Monday, August 27, 1990
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the'C'1ty
Hall Annex at 10 s. Missouri Avenue on Monday, August 27, 1990 at 7:30 p.m.
Members present included Mrs. Suzanne Claessens, Mr. Henry Cruise, Mr. Mike
Pa1ouian, Mr. John Shuttleworth and Mrs. Norma Soukup. Mrs. Paula Boulton, Mrs.
Vera Nigrelli and Mr. Mike Williams were unable to attend. Mr. Herbert Hayes,
former Chairman Of The Board, recently resigned in that he moved from Clearwater
to Belleair. Mr. Ream Wilson was also in attendance.
In the absence of a Chairperson, Mr. Shuttleworth was asked to serve in a
temporary capacity. Mr. Shuttleworth called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
and asked for a motion to approve the Board Minutes of June 25, 1990 and July 23,
1990. Mr. Shuttleworth made a motion to approve these minutes and the motion was
seconded by Mrs. Claessens. The motion passed. '
With the resignation of Mr. Hayes, Board members discussed the election of
a new chairperson. After some discussion, Mr. pa10uian nominated Mr.
Shuttleworth and Mrs. Claessens as co-chairpersons of the Board. Mr. Cruise
seconded this motion which passed.
As new chairpersons, Mr. Shuttleworth and Mrs. C1aessens signed a
Certificate of Appreciation which will be sent to Mr. Hayes for his years of
service on the'Board.
Mr. Shuttleworth turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson.
Park Thouahts Proaram - Mr. Wilson and Mr. Shuttleworth distributed
photographs of the kiosk that was constructed for Moccasin Lake Park as a part
of the ttpark Thoughts" Program. This kiosk was constructed by Mr. Shuttleworth
and Mr. Carl Invandino who works with Mr. Shuttleworth at a cabinet shop. Mr.
Shuttleworth and Mr. Invandino donated their labor and expertise and the only
cost to the IIPark Thoughts" Program was for materials. This amount is estimated
at $450. As shown in the photographs, Mr. Wilson complimented Mr. Shuttleworth
and Mr. Invandino on the outstanding carpentry and stated that the staff at
Moccasin Lake Park feels like it is one of the most attractive exhibits of its
kind. Four display panels will be constructed, one for Parks and Recreation
programs throughout the City, one for the Friends of Moccasin Lake, another for
public school programs at the park, and the fourth for Moccasin Lake Park itself.
These display panels will be situated on each of the four sides of the kiosk with
space made available for programs, flyers, etc. It will eventually be placed at
the front of the building as people enter the Interpretive Center. Mr. Wilson
reminded Board members that the original estimated cost of this kiosk was $5,000.
Considerable savings have been realized by the donation of labor from Mr.
Shuttleworth and Mr. Invandino. $1,725 had been collected from the IIPark
Thoughts" Program and this quite possibly will be sufficient to complete the
project. Once completed, donors will be notified to visit the park, the kiosk
and to view the recognition plaque. All members thanked Mr. Shuttleworth and Mr.
Invandino for their contribution which will be enjoyed by many visitors for many
.s.ll]J.no Center Bu i J d i 09, - Mr. Wi 1 son stated that 18 arch i tectura 1 proposa 1 s
had been received for the Sailing Center Building and that a short list of three
firms was selected. These three firms gave oral presentations before a selection
committee and an order of ranking will be recommended to the City Commission on
Thursday, September 6. Once an order of rank i n9 is approved by the City
Commission. negotiations for a contract amount will take r'ace in order of the
ranking. At such time as a contract is recommended, it wi 1 be presented to the
City Comnission for final approval. Mr. Wilson stated that an
engineering/architectura 1 firm wi 11 also be recommended for UPenny For Pine llas II
Projects with the successful firm being available for Parks and Recreation
projects for the next three years.
Bike Trail - Mr. Wilson stated that the City Commission has approved a
"Pinellas Trai 1" Route through Clearwater from Drew Street on the north to
Belleview Road on the south. Although this route will be on City streets for
three or four blocks, the majority of its length will be on railroad right-of-
way, either active or abandoned. Mrs. Soukup asked if benches, shelters, etc.
would be placed along the route. Mr. Wilson responded that Pinellas Trails, Inc.
is raising funds for amenities. Mr. Wilson also explained that the route will.
be under management of the Pinellas County Parks Department and treated as a
Pinellas County Park. The County Parks Department will be responsible for all
maintenance and park police functions. However, since Park Police do not have
police powers, they at times may callan assistance from local police agencies.
Members were quite pleased about the project.
Cleveland Street Park - Mr. Wilson displayed a t1conceptualU site plan for
the new Cleveland Street Park to be located on Cleveland Street, just east of
Garden Avenue. The conceptual plan calls be for a small stage, water features,
brick pavers, informal seating and a large number of shade trees. The existing
conceptual plan shows seating with chairs around tables. However, Mr. Wilson
stated that comments have been received regarding this seating arrangement and
an optional plan for a different type of informal seating will also be presented
to the City Commission for final approval. This project is being funded by the
Community Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Palouian asked about maintenance to the park
and whether or.not there would be sufficient shade for park users. Mr. Wilson
explained that maintenance will be minimal and will be accomplished by the Parks
Division. Regarding shade, present plans call for a large number of trees, but
no shelters or roofs. Mr. Palouian felt that some type of roofing might be
needed because of the heat. ,
Comments Bv Board Members - Mr. palouian asked why youngsters swimming at ,
Morn;ngside cannot wear t-shirts. Mrs. Soukup said that the reason is that t-
shirts could contain grease, dirt, dyes, etc. that could be harmful. Mr.
Palouian felt that young children should be allowed to where t-shirts because of
the hot sun. Mr. Wilson explained that it's difficult to set a policy that is
not enforced consistently when such large numbers of swimmers are present.
However, Mr. Wilson stated that he would discuss this matter with Mr. Steve
Miller, Superintendent of Recreation, for further information.
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Mr. Cruise thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for the sand that
was recently ~laced under the playground apparatus at St. Brendan's Catholic
'Church on Island Estates and for the removal of a large shrub on the right-of-way
that was impeding the progress of pedestrians.
Mrs. Soukup felt that the full day camp at Morningside was not as
successful as many of the programs conducted at the facility. She felt that too
many youngsters were dropped off by parents and that a problem existed with the
lack of control. She felt many parents took advantage of the situation and left
their children for all day because of the low cost. She felt that a higher fee
might help solve the problem in the future. Mr. Wilson stated that he would pass
.her comments on to Mr. Miller. Mrs. Soukup also asked if Impact Fees will be
used to fund renovations to the lower floor of the Morningside Recreation Center.
Mr. ,Wilson responded that "Penny For Pinf'~las" dollars are earmarked for this
purpose and that he would research wheth&. '0:" not Impact Fees remain available
'in this area. Mrs. Soukup also complimented the condition of the soccer fields
at St. Petersburg Junior College. '
, Mrs. Claessens had no comment.
, Mr. Shuttleworth stated that the 'landscaping on the Memorial Causeway
'looked very attractive and'that he and his family have been enjoying the wading
pool at Ross Norton Park. He also asked if the supervisor of the IIPark Police"
could attend the next Board meeting ,to discuss the Park Police Program. Mr.
Wilson, responded that he would try to make such arrangements.
There being'no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
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