03/25/1992 (2)
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Meeting of March 25, 1992, :3:00 p.m.
(At the time a case is heard and date set for compliance the Board shall, at the same
time, set the fee to be assessed in case of non-compliance.)
Case No. 16-92
Einstein and Evelina Boykins
1305 Wood Avenue
(Land Development Code)
Continued from 3/11/92
Case No. 19-92
Aztec Insurance Company
905 & 907 Hart Street
Continued from 3/11/92
Comply by 1) secure buildings
within 5 days; 2) apply for
permit within 30 days; and
3) obtain Certificate(s) of
Occupancy within 100 days
Case No. 20-92
it' \
Lokey Olds Inc./Saturn Dealer
2336 Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard
(Land Development Code)
Case No. 18-92
Thomas Floyd
1421 Fairmont Street
Affidavit of Compliance (Part 1)
Accepted Affidavit
Discussion regarding repeat
violations and fines
MINUTES - Meeting of March II, 1992
Approved as amended
4:20 p.llI.
March 25, 1992
Members present:
William Murray, Chairman
Bruce Cardinal, Vice-Chairman
D. Wayne Wyatt
Stephen D. Swanberg
William A. Zinzow (excused)
Louise C. Riley (excused)
Stephen Gerlach (excused)
Also present:
Andy Salzman, Attorney for the Board
Cynthia E. Goudeau, Secretary for the Board
In order to provide continuity for research, the items will be listed in agenda
order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
( The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 3:00 p.m. in the Commission
".H~' Meeting Room in City Hall. He outlined the procedures and advised any aggrieved
party may appea 1 a f i na 1 admi n i s trat i ve order of the Mun i c i pa 1 Code Enforcement
Board to the Circuit Court of Pinellas County. Any such appeal must be filed within
thirty (30) days of the execution of the order to be appealed. He noted that
Florida Statute 286.0105 requires any party appealing a decision of this Board to
have a record of the proceedings to support such an appeal.
Case No. 16-92
Einstein and Evelina Boykins
1305 Wood Avenue
(Land Development Code)
Continued from 3/11/92
Janic~ King, Development Code Inspector, stated a commercial vehicle had been
parked in the right of way. Ownership was verified through the Property Appraiser's
office and notice of the violation was sent by certified mail. There was verbal
communication by her the day before the hearing and by Clearwater Police Officers
on February 14th. Ms. King first noticed the violation January 23rd, and sent
notice to remove the vehicle by January 30 with which compliance was obtained. The
vehicle was back again on February 14 and 20. and notice of the recurring violation
was sent February 21. 1992. City submitted composite exhibit A, photograph~ of the
parked vehicle at the referenced address. Ns. King stated she inspected the
property the day before the hearing and several other times. and it appears the
.....,- .
vehicle has not been there since February 20th. In response to questions, Ms. King
~ " stated the section of the code cited relates to activity that exists on property.
She also sent Mr. Boykins a copy of Section 136.022(i)(1)(e), relating to parking
in right of way, to better explain the violation to Mr. Boykins. She stated a
IIcommercial" vehicle is defined as one designed for a commercial or industrial
function, or marked with commercial advertising.
Mr. Boykins stated he does not store the vehicle or park it overnight at his
property. He may be working day or night, and sometime he stops home for lunch or
to clean up for the next job. He parks his truck on Missouri Avenue. In response
to a question, he stated his truck is at his home maybe two hours a week. He came
home one morning in January; that evening he had to leave again, but found he had
to replace the engine in his truck. He stated he has not parked it there before nor
since then.
In response to a question regdrding park illY a comlllerdal veh iell! iu a
residential zone during a lunch break, it was stated that would be a violation if
business is not being conducted at that address.
Mr. Boykins stated he purchased the vehicle in 1984, and he does not park
there overnight. He stated he stops home for lunch, and questioned why nothing was
said to him sooner.
In closing, Mr. Richter, Code Enforcement Manager, stated the vehicle meets
both cond i t i on s wh i ch def i ne II commerc i a 1 . II He stated there is no overn i ght
exemption; if loading, unloading or cleaning a commercial vehicle, it must be
removed when the work is done. In response to a question, he stated there is no
l exception to allow parking even just a couple hours a week. He stnted when the
,. vehicle is at the owner's residence, it is not performing a service.
Mr. Boykins, in closing, stated the vehicle is not being parked overnight or
for 24 hours, nor is it being stored. He indicated the Police Department had told
him as long as he does not park the truck in the right-of-way overnight, it is not
a violation. He stated he will not take his vehicle to his home unless he has to.
Discussion ensued regarding the section of the code cited, and consensus was
it is not specific enough. Concerns were expressed that commercial vehicles should
be able to be parked at the owner1s home for short periods of time, such as d lunch
Mr. Cardinal moved that concerning Case No. 16-92 regarding violation of
Section 135.004(b) of the Clearwater City Code on property located at 1305 Wood
Avenue a/k/a Highland Pines 6th Addn., block 8, lot 16, the Municipal Code
Enforcement Board has heard test imony at the Mun ic ipa 1 Code Enforcement Board
hearing held the 25th day of March, 1992, and based on the evidence, the Municipal
Code Enforcement Board enters the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law,
and Order.
The Findings of Fact are: after hearing testimony of Janice King, Code
Enforcement Inspector, and Mr. Boykins, and viewing the evidence. exhibits
submitted: City composite exhibit A ~ photographs of the property, it is evident
that there is not sufficient evidence to prosecute under City Code Section
135.004(b) as cited.
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The Conclusions of Law are: Einstein Boykins is not in violation of Section
It is the Order of this Board that Case No. 16-92 shall be dismissed. Any
aggrieved party may petition the Board to reconsider or rehear any Board order
resulting from a Public Hearing. A Petition for Rehearing must be made in writing
and filed with the Board Secretary no later than thirty days after the execution of
the order and prior to the filing of any appeal. Upon receipt of the Petition, the
Board will consider whether or not to reconsider or rehear the case. The Board will
not hear oral argument or evidence in determining whether to grant the Petition to
Reconsider or Rehear. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Case No. 19-92
Aztec Insurance Company
905 & 907 Hart Street
(Su il ding Code)
Continued from 3/11/92
In response to a question, Julio Aldecocea, representing Aztec Insurance
Company, stated they do not dispute the violat Ion. He stated they started the
necessary work, then stopped to see if they could sell the property in an "as is"
condition. A month ago the contractors were called back to continue repairs. He
asked for 180 days in which to complYI stating they could secure the bottom floor
of the buildings to reduce the hazardous condition. In response to a question, Mr.
Aldecocea stated there were five apartment buildings on the site, but one had burned
Tom Chaplinsky, Building Inspector Supervisor, stated prior to Aztec Insurance
Company obtaining itl the property was inspected about two years ago. At the time,
Mr. Rivers was cited for the violation, he could not be located, and the property
went to foreclosure. Then Aztec I nsurance Company took over, acquired permits,
started work, and then stopped work on the buildings. The neighbors have had to
deal with this nuisance for over two years.
Mr. Aldecocea stated Aztec Insurance obtained the property in April, 1991.
IRS had a redemption period of 120 days, at which time the government could take
back the property; therefore, no work was done during this period.
In response to questions regarding the time frame nceded to repair the
buildings to minimum standards, Mr. Chaplinsky stated they should secure the
buildings by the end of the month to prevent entry. He stated the Building and
Planning Officials would like to see completion by May 15, 1991. If they are
actively pursuing completion of the repairs, it is possible. He stated there is
additional damage to the plaster work since last May.
In response to questions, Mr. Aldecocea stated they stopped working on the
building hoping they could sell it to a local investor. He stated the roof, stucco,
and some woodwork has been done.
In response to a question, Mr. Chaplinsky stated the damage is 4uite
extensive. It will probably take $80,000 as they need electrical and plumbing work,
and the original construction has defects. The stucco is almost done. He submitted
composite exhibit A, photographs of the property taken March 25th. He stated he
would like to see them apply for a permit within 30 days, and he is sure the
department would expedite its issuance. He stated the buildings are structurally
Mr. Cardinal moved that concerning Case No. 19-92 regarding violation of
Section 138.02 (renumbered as 138.34) of the Clearwater City Code on property
located at 905 & 907 Hart Street a/k/a Lots 15 & 16, Block C, Plaza Park Sub., the
Municipal Code Enforcement Board has heard testimony at the Municipal Code
Enforcement Board hearing held the 25th day of March, 1992, and based on the
evidence, the Municipal Code Enforcement Board enters the following Findings of
Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order.
The Findings of Fact are: after hearing testimony of Torn Chaplinsky,
Construction Inspector Supervisor, Rnd Julio Aldecocea and viewing the evidence,
exhibits submitted: City composite exhibit A, photographs of the property, it is
evident that there are four buildings in a state of disrepair and representing a
hazard at the 905 & 907 Hart Street property.
The Conclusions of Law are: Aztec Insurance Company is in violation of Section
138.02 (renumbered as 138.34) of the City Code.
rt is the Order of this Board that Aztec Insurance Company shall comply with
Section 138.02 (renumbered as 138.34) of the Code of the City of Clearwater by 1)
securing the buildings to the satisfaction of the Building Department within 5 da~s
(3/30/92), 2) apply for permit for repair or demolition within 30 days (4/24/92),
and 3) obtain the certificate of occupancy for the buildings within 100 days
(7/3/92). If Aztec Insurance Company does not comply within the time specified, the
Board may order them to pay a fine of $200.00 per day for each day the violation
continues to exist past the compliance due date. If Aztec Insurance Company does
not comply within the time specified, a certified copy of the Order imposing the
fine may be recorded in the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, and once
recorded shall constitute a lien against any real or personal property owned by the
violator pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes. If the violation concerns real
property, the recording of a certified copy of this Order shall constitute notice
to any subsequent purchasers, successors in interest or assigns of the violation and
the findings in this Order shall be binding upon any subsequent purchasers,
successors in interest or assigns of the real property where the violation exists.
Upon comp lying, Aztec Insurance Company sha 11 notify Torn Chap 1 insky, the City
Official who shall inspect the property and notify the Board of compliance. Should
the violation reoccur, the Board has the authority to impose the fine at that time
without a subsequent hearing. Should a dispute arise concerning compliance, either
party may request a further hearing before the Board. Any aggrieved party may
petition the Board to reconsider or rehear any Board order resulting from a Public
Hearing. A Petition for Rehearing must be made in writing and filed with the Board
Secretary no later than thirty days after the execution of the order and prior to
the filing of any appeal. Upon receipt of the Petition, the Board will consider
whether or not to reconsider or rehear the case. The Board will not hear oral
argument or evidence in determining whether to grant the Petition to Reconsider or
Rehear. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Lokey Olds Inc./Saturn Dealer
2336 Gulf to Bay Boulevard
(Land Development Code)
Mr. Richter requested this case be withdrawn based on the inability to impose
a fine due to the notification requirement for repeat violations.
Case No. 20-92
Mr. Cardinal moved to withdraw Case No. 20-92. The motion was duly seconded
and carried unanimously.
Thomas Floyd
1421 Fa;rmont Street
Affidavit of Compliance (Part 1)
Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the Affidavit of Compliance for Part 1 in Case
No. 18-92. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.,
Case No. 18-92
Discussion ensued regarding repeat violators and how the required process
makes it difficult to impose a fine. A question was raised why a notice of
violation couldn't be given on the spot. It was stated legal research is required
to ensure the proper party is cited which delays the process, and the violator is
not always accessible. Per Florida Statutes and City Code, the fine is still not
effective unt~1 after the date of the notice of repeat violation.
MINUTES - Meeting of March 11, 1992
The Chairman stated on page one under Also Present, replace Andrew Salzman
with Alan Zimmet as Attorney for the Board.
Mr. Swanberg moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 11, 1992 as
amended. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ADJOURN - The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
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