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Monday, October 22, 1990 - 7:30 p.m.
Note: As previously discussed, this meeting of the Parks & Recreation
Board.will be held at the Center Foundation, "Long CenterU 1501 North
Belcher Road. . ,
1. . Approval of Board Minutes of Monday, September 24, 1990.
2. \Reports
a. 'LonQ Center Tour - Mr. Tom Mudano of the Parks & Recreation Department
will meet all board member.s in the lobby of the Center. The majority of
the 'meeting t imewi 11 be taken by a tour of the Center along with
questions and answers. .
b. Capital Improvement Project Update
.' c. Other Reports
3. Comments by Board Members
4. Adjournment
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Monday, October 22, 1990
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the IILong
Center" on Belcher Road on Monday, October 22, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. Members present
included Co-Chairperson Suzanne Claessens, Mr. Henry Cruise, Mrs. Vera Nigrelli,
Co-Chairperson John Shuttleworth, Ms. Joan Ulrich and Mr. Mike Williams. Mrs.
Paula Boulton, Mr. Mike Palouian, and Mrs. Norma Soukup were unable to attend.
Also in attendance were Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Tom Mudano.
The meeting began with all Board Members meeting with Mr. Tom Mudanof
Center Supervisor, in the lobby of the Long Center. Mr. Wilson introduced Mr.
Mudano who proceeded to explain the Center to Board Members and to take members
on a tour of the facility. First, members visited the exercise room where new
apparatus has recently been installed. This weight equipment and exercise
machines are considered state of the art. He explained that this newly equipped
room will be of great benefit to the programs at the building. Mr. Mudano then
explained about the men's and women's locker rooms and the playfield to the west
of the building which is used heavily by the Clearwater For Youth Football
Program. Members proceeded upsta irs to overlook the fifty meter Olympic swimming
pool. Mr. Mudano explained that numerous programs take place in the pool and are
offered by the various participating agencies. These agencies include the
Clearwater Parks and Recreation Department, the Safety Harbor Department of
Leisure Services. the YWCA, Clearwater For Youth and UPARC. He explained that
various swimming programs could be accommodated at one time and this is often the
case. At the time of this visit, one program was in progress in the main pool
, involving members of the Foundation. Another program was in the training pool
involving persons from Safety Harbor. Mr. Mudano explained that members of the
various agencies could join the Foundation by paying $60 per year for adults and
$30 per year for children. Persons not members of participating agencies would
pay twice these amounts. A person joining the Foundation would have access to
the swimming pool, gymnasium, and other facilities at $1 per visit. A person
wishing to visit these facilities who is not a member of the Foundation, would
pay either $5 or $8. Residents of Clearwater may participate in City of
Clearwater programs without joining the Foundation. They would only need to pay
the regular fee ~harged for the class. Mr. Mudano explained that reciprocity is
exercised regarding other participating agencies. For example, a resident of
Safety Harbor may participate in a City of Clearwater program without purchasing
a City of Clearwater non-resident card. Likewise. a Clearwater resident might
participate in a Safety Harbor program without purchasirg a non-resident card.
However, this reciprOCity does not extend to other facil Hies throughout the City
and space must be available in classes. Various questions were asked by Board
Members and responded to by Mr. Mudano.
Following the visit to the swimming pool, the tour proceeded to the
gymnasium. Mr. Mudano explained that the gymnasium consists of three regulation
basketball courts, each of which could be divided off by large curtains. Various
programs could. be conducted at one time. However, Mr. Mudano explained that
scheduling must consider music or other amplified sound that might be necessary
in an adjacent court. After further discussions regarding the gymnasium, members
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proceeded to a room being utilized for exercise classes. At this point, members
viewed an aerobics class sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department that
was in progress.
FolloWing th is tour, members progressed to the conference room for a
meeting. On the way, Mr. Mudano explained that the Upper Pinellas Association
For Retarded Citizens operates out of the east half of the building and that a
cafeteria ;s now manned by UPARC and available to all participants. Mr. Mudano
showed members the office space allocated for Parks and Recreation Department
Staff and members froceeded to the conference room. At this point, Mr. Mudano
distributed severa pieces of information to members. This information included
a brochure published by liThe Long CenterU as well as schedules of all activities
conducted by the various participating agencies. Mr. Mudano explained that the
Center Foundation staff does not conduct programs itself but rather manages the
bui ldinQ. He exp lained that the part icipat ing agencies have representat ives that
meet periodically to discuss their programs, and schedules of rooms and
facilities to be used. This is the best way to coordinate the schedules to avoid
conflicts. These schedules are then presented to Center Foundation management
for approval.
Mr. Mudano also distributed copies of attendance reports for the months of
July, August and September. He explained that programs have only been conducted
for three months and that we are still learning the best way to operate. Mr.
Wilson explained that originally, each participating agency submitted projected
partiCipation hours that each agency might use at the Center. The City of
Clearwater's projections were quite ambitious and felt to be the maximum
participation once many programs were offered on a successful basis. However,
actual participant hours for the first three months are substantially less than
those originally projected. Each agency is considered a certain percentage user
of the faci 1 ity and wi 11 be expected to pay rental fees according to these
percentages. Rental fees for the City of Clearwater are included in the
Department1s Operating Budget.
Discussions ensued regarding programs at the Center. Mrs. Ulrich felt that
the building was most impressive and exciting. However, she felt that a need
existed to offer more programs or classes that would be attractive to youth and
adults. For example, although her children are active in many activities, she
did not see anything offered at this time that would be attractive to her
youngsters. Mr. Wilson explained that a youth basketball program will be
beginning in January and programs such as this might be of more interest. Mrs.
Ulrich felt that word needed to be distributed better to children in schools.
For example, elementary schools take field trips in the afternoons and this may
be one way to introduce these youngsters to the Center Foundation. Children
could be invited to the Center where demonstrations and clinics could be held.
Also, information could be distributed on programs. Mr. Wilson indicated that
this was an outstanding idea and one that would be explored. Also, Mr. Wilson
invited members to contact either Mr. Mudano or the department to make
suggestions regarding programs that might be successful. Mrs. Ulrich stated that
she used attend programs at the Morningside Recreation Center, but that this
facility is a long way from her home in Countryside.
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Mr. Shuttleworth suggested that programs involving children and parents
would be of great value. Mr. Williams asked about how the budget is established.
Mr. Wi 1 son exp 1 a i ned the fifty cent user fee per part i ci pant hour and the
endowment fund that helps with operating expenses. Because the facility is
different and new in many respects, it will take a year or two to finally settle
down to where everything is running smoothly. Each month new things are learned.
Members thanked Mr. Mudano for the tour and explanation of the Center
Foundation and felt that it was most informative.
Regarding other reports, Mr. Wi 1 son informed members that the "Park Police
program" has been discontinued. He explained that he was notified by the Police
Chief that the Police Department is no longer in a position to fund this program.
Mr. Wilson stated that in situations where police services are required, they
will be requested individually to solve particular problems. For example, a
recent problem was occurring at Valencia Park around midnight or one o'clock each
morning with young people gathering around a Florida Power utility box. Police
Department responses to this problem has been of great assistance.
Comments Bv Board Members - Mrs. Nigrelli had no comments.
Mr. Cruise asked about playground apparatus being placed at the Clearwater
Beach Recreation Complex for very young children. Mr. Wilson stated that he
would look into this.
Mr. Shuttleworth showed photographs of benches at Crest Lake Park. These
. city benches include concrete bench ends with wood slats. Mr. Shuttleworth was
concerned that the wood slats were not pressure treated. Mr. Wilson stated that
he would discuss this item with the Building and Maintenance Division.
Mrs. Ulrich had no comment.
Mr. Williams had no comment.
Mrs. Claessens stated that Stations Number 13 and Number 16 at the Crest
Lake Park Fitness Trail are missing signs of instruction. Also, she said that
the light on tne Crest Lake Park sign is blocked by high bushes. Mr. Wilson
stated that he would investigate each of these situations.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
9:30 p.m.
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