01/22/1990 '$ ", ". 'Ie. ; , ~ ~ \-\'!"~~' , " " " ." '\l,~' PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, January 22,. 1990 - 7:30 p.m. '. , '. . 1. Introduction of new Board Member, Mr. Henry Cruise. 2. Approval of Board Minutes of Monday, November 27, 1989. 3. Reports a. Park Th2Y9bts Program - Discussion by Mr. Shuttleworth and Mrs. Claessens. b. One Cent Sales Tax PrOQram - Members to receive information regarding schedule of improvements funded by the One Cent Sales Tax increase. c. Monthly Reports - Distribution of monthly report for December, 1989. d. Ph;ladel~bia Phil lies - Status report of improvements. 'e. 'Courtnev Campbell Causeway Project - Information and update. f. Pinellas Trail - Discussion of trail as it traverses Clearwater. , g. Other Reports 4. ;Comment~ by Board Members I :j ; , I ":', ; c ~ ~': : ~ , ! I I \ Y"e' ',' ;:".' . /.. '. ' L.. ,', ~", :}'<," 'ff': l 'I "I I ;'." c . .:;. ...... ~:r..: ~ '. r..' :'. > ,''t-o . :.:'", . 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Mr. Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked for a motion to approve the Board Minutes of November 27, 1989. Mrs. Nigrelli made a motion to approve the minutes of November 27, 1989 and this motion was seconded by Mrs. Claessens. The motion passed. Mr. Hayes introduced Mr. Henry Cruise as a new member to the Parks and Recreation Board. All members welcomed Mr. Cruise. Mr. Wilson also explained that Mrs. Glass is applying for a position with the department and wanted an opportunity to just sit in on a Board meeting to learn more of the department's operation. Mr. Hayes turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports. Park ThoUQhts Program - Mrs. Claessens and Mr. Shuttleworth brought a video tape of their appearance on Vision Cable's "Local Look" program which is hosted by Steve Miller, Superintendent of Recreation. Mrs. Claessens and Mr. Shuttleworth were on the program to explain about the ~'Park Thoughts" Activity. Mr. Wilson stated that three donations of $100 each have been received and Mr. Shuttleworth added that numerous commitments have been made. Members felt that more newspaper publicity would be necessary and Mr. Wilson stated that he would look into this. Now that the Christmas Season is over, the general feeling is that nlore donations and interest in the program will become evident. One Cent Sales Tax ProQram - Mr. Wilson distributed copies of the 1I0ne Cent Sales Tax Program" which shows funding for five years of various Parks and Recreation Department programs. Programs to be funded during the 1989/90 year include a gameroom at the Martin Luther King Complex, completion of development of Coachman Ridge Park, development of Forest Fun Park, practice soccer fields at the u.S. 19 water site and restrooms for Clearwater Beach. Mr. Shuttleworth asked about the monies budgeted for Crest Lake Park in 1991/92. Mr. Wilson stated that this was for a pier for fishing. Mr. Shuttleworth and '~rs. Claessens indicated that there possibly would be opposition from local residents. Mr. Wilson stated that this might occur on various programs and changes could be made. Mrs. Boulton asked about the $30,000 for the Mandalay Park Gazebo which is budgeted in 1993/94. Mr. Wilson responded that this money was included in the event donations were not collected as anticipated. Monthlv Reoorts - Mr. Wilson distributed monthly reports of department activities for December, 1989. He reiterated that these reports wi 11 become more valuable as one month of one year will be able to be compared against the same month of the previous year. Mrs. Nigrelli said that the Clearwater For Youth ~ , .... ", '\ ',' ' . . I,: ",.', .', . , ,. -2- Softball Program at Sid Lickton Park was not included. Mr. Wilson stated that two youth programs for girls are conducted at Sid Lickton, the Junior Miss Softball Program for slow pitch and the Clearwater For Youth Program for fast pitch. Figures for these programs will be included in the report as they occur. Philadelphia Phillies - Mr. Wilson informed members that improvements at Jack Russell Stadium for the Phillies are occurring quite rapidly now that all contractors are on site. Mr. Cruise indicated that there might be a strike of Spring Training and Mr. Wi 1son concurred. Members were informed that if a strike does happen, several Spring Training games could be cancelled or even the entire season. Member expressed a concern in that the local economy would be the heaviest effected. o Courtney Campbell Causeway Project - Mr. Wilson distributed maps of the landscaping which is being proposed for the Courtney Campbell Causeway. He indicated that this landscaping will stretch a little over seven miles at a total cost of $509,757. Of this amount, a Grant Application is being submitted to the State Department of Transportation for $251,339. The local share would be made up of volunteer labor ($51,483), City contribution ($120,935) and in kind contribution from the County ($86,000). Mr. Wilson stated that the deadline for the application is February 1 and that the City would not be informed of whether Of not the application is approved until around Mayor June. If accepted, agreements will need to be signed and work might begin during early or mid-Fall. Mr. Wilson explained about the City assuming maintenance of the landscaping once it is installed. Also, the use of volunteers to plant smaller landscape materials was explained. Members indicated that the Tampa side of the Causeway is very attractive and looked forward to landscaping on the Clearwater side. Pinellas Trail - Mr. Wilson distributed maps as prepared by Mr. Ned Baier, Coordinator of the Trail for Pinellas County. Mr. Wilson explained that the railroad right-of-way portion of the Trail will enter Clearwater at Union Street and end at Drew Street. It wilJ then pick up again at Be1levue Avenue and head south. The County is paying all development costs of the Trail. However, Mr. Wilson stated that two, primary issues are currently of interest. One issue is the portion of the Trail to take place on City streets from Drew Street to Bellevue. Opposition has been received from residents in Harbor Oaks and other routes are being considered. An alternative is to not identify one route, but to allow people to get from one end of the trail to the other at a way of their own choosing. The other major concern is safety and security on the Trail. Mr. Wilson explained that local police departments are meeting with the County Sheriff's Office to discuss this issue. Items such as lighting, fencing, etc. will be discussed. .,. ~)':'\ W Other Reoorts - Mr. Wilson explained that three restroom facilities are being considered for Clearwater Beach. The final decision will be made by the City Commission. Presently. sites under construction include one restroom,at the south end of the beach close to the Adam's Mark Hotel, a second restroom close to the Holiday Inn at Pier 60 and a third restroom close to the Rock A Way Pier. Mr. Wi 1 son exp 1 a i ned that in the event these restrooms are 1 oca ted seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line, the permitting process might take a ~ o ~ ..J- couple or three mont;ls. Mrs. Boulton asked if one of the rostrooffiS could be placed in Mandalay Park and Mr. Wilson responded affirmatively. However, this site was not chosen because it is away from the bOGch llnd not as readily available as a site on the beach. Election of Board Chairman - Mr. Hayes openod the floor to nominations for Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board. This position was vacated by the recent resignation of Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong. Mr. Shuttleworth felt like seniority should be considered. Mrs. Boulton nominatod Mr. Hayes as Parks and Recreation Board Chairman. Mr. Shuttleworth seconded the motion which passed unamiously. COl1lTlents By Board Members - Mrs. Claessens stated that some of the exercise stations in the Fitness Trail at Crest Lake Park need repair. Mr. Wilson stated that he would look into this and that all stations would be checked. Mrs. Boulton inquired about the setting a tour for Parks and Recreation Board members to visit various facilities. Members indicated that they would like to have Division Heads speak at Board meetings for the next four months and that tours of facilities might occur during regular Board meeting nights during the Spring and Summer when the days are longer. Members concurred with this proposal. Mr. Williams had no comment. Mr. Cruise asked about who provided clocks at the Armory for the Adult Basketball League. Mr. Wilson stated that although the Armory is owned by the State, clocks at this facility and others are provided by the City. Mr. Cruise indicated that the clocks at the Armory are not in good condition and make it difficult'and cause problems during games because teams don't know exactly the score or time remaining. Mr. Wilson stated that he would look into this problem to see if budget requests might be included in the 1990/91 year. Mr. Cruise stated that teams pay fairly large entry fees and that maybe some of this money could be used to purchase clocks. Mr. Wilson stated that entry fee monies helped defray ~nd come close to paying for actual cost of games including officials, time keepers, scorers, etc. Mrs. "igre 11 i raised a question about cultural programs within the departments and whether or not there are as many now as there were a few years ago. For example, there is only one choral production now at Ruth Eckerd Hall. Mrs. Boulton, also expressed an interest 'in cultural programs. Considerable discussion ensued with a final decision being made that Mr. Steve Mi ller, Superintendent of Recreation, will be asked to attend the February Board meeting to present on overview of his division with an emphasis on cultural programs. Members liked this idea and Mr. Wilson suggested that subsequent meetings be attended by other Divis ion Heads including the Superintendent of Parks, the Superintendent of Nursery and the Superintendent of Recreation Facilities. Each of these people will present organizational charts, slides and be available to answer questions. They will consume a good portion of each\meeting. ,Members I', appeared unamiously in favor of this approach. ' \\ ~ ... , ' , , '" I' ~ . ,t/. -4.. {: " ,\; 'Mr. Shuttleworth stated that he and his family had visited Coachman Ridge Park and that a stair is missing at the south end of the new playground equipment. Also, he said a bolt was missing from of the top of a rail. Mr. Wilson stated that he would have this investigated. He also asked if park benches could be placed at Coachman Ridge Park. Mr. Wilson stated that he would also review this' matter. Finally, Mr. Shuttleworth indicated that the large piece:of playground equipment at Crest Lake Park gets a lot of use and appears to be rather shaky. Mr. Wilson stated that this piece of equipment is inspected but,a new piece of equipment will soon be installed by an outside contractor. Liability is of extreme concern and product liability is now being required from manufacturers who supply playgroun~ equipment. , ' There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned , at 9:15 p.m. '! I j "I " ,,' 'J~' . '~',' . " ';':' ." ". .......... " ..... ,. .... - ~ r ' }.;: "~ ..,. ~ .... . ':;..' . 'j I "",I '<,"r 1<,'. . ,.,.. ',1,'-", '.i ; .-! 'r , I '< ~ . ~~~ ~.::.~ ~.~ :",.' . {:>,: ~. ,',. c:.j -: ; ~ , ::-;." . ~ . l'" . I ""1", .. ~:~~/~::" ' . 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