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Monday, February 26, 1990 - '7:30 p.m.
(Mornings ide Recreation Complex)
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1~ Approval of Board Minutes of Monday, January 22, 1990.
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2. Reports
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a.. 'Recreation Program - As requested by the Board, Mr. Steve Miller,
, ."' . Superintendent of Recreation,' wi 11 make a presentation of the City. s
, . Recreation Program.' Mr. Miller's presentation will include visual aides
, ,", ~ and: anLimber of his employees from the ,lICu1tura1 Arts Section" will also
. 'be present to 'explain their programs. This' presentation, along with
. . . questions and answers, will probably take up'the majority of meeting time.
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Monday, February 26, 1990
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the
Morningsfde Recreation Complex at 2400 Harn Boulevard on Monday, February 26,
1990, at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Mrs. Paula Boulton, Mrs. Suzanne
Claessens, Mr. Henry Cruise, Chairman Herbert Hayes, Mrs. Vera Nigrelli, Mr. Mike
Palouian. Mr. John Shuttleworth, Mrs. Norma Soukup and Mr. Mike Williams. Staff
members in attendance included Mr. Ream Wilson, Mr. Steve Miller, Mr. Allen
Edelman, Mr. Arthur Goetze, Mrs. Betty Jane Pucci, Mr. Phillip Terry, Mrs. Ruthie
Dillon and Mrs. Margo Walbolt.
Mr. Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked for a motion
to approve the Board Minutes of Monday, January 22, 1990. Mrs. Soukup made a
motion to approve the Minutes and this motion was seconded by Mrs. Claessens.
The motion passed.
Mr. Hayes turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson explained that
the Board had previously asked for additional information regardlng programs
within the Recreation Division and other divisions of the department. He stated
that tonight's program would be put on by Mr. Steve Miller, Superintendent of
Recreation, and that other divisions would be in succeeding months. Mr. Wilson
turned the program over to Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller gave a brief overview of his division and passed out agendas
of, the evening's program. He introduced Mrs. Dillon who in turned introduced
a performing group of youngsters from the liKing's Kids Program II from the Martin
Luther King Center. The group entertained the Board with song and dance. Mrs.
Dillon explained that the liKing's Kids Program" is a tutorial program involving
approximately 72 children.
Mr. Miller explained his Recreation Division by way of an organizational
chart. Specifically, he informed members that his division is primarily composed
of three sections. The first section invol ves community centers. special events.
Martin Luther King Recreation Center, etc. The second section involves community
centers, cultural and social programs, Morningside Recreation Center and other
centers, fine arts and cultural arts, bridge, dances, etc. The third section
involves all athletics in addition to the McMullen Park Tennis Complex, the Ross
Norton Park Complex, and other centers. He explained that Moccasin Lake Nature
Park and the Center Foundation are treated as special areas.
Mr. Mi ller proceeded to depict activities and facil ities withi n his
division by way of slides.
Mr. Allen Edelman, Recreation Supervisor II, was introduced by Mr. Miller
to give an overview of the social/cultural section. Mr. Edelman explained that
his division gets involved in many programs including concerts at Coachman Park,
social programs, dances, bridge programs and, this year, the Fun N' Sun 75th
Anniversary for the City. Mr. Edelman complimented the expertise of his staff
and introduced Mr. Arthur Goetze, Recreation Instructor, Chorus.
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Mr. Goetze explained the groups within his program and stated that the
IlC1earwater COl1lJ1unity Chorus" was invited to sing at the opening of the Suncoast
Dome in St. Petersburg. He said that approximately 120 voices will be singing
with Mr. Kenny Rogers. Mr. Goetze also introduced a group of adults that
performed on the "hand chimes" for Board members. Mr. Goetze informed members
that his group performs in concerts at Ruth Eckerd Hall, the St. Petersburg
Junior College Cultural Arts Center, etc. He explained that the choruses are
for everyone and answered numerous questions from Board members.
Mrs. Betty Jane Pucci, Recreation Instructor, Music, was then introduced
by Mr.' Edelman. Mrs. Pucci explained that her music program involves three
primary groups. The ilL ittle Group" (Showstoppers) has had over 100 participants
through the years. The "Kids-A-Poppin" is a talented group of young children
and they have had over 300 participants. Last year this group performed for over
12,000 people. Each group performs approximately twice a month. The "City
Players" is comprised primarily of adults and they will be putting on a large
production this summer at Ruth Eckerd Hall.
Mr. Phillip Terry, Recreation Instructor, Drama. was then introduced by
Mr. Edelman. Mr. Terry explained that he works with sound systems, scenery, etc.
for the various performing groups. He turns non-theaters into theaters and works
with various props. He works out of the former fire station on Drew Street and
took care of all of the audio for the summer concert series at Coachman Park.
Mr. Edelman then reintroduced Mrs. Ruthie Dillon, Recreation Instructor,
Music. M~s. Dillon explained that her programs have an emphasis on cultural
experiences and introducing these experiences to children. Although her programs
take place on a City wide basis, cultural arts experiences are available at
Martin Luther King Center where she sees approximately 220 children from ages
2 1/2 to 5 years of age each week. She also sees 100 older children each week.
Mrs. Dillon's groups recently won the Arts and Humanities Award sponsored b~' the
Florida Recreation and Parks Association. .
Mr. Edelman then introduced Mrs. Margo Walbolt, Recreation Supervisor t.
Mrs. Walbolt is a full time employee and works with Mr. Edelman in coordinating
all of the above activities. She teaches and arranges for arts and crafts
classest pottery programs, contract instructors, drama for children (Theater
Factory), cultural arts summer camp. childrens' art shows, Childrens' Art Fest,
Each of the above speakers spoke for approximately 10 to 15 minutes and
numerous questions were asked by Board members.
Corrments By Board Members - Mrs. C1aessens stated that $700 has been raised
to date for the "Park Thoughts II Program. She was very camp 1 imentary of Mr.
Miller's Recreation Division and all of the cultural programs.
Mrs. Nigrelli expressed her pleasure in the Cultural Arts Program and
stated that many.,things are sponsored and offered of which she was not familiar.
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Mrs. Boulton complimented Mr. Miller and stated that the Recreation program
was most informative and educational.
Mr. Hayes felt that the Recreation Program was excellent and informative.
He expressed that Mr. Shuttleworth might want to talk about the "Park ThoughtsU
Mrs. Soukup also stated that she was impressed with the Recreation/Cultural
Programs. She asked if the City's Volunteer Program could be expanded to involve
more training and experiences with the Cultural Arts Programs. Mr. Miller stated
that this might be a possibility and that it would be _investigated.
Mr. palouian complimented the Recreation Presentation and staff.
Mr. Williams felt that the Recreation Presentation was excellent and that
he learned about new programs and activities.
Mr. - Shuttleworth discussed the "Park Thoughts" Program and thanked Mr.
Miller and his staff for putting on such a fine presentation.
Mr. Cruise thanked Mr. Miller for the presentation and also for clocks that
were recently used in the basketball program at the National Guard Armory.
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- Tnere being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned
at-l0 p.m.
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