12/15/1992 (2) . . . CITY COMMISSION GOAL SETTING MEETING December 15, 1992 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met at the Clearwater East Library, Tuesday, December 15, 1992 at 1 :03 p.m., with the following members present: Rita Garvey Richard Fitzgerald Sue Berfield Arthur X. Deegan, II Mayor/Commissioner Vice-Mayor /Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Also present: Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk It was the consensus of the Commission these meetings would be special meetings requiring the minutes to be approved. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not staff should be in attendance and it was the consensus staff was welcome to attend. however, input was not appropriate at this time. Discussion then turned to the issues that were established to be addressed at the previous goal setting meeting. I. Budget Issues a) Milage Rate It was the consensus of the Commission to keep the same milage rate or less for the coming fiscal year. b) Continuity of Specially Funded Programs Concerns were expressed regarding the City Commission not being kept informed as to the effectiveness of specially funded programs. Concerns were also raised regarding departments taking money from a specially funded program and using it elsewhere. The need for periodic reports was discussed with a concern being raised that quarterly reports for every program may' be excessive. Discussion then turned to whether or not a department could use monies from a specially funded program in other areas of their department. It was the general feeling there should be no transfer of. monies from a specially funded program without Commission approval. minGS12.92 12/1592 1 .. . . " !', . . ~ . . .', '. " . . : . . . Suggestions regarding program based budgeting were discussed with it being Indicated that this may be something the City would move toward gradually. A concern was expressed regarding those departments that had done the modified zero based budgeting for last year not continuing that effort through the past budgeting process. Commission consensus was for continuity of specially funded programs that a specially funded program will be so designated at the time it is established. Once established, funds for that program can not be used for other purposes without Commission approval. At the time It is established. the frequency of reports regarding status and effectiveness will be set. c) Maintaining Service level Consensus of the Commission was that staff maintain the current level of service within the budgeted dollars. ' d) Budget Process A suggestion was made the City move toward a mission-oriented budget. The Commission would not review the detailed line item budget. The line item budget would still be done and available should the Commission wish to review it. Some concern was expressed that program or mission-oriented budgeting was not understood. It was suggested the City Manager be asked to report the pros and cons regarding going to this type of budget within the next 2 to 3 years. Concerns were also expressed regarding the format of the budget with it being suggested it be changed to have both expenditures and revenues in the same place in the budget document. It was suggested; as Commissioner Deegan was making this recommendation; that he provide a model of the suggested format. Consensus reached was that the City Manager is to provide a report regarding the pros and cons of transition to the suggested program budgeting process within the next 2 to 3 years. During the 1992-93 budget process, it will not be necessary for the Commission to review line item information but that information will be available if a Commissioner desires to see it and Commissioner Deegan is to develop models of the budget format he would like to see and present it to the Commission. e) Government Efficiency It was suggested the City Manager set productivity standards for employees in order to determine whether or !Jot we are properly "right-sized" and we are efficient in our use of tax dollars. Discussion ensued regarding this suggestion with some concerns being expressed that productivity standards are not effective. There was also concern regarding the minGS 12.92 12/1592 2 .", . . . . amount of work that would be needed in order to establish them. It was indicated professional organIzations have already set standards for duties that fall into that profession. Concerns were expressed that without productivity standards, it would be difficult to evaluate whether or not staffing levels are appropriate. There was no consensus to request the institution of productivity standards. It was stated this may be something that is discussed in concept with the management team at a later date. f) New Sources of Revenue Discussion ensued with it being stated staff is looking for new sources of revenue. User fees were suggested and it was stated there are some people that have complained that user fees can not be deducted from income tax. A question was raised regarding non-residents paying more for the use of City facilities and whether or not this was a general policy. It was indicated that resolutions establishing non-resident fees for Parks and Recreation and Library use have been adopted. It was the consensus of the Commission that policies adopted by resolution be included in their policy book. Discussion returned to utility fees with it being suggested that a moratorium be established for adding fees to utility costs. A concern was expressed that this was counter to the desired outcome of new sources of revenue. There was no consensus to place a moratorium on utility user fees. A question was raised regarding agencies sponsoring police overtime for special events. It was the consensus of the Commission. except for those events in the budget as co-sponsored by the City, the agency putting on a special event will reimburse city costs. A suggestion was made that the City sell advertising on the Jolly Trolley. It was the consensus of the Commission that this be looked into to. A question was raised regarding whether or not the Commission wished to consider having a fee for rides on the Jolly Trolley. It was stated this would need to be addressed at some point but at this time, the Trolley should remain free. g) Health Care Costs A question was raised regarding why workers compensation and employment physicals were not bid as one package. It was suggested staff look into having a preferred provider health insurance program directly through the hospitals rather than through C1GNA. It was the consensus that staff be asked to look at this. minGS12.92 1211592 3 '" . ., '. ..' , . " .' '. . , . . . ~, , . h) Size of City Staff Discussion ensued regarding whether there should be a cap on the number of city employees. Concerns were ralsad that there are times where federal mandates require additional personnel and that existing positions would have to be given up in order to meet that requirement. It was stated this was an effort to send a signal to the public that the Commission is aware of their concerns regarding increased staffing. It was the consensus of the Commission to provide direction that the current level of staffing be maintained or reduced. Span of control was brought up with a concern being raised that there are some instances where the spans of control are not appropriate. An example was given of one division manager with only one person reporting to them. It was the consensus of the Commission to encourage the City Manager to review the span of control in all departments. i) Special Event Staffing by the Police Department It was stated the Commission was unaware of the criteria used when assigning police officers for special events. It was suggested there be more use of police aides and that sponsors of events support the cost. It was suggested non-sworn personnel be used whenever possible. It was suggested the Commission's intent was to identify special events which will be funded during the budget process. It was also requested the Police Chief look at the number of personnel they commit to these events. . II. Downtown Issues a) Bayfront Development It was stated the RFP for the Maas Brothers property had been sent to the Commission for their comments and it was suggested they review it at this time. A concern was raised regarding the RFP quoting the market study done by Hunter as it was felt this was out of date. It was suggested these figures not be used but rather it be indicated the report is available as background information. It was suggested reports such as the 1 991 Florida Trend Report be used as reflecting the current market. A concern was raised regarding the RFP being too open ended and it was suggested the Commission narrow the uses they would like to see on the property. Consensus of the Commission was to make the following changes to the Maas RFP: 1) information regarding the Hunter Study should be noted as background information that is available but should not be used as a basis for the market conditions; more recent information/such as The Florida Trend Report, should be used: 2) make the following changes to permitted uses: a) strike out business/professional/governmental offices, hotels/motels. convention centers and medical clinics; bl change indoor retail sales to upscale specialty shops; cl add "types of" to indoor commercial recreational entertainment; and d) indicate multHamily dwellings will be considered If included in a . minGS 12.92 ., 1211592 4 . . . mixed use project and the project should include at least two floors of underground parking that will be owned by the eRA; 3) Delete the following Conditional Uses: Transportation Stations, Hell-stops, veterinary offices, gasoline stations, outdoor retail sales 'vendors will be allowed that meet the requirement on page 4), displays and/or storage, vehicle service, research and development, interval ownership and timeshare dwellings and other uses that are permitted in the Core and Eastern Corridor subdistricts of the Urban Center District and 4) add a statement which indicates the Florida Gulf Coast Art Center would be interested in being included in the development proposal if the developer is so inclined. The City Clerk was directed to consolidate this information and fax it to the Commission for review. b) Revitalization of Downtown It was suggested the Clerk continue to try to find information regardinb' the formation of public/private corporations to assist in the t ovitali?ation of downtl1wn. Som 7 suggestions were to contact an organization in Columbus Ohio, to check state and federal laws regarding the types of non-profits that can be used for I'edevelopment ana to see if former Mayor LeCher has any information on an organization that was formed e1uring his tenure. A question was raised regarding whether or not the Commission wi~I'od to continue to provide funds and/or free parking for the Artists Colony after the first of the year. Consensus of the Commission was they set the trial program for a specifk amount of time and they should not extend it beyond that. It was the consensus of the Commission to establish a policy that when pilot/seed programs are established, they will be for a set period of time and all incentives established for that program will cease at the end of that time period. The timeframes will be established on a case by case basis. A question was raised regarding whether or not city staff should be asked to spruce up city property in downtown. Discussion ensued regarding what this would entail and it was said there are sidewalks in which weeds are growing up, weeds around signs and that this is all of the rights-of-way throughout the downtown area. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not this should be the responsibility of the City or of property owners in the area. It was the consensus of the Commission that staff is to come back with a recommended area in the downtown district in which sidewalks, rights-at-way, etc. will be maintained by city crews until the end of fiscal year 93~94. It was also suggested the Downtown Clearwater Association or the Chamber be asked to establish a downtown clean up day. A letter from Enterprise Florida was mentioned that had included a request that a retail incubator be considered. Commissioner Deegan indicated he had a meeting established with this individual. It was the consensus of the Commission that minGS12.92 12/1592 5 \.~ . '''~. ~. " . < . .' ." . . . Commissioner Deegan would report to the Commission regarding his meeting about establishing 8 ratalllncubator and whether or not ho ,felt it was feasible. Concern was raised regarding the policy regarding CRA purchase/sale of land. It was requested that the policy that the eRA would not buy in order to sell for less be reaffirmed. A concern was expressed regarding this and It was stated this was discussed In the CRA goal setting meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission to make sure the policy regarding CRA purchase/sale of land is the same in both of these meetings. The minutes of the October 19, 1992 eRA Goal Setting meeting contain the following: Concerns were expressed regarding giving a flat yes or no to any of the incentives proposed. It was stated that a general rule would be that the eRA would not buy land and turn around and sell it at a discounted price. It was stated that jf someone is looking for property and can not find it at a price they can meet. then CRA properties would be looked at, incentives considered would be potential write downs on the property, participation in Enterprise Zone incentives and other items such as exemption from sales tax. The meeting adjourned at 4:04 p.m. ATTEST:~ z. /::i..Q. -..~ ~rerk' minGS 1 2.92 12/1592 6 '-1. , , . .' ..... " . . . ,', ':.. .