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Monday, September 24, 1990 - 7:30 p.m.
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Approval of Board Minutes of Monday, August 27, 1990
Reports -
a. Sailina Center Buildina - Status report on
Architectural Firm
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Center Foundation - Discussion as to whether or not the
Board would like to hold a future Board Meeting at the
Center Foundation building.
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Capital Improvement Pro1ects - Updates on projects
including ,Memorial Causeway, Downtown Mini Park, Forest
Run Park, Cleveland Streetscape, etc.
park'.Police Proqram - Plans are to have the supervisor
of the "Park Police Program" in attendance to discuss
tne Park Police Program.
Other Reports -
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3. Comments by Board Members
4. Adjournment
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Monday, September 24, 1990
The regular meeting of Parks and Recreation Board was held at the City Hall Annex
at 10 South Missouri Avenue on Monday, Sep.tember 24, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. Members
present included Mr. Henry Cruise, Mr. Mlke Palouian, Co-Chairperson
John Shuttleworth, Mrs. Norma Soukup, Mrs. Joan Ulrich and Mr. Mike Williams.
Mrs. Paula Boulton was unable to attend in that she was out of town.
Mrs. Claessens had called earlier stating that she couldn't attend the meeting
because of work responsibilities, Mrs. Vera Nigrelli was unable to attend due to
illness. Mr. Ream Wilson and Sergeant Joe Egger of the Clearwater Police
Department were also in attendance.
Mr. Shuttleworth called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and, since a quorum was
not present at the time, the agenda was shifted to allow Sergeant Egger to
explain to the Board the "Park Police Program". Sergeant Egger gave a detailed
description of the program and stated that it started with two police aides
working at minimum salaries out of one police cruiser. A magnetic slgn is placed
on the side of the cruiser reading "Park policell. Presently, Sergeant Egger
informed members that there is only one park police officer due to budget
constraints. He stated that this officer works from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
five days a week. The police presence in parks is a valuable asset and assists
in keeping problems at a minimum. The park police have radios and in the event
a problem is serious, they radio for a regular officer. Sergeant Egger stated
that the park police visit eighteen or twenty different parks throughout the city
and that they are extra eyes and ears for the Po 1 ice Department. Mr.
Shuttleworth asked if the hours of the park police could be adjusted to where
they would be working afternoons and evenings rather than mornings and
afternoons. Sergeant Egger responded that this might be possible but that he
would be apprehensive of having young police aides, with no police authority,
working in parks at night where more serious problems might occur. Considerable
discussion ensued and the consensus of the Board was that the program was
valuable and agreed with Sergeant Egger that it should be continued if at all
possible. Further discussion ensued between members of the Board and Sergeant
Egger regarding various police problems occurring around the city. FOllowing his
presentation, members of the Board thanked Sergeant Egger for his presence and
for the knowledgeable information he passed on to Board Members. At this time,
a quorum of the Board was present. Mr. Shuttleworth asked for a motion to
approve the Board Minutes of Monday, August 27, 1990.
Mrs. Soukup made a motion to approve these minutes and the motion was seconded
by Mr. Palouian. The motion passed.
Mr. Shuttleworth turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports.
Mr. Wilson introduced and welcomed Mrs. Joan Ulrich as a new member of the Parks
and Recreation Board. This welcome was extended by all members.
Sailing Center BuildinQ - Mr. Wilson informed members that a contract for a
architectural firm, Fowler Assocjates Architects Inc., will be presented to the
\0 City Commission at ,the October 4 meeting for approval. If approved, plans would
'be 'started for the building to be constructed on the Sailing Center site.
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t9nter Foundatio-.n - Members were asked if they would like to have the next
meeting of the Board at the Center Foundation. Members unanimously agreed that
th i s wou 1 d be a good idea. Therefore, the next meet i ng to be he 1 d on October 22,
1990, will be held at the Long Center. Members will meet in the lobby at
7:30 p.m. and will tour the facility with Tom Mudano as guide.
Caoital Imorovement Projects - Mr. Wilson gave a brief update on various capital
projects. The Memorial Causeway landscaping is nearing completion and should be
completed by October 15. Plans for the Downtown Mini Park to be located on
Cleveland Street are being prepared and construction should begin in the near
future. Forest Run Park, located at the intersection of Landmark Drive and
Curlew Road, should be advertised for construction within the next six to eight
weeks. Presently, the engineers are working on securing regulatory permits. The
Cleve 1 and Streetscape is near i ng comp 1 et i on. Crews are present ly work i ng on the
block immediately west of Myrtle Avenue and the only block remaining would be the
block in front of the new Downtown Mini Park. The reason for leaving this block
last is that the Streetscape would be blended into and coordinated with
construction of the Mini Park.
Other Reports - Mr. Wilson explained to Board members the background of the
future Nature Park to be developed in north Clearwater on McMullen Booth Road.
The reason for discussing this park is that the Board might be asked to recommend
a name for the park. If this recommendation is needed prior to the City
Commission Meeting of October 18, a special meeting of the Board may be called.
Comments bv Board Members -
Mr. palouian - no comments
Mr. Cruise - no comments
Mrs. Soukup mentioned three items which were submitted by Mrs. Nigrelli who was
unable to attend the meeting. Specifically, one item related to the Recycling
Center which is currently located on Flushing Avenue, on Morningside Recreation
Complex property. Although the objective of the recycling program is
outstanding, some residents are becoming concerned in that the dumpsters are
unattractive. Also, Mrs. Nigrelli asked if two or three benches could be placed
by the new playground apparatus. Mr. Wilson responded that this would be done.
Further, mention was made that considerable weeds existed in the flower beds
around the center. Mr. Wilson stated that this would be investigated.
Mrs. Soukup - discussed the fact that the tennis courts at Clearwater High School
needed resurfacing. Mr. Wilson responded that the school system is responsible
for resurfacing the tennis courts. fencing, etc. The city, historically, has
been responsible for the lighting. Mrs. Soukup stated she would check with the
high school to determine if resurfacing is in, the budget. If not, she would
inform Mr. Wilson.
Mrs. Ulrich - Since she is new to the Board, Mrs. Ulrich said she had no
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Center foundation - Members were asked if they would like to have the next
meeting of the Board at the Center Foundation. Members unanimously agreed that
this would be a good idea. Therefore, the next meeting to be held on October 22,
1990, will be held at the Long Center. Members will meet in the lobby at
7:30 p.m. and will tour the facility with Tom Mudano as guide.
Caoital Imorovement Pro.~ - Mr. Wilson gave a brief update on various capital
projects. The Memorial Causeway landscaping is nearing completion and should be
completed by October 15. Plans for the Downtown Mini Park to be located on
Cleveland Street are being prepared and construction should begin in the near
future. Forest Run Park, located at the intersection of landmark Drive and
Curlew Road, should be advertised for construction within the next six to eight
weeks. Presently. the engineers are working on securing regulatory permits. The
Cleveland Streetscape is nearing completion. Crews are presently working on the
block immediately west of Myrtle Avenue and the only block remaining would be the
block in front of the new Downtown Mini Park. The reason for leaving this block
last is that the Streetscape would be blended into and coordinated with
construction of the Mini Park.
Other Reports - Mr. Wilson explained to Board members the background of the
future Nature Park to be developed in north Clearwater on McMullen Booth Road.
The reason for discussing this park is that the Board might be asked to recommend
a name for the park. If this recommendation is needed prior to the City
Commission Meeting of October 18, a special meeting of the Board may be called.
Comments bv Board Members -
Mr. palouian - no comments
Mr. Cruise - no comments
Mrs. Soukup mentioned three items which were submitted by Mrs. Nigrelli who was
unable to attend the meeting. Specifically, one item _relat~d,., t9" the Recycl,~ng
Center which is currently located on' Flushing-Avenue:-on Morningside Recreation
Complex property. Although the objective of the recycling program is
outstanding, some residents are becoming concerned in that the dumpsters are
unattractive. Also, Mrs. Nigrelli asked if two or three benches could be placed
by the new playground apparatus. Mr. Wilson responded that this would be done.
Further, mention was made that considerable weeds existed in the flower beds
around the center. Mr. Wilson stated that this would be investigated.
Mrs. Soukup - discussed the fact that the tennis courts at Clearwater High School
needed resurfacing. Mr. Wilson responded that the school system is responsible
for resurfacing the tennis courts, fencing, etc. The city, historically, has
been responsible for the lighting. Mrs. Soukup stated she would check with the
high school to determine if resurfacing is in the budget. If not, she would
info\"m Mr. Wi 1 son.
Mrs. Ulrich - Since she is new to the Board, Mrs. Ulrich said she had no
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Mr. Shuttleworth - asked Mr. Wilson if anything had been done to evaluate the
summer camp at Mornings1de which was brought up at the previous meeting by
Mrs. Soukup. Mr. Wi lson responded that a post camp eva luat ion had been conducted
by staff and it was determined that it was difficult to hold the attention of the
older youngsters in the camp for the extended period of time. For example, in
past years, the camp was during morning hours only. This year, the camp extended.
to afternoon. He said that further evaluations would be done and that the
extended hours have been requested by parents. However, staff will be looking
at the problems in an effort to reduce them for next summer. Mr. Shuttleworth
stated that his wife had been visiting Crest Lake Park in the past week and
compl;mented the thorough inspection being given to the playground apparatus by
ndepartment employee. Mr. Wilson stated that these inspections are done on a
fairly regular basis to reduce liability. Mr. Shuttleworth also asked if the
Police Department might be notified to check on parking that is occurring at
Crest Lake Park after 11:00 p.m. Signs are posted along Glenwood Avenue that
parking is not allowed after this hour. Mr. Wilson stated that he would check
with the Police Department to see if they could routinely patrol this area to
keep the ,problem at a minimum.
There being no further business before the Board. Mr. Palouian made a motion to
adjourn. This motion was seconded by Mr. Cruise.
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Meeting adjourned ,at 9:30 p.m.