91-l1 Re(IUcst - To permit child day cllre Zoned - UCIE (El\stem Corridor Suhdistrict. Urhan Center District) Mr. Shuford gave the background on this continued ca~e. lie commcntcd thaI the rcquired traffic impact study was 5ubmitted, has been reviewcd, and the proposed development will nol affecl the level of s~rvicc on the involved streets. Pierre Cournoyer, 212 Cae Road. Ilellcnir, opplicnnt's n:pn....;cnlativc. staled he agreed with 011 the recommcndations. He wns unawnre of the trees being cut down, but hilS no prohlem doing whate.ver the board rceommcnus. No persons appeared in support of or in opposition 10 the. nhove. request. Motion wns maue by Mr. Hamilton, nnd secondcd by Mr. Mazur, to "pprovc the nbove rcquest subject to the six conditions: 1) The requisite site plnn or buihling permit, whichever Planning IInd Development determines 10 be applicable, shall be ohlained wilhin 6 months; 2) The requisile apptovuls from Pinellas Counly's Juvenile Welfare Board shill! be obtained prior 10 lhe iSSUAnce of II building permit for the children's dllY care center; 3) Landscaping shull be. provided on the outside of the proposed wall ndjacent to street rights-or.wny. The landscaping plan shall be subject to approval from Environmental Mnnngel1lent nnd Planning and Development; 4) The requisite concurrency review form llnt! fee shall be submitted at time of site plan or construction plan npplication, whichever Planning amJ Development determines to he applicable; 5) The requisite Unily of Title shall be recorded prior to the certificalion of the requisite site plan or the issunnce of 11 building pe.rmit, whichever Planning Rnd Development delermine..o; to be llPplicnhlej nnd 6) The requisile replncelllcnt. on a one elltiper inch per one cnliper inch basis (as mcnsured a~ brenst height), of the 53 nutive shade Irees which were previously removed from the sile shall be effected prior to the issunnce of nny CcrtHicate of Occupancy subject to linal approval of species and location h)' the Environmenllll Mllnagemcnt Groupj this replacement may include the option of appropriate contribulions to the City's "Tree Dunk". Motion carried unnnimously (6 10 0). '.-"-' Request - To permil outdoor rcluil sales, displu)'s lind/or slorage (rccrenlional vehicle snles) Zoned ~ CO (General Commercinl) Mr. Shuford stilted stnff hilS looked lit lhe rClJlI~st to sell vehicles off the indiviullallots or the front area. In the eVent they plan to sell from the front, condition 1/2 should lIpply llmllhc olher comlitions us well. Pat Maguire. Ilamell Duilding, ClevelllfHJ Slreet, applic:mt's "llllmey; stated the)' no problcm wilh conditions ns recommcnded by stnff however, condition 1/2 should apply only if Ihey elect to hllve II front sales area. In respons~ to questions by tht! Dunn.!, Mr. Mllguire stntcd the appliclInt would sell those items as covered under his licensing. Anylhing in the park has wheels llllu could possibly lit some time bc fur sale. lIe feels it would be a benefit to seU those items in plnce. Regarding the staff recommendation of six lllonths. he nsked for 12 1I10nlhs to ohtllin permits, because Floridll Department of Trl\l\srOltntion (D.O:r.) \\'I\S slarling cnllstmclion am.I lhe uate of completion is unknown before planling would hegin. If D.O.T. takes l(lOger. the right to grantlln e;l.lcllsion would he considered. No pCrJmns appeared ill support of or in opposition to Ihe lIbllVC request. --' Motion wns llllltle by Mr. lIamilton, and seconded hy l\lazur, to upprove the ahove request suhjecllo the following conditions: 1) All required permits shall be ohlained withinlwe)vc (12) monlhs fwmthe dale of this public hearingj 2) In tht! event thILI the fwnt tlisplny nrea is developed, the IIpplicllnl slmll submit n site pllm showing: (a) The displn)' nren estnhlishcd for the recreationfll vchicle sales shall hc clearly delincnted and nil required parking shall he illl.licllted; this parking Clln be pa\'cd with turf-block; (h) Preservalion of the lurge oaks on Lot 202; (c) The relocution of the access drive across Lots 105 lint! 204; and (u) Provision of l\ :5 ft. wide perimeter lanuscllpe buffer nlnng the Gulf-tn-Bny Blvd. frontage, with such landscaping 10 contain nne (I) tree per e.1ch forty (40) linear feel nf properly fronlage plus one (I) shrub pcr e:u:h three (3) linear feet of property frontage, ant! nil Jandscnpe materi"ls to he cquivalent to the mater;nls rell\l;rcu for per;meter landscaping in Sec. 136.023 or tbe Lund Development Coue. This si te plan shull mcet all requirements of lhe Direclor of Planning and Development prior 10 nn)' permit issuance; 3) No vchick scrvictl (recreational or otherwise) be undertaken on the subjcct property; 4) P & Z MINUTES 2 03-05-91 ".,~."J/"".',~!"',.rJ . "':' .: . ..:'~. ....,'....~ t~' .....:.. '., ,I." ",/ ..,...."t Nu more thnn four (4) recreational vehicles shull he offered for sule al nny ol1e lime, and in Ihe event that the fronl display Area is developed no more Ihnn two (2) of these recreation<<1 vchiclcs shull be offered for sale from the front c.1ispln)' area at nn)' one time: 5) No more UUlIltwo (2) recrealional vehicles ahove the number of recreational vehicle lots shall be localcd on the suhjcd property Allin)' one time: IInd 6) No vehicles other than recreational vehicle.'l shall be sold frotu the suhject properly. MOlion carried unnnimously (6 to 0) /"... . C. CONDITIONAL USES: J. Lot 5, Countryside Village Squure Sub. (2543 Counlryside Blvd,) Countryside Village, Ltd., (Knickerbocker on the WAler, Inc.), CU 9 J .20 Request - To permit on premise consumplion of beer, wine and liquor Zoned. CC (Commercial Cenler) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the CAse and submitted, in wriling, thc sldf rcconuuendation. A piano lounge is lhe lype of entertainment to be provided. Nich()tll.~ Riggione, 510 W. Burrough Lane, Safety Harbor, applicant. stated hc took over the former Penrod's and Pelican Pelc's. TIley Are undertaking an e",lensive renovation to mnke it a full service restaurant. They have 85 menu items of broadllppeat. The deck hus been enlurged lmd they may have music on it. They are aware the level of any music must be within limits acceptable by everyone concerned. Rogcr Allen Gondek, 510 W. Rurrough l..Me, Safety Barbor, applicant's manager: sIal cd he hAS been with the compAny for seven years and will be Ihe Gcner:ll Mannger. No person appeared in opposition to the above requcst. Discussion ensued wilh Ihe Board members expressing concerns inclUding noise in the evening becoming a nuisance to neighbors. Bonru members do not object to music on the deck hul ouldoor speakers After a cerlain hour beeome a nuisance. In response to qucstions by the Donrd, Mr. Rigglone stnted enterlninmcnt al their other lOCAtions consist of Baby Grand pin nos with one or two musicians added in the evenil1gs, and lhe uniforms for servers nt this locntion has not been decided yenr, however white luxedo shirlllnd hlnck pants are being considered. ,,_, Motion was made by Mr. lIAmilton, lInd seconded hy Mr. Johnson. to approve lhe above requesl subject 10 the following conditions: I) The rClluisite occuplltionallicense shull be obtained wilhin si", (6) months of the date of lhis public hearing: and 2) No outdoor speakers sholl be used after 1 J :00 p.m. MOlion carried unanimously (6 to 0). D. 'ANNEXATION, ZONING. LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT, AND LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REVIEW. I. LoIs 17-27, Btk 2, Lnke Bellcview AtkIn, Localed 011 the soulh side of Lnkcvicw Rond between the Seabonrd Conslline Railroad and the S. Myrtle AVe. interseclion (Gerald S. Rehm & Assoc.. Inc.) Z 90-09. LUP 90-21 Request - Amcndment 10 the Lund Use Plnn and Zoning AtlllS LAND USE PLAN: From: ConUllcrcinl/Tourist J"acililies To: Industrial ZONING ATLAS: From: CN (Neighborhood COllllllercial) To: IL (Limited Induslrilll) Mr. Shuford gave the background of the case: and suhmillcd, in wriling, lhe staff recommcndation. The BOArd (IUCSlioned Ihe impact of the rezoning of this pruperly for the 1H1jaccnl office zoned properly. Thcre would hc no huffcr between any induslrinl road on one side of Lllkeview Rd. with regunl to non-residential property on the othcr side. The eXlension of Myrtle is viewed [\5 being the dividing line betwecn induslrial development And light office. P & Z MINUTES 3 03-05-91 ",,., j~":,<,", ", ~ ~,'," ".:., ,i', I" I',., ," ,': ',"". . . " '"... ';., '. ~ .t.", /. ..' '." ". l~" . Jerry Rehm, 727-D Lnkcview, Rpplicunt, stat cd he residellllhove locntion nnd hll!l II strong investment in the lIrCll. He haslen:lnls moving in April I, 1991 who art! going to he im[lortingjcwclry from Itwund Ihe world. Mr. Rehm hilS a vault in the center of Ihe building which will store thc jewelry. It will be retailed throughoutlhe country and eventually eltclusive gold jewelry will be manufacturcd on sileo Lessees will hring the operntion from Spain for Il pcriod of one year for them to determine the feasibility of manufacturing operation in Clearwllter. Presently they will he importing only. If zoning is Rpproved, he would propose the wording to nssUre thnt the front of the building, as it faces Lnkeview, would never change. To aid the city in the Myrtle ex\ensinn, Mr. Rchm stated he purchased the 1wo vacant 101s 10 the enst of the extension of Myrtle and has advised Mr. Bnker he could plnce lhcm Ilt the disposal of the city. After the city finishc.o; its road project, whatever is left over would SWLIPPCU o\ltllnu would provide m.hlitional parking. In opposilion, Luis Curmicrt 625 McCIt..'t1nM St., sllltculllthnugh she recognil.Clllhe city is desperate for intlustrh\I zoning. She does nol feci the requested zoning is npproprintc for this neighborhood. In rehuttalt Mr. Rehm slllted no one lives adjaccnt to this property nnd industrial zoning is nlrendy there. He feels the City needs IIn inlermedinte industrial code, If gold jewelry Were Illude on sile, there would he no fumes ns the air is recycled in the building. Discussion ensued with Board members eltpressing concerns whether industrinl use is llppropriBte for this nrCll. Mr. Shuford suggested thai if the motion is npproved, they could adopt a resolution right nflerwards qualifying their views if Ildministrntive zoning occurs. Motion was made by Mr. IInmilton,nnd secunded by ~1r. MU7.\If recommending approval of the nppHcnnt's rCl)\lest. Motion carried 5 10 I, with Ms. Nixon voting "nny" believing an exception could be found rather than rezoning. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS: Mr. Shuford reviewed ench proposed nmendmcnt. 2. Amending Sectiun 137.074, Code of Ordinunces relnting to the threshold guidelines for vested uevelopmenl rights dcterminlltiuns fur cerluin develupments, providing nn effective date. Motion was made by Mr. IIllmillon, llnd seconded by Mr. lvlazur, to llpprove the above request. Motion carried unnnimously (6 to 0). '--r 3. Amending Section 135.155. Cude of Ordinances, relating to the Puhlic/Semi-Public District, to estnbHsh public rccrclltion grounds or parks as a permittcd lise, amending Section 135.156, Code of Ordinances, to establish conunercilll nnd office uses associated with marinn facilities nnd alcoholic beverage Sides (for consumption on the premises) in conjunction with Illllrinll facilities as conditionlll uses within thc Public/Semi- Public District, providing nn effective dllte. Motion was made by Mr. lIalllilton, lInd seconded hy 1\1 r. Johnson, to npprove the above re<lucst. Motion carried unanimously (6 to 0). 4. Amending Secthm 136.0 16, Cl)d~ llf Ordinances, relating 10 fences llnd wulls, to lldd stllndards nnd regulations for hedges; providing sllllldnrds for malerials; proviuing for casement nnd right-or-way restrictions, Ilroviding height IInd 5eth:lI~k regulations fur fences, walls nnll hedges, providing an effective date. Discussion cnsued with Ihe Board mcmbers expressing concerns including the following: fence hcights, site distances on comcr propert}' when driving hy a fencc, wall or hedge; walerfront property owners without this restriction could intrude un lIdjoining property owners ability tll view the water; the good side of your fence is 10 facc the I1cighhor nnd wh}' should good side of fcnee should gn tll ndghbor (rule slates each side must be liS good). Motion was made hy Mr. 1l1ll1liltnn, nud seconded hy "'Ir, ,.,Iazllr tn IIpprove the above request. Molion curried unnnimously (6 10 0). s. Am\llllling S~c\iolls 135.085 llml 135.091, Codc of Ordinances. tll esltlhlish necessary dwellings liS 1\ permitteu use in lhe Limilt:d Oflice and Genernl Office districts; umenc.ling Sections 135.097, 135.10'1, 135.110,135.116,135.122,115.141, I\l\U 135.149, Coueof Ordinunces los\lbslihlte "l\ccessory tlwe11ings" fur "ntlllched dwellings" IlS pt!nllined uSt!S in the Neighborhood COlllmercial, Beach Cornmcrcinl, Resort Commercilll "Twenty-four" Resort ClIrllmcrdal "Twenty-eigh\., Geneml Cummerciullll\d Limited Inuustrial Districts, IInd the Oayfmnt, Core und Eastern Corridor Subdistricts. l\mcnding Section 137.005, Code of Ordinanccs to define "nccessory dwellin!,!", providing nil effective untc. "'--...-' P & 7. MINUTES 4 03.05.91 ~,';, __ .' ' .i.', '. 'J 1 . . . _ . '. ". " . . .' "'. ~ ','. 't. ,",.: . ' /, : I,'. ~ .",' " Molion \V{lS made by Mr. Ihunihon. llml sccnmleLl h)' Mr. Ferrell to approve Ihe above request. MOlian cnrried unnnimously (6 - 0). 6. Amending Seclions 135.161. Code of Ordinnnccs 10 II II ow noncolt1ll1ercinl Scmi-Public and Privale recreution grounds or (lurks liS n (lcrntilled llse it\ the Orcn Srace/Recreation (OS/R) Zoning dislrict, providing an effective dale. Motion was made hy Mr. Hamillon, and seconded by Mr. Mazur to IIpprove lhe above with the following recommended change: Ordinance No. F. (I) Public, nonl'Oll1ntef'~iIlHlel11i-publie; or noncommercial... Motion carried unanhnously (6 100). '"". E. CHAIRMAN'S ITEMS: Chairperson Schwab slnled Ihe next mecting will he Mr. Johnson's Inst meeting and a dutch treat luncheon for him will be held at the Clearwater Bench Hotel 011 March 19, 199\ Ilt 11:30 n.m. a. BOARD AND sTArF COMMENTS: Mr. Johnson inquired why trnilers for rent could be stored on lhe Plumb School property on Hercules Avenue. There are 4 or 5 very large trailers parked at Hercules. Stuff will check into it. Mr. Mazur invilcd evcryone to a parade nnd IIlcll10riul on Murch 30 lit Coachman Park to recognize five Cleanvater residents still missing in IIclion from Vicll1l1nl Ilml recognizt: live sightings of people missing in RClion, some in Cambodia and Laos. He is orgnnizing Ihis uno wnnts public pnrlicip:llion. ' Ms. Nixcm queslioned no landscaping uround the Wellrhouse store III Gulf-la-Bay Blvd. and Highland Avenue. Mr. Shuford advised thai it is nol required unless the iUlprovemcl1t is more thun thirty percent of the nppraised vnlue of the property. Pot FCrllllndez, Stnff Assistant II for the Plnnning and Development Deparlment, was introduced and welcomed. The meeting ndjoumed at 4:40 p.m. ........--.,. . P & Z MINUTES 5 03-05.91