10/23/1989 ,( " / PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, October 23rd, 1989,~ 7:30 p.m. '/' , , \, " , \" , i I 1. Approval of Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of Monday, September 25. 1989. 2. ,Reports a. ~'rhouQbts ~ 1990 - Members to receive and review draft of flier to'be distributed for the "Park Thoughts 1990" program to be conducted by the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Shuttleworth will discuss this information and recommendations from the Board will be appreciated. 'b. Capital Improvement Projects ~ Mr. Kader to update members on various . Capital Improvement projects occurring around the city. c. Turkev Trot - distribution of information. d. Montbly Reoort - distribution of Department Monthly Report for Septembe,r, 1989. e. Philadelphia Phillies - Members to be updated on project at Jack Russell Stadium. " ',' f'. , .Q!her Reports 1 ..' . ~ ,..e".', ~ . :,:' '. . ;,;';", ,: ,',.".. ,.., ' if:;,>",,:":';"3:.', ,Comments by Board Member.s !'~., . I" ."... '. .". . . h',:...:'.' '..' " :'4. Adjournment, , , I , ! : : -1<.~ 'l,\t.i...::" ,;" ~~:'\'" ' "'; . , ~.' ,'''' , ' . ~;';'. .. . ~ . ","\ ,,: j i I '; ". i . I.. .'\'. .. .\ '"'." " h'" :...,', ~~..:. ~ ;: .' ~w.~ . ,\ (. ,", .., " ," I ~ I '. : ;:~;: ~ ,.,,':', :~~ ' "..., '" .. , ~ "i ,.". :(. '." 6~' .~ ~. :' \...... '. .,. ?:. . . ~\': >" i' '.~ ~ t . ~ ~ I' ..... . J . ~:f.'ljV;.:h ';. .~~ "i.r:' . " \ '. : \,~:;. " ." " , "...1 . : .' . t" , .~... . '. I I .' . > . ' . ~ - '. . + '.' I . . . . '. .'. '. . . " .'.' r) . , '~--- o PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES ... 1.,/ . Monday, October 23rd, 1989 /' I / / / ./ 'y The regular meeting of Parks and Recreation Board was held at the Parks and Recreation Department office at the City Hall Annex on Monday, October 23rd, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Chairperson Elizabeth Armstrong, Mr J hn Mrs. Suzanne Claessens, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Mrs. Vera Nigrelli, Mr. Mike Palouian, Sh~tt~e- Mrs. Norma:'t- Soukup and Mr. Mike Williams. Mrs. Paula Boulton was unable to wortfi attend the meet i ng because she was not in town. Mr. Art Kader, Ass i stant Director of Parks and Recreation, was also in attendance. Mrs. Armstrong called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. and asked for a motion to approve the Board Minutes of September 25th, 1989. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the Minutes and it was seconded by Mrs. Nigrelli and passed by the Board. Mrs. Armstrong turned the meeting over to Mr. Kader for reports. Park Thouahts 1990 - Mr. Kader passed out a draft of the flier concerning the Park Thoughts 1990 program to be conducted by the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Shuttleworth led the discussion concerning the flier and several corrections were made to the draft. Mr. Kader was asked to make these corrections and print the fliers as soon as feasible. Mr. Kader indicated the fliers could be printed prior to the Moccasin Lake Exposition where the Board hopes to set up a display and handout fliers. Several board members indicated their desire to assist at the Moccasin Lake Show on November 4th, 1989. Mrs. Armstrong indicated that if additional monies, over and above $5,000, for the 50 commemorations were made, ,.the money should be used for extra projects at the Park. She encouraged board members that this years Park Thoughts pr09ram involve only Moccasin Lake Park rather than several different projects (one per year). Discussion ensured rp.oarding the n~mber of spaces which can be used for the commemoration and it was deter'min~d that 40 spaces should be the maximum. Mr. Kader reported that the corrections would be made and fliers printed. Capital Imorovement Projects - Mr. Kader updated Board members on a variety of on going capital improvement projects. He indicated that the pool renovations at Norton Park were underway and the pool should be available for winter use during the month of December. Phase I development of Coachman Ridge Park is almost complete. Playground equipment and a bridge for the bicycle trail have been ordered and will be installed in the next six weeks. Mr. Kader informed Board members that the site plan for Forest Run Park is now being developed. Further, the replacement playground equipment for Crest lake Park has been 'delivered, but the installation time has not been set since staff is presently unavailable to install the equipment. " . . . ..: . ~. I . 1 .' ' ~"'" '. ' ,1 .'.. ~ Mr. Kader informed Board members of the renovations to the electrical system at Carpenter field. Mr. Kader asked if Board members had any questions regarding capital project improvements. Norma Soukup asked if some renovations could be made to the tennis courts at Clearwater High School. She indicated the courts were unsafe and needed resurfacing. Mr. Kader responded that Clearwater High School is responsible for court resurfacing and he would approach the school board to see if anything could be done. Turkey Trot - Mr. Kader distributed information concerning the 1989 Turkey Trot and Good Life Games. He encouraged participation in both of these programs. Monthlv R.eoorts - Mr. Kader distributed the Parks and Recreation's monthly reports and explained additional reports will be forthcoming to show comparison from year to year. Board members indicated their appreciation of these reports. philadelohia Phil lies - Mr. Kader updated members on the developments to the improve Jack Russell Stadium as they relate to the Philadelphia Phillies agreement. Mr. Kader reported he had just attended a City Commission meeting in regards to a third amendment to the agreement which would allow the Philadelphia Phillies and the City to complete additional seating, restroom facilities. concession stands and other miscellaneous projects. Mr. Kader stated the City Commission did approve the Phi ladelphia Phi 11 ies borrowing $356,000 from the City to be paid back in five years at 8% interest. The City will receive approximately $77.000 in interest revenue. Also, the City Commission approved deferring revenues from ticket sales of the first six years of the contract to : ~.- the last six years, beginning in 1995 and ending 2001. The City Commission ~~ approved contracts for additional seats and concession buildings at the stadium. Mr. Kader informed Board members that with this approval r the stadium renovations should be completed prior to February 1st, 1990. Other ReDorts - Mr. Kader informed Board members that Paula Boulton had been reappointed to the Parks and Recreation Board. Mrs. Armstrong asked members if they had any additional comments. Mr. Shuttleworth was concerned that "Safety Village" was not advertising their events in the best manner. He indicated additional efforts should be made to inform the public of when this facility will be open. Mr. Kader responded that "Safety Village" is administered by the fire Oepartrnent'and not the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Kader said he would notify the Fire Department of his concerns. Mrs. Nigrelli had no comment. Mr. Pa louian asked if the Board could look into the possibil ity of providing concession stands or portable stands at the various Recreation sites such as; Morningside Re~jeation Complex. Mr. Palouian also indicated that this would be a good source of revenue for the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Palouian has a concessionaire business and would be willing to assist the Department or Board in reviewing the possibility of providing concessions. "''-':~ V 2 i\ ;.:.\ " a ;' ,. . ' , . , :.:.; ~~: : c. ;~J~ . ' ..' "'0: , . . .." :'".. . ............: . . ," :1. . ,": \ I, '/., 't': . '.t. .: i~ . ~. '. , .. . . ..... ' " . ":"c . Mr. Kader responded that most of the concessionaire business is handled by volunteer youth groups who build their own stands to raise money to support their programs. Mr. Kader did state that concessions are a good source of revenue for Parks and Recreation Departments r but that most of the funds raised from concessions go into a general fund and are not specifically designated to a specific center or project. Mr. Kader stated he would look into this project to see if revenues gained from concessionaires could be directed to a specific center or site. . Mrs. Soukup had no comment. Chairperson Elizabeth Armstrong reported that she had noted children were playing on basketball courts at Condon Gardens in the dark and asked if there was a problem with lighting at this facility. . Mr. Kader responded that he would investigate the situation. Mr. Williams inquired about the Rails to Trails program. Mr. Kader responded that the Rails to Trail program is still on track. However, he was unable to give Board members specifics regarding the program or timing for funding and development of the actual trails. . Mr. Hayes had no comment~ Mrs. Claessens had no comment. There being no further business before the Board, the'meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. . ' .~ 'I ., " -1 '1 'I " -, " 3 . , tl .'. I' 4'.Yr!~t~i~~j/:\~~" {\l}:,~:r:~~~:~i~~~ ~~~;f:~:':;,,~"";' ":',: '.: :~: ':';<,,:r,~~~f~' W< \ '. . . ... ~~F{~;.,:,';'~':'::":::"~" .':