02/27/1992 (2)
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February 27, 1992
Members present:
Alex Plisko, Chairman
Emma C. Whitney, Vice-Chairman
Thomas J. Graham
Otto Gans
John W. Homer
Also present:
Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney
Scott Shuford, Planning Manager
Sandy Glatthorn, Senior Planner
Susan Stephenson, Deputy City Clerk
Gwen J. Legters, Staff Assistant II
The meeting was c~lled to order by the Chairman at 1:03 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City HalL He out li ned the procedures and adv i sed that anyone
adversely affected by any decision of the Development Code Adjustment Board may
appeal the decision to an Appeal Hearing Officer within two weeks. He noted
Florida law requires any applicant appealing a decision of this Board to have a
record of the proceedings to support the appeal.
In order to provide continuity, the items will be listed in agenda order although
not necessarily discussed in that order.
I. Public Hearings
Item A - (continued from 2/13/92) V Jack Kennedy/life Savings & Loan
Assn (Pelican Car Wash/Quick Lube, lnc) for a variance of 15 ft to
permit a canopy 5 ft from a side property line at 2620 Drew St, Sec
8-29~16, M&B 33,07 and part of M&B 33.04 and 33.09, zoned
CH (highway commercial). V 92-09
This 'item was continued from the meeting of February 13, 1992, due to a tie vote.
Senior Planner Glatthorn explained the application in detail stating the
applicant wishes to construct a freestanding canopy five feet from a side
property line on the site of the Pelican Self-Serve Car Wash and Quick Lube
currently under construction. She stated a hardship exists due to an existing
service drive which restricts the usable lot width.
Farhod Nikjeh, owner and applicant, stated he wishes to give his customers the
best service possible by providing a shaded area for them to dry their cars.
In response to questions, Mr. Nikjeh indicated he had not considered having a
canopy before the site plan was approved and was not previously aware of the
setback requirement for canopies. He stated no car detailing or waxing would be
allowed under the open canopy,
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Discussion ensued regarding ingress, egress and required parking on the site.
Concerns were expressed that building the canopy creates a self-imposed hardship
because the appl icant was aware of the driveway at the time he leased the
property. It was felt that allowing the canopy to be built creates a non"
conformity, is not necessary and may create a traffic hazard.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not canopies are typical at self-service
car washes.
In response to questions, Mr. Nikjeh indicated the car wash will be strictly
self-service and is employees will service only the quick-lube area.
Discussion ensued regarding the parking lot arrangement and its similarity to
standard parking lots in terms of backing and maneuvering area. The driving and
stacking space shown on the site plan is necessary. It was felt the design was
well executed in light of the difficulties involved, absence of a canopy would
be a hardship and the proposed canopy would not pose any problems as long as it
is not enclosed.
Based upon the information furnished by the applicant, Mr. Graham moved to grant
the variance as requested because the applicant has substantially met all of the
standards for approval as listed in Section 137.012(d) of the Land Development
Code more specifically because, the variance arises from a condition which is
unique to the property and not caused by the owner or applicant; the particular
physical surroundings, shape, and conditions of the property involved and the
strict application of the provisions of this development code would result in an
unnecessary hardship upon the appl icant and the variance is the minimum necessary
to overcome the hardship created by the existing 40-foot easement located on the
east side of the property and the available development area on the property
subject to the conditions: 1) the parking spaces, canopy and vacuum areas shall
be used by patrons in conjunction with the car wash/quick lube only and there
shall be no additional auto detailing, repair or maintenance, performed and 2)
the requisite building permit shall be obtained within six (6) months from the
date of this public hearing. The motion was duly seconded and upon the vote
being taken, Messrs, Plisko, Gans and Graham voted lIayell; Ms. Whitney and
Mr. Homer voted IInayll. Motion carried. Request qranted.
1. George P and Doris H Sampson for variances of (1) 10 ft to
permit dock width of 31 ft; and (2) 3 ft to permit boatlift 17 ft
from extended side property line at 933 Bay Esplanade, Mandalay Sub,
Blk 54, Lot 6, zoned RS 8 (single family residential) and AL!C
(aquatic lands/coastal). V 92-11
Planning Manager Shuford explained the application in detail stating the
applicant wishes to remove a portion of an existing dock on the north side of the
property, replacing it with a cradle lift. He noted the City Harbormaster has
determined no navigational hazards or obstructions will be created.
Dave Griswold, contractor representing the applicant, responded to questions,
indicating 28 percent, or 11 feet of the north side of the existing dock, will
be removed to accommoda te th'~ crad 1 e 1 if t and there will be no tie po 1 es
extending to the east of the dock.
Based upon the information furnished by the applicant, Ms, Whitney moved to grant
the variances as requested because the applicant has substantially met all of the
standards for approval as listed in Section 137.012(d) of the Land Development
Code more specifically because, the variances arise from a condition which is
unique to the property and not caused by the owner or applicant; the particular
physical surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of the property
involved and the strict application of the provisions of this development code
would result in an unnecessary hardship upon the applicant and the variances are
the minimum necessary to overcome the hardship subject to the requisite building
permit being obtained within six (6) months from the date of this public hearing.
The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Request Qranted.
2. G Anthony Ou Quesnay/0'Keefe1s, lnc (Q1Keefe's Tavern & Rest)
for a variance of 20 ft to permit building addition zero ft from a
street right-of-way at 1219 S Ft Harrison Ave, Milton Park, Blk 6,
Lots 1 thru 7 and part of Lot 8, together with vacated alley lying
south of Lots 1 thru 4, zoned IL (limited industrial). V 92-12
Senior Planner Glatthorn explained the application in detail stating the
applicant wishes to construct an addition to an existing non-conforming building
in order to place existing video games into a recessed wall. She indicated the
proposed addition will be in alignment with what is existing and the applicant
is seeking to obtain site plan approval for expansion and renovation of the
entire building and site.
Concerns were expressed regarding the apparent lack of hardship for the appl icant
and the effects of the proposed addition on the future widening of North Fort
Harrison Avenue.
Bob Herberich, the applicant, said site plan approval is being sought to bring
the subject property into conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) standards by changing the ingress and egress paths and adding new
handicapped restrooms. He said the kitchen is being remodeled and the parking
lot is being redesigned to include extensive landscaping and water retention
which will reduce the number of available parking spaces,
In response to questions, Mr. Herberich indicated he wishes to relocate existing
video games and no new games will be added, an existing storage shed is accessed
from Hamlet Street and he is trying to meet the City's traffic department
standards for driveways.
Peter Wiebe, an adjacent property owner, expressed opposition to the application
due to concerns that restaurant patrons are parking in his parking spaces. It
was indicated closing the access drive onto Hamlet Avenue should alleviate Mr.
Wiebe's parking problem.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the request is necessary. Concerns
were expressed regarding increasing the existing non-conformity, the video games
being for monetary gain and the request not being a minimum. It was felt moving
the video games creates a self-imposed hardship by increasing congestion in a
crowded area of the restaurant.
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Based upon the information furnished by the applicant, Mr. Gans moved to deny the
variance as requested because the applicant has not demonstrated he has met all
of the standards for approval as listed in Section 137,012(d) of the Land
Development Code because the hardship was caused by the owner or applicant; the
request .for the variance is specifically for financial gain and the granting of
the variance would violate the general spirit and intent of this development code
as expressed in Sections 131.005 and 131.006. The motion was duly seconded and
upon the vote being taken. Messrs. Plisko. Gans and Graham voted "aye"; Ms.
Whitney and Mr. Homer voted Ilnay", Motion carried. ReQuest denied.
3. Gould Investors Trust (Clearwater Property Group/K-Mart Store
#3476) for variances of (l) 36 parking spaces to permit 511 spaces
in lieu of the 547 spaces required; and (2) 5.09% open space for lot
to allow 9.91% open space at 2130 Gulf to Bay Blvd, Sec 13-29-15,
M&B 14.03, zoned CG (general commercial). V 92-13
Planning Manager Shuford explained the application in detail stating the
applicant wishes to upgrade an existing commercial property including replacement
of some of the existing parking spaces with landscaping and thereby improving the
existing open space.
Discussion ensued regarding signage on the subject property. It was indicated
that the applicant will comply with City sign regulations.
Michael Lynch, architect representing the applicant, presented an artist's sketch
of the proposed landscaping on the site. He indicated the interior will be
completely renovated and K-Mart is to occupy the entire structure, Mr. Lynch
said he investigated closing the Main Avenue entrance to acquire more land. but
that could not be accomplished due to an adverse impact on AAA, The impervious
area will be reduced by eliminating some of the parking spaces along Gulf-to-Bay
Boulevard and replacing them with landscaping. He stated signage is being
modified to bring it into compliance with the City sign regulations and setbacks
on the west side of the property will be increased.
Based upon the information furnished by the applicant. Ms. Whitney moved to grant
the variances as requested because the applicant has substantially met all of the
standards for approval as listed in Section 137.012(d) of the Land Development
Code more specifically because, the variances arise from a condition which is
unique to the property and not caused by the owner or appl icant; and the
variances are the minimum necessary to overcome any hardship subject to the
conditions: 1) the interior and perimeter landscaping requirements of Section
136,023 shall be met; 2) all signage shall be brought into compliance with the
sigo regulations on or before October 13, 1992; 3} the requisite building permit
shall be obtained within the time frames established for the certified site plan
and 4) the site plan shall be certified within six (6) months from the date of
this public hearing. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ReQuest Qranted.
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II. Board and Staff Discussion
Discussion ensued regarding the issue of increasing a non-conformity. It was
indicated the purpose of obtaining a variance is to legitimize an existing or
proposed non-conformity. It was felt the merits of each individual application
should be considered when deciding whether or not to grant variances and it was
suggested the wording of the Code be changed regarding extending non-
III. Approval of Minutes of January 23, 1992
Mr. Pliska indicated he voted in favor of granting a time extension to Mr. Heye
and requested page one of the minutes of the previous meeting be amended to
reflect his vote,
Mr. Graham moved to approve the minutes of January 23, 1992, as amended, in
accordance with copies submitted to each board member in writing. The motion was
duly seconded and upon the vote being taken, Ms. Whitney, Messrs. Homer, Plisko
and Graham voted UayeU; Mr. Gans, who was excused from the previous meeting,
abstained. Motion carried. Approved as amended.
IV. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m,
Ass istazr c' y Clerk
Thursday, February 27, 1992 - 1:00 p.m. - Commission Meeting Room,
City Hall, 3rd floor - 112 South Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, Florida
To consider requests for variances of the Land Development Code:
Public Hearings
Item A - (continued from 2/13/92) V
Jack Kennedy/Life Savings & Loan Assn
(Pelican Car Wash/Quick Lube, Inc)
for a variance of 15 ft to permit a
canopy 5 ft from a side property line
at 2620 Drew St, Sec 8-29-16, M&B
33.07 and part of M&B 33.04 and
33.09, zoned CH (h i ghway commerc i a 1) .
V 92-09
1. George P and Doris H Sampson for
variances of (1) 10 ft to permit dock
width of 31 ft: and (2) 3 ft to
permit boatlift 17 ft from extended
side property 1 i ne at 933 Bay
Esplanade, Mandalay Sub, Blk 54, Lot
6, zoned RS 8 (single family
residential) and AL/C (aquatic
lands/coastal). V 92-11
2. G Anthony Ou Quesnay/O'Keefe's,
Inc (O'Keefe's Tavern & Rest) for a
variance of 20 ft to permit building
addition zero ft from a street right-
of-way at 1219 S Ft Harrison Ave,
Milton Park, Blk 6, Lots 1 thru 7 and
part of Lot a, together with vacated
alley lying south of Lots 1 thru 4,
zoned IL (limited industrial). V 92-
. DeAB
Public Hearings
Item A - Granted as requested subject
to the following conditions: 1) the
parking spaces, canopy and vacuum
areas shall be used by patrons in
conjunction with the carwash/quick
lube only and there shall be no
additional auto detailing, repair or
maintenance, performed and 2) the
requ i s ite bu il ding permit sha 11 be
obtained within six (6) months from
the date of this public hearing.
1. Granted as requested subject to
the requisite building permit being
obtained within six (6) months from
the date of this public hearing.
3. Gould Investors Trust (Clearwater
Property Group/Kmart Store #3476) for
variances of (1) 36 parking spaces to
permit 511 spaces in lieu of the 547
spaces required; and (2) 5.09% open
space for lot to allow 9.91% open
space at 2130 Gulf to Bay Blvd, See
13-29-15, M&B 14.03, zoned CG
(general commercial). V 92-13
II. Board and Staff Discu~sion
III. Approval of Minutes of
February 13, 1992
IV. Adjournment
3. Granted as requested subject to
the fOllowing conditions: 1) the
interior and perimeter landscaping
requirements of Section 136.023 shall
be met; 2) all signage shall be
brought into compliance with the sign
regulations on or before October 13,
1992; 3) the requisite building
permit shall be obtained within the
time frames established for the
certified site plan and 4) the site
plan shall be certified within six
(6) months from the date of this
public hearing.
III. Approved as amended.
IV, Adjourned at 2:45p.m.