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Monday, June 25, 1990 - 7:30 p.m.
City Nursery - 901 N. Saturn Avenue
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,1.,. Approval of Board Minutes of Monday, April 23, 1990
2. Reports
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Park Thouahts Proaram - Status of project for Moccasin
Current Pro1ects - Sailing Center Building, Bike Trail,
State street Property, Sand Key Property. Status
Nursery Division Overview - Presentation by Mark Roether
(Nursery Superintendent).
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Monday, June 25, 1990
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the
Nursery Division Headquarters at 901 N. Saturn Avenue on Monday, June 25, 1990
at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Mrs. Suzanne Claessens, Mr. Henry Cruise,
Chairman Herbert Hayes, Mrs. Vera Nigrelli, Mr. John Shuttleworth, Mr. Mike
Williams and Mr. Mike Palouian. Mrs. Norma Soukup and Mrs. Paula Boulton were
unable to attend. Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Mark Roether were also in attendance.
Mr. Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked for a motion
to approve the Board Minutes of Monday, April 23. 1990. Mr. Cruise made a motion
to approve the Minutes and this motion was seconded by Mrs. Nigrelli. The motion
Mr. Hayes turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson.
Park T~ouahts Proaram - Mr. Wilson distributed a report to members as
prepared by Mr. Greg Howe, Actin9 Supervisor of Moccasin Lake Nature Park. As
funding for the four-sided exhlbit (K iask), the proposal is to use $1 t 725
collected under "Park Thoughts" Program and $3,000 from general donations to
Moccasin Lake Park. This total of $4,725 would comp'Tete the project. The only
difference proposed by Mr. Howe is that the exhlbit be located inunediately
outside and in front of the entrance to the building rather than inside the
Interpretive Center. If the location had remained inside the building. the park
would lose the current Alligator Exhibit. Also, current plans are to enlarge
the Herpelogical Exhibits which would compete for attention with the "Kiosk".
By placing the "Kiosk" at the entrance outside, it wi 11 be the first thing people
see when they enter the Nature Park and, by itself, people will be more likely
to stop and read the information since it will not be competing with live snakes
and aquarium animals for attention. Timing of construction was also discussed.
Basically, the wooden portion of the "Kiosk" could be started as soon as possible
with the "Information Boards" being completed at a later date. Discussion ensued
about the best way to construct the exhibit. Mr. Shuttleworth stated that a
friend of his might contribute labor for the construction so that only materials
would have to be purchased. However, he stated he and his friend would need
exact dimensions relative to the exhibit. Mr. Wilson stated that this could be
done by meetings on site with Mr. Howe. Spaces could be left in the exhibit for
placement of the llInformation Boardsl~ which would be prepared at a later date.
Mr. Wilson asked if letters should be sent to donors informing them that. the
exhibit will be placed outs ide rather than ins ide the Interpretive Center
building. The general consensus was that the project is,the same and that they
didn't feel it was necessary that letters be sent. Finally, Mr. Shuttleworth
is to contact Mr. Wilson regarding the possibility.of donating carpenter work.
If not, the City'S Building and Maintenance Division might be approached.
~ Current Pro.1ects - Mr. Wi 1 son d i stri buted to Board members cop i es of Agenda
Items and other information regarding the Sa; ling Center building t Pine llas Trail
Route through Clearwater, purchase of property on State Street and Sand Key
property. A status report was given of each of these projects.
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Also, Mr. Wilson distributed aerials showing a parcel of land that is
located immediately north of the Countryside Sports Complex which is on the
market for $129,000. This land measures 104 feet by 375 feet and has frontage
on McMullen Booth Road. Mr. Wilson stated that staff was looking into this
property as a site for overflow parking for users of the Countryside Sports
Complex. Specffica 11y, during heavy attendances at soccer and footba 11 programs,
parents fill the existing parking lot and overflow onto the ,right of way of
McMullen ,Booth Road. At times, Sheriffl s Department.Representatives have stopped
to assist in the parking problems. Also, at such time as the County widens
McMullen Booth Road, parents will no longer be able to park on the right of way.
Therefore, the parking problem will worsen. The parcel of land that is available
is separated from the complex by an eighty foot road right of way. Although
overflow might could be accommodated on the right of way, the status of road
construction in the future is uncertain. Therefore, since impact monies are
available in the Countryside area, staff recommends the purchase of the site to
assure ample parking in the future. Mr. Williams expressed a concern stating
that he drives to the Chi Chi Rodriguez Foundation Golf Course quite often and
he has not noti"ced any parking problems. Also, Mr. Shuttleworth indicated that
he felt the right of way should be used for parking rather than purchasing
additional property. Mr. Palouian and Mrs. C1aessens indicated that the purchase
would be a good investment. General discussion ensued. Mr. Palouian moved that
the Parks and Recreation Board recommend in favor of the purchase to assure
, future parking. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cruise and passed five to two.
Mr. Wilson thanked Board Members for their input.
Nurserv Division Overview - Mark Roether, Nursery Superintendent,
distributed organizational charts of the Nursery Division. He explained the
various sections of the Nursery including tree planting, landscape installation,
pesticide applications, irrigation, etc. Numerous landscape projects around the
City were also discussed including the Memorial Causeway, Clearwater Shuffleboard
Club, Cleveland Streets cape Project, etc. Mr. Roether also gave members a
listing of landscape projects that need to be done. Forty~two projects are
listed by priority. Following questions and answers, Mr. Roether took Board
Members on a tour of the Nursery. Information related to plant materials,
Xeriscape Projects, motorized vehicles and heavy equipment, pesticide tanks,
irrigation systems, etc. Following the tour and presentation, members expressed
their appreciation to Mr. Roether for the fine work being accomplished by the
Nursery Division employees.
Comments-By Board Members - Mrs. Claessens thanked Mr. Roether for the
outstanding presentation of the Nursery Division and also expressed her
appreciation for the Xeriscape Project located at the Utilities Building.
Mrs. Nigrelli thanked Mr. Roether for the presentation and indicated to
mr. Wilson that work might be needed on the air conditioning system at the
Morningside Recreation Complex. Mr. Wilson stated that he would check into the
Mr. Cruise thanked Mr. Roether for the presentation.
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. Mr. Hayes thanked Mr. Roether for the presentation and indicated there
are parking problems at the Pier 60 park fng lot. He indicated. that it is
extremely difficult to get out of the lot. , . ,
Mr. Shuttleworth thanked Mr. Roether for the presentation. He also
.complfmented the sand recently installed under the playground apparatus at Crest
Lake Park. He said. that his young daughter had recently fallen off of a swing
on her back on the sand. Although she was scared, Mr. Shuttleworth said the sand
cushioned the fall to. where she was not hurt.
Mr. Palouian thanked Mr. Roether for the presentation.
Mr. Williams expressed his appreciation for the Nursery presentation.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned
. . .at 9:1~ ,p.m.
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