11/27/1989 ~ \,e, '.,' / '. / , '" \, /' ,/ ,'>>" " PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, November 27, 1989 - 1:30 p.m. I.-Approval of Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of meeting held on Monday, , October 23. 1989. , 2. Reports a. park Thouahts PrOQram ~ Update and general discussions ~ l.,.. . i:F~' ...., ... l,r1.";\::.::.: ::. ::, ". u' ~~F;:,:: "', c .,"', :~;' .: . '. '. .' ~.~>. ~ c', ~'. :" :' l .' : > " b~ forest Run Park - Status report ,c. One Cent Sales Tax - Discussion of Parks & Recreation Impact . d. Mont~ly Reoorts - Distribution of monthly report for October. 1989. e. fhilade)phia' Phi11ies - Updated of construction project. " f.',.8e(luests from Last Month - ClearWater High Tennis Courts, Condon Gardens basketball lights, Safety Village. g. " December Meetin9 - Discussion about Parks & Recreation Board meeting ",', whichwou.ld fall on Monday, December 25. , h. Othe'1' Reports - 3. Comments by Board Members C" < . ~ .. . ,4., Adjournment n 'a~ t,:. ~;'...~~. ; \.-"3:1r ~. .. ~f::) ~' ~/:.:i' ' ',t' 'f, ' ~ . ~. ~. " . ", .~. , ~i '~~ :'... ~ ~~)' . , . ~~>~:' . i;:~ ':~~('f" . ~~ , t~\f!:)+ ). r-: :: ~:~~i;~". . .' ~~r;.: '. . . ~;;:',:.~' ',: ;;;;" , "~I '~~:;~'/,:',.:;,/,'ii:-.::':, ::"':":::~\~<:'::'~: .,~ ;: '. i :: I.. ( l'~. : ; , i . '" ~ ," '. . ~. I . , J-' ~ . . ' rr) " D'.\ ~ ~/ PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES Monday, November 27, 1989 ./ The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held a.,,/the Parks and Recreation Department Office at the City Hall Annex on Monday, November 27, 1989. at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Chairperson Elizabeth Armstrong, Mrs. Suzanne Claessens, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Mrs. Vera Nigrelli, Mr. Mike Palouian, Mr. John Shuttleworth, Mrs. Norma Soukup and Mr. Mike Williams. Mrs. Paula Boulton was unable to attend in that she was out town. Mr. Ream Wilson was also in attendance. Mrs. Armstrong called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked for a motion to approve the Board Minutes of October 23, 1989. Mr. Shuttleworth made a correction to the minutes and stated that he was present at the October meeting but his name was not mentioned as being in attendance. Mr. Wilson stated that this would be corrected. Mrs. Nigrell; also stated that a correction was needed to Norma Soukup's name. Specifically, the Minutes read Normal instead of Norma. This correction will be made. Mrs. Armstrong called for a motion for the Minutes to be approved as amended. Mrs. Soukup made a motion to approve the Minutes of October 23. 1989 and it was seconded by Mrs. Nigrelli. The motion passed. Mrs. Armstrong turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports. Park Thouqhts Proqram - Mr. Wilson stated that Mrs. Claessens had prepared a form letter to be sent to homeowners associations' and businesses. He reported that 140 letters were sent to homeowners groups. Also, 220 flyers of the "Park Thoughtsfl Program were delivered to Moccasin Lake Park for inclusion in the newsletter of the Friends of Moccasin Lake Park. Further, representatives of the Board will have an opportunity in January to be on the local Vision Cable program "Local Look" to publicize the Park Thoughts Program. Mr. Shuttleworth stated that he and Mrs. Claessens attended a board meeting of the Friends of Moccasin lake Park and that the Friends are contributing $200 toward the program. Mrs. C1aessens also mentioned that the Crest lake Park Crime Watch donated $100. Mrs. Claessens and others attended the Turkey Trot to distribute flyers of the "Park Thoughts Program" r but the weather was not too acconunodat i ng. Mr. Shuttleworth passed out flyers of the program to Board members that requested them. Mr. Shuttleworth felt that the deadline (March 30) of the UPark Thoughts Program" mi ght best be extended by two weeks to take advantage of a 1 arge program that will occur at that, time at Moccasin Lake Park. Members felt that this extension could be accomplished but we should wait until the end of January or February to see how m~ny donations have been received. Discussion also included some sort of display at Moccasin Lake Park that might be dedicated for the Arbor Day/Eagle Day Ceremony. Forest Run Park - Mr. Wilson displayed two copies of the preliminary site plan for the new park to be located at the intersection of Curlew Road and Landmark Drive. He stated that the park is approximately 22 acres in size but that all of active facilities will be located at the northeast corner. They will be easily accessible to residents of Countryside, while being far enough away so that the lights and noise do not interfere with local homeowners. Mr. Wilson . ~. . " . . . ," , , . . <, 'I ~ ~, / '-- o ..2- stated that copies of the site plan had been sent to homeowners groups around the park and that two responses have been received. Specifically, those received indicated that the homeowners were very pleased with the plan and encouraged the City to proceed. One Cent Sales Tax.. Mr. Wilson distributed lists of park projects that will be funded by the recent passage of the one cent sales tax. He stated that this money will result in the largest impact to Parks and Recreation programs since the 1971 GOB issue. He encouraged Board members to review the list of projects and to identify those projects that might receive priority. Although many of the projects will require additional operating monies, slightly over fifty percent will result in no operational budget increases. Members were encouraged to ask questions regarding the various projects. Mrs. Soukup asked about the landmark Drive extension which is under transportation projects. Mr. Wilson stated that this was the extension of landmark Drive south of Enterprise Road to the City's lake Chautauqua property. Mrs. Claessens asked about the docks and piers at Crest Lake Park. Mr. Wilson responded that this would include a fishing dock similar to the one that used to be located on the west side of the lake. He stated that several inquiries have been received about a project such as this in that it would assist and be attractive for youngster fishing the lake. Mr. Shuttleworth asked about parking lot construction at Crest Lake, Sid lickton and Frank Tack Parks. Mr. Wilson responded that the Sid lickton parking lot on Saturn Avenue has been completed but that additional parking may be provided at Crest lake and Frank Tack. Also, a small parking lot at the north end of Sid lickton might be added. Monthlv Reports - Mr. Wilson distributed copies of the monthly report for October f 1989. He stated that these reports wi 11 become more meaningful as months of one year could be compared against months of another. Philadelphia Phill ies - Mr. Wilson distributed copies of the summary budget sheets for the capital improvements taking place at Jack Russell Stadium for the Ph ill i es. The budget has been increased from $800,000 to $1,156,000 and projects are proceeding on schedule. Requests From Last Month .. Mr. Wilson informed Mrs. Soukup that the Pinellas County School Administration is aware of the need to resurface the tennis courts at Clearwater High School. His understanding is that this might be done in 1990. Mrs. Armstrong was informed that the ~eter controlling the lights ~n the basketball court at Condon Gardens was not working properly last month. However, it has been repaired and is in operation. Mr. Shuttleworth was informed that Mr. Kader has contacted the' Fire Department regarding Mr. Shuttleworth's comments about Safety Village. Mr. Wilson also encouraged Mr. Shuttleworth to contact the Fire Department regarding this program. December Meetina - Although a formal vote was not taken, all eight members at the meeting agreed that the December Board meeting be cancelled. This meeting wou ld norma 11y be schedu led for the fourth Monday, December 25. Mr. Wi 1 son stated that the next meeting of the Board will be on the fourth Monday of January and that a special meeting will be called if necessary. f''''lr .,:.... "f~__... .,............................ .....rj...'lc. ~~... o o .r ., C -3- Comments Bv Board Members - Mr. palouian had no comment. Mr. Shuttleworth asked who was responsible for trimming trees on Cleveland Street. Mr. Wilson responded that his department is. Mr. Shuttleworth stated that mistletoe is present in many of the oak trees and might need to be removed. Mr. Wilson stated that he would have these tre~s inspected. Mr. Shuttleworth also thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for the quick response to his wife's call regarding a dangerous piece of playground equipment at Crest Lake Park. Mr. Wilson thanked Mr. Shuttleworth and stated that he would pass this information on to the Recreation Facilities Division. He also encouraged Board members to contact the City in the event they notice any damaged or hazardous playground equipment. This is very important from a liability standpoint. Mrs. Nigrelli asked about landscaping in medians in Morningside. Mr. Wilson stated that he had been in contact with Mrs. Pat Rule of the Morningside Association. Mr. Wilson stated that he is concerned that the replacement of all grass with sod would be quite expensive as would be the renovation and maintenance of a new irrigation system. However f his main concern is the perpetual maintenance that new sod and irrigation system would require and questioned whether sufficient manpower existed. He responded to Mrs. Nigrelli that he is discussing the matter with staff and at this time it appears that spot sodding might be accomplished. Mrs. Nigrelli stated that she did not think in terms of a new irrigation system being installed. Mrs. Soukup complimented the department on the appearance of the Countryside Sports Complex. She stated that the new facilities, fencing and bleachers were outstanding. A large soccer holiday tournament was recently held at this complex along with other fields with 68 teams in attendance. Mr. Wilson stated that he would pass her,comments on to the Recreation Facilities Division. Mrs. Armstrong stated that she and her husband are moving to New Port Richey and is therefore having to res ign her position from the Parks and Recreation Board. She submitted a copy of her resignation which was addressed to Mayor Rita Garvey and the City Commissioners. Mr. Wi lson and all Board members expressed their regrets of Mrs. Armstrong's resignation and wished her every success and'happiness in her move. Mr. Williams had no comment. Mr. Hayes complimented the recent Turkey Trot Special Event and stated that it is one of the f,nest Special Events in the City. Mr. Wilson stated that he would pass these comments on to the Recreation Division. Mrs. Claessens asked about a slide which was recently removed from Crest lake Park. She stated that this was a part of the older equipment located north of the restroom building. Mr. Wilson responded that playground equipment is one of the largest liability concerns and much of the older apparatus is being removed as it becomes more difficult to repair. .\ ;'''':':' ,t.;,'; . '~:' , -:.... . ,.... , '.' t :.. ~ ,:,.t.':-\~}~~~~ ..J' ~..,: " I ~ ; : , , \ ,} 1-4- .t II ,1 ~ ~ ' ~ {;,~,l :.' " \' ., ','" .....i..... t'~',;., ~ r,'.', "J..., 't:, '; I., Mr., Shuttleworth discussed the subject of a chairperson taking the place , of Mrs. Armstrong. Mr., Wi 1son stated that he would place this item on the Agenda )1 for, the January meet 1 ng of the Board. ' There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.' : ,1 ~:!::.: ' I ~') ~.;/. , , ..)' I. ,; , ',t , " '. , " ': {:"<: "~l:~' ~;~'. : B~,:::" >. ,.. ~ ~"', . I.':;~ .~, W~l~'~ ~r\: \~:;, ~-;:.; ii:.~", "', to~. .. { ',: . ~~{e \., ~;':':",":' ," " {l..,t,~,~."','J"::~.,,,~.I,',.",,, ,"', ,'..~,:.:'...' ,. '. , " { . ..'. . , " '< ;'. .~:~. ','1' .:.' ~' . ~ .,., .<; I .... wr~',:." ~~:::"~": ~.', .-' . '~~X:,} >: d:'U, ",:: ,'; , . ~\'~:~' '" . " 1 ..' " , ., . ~ ... '.' . , ~<:::,,:, ' ',' ',;'i ',,', "'. ~\'::: . .:".."i,:~.. '::' ,,'>?,..." t\~~~,~,:::::,"~:: " ."" c..:' ').".:: ....L:~ i '.'.i.' .:. ~;,> ',: ",:: .,: r~, ~. w(': :<':", . ~'\~';'4 ~ , . d"" ;. 11<,." .. 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